Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, ctx):
        self.ctx = ctx

        scripts = set("postrotate prerotate firstaction lastaction preremove".split())
        Stanza = Forward()
        Spaces = Many(WSChar)
        Bare = String(set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("#{}'\"")))
        Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)
        Comment = OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None)
        ScriptStart = WS >> PosMarker(Choice([Literal(s) for s in scripts])) << WS
        ScriptEnd = Literal("endscript")
        Line = (WS >> AnyChar.until(EOL) << WS).map(lambda x: "".join(x))
        Lines = Line.until(ScriptEnd | EOF).map(lambda x: "\n".join(x))
        Script = ScriptStart + Lines << Opt(ScriptEnd)
        Script = Script.map(lambda x: [x[0], [x[1]], None])
        BeginBlock = WS >> LeftCurly << WS
        EndBlock = WS >> RightCurly
        First = PosMarker((Bare | QuotedString)) << Spaces
        Attr = Spaces >> (Num | Bare | QuotedString) << Spaces
        Rest = Many(Attr)
        Block = BeginBlock >> Many(Stanza).map(skip_none).map(self.to_entries) << EndBlock
        Stmt = WS >> (Script | (First + Rest + Opt(Block))) << WS
        Stanza <= WS >> (Stmt | Comment) << WS
        Doc = Many(Stanza).map(skip_none).map(self.to_entries)

        self.Top = Doc << EOF
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_many1():
    a = Char("a")
    b = Char("b")
    x = Char("x")

    xs = Many(x, lower=1)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    assert xs("x") == ["x"]
    assert xs("xxxxx") == ["x", "x", "x", "x", "x"]
    assert xs("xxxxb") == ["x", "x", "x", "x"]

    ab = Many(a + b, lower=1)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    assert ab("ab") == [["a", "b"]]
    assert ab("ababab") == [["a", "b"], ["a", "b"], ["a", "b"]]

    ab = Many(a | b, lower=1)
    assert ab("aababb") == ["a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "b"]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        def to_entry(name, attrs, body):
            if body == ";":
                return Directive(name=name.value,
            return Section(name=name.value,

        name_chars = string.ascii_letters + "_/"
        Stmt = Forward()
        Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd | SemiColon)
        Comment = OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None)
        BeginBlock = WS >> LeftCurly << WS
        EndBlock = WS >> RightCurly << WS
        Bare = String(
            set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("#;{}'\"")))
        Name = WS >> PosMarker(
            String(name_chars) | EmptyQuotedString(name_chars)) << WS
        Attr = WS >> (Num | Bare | QuotedString) << WS
        Attrs = Many(Attr)
        Block = BeginBlock >> Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) << EndBlock
        Stanza = (Lift(to_entry) * Name * Attrs *
                  (Block | SemiColon)) | Comment
        Stmt <= WS >> Stanza << WS
        Doc = Many(Stmt).map(skip_none)
        self.Top = Doc + EOF
        super(_NginxConf, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_doc(f, ctx=None, line_end="\n"):
    def to_entry(name, rest):
        if isinstance(rest, list):
            return Section(name=name.value,
        return Directive(name=name.value,

    Sep = InSet(":=")
    Stmt = Forward()
    Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)
    NULL = Literal("none", value=None)
    Comment = (WS >> OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None))
    BeginBlock = (WS >> LeftCurly << WS)
    EndBlock = (WS >> RightCurly << WS)
    Bare = String(
        set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("#{}'\"")))
    Name = WS >> PosMarker(
        String(string.ascii_letters + "_" + string.digits)) << WS
    Value = WS >> (Num | NULL | QuotedString | Bare) << WS
    Block = BeginBlock >> Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) << EndBlock
    Stanza = (Lift(to_entry) * Name * (Block | (Sep >> Value))) | Comment
    Stmt <= WS >> Stanza << WS
    Doc = Many(Stmt).map(skip_none)
    Top = Doc + EOF

    return Entry(children=Top(f)[0], src=ctx)
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_doc(content, ctx):
    def to_directive(x):
        name, rest = x
        rest = [rest] if rest is not None else []
        return Directive(name=name.value.strip(),

    def to_section(name, rest):
        return Section(name=name.value.strip(),

    def apply_defaults(cfg):
        if "DEFAULT" not in cfg:
            return cfg

        defaults = cfg["DEFAULT"]
        not_defaults = cfg[~eq("DEFAULT")]
        for c in not_defaults:
            for d in defaults.grandchildren:
                if d.name not in c:

        cfg.children = list(not_defaults)
        return cfg

    header_chars = (set(string.printable) - set(string.whitespace) -
                    set("[]")) | set(" ")
    sep_chars = set("=:")
    key_chars = header_chars - sep_chars
    value_chars = set(string.printable) - set("\n\r")

    Yes = Literal("yes", True, ignore_case=True)
    No = Literal("no", False, ignore_case=True)
    Tru = Literal("true", True, ignore_case=True)
    Fals = Literal("false", False, ignore_case=True)
    Boolean = ((Yes | No | Tru | Fals) & (WSChar | LineEnd)) % "Boolean"

    LeftEnd = (WS + LeftBracket + WS)
    RightEnd = (WS + RightBracket + WS)
    Header = (
        LeftEnd >> PosMarker(String(header_chars)) << RightEnd) % "Header"
    Key = WS >> PosMarker(String(key_chars)) << WS
    Sep = InSet(sep_chars, "Sep")
    Value = WS >> (Boolean | HangingString(value_chars))
    KVPair = WithIndent(Key + Opt(Sep >> Value)) % "KVPair"
    Comment = (WS >>
               (OneLineComment("#") | OneLineComment(";")).map(lambda x: None))

    Line = Comment | KVPair.map(to_directive)
    Sect = Lift(to_section) * Header * Many(Line).map(skip_none)
    Doc = Many(Comment | Sect).map(skip_none)
    Top = Doc + EOF

    res = Entry(children=Top(content)[0], src=ctx)
    return apply_defaults(res)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, ctx):
        self.ctx = ctx

        Complex = Forward()
        Comment = (WS >> OneLineComment("#")).map(lambda x: None)

        Name = String(string.ascii_letters + "_/")
        Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)

        StartName = WS >> PosMarker(StartTagName(Letters)) << WS
        EndName = WS >> EndTagName(Letters, ignore_case=True) << WS

        Cont = Char("\\") + EOL
        AttrStart = Many(WSChar)
        AttrEnd = (Many(WSChar) + Cont) | Many(WSChar)

        OpAttr = (Literal("!=") | Literal("<=") | Literal(">=")
                  | InSet("<>")) & WSChar
        BareAttr = String(
            set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("<>'\"")))
        Attr = AttrStart >> (Num | QuotedString | OpAttr | BareAttr) << AttrEnd
        Attrs = Many(Attr)

        StartTag = (WS + LT) >> (StartName + Attrs) << (GT + WS)
        EndTag = (WS + LT + FS) >> EndName << (GT + WS)

        Simple = WS >> (Lift(self.to_directive) * PosMarker(Name) *
                        Attrs) << WS
        Stanza = Simple | Complex | Comment | Many(WSChar | EOL,
                                                   lower=1).map(lambda x: None)
        Complex <= (Lift(self.to_section) * StartTag *
                    Many(Stanza).map(skip_none)) << EndTag
        Doc = Many(Stanza).map(skip_none)

        self.Top = Doc + EOF
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_many():
    a = Char("a")
    b = Char("b")
    x = Char("x")

    xs = Many(x)
    assert xs("") == []
    assert xs("a") == []
    assert xs("x") == ["x"]
    assert xs("xxxxx") == ["x", "x", "x", "x", "x"]
    assert xs("xxxxb") == ["x", "x", "x", "x"]

    ab = Many(a + b)
    assert ab("") == []
    assert ab("ba") == []
    assert ab("ab") == [["a", "b"]]
    assert ab("ababab") == [["a", "b"], ["a", "b"], ["a", "b"]]

    ab = Many(a | b)
    assert ab("aababb") == ["a", "a", "b", "a", "b", "b"]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, sep_chars="=:", comment_chars="#;"):
        eol_chars = set("\n\r")
        sep_chars = set(sep_chars)
        comment_chars = set(comment_chars)
        key_chars = set(string.printable) - (sep_chars | eol_chars | comment_chars)
        value_chars = set(string.printable) - (eol_chars | comment_chars)

        OLC = reduce(operator.__or__, [OneLineComment(c) for c in comment_chars])
        Comment = (WS >> OLC).map(lambda x: None)
        Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)
        Key = WS >> PosMarker(String(key_chars).map(lambda x: x.strip())) << WS
        Sep = InSet(sep_chars)
        Value = WS >> (Num | String(value_chars).map(lambda x: x.strip()))
        KVPair = (Key + Opt(Sep + Value, default=[None, None])).map(lambda a: (a[0], a[1][1]))
        Line = Comment | KVPair | EOL.map(lambda x: None)
        Doc = Many(Line).map(skip_none).map(to_entry)
        self.Top = Doc + EOF
Exemplo n.º 9
def parse_doc(f, ctx=None, line_end="\n"):
    def to_entry(name, rest):
        rest = [] if not rest else [rest]
        return Directive(name=name.value, attrs=rest, lineno=name.lineno, src=ctx)

    Sep = Char("=")
    Stmt = Forward()
    Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)
    Comment = (WS >> OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None))
    Bare = String(set(string.printable) - (set("#\n\r")))
    Name = WS >> PosMarker(String(string.ascii_letters + "_-" + string.digits)) << WS
    Value = WS >> (Num | Bare) << WS
    Stanza = (Lift(to_entry) * Name * (Opt(Sep >> Value))) | Comment
    Stmt <= WS >> Stanza << WS
    Doc = Many(Stmt).map(skip_none)
    Top = Doc + EOF

    return Entry(children=Top(f)[0], src=ctx)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def parse_doc(self, content):
            def to_directive(x):
                name, rest = x
                rest = [rest] if rest is not None else []
                return Directive(name=name.value.strip(), attrs=rest, lineno=name.lineno, src=self)

            def to_section(name, rest):
                return Section(name=name.value.strip(), children=rest, lineno=name.lineno, src=self)

            def apply_defaults(cfg):
                if "DEFAULT" not in cfg:
                    return cfg

                defaults = cfg["DEFAULT"]
                not_defaults = cfg[~eq("DEFAULT")]
                for c in not_defaults:
                    for d in defaults.grandchildren:
                        if d.name not in c:

                cfg.children = list(not_defaults)
                return cfg

            def make_bytes(number, char_multiple):
                if char_multiple.lower() == 'k':
                    return number * 2**10
                if char_multiple.lower() == 'm':
                    return number * 2**20
                if char_multiple.lower() == 'g':
                    return number * 2**30

            content = "\n".join(content)

            header_chars = (set(string.printable) - set(string.whitespace) - set("[]")) | set(" ")
            sep_chars = set("=")
            key_chars = header_chars - sep_chars
            value_chars = set(string.printable) - set("\n\r")

            On = Literal("on", True, ignore_case=True)
            Off = Literal("off", False, ignore_case=True)
            Tru = Literal("true", True, ignore_case=True)
            Fals = Literal("false", False, ignore_case=True)
            Boolean = ((On | Off | Tru | Fals) & (WSChar | LineEnd)) % "Boolean"
            Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)
            QuoStr = QuotedString & (WSChar | LineEnd)
            # Handle php.ini shorthand notation for memory limits: 1G, 8M, 50K
            # https://www.php.net/manual/en/faq.using.php#faq.using.shorthandbytes
            MemNum = (Lift(make_bytes) * Number * (Char('K') | Char('M') | Char('G'))) & (WSChar | LineEnd)

            LeftEnd = (WS + LeftBracket + WS)
            RightEnd = (WS + RightBracket + WS)
            Header = (LeftEnd >> PosMarker(String(header_chars)) << RightEnd) % "Header"
            Key = WS >> PosMarker(String(key_chars)) << WS
            Sep = InSet(sep_chars, "Sep")
            Value = WS >> (Boolean | MemNum | Num | QuoStr | HangingString(value_chars))
            KVPair = WithIndent(Key + Opt(Sep >> Value)) % "KVPair"
            Comment = (WS >> (OneLineComment(";")).map(lambda x: None))

            Line = Comment | KVPair.map(to_directive)
            Sect = Lift(to_section) * Header * Many(Line).map(skip_none)
            Doc = Many(Comment | Sect).map(skip_none)
            Top = Doc << WS << EOF

            res = Entry(children=Top(content), src=self)
            return apply_defaults(res)

        except SkipException:
            raise ParseException(ParseException("Could not parse content: '{0}'".
Exemplo n.º 11
                set("[]")) | set(" ")
sep_chars = set(":=")
key_chars = header_chars - sep_chars - set(" ")
value_chars = set(string.printable) - set("\n\r")

LeftEnd = WS >> Char("[") << WS
RightEnd = WS >> Char("]") << WS
Header = LeftEnd >> String(header_chars) << RightEnd
Key = WS >> String(key_chars) << WS
Sep = InSet(sep_chars)
Value = WS >> HangingString(value_chars)
KVPair = WithIndent(Key + Opt(Sep >> Value))
Comment = WS >> (OneLineComment("#") | OneLineComment(";")).map(lambda x: None)

Line = Comment | KVPair.map(tuple)
Sect = (Header + Many(Line).map(skip_none).map(dict)).map(tuple)
Doc = Many(Comment | Sect).map(skip_none).map(dict)
Top = Doc << WS << EOF

def parse_yum_repos(content):
    doc = Top(content)
    for k, v in doc.items():
        for special in ("baseurl", "gpgkey"):
            if special in v:
                v[special] = [i.strip() for i in re.split(",| ", v[special])]
    return doc

class YumReposD(LegacyItemAccess, Parser):
Exemplo n.º 12
def loads(data):
    return Entry(children=Top(data))

def load(f):
    return loads(f.read())

def to_entry(name, rest):
    if isinstance(rest, list):
        return Section(name=name.value, children=rest, lineno=name.lineno)
    return Directive(name=name.value, attrs=[rest], lineno=name.lineno)

Sep = InSet(":=")
Stmt = Forward()
Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)
NULL = Literal("none", value=None)
Comment = (WS >> OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None))
BeginBlock = (WS >> LeftCurly << WS)
EndBlock = (WS >> RightCurly << WS)
Bare = String(set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("#{}'\"")))
Name = WS >> PosMarker(
    String(string.ascii_letters + "_" + string.digits)) << WS
Value = WS >> (Num | NULL | QuotedString | Bare) << WS
Block = BeginBlock >> Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) << EndBlock
Stanza = (Lift(to_entry) * Name * (Block | (Sep >> Value))) | Comment
Stmt <= WS >> Stanza << WS
Doc = Many(Stmt).map(skip_none)
Top = Doc << EOF
Exemplo n.º 13
# Operator precedence is handled by having different declarations for each
# prededence level. expr handles low level operations, term handles high level
# operations, and factor handles simple numbers or subexpressions between
# parentheses. Since the first element in expr is term and the first element in
# term is factor, factors are evaluated first, then terms, and then exprs.
# The Top declaration ensures that the entire input is valid with no extra data
# at the end.

# We have to declare expr before its definition since it's used recursively.
expr = Forward() % "expr forward"

# A factor is a simple number or a subexpression between parentheses
factor = WS >> (Number % "Number" | (LeftParen >> expr << RightParen)) << WS

# A term handles strings of multiplication and division. As written, it would
# convert "1 + 2 - 3 + 4" into [1, [['+', 2], ['-', 3], ['+', 4]]]. The first
# element in the outer list is the initial factor. The second element of the
# outer list is another list, which is the result of the Many. The Many's list
# contains several two-element lists generated from each match of
# (HighOps + factor). We pass the entire structure into the op function with
# map.
term = (factor + Many(HighOps + factor)).map(op) % "term"

# expr has the same form as term.
expr <= (term + Many(LowOps + term)).map(op) % "expr"

# Top returns [result, None] on success and raises an Exception on failure.
Top = (expr + EOF) % "Top"
Exemplo n.º 14
    return Not(p) if op else p

def oper(args):
    left, rest = args
    for op, right in rest:
        if op == "&":
            left = And(left, right)
        if op in ",|":
            left = Or(left, right)
    return left

expr = Forward()

bare = String(set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set(")&,|")))

tag = (QuotedString | bare).map(Eq)

regex_body = QuotedString | String(
    set(string.printable) - set(string.whitespace))
regex = Char("/") >> regex_body.map(Regex)

factor_body = ((Char("(") >> expr << Char(")")) | regex | tag)
factor = (WS >> Opt(Char("!")) + factor_body << WS).map(negate)

term = (factor + Many(Char("&") + factor)).map(oper)
expr <= (term + Many(InSet(",|") + term)).map(oper)

parse = expr << EOF
Exemplo n.º 15
    ret = []
    for i in x:
        name, attrs, body = i
        if body:
            for n in [name.value] + attrs:
                ret.append(Section(name=n, children=body, lineno=name.lineno))
            attrs = [attrs] if not isinstance(attrs, list) else attrs
                Directive(name=name.value, attrs=attrs, lineno=name.lineno))
    return ret

scripts = set("postrotate prerotate firstaction lastaction preremove".split())
Stanza = Forward()
Spaces = Many(WSChar)
Bare = String(set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("#{}'\"")))
Num = Number & (WSChar | LineEnd)
Comment = OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None)
ScriptStart = WS >> PosMarker(Choice([Literal(s) for s in scripts])) << WS
ScriptEnd = Literal("endscript")
Line = (WS >> AnyChar.until(EOL) << WS).map(lambda x: "".join(x))
Lines = Line.until(ScriptEnd).map(lambda x: "\n".join(x))
Script = ScriptStart + Lines << ScriptEnd
Script = Script.map(lambda x: [x[0], x[1], None])
BeginBlock = WS >> LeftCurly << WS
EndBlock = WS >> RightCurly
First = PosMarker((Bare | QuotedString)) << Spaces
Attr = Spaces >> (Num | Bare | QuotedString) << Spaces
Rest = Many(Attr)
Block = BeginBlock >> Many(Stanza).map(skip_none).map(to_entries) << EndBlock
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _parse_doc(self):
        def to_directive(name, attrs):
            return Directive(name=name.value,

        def to_directive_noval(name, sep):
            return Directive(name=name.value,

        def to_section(name, attrs, body):
            return Section(name=name.value,

        sep_chars = set("=")
        Sep = InSet(sep_chars, "Sep")

        name_chars = string.ascii_letters + "_/"
        Name = Many(WSChar) >> PosMarker(
            String(name_chars) | EmptyQuotedString(name_chars)) << Many(WSChar)

        BareStringDir = String(set(string.printable) - set("\r\n"))
        BareStringBlk = String(
            set(string.printable) - (set(string.whitespace) | set("{}'\"")))
        BlockBeg = Many(WSChar) >> LeftCurly << WS
        BlockEnd = Many(WSChar) >> RightCurly << (EOL | EOF)

        Comment = OneLineComment("#").map(lambda x: None) << (EOL | EOF)

        Stmt = Forward()

        _AttrDir = Many(WSChar) >> (BareStringDir | QuotedString)
        AttrDir = Sep >> Many(_AttrDir)
        AttrDirNoVal = Sep << Many(WSChar)
        Dir = (Lift(to_directive) * Name * AttrDir) << (EOL | EOF)
        DirNoVal = (Lift(to_directive_noval) * Name * AttrDirNoVal) << (EOL
                                                                        | EOF)

        _AttrBlk = Many(WSChar) >> (BareStringBlk | QuotedString)
        AttrsBlk = Many(_AttrBlk)
        BlockBody = BlockBeg >> Many(Stmt).map(skip_none) << BlockEnd
        Block = (Lift(to_section) * Name * AttrsBlk * BlockBody)

        Stmt <= WS >> (Block | Dir | DirNoVal | Comment) << WS

        Doc = Many(Stmt).map(skip_none)
        Top = Doc + EOF

        return Top