Exemplo n.º 1
 def evaluator(self, candidates, args):
     fitness = []
     g = lambda x: 100 * (len(x) + sum([(a - 0.5)**2 - math.cos(20 * math.pi * (a - 0.5)) for a in x]))
     for c in candidates:
         gval = g(c[self.objectives-1:])
         fit = [0.5 * reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, c[:self.objectives-1]) * (1 + gval)]
         for m in reversed(range(1, self.objectives)):
             fit.append(0.5 * reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, c[:m-1], 1) * (1 - c[m-1]) * (1 + gval))
     return fitness
Exemplo n.º 2
 def evaluator(self, candidates, args):
     fitness = []
     g = lambda x: 1 + 9.0 / len(x) * sum([a for a in x])
     for c in candidates:
         gval = g(c[self.objectives-1:])
         fit = []
         for m in range(self.objectives-1):
         fit.append((1 + gval) * (self.objectives - sum([a / (1.0 + gval) * (1 + math.sin(3 * math.pi * a)) for a in c[:self.objectives-1]])))
     return fitness
Exemplo n.º 3
    def evaluator_internal(self, candidate, dataset, per_time_step=False):
        Take a candidate (i.e. a number of parameter settings for the dynamical systems model) and the dataset and
        evaluats how well it performs in terms of the mean squared error per eval_aspect. Return the fitness and the
        prediction. In case of per_time_step=True overwrite the predicted values for the previous time point with the
        real values.

        y = [dataset.iloc[0, [dataset.columns.get_loc(x) for x in self.cleaned_eval_aspects]].values]

        # Go through the dataset, all but last as we need to evaluate our prediction with the next time point.
        for step in range(0, len(dataset.index) - 1):
            state_values = []

            # Get the relevant values for each of the states in our model.
            for col in self.model.state_names:
                # Overwrite the values we predicted previously for the evaluation states if we do it per time step or
                # if we do not have any prediction yet.
                if per_time_step or (step == 0):
                    state_values.append(dataset.iloc[step, dataset.columns.get_loc(col[len(self.default_start):])])

                # Only overwrite values for the non eval states if we do not do it per time step and use our
                # predicted value for the eval aspects.
                    if col in self.eval_aspects:
                        state_values.append(dataset.iloc[step, dataset.columns.get_loc(col[len(self.default_start):])])

            # Set the state values, parameter values, and execute the model.

            evals = []
            pred_values = []

            # Determine the error for the evaluation aspects.
            for aspect in self.eval_aspects:
                pred_value = self.model.get_values(aspect)[-1]
                mse = mean_squared_error([pred_value], [
                    dataset.iloc[step + 1, dataset.columns.get_loc(col[len(self.default_start):])]])

            # Store the fitness for all aspects.
            fitness = emo.Pareto(evals)

            # Store the predicted values.
        # And return the fitness and the predicted values.
        y_frame = pd.DataFrame(y, columns=self.cleaned_eval_aspects)
        return fitness, y_frame
Exemplo n.º 4
    def evaluator_internal(self, candidate, dataset, per_time_step=False):
        y = []
        y.append(dataset.ix[0, self.cleaned_eval_aspects].values)

        # Go through the dataset, all but last as we need to evaluate our
        # prediction with the next time point.
        for step in range(0, len(dataset.index) - 1):
            state_values = []

            # Get the relevant values for each of the states
            # in our model.
            for col in self.model.state_names:
                # Overwrite the values we predicted previously for the evaluation states
                # if we do it per time step or if we do not have any prediction yet.
                if per_time_step or (step == 0):
                        dataset.ix[step, col[len(self.default_start):]])

                # Only overwrite values for the non eval states if we do not do it
                # per time step and use our predicted value for the eval aspects.
                    if col in self.eval_aspects:
                            dataset.ix[step, col[len(self.default_start):]])

            # Set the state values, parameter values, and execute the model.

            evals = []
            pred_values = []

            # Determine the error for the evaluation aspects.
            for eval in self.eval_aspects:
                pred_value = self.model.get_values(eval)[-1]
                mse = mean_squared_error(
                    [dataset.ix[step + 1, col[len(self.default_start):]]])

            # Store the fitness for all aspects.
            fitness = emo.Pareto(evals)

            # Store the predicted values.
        # And return the fitness and the predicted values.
        y_frame = pd.DataFrame(y, columns=self.cleaned_eval_aspects)
        return fitness, y_frame
Exemplo n.º 5
    def evaluator(self, candidates, args):
        fitness = []

        numTarget = len(self.minA)

        for c in candidates:
            f = []
            f1 = 0.00  # for contiguity
            for i in range(numTarget + 1):

            count = 0
            tempSumArea = []
            for i in range(0, 7):
            sumIndArea = self.sumIndArea
            for i in range(len(c)):

                #print "i",i, "idx2id:", self.idx2id[i],"c[i]", c[i]

                if self.indxMap[i][0] == 0:
                    sumIndArea[self.copyLandType[i]] = sumIndArea[
                        self.copyLandType[i]] - self.areaMap[i]
                    sumIndArea[c[i]] = sumIndArea[c[i]] + self.areaMap[i]
                    count += 1
                """" OTHER WAY OF DOING IT"""

                #tempSumArea[self.landType[i]] = tempSumArea[self.landType[i]] + self.areaMap[i]

                for val in self.adjList[i]:
                    if self.landType[i] == self.landType[val]:
                        f1 += 10

            print count

            for ltidx in range(1, numTarget + 1):
                #print ltidx
                if (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.minA[ltidx] < 0):
                    f[ltidx] = -(sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.minA[ltidx])
                elif (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.maxA[ltidx] > 0):
                    f[ltidx] = (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.maxA[ltidx])
                    f[ltidx] = 0
            #print "contiguity:", f1, "other fitness", f

            self.landType = self.copyLandType
            self.sumIndArea = self.copySumIndArea
            f[0] = f1

        return fitness
Exemplo n.º 6
 def evaluator(self, candidates, args):
     fitness = []
     g = lambda x: sum([(a - 0.5)**2 for a in x])
     for c in candidates:
         gval = g(c[self.objectives-1:])
         fit = [(1 + gval) * 
                reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, [math.cos(a**self.alpha * math.pi / 2.0) for a in c[:self.objectives-1]])]
         for m in reversed(range(1, self.objectives)):
             fit.append((1 + gval) * 
                        reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, [math.cos(a**self.alpha * math.pi / 2.0) for a in c[:m-1]], 1) *
                        math.sin(c[m-1]**self.alpha * math.pi / 2.0))
     return fitness
Exemplo n.º 7
 def evaluator(self, candidates, args):
     fitness = []
     g = lambda x: sum([a**0.1 for a in x])
     for c in candidates:
         gval = g(c[self.objectives-1:])
         theta = lambda x: math.pi / (4.0 * (1 + gval)) * (1 + 2 * gval * x)
         fit = [(1 + gval) * math.cos(math.pi / 2.0 * c[0]) *
                reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, [math.cos(theta(a)) for a in c[1:self.objectives-1]])]
         for m in reversed(range(1, self.objectives)):
             if m == 1:
                 fit.append((1 + gval) * math.sin(math.pi / 2.0 * c[0]))
                 fit.append((1 + gval) * math.cos(math.pi / 2.0 * c[0]) *
                            reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, [math.cos(theta(a)) for a in c[1:m-1]], 1) *
     return fitness
Exemplo n.º 8
    def insp_evaluator(self, candidates, args):
        #   check constraint bounds before evaluating
        [ub,lb]     = self.bounds
        self.evalct = self.evalct + 1
        fitness = []
        #   if failed constraint, penalize the candidate
        for X in candidates:
            failed = self.check_penalty(X)
#            failed = False

            f1      = self.function_1(X)
            f2      = self.function_2(X)

            if f1 <-26 or f1 >= 0:# f1 > 0 for neg lift/drag, 
                # f1 < 0 for drag/lift
                # 60 l/d is only going to happen with ridiculous glider, but is limit
#                print 'is failed?'
                # initial optimisations, -60, for this case we know -27 is too big
                failed = True

            if f2 <= 0 or f2 > 500:
#                print 'is failed2'
                failed = True

            if failed:  # if failed, penalise both functions
#                quit()
                f1  = f1 + 200      # order of magnitude larger than expected lift/drag
                f2  = f2 + 1000      # half an order of magnitude larger than expected mass
                fitness.append(emo.Pareto([f1, f2]))

#        for X in candidates:   # test case
#            f1 = X[0]**2 + sum([X[i]**2 for i in range(1,len(X))])
#            f2 = (X[0]-1)**2 + sum([X[i]**2 for i in range(1,len(X))])
#            fitness.append(emo.Pareto([f1, f2]))
        return fitness
Exemplo n.º 9
    def evaluator(self, candidates, args):
        fitness = []
        for c_binary in candidates:
            #print("binary solution:", c_binary)
            #shuffle net work
            net = add_solution(self.decoy_net, c_binary, self.info,
            newnet = add_attacker(net)
            #             print("Add attacker:")
            #             printNet(newnet)
            harm = constructHARM(newnet)

            f1 = decoyPath(harm)
            f3 = solutionCost(c_binary, self.info)
            f2 = 0.0
            for i in range(0, self.sim_num):
                f2 += computeMTTSF(harm, self.net, self.info["threshold"])

            print(f1, f2, f3)
            fitness.append(emo.Pareto([f1, float(f2 / self.sim_num), f3
                                       ]))  # a Pareto multi-objective solution

        return fitness
Exemplo n.º 10
        def evaluatorSol(self, c):
                # TOtal number of targets equals the land types
                numTarget = len(self.minA)

                f=[]    # List of all the objective value for each solution
                f1 = 0.00 #  Objective for contiguity
                objDir=[] # Boolean parameter for anyobjective to maximize or minimize: FALSE=> Minimize that objective
                # initiating the parameter for all the objectives
                for i in range(numTarget+1):
                count = 0
                tempSumArea = []
                for i in range(0,25):

                sumIndArea = copy.deepcopy(self.sumIndArea)
                p = range(len(c))
                for i in p:
                        # if there is change in landtype with respect to basecase for that cell, recalculate the area for the landtypes (1-25) involved
                        # We let the changes happen only for the cells for which there was change wrt base case 
                        if self.indxMap[i][0] == 0:
                                # Because the land types have changed, reevaluate the area for that cell
                                # it is: Get landtype of that cell, update the change in area of that landtype because of change in landtype of this cell
                                sumIndArea[self.copyLandType[i]] = sumIndArea[self.copyLandType[i]] - self.areaMap[i]
                                sumIndArea[c[i]] = sumIndArea[c[i]] + self.areaMap[i]
                                if c[i] == self.indxMap[i][4]:

                                        count +=1

                                if count == 6570:
                                        print "these are X:", sumIndArea

                        # We need to maximize this object: => more similar adjacent cells => more contiguity
                        for val in self.adjList[i]:
                                if c[i] == c[val]:
                                        f1 += 0.01
                #print count
                for ltidx in range(1,numTarget+1):
                        #print ltidx
                        objDir[ltidx]=False # minimizing objective which goes out of boundary
                        if (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.minA[ltidx] < 0 ):
                                f[ltidx] = -(sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.minA[ltidx])
                        elif (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.maxA[ltidx] > 0 ):
                                f[ltidx] = (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.maxA[ltidx])
                                f[ltidx] = 0
#                                       f[ltidx] = (self.maxA[ltidx] + self.minA[ltidx])/2 - abs(sumIndArea[ltidx] - (self.maxA[ltidx] + self.minA[ltidx])/2 )

                self.landType = self.copyLandType # just in case to maintain the original values of the landtypes and sumIndexArea
                self.sumIndArea = self.copySumIndArea
                #print f
                #flist = [-i for i in f]
                objDir[0]=True # maximizing the contiguity objective f1
                f = [f1, sum(f[1:])]
                objDir = [True, False]
                #f[1] = f2
                #print f

                return emo.Pareto(f,objDir)
    def evaluatorSol(self, c):

        numTarget = len(self.minA)

        f = []
        f1 = 0.00  # for contiguity
        objDir = []
        for i in range(numTarget + 1):

        count = 0
        tempSumArea = []
        for i in range(0, 25):

        sumIndArea = copy.deepcopy(self.sumIndArea)
        p = range(len(c))
        for i in p:

            #print "i",i, "idx2id:", self.idx2id[i],"c[i]", c[i]

            if self.indxMap[i][0] == 0:
                sumIndArea[self.copyLandType[i]] = sumIndArea[
                    self.copyLandType[i]] - self.areaMap[i]
                sumIndArea[c[i]] = sumIndArea[c[i]] + self.areaMap[i]

                if c[i] == self.indxMap[i][4]:

                    count += 1

                if count == 6570:
                    print "these are X:", sumIndArea

            for val in self.adjList[i]:
                if c[i] == c[val]:
                    f1 += 0.01

        #print count

        for ltidx in range(1, numTarget + 1):
            #print ltidx
            objDir[ltidx] = False
            if (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.minA[ltidx] < 0):
                f[ltidx] = -(sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.minA[ltidx])
            elif (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.maxA[ltidx] > 0):
                f[ltidx] = (sumIndArea[ltidx] - self.maxA[ltidx])
                f[ltidx] = 0

#                                       f[ltidx] = (self.maxA[ltidx] + self.minA[ltidx])/2 - abs(sumIndArea[ltidx] - (self.maxA[ltidx] + self.minA[ltidx])/2 )

        self.landType = self.copyLandType
        self.sumIndArea = self.copySumIndArea
        #print f
        #flist = [-i for i in f]
        f[0] = f1
        objDir[0] = True
        f = [f1, sum(f[1:])]
        objDir = [True, False]
        #f[1] = f2
        #print f

        return emo.Pareto(f, objDir)