Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, app_name, app_prefix):
        self.app_name = app_name

        inst_db_file = app_prefix + '_parsed.txt'

        # get instruction database of application
        inst_db = open(inst_db_file).read().splitlines()

        # first field is ignored since it contains only headers
        self.insts = [instruction(None, None, i) for i in inst_db[1:]]

        self.insts_map = {inst.pc: inst for inst in self.insts}

        # get trace data to build basic blocks and store equiv classes
        # self.exec_trace = trace(mem_filename)
        self.trace_filename = app_prefix + '_clean_dump_parsed_merged.txt'

        # used to check alias of register when creating dependency chains
        self.x86_regs = x86_register()

        self.basic_blocks_map = {}
        self.st_inst_pcs = set()
        self.ld_inst_pcs = set()

        self.dep_insts = depending_instructions()

        self.static_st_inst_map = {}
        self.addr_map = {}  # holds info on latest store accessing an address
Exemplo n.º 2
    def print_node_more_attribs(self, dis_parsed_file):
        add more attributes for nodes

        db_info = [i for i in open(dis_parsed_file).read().splitlines()[1:]]
        insts = [instruction(None, None, i) for i in db_info]

        for i in insts:
            if i.pc == self.pc:
                return '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %r' % (
                    self.name, self.pc, i.op, self.isa, self.tick, self.reg,
                    self.bit, self.reg_type, self.src_dest, self.str_ctl,
                    self.inj, self.category, self.label)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self,app_name,inst_db_filename,create_inst_db=False):
        insts = []
        if create_inst_db:
            dis_filename = inst_db_filename
            inst_db = inst_database(dis_filename)
            insts = inst_database.insts
            db_file = inst_db_filename
            # read and organize disassembly info (1st line is just header)
            db_info = [i for i in open(db_file).read().splitlines()[1:]]
            insts = [instruction(None,None,i) for i in db_info]

        pc_list = [inst.pc for inst in insts]
        pc_def_map = {}

        x86_regs = x86_register()

        x86_active_regs = x86_reg_collection() 

        for inst in insts:
            pc = inst.pc
            is_ctrl_op = inst.ctrl_flag
            src_regs = inst.src_regs + inst.mem_src_regs
            dest_reg = inst.dest_reg
            if is_ctrl_op:  # reset map once leaving basic block
                for i in range(len(src_regs)):
                    src_reg = src_regs[i]
                    alias_reg = x86_regs.reg_alias_map[src_reg]
                    alias_dest_reg = x86_active_regs[alias_reg]
                    src_reg_size = x86_regs.reg_size_map[src_reg]
                    # check for registers such as 'ah'
                    if src_reg_size == -1:
                        bit_range_pc = alias_dest_reg.bit_ranges[1]
                        if bit_range_pc is not None:
                            pc_def_map[bit_range_pc].update_first_use(1, pc)
                        for j in range(src_reg_size):
                            bit_range_pc = alias_dest_reg.bit_ranges[j]
                            if bit_range_pc is not None:
                                pc_def_map[bit_range_pc].update_first_use(j, pc)
                if dest_reg is not None:
                    pc_def_map[pc]=x86_def_register(dest_reg, pc)
                    alias_reg = x86_regs.reg_alias_map[dest_reg]
                    x86_active_regs[alias_reg].update_def(dest_reg, pc)

        self.pc_list = pc_list
        self.pc_def_map = pc_def_map
Exemplo n.º 4
    def print_node_more_attribs(self, dis_parsed_file):
        add more attributes for nodes

        db_info = [i for i in open(dis_parsed_file).read().splitlines()[1:]]
        insts = [instruction(None, None, i) for i in db_info]

        for i in insts:
            if i.pc == self.pc:
                for j in i.src_regs:
                    if self.reg == j:
                        self.type = 'SRC'
                for j in i.mem_src_regs:
                    if self.reg == j:
                        self.type = 'MEM_SRC'
                if self.reg == i.dest_reg:
                    self.type = 'DEST'

                return '%s %s %s %s %s %r' % (self.name, self.pc, self.reg,
                                              self.type, i.op, self.label)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def print_node_more_attribs(self, dis_parsed_file):
        add more attributes for nodes

        db_info = [i for i in open(dis_parsed_file).read().splitlines()[1:]]
        insts = [instruction(None, None, i) for i in db_info]

        for i in insts:
            src_regs = i.src_regs
            mem_src_regs = i.mem_src_regs
            if len(src_regs) == 0:
                src_regs = 'None'
                src_regs = ','.join(src_regs)
            if len(mem_src_regs) == 0:
                mem_src_regs = 'None'
                mem_src_regs = ','.join(mem_src_regs)
            dest_reg = i.dest_reg
            if dest_reg is None:
                dest_regi = 'None'
            if i.ctrl_flag == True:
                ctrl_flag = 1
                ctrl_flag = 0
            if i.is_mem == True:
                is_mem = 1
                is_mem = 0
            if i.pc == self.pc:
                self.opcode = i.op
                #return '%s %s %s %r %s %s %r %s %d %r' % (
                #self.name, self.pc, i.op, i.ctrl_flag, src_regs, mem_src_regs, i.is_mem, dest_reg, i.max_bits,self.label)
                return '%s %s %d %d %d %f %f %f %f ' % (
                    app_name + '_' + str(self.name), i.op, ctrl_flag, i.is_mem,
                    i.max_bits, self.weight, self.mask, self.sdc, self.crash)
Exemplo n.º 6
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print('Usage: python control_equivalence.py [app_name] [isa]')

app_name = sys.argv[1]
isa = sys.argv[2]

approx_dir = os.environ.get('APPROXGEM5')
apps_dir = approx_dir + '/workloads/' + isa + '/apps/' + app_name
app_prefix = apps_dir + '/' + app_name

db_filename = app_prefix + '_parsed.txt'
trace_filename = app_prefix + '_clean_dump_parsed_merged.txt'

db_info = [i for i in open(db_filename).read().splitlines()[1:]]
insts = [instruction(None, None, i) for i in db_info]
ctrl_insts = set([i.pc for i in insts if i.ctrl_flag])

# list of basic blocks. Each list element is a 2-length list with
# first element as start PC and second as end PC
basicblocks = set()  # defaultdict(int)
# program represented as basic blocks with tick value at start of basic block
program_bb = []

with open(trace_filename) as trace:
    bbstart = None
    bbend = None
    start_of_bb = True
    pc = None
    prev_pc = pc
    for line in trace:
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, app_name, apps_dir):

        self.app_name = app_name
        ignored_ops = {'prefetch'}

        app_prefix = apps_dir + '/' + app_name
        trace_file = app_prefix + '_clean_dump_parsed_merged.txt'
        ctrl_equiv_file = app_prefix + '_control_equivalence.txt'
        store_equiv_file = app_prefix + '_store_equivalence.txt'
        dep_stores_file = app_prefix + '_dependent_stores.txt'
        def_use_file = app_prefix + '_def_use.txt'
        db_file = app_prefix + '_parsed.txt'

        ctrl_equiv_info = [
            for i in open(ctrl_equiv_file).read().splitlines()[1:]
        store_equiv_info = [
            for i in open(store_equiv_file).read().splitlines()[1:]
        self.def_use_info = {
            i.split()[0]: simple_def_reg(i.split()[1],
            for i in open(def_use_file).read().splitlines()[1:]

        store_equiv_pilots = set([i[2] for i in store_equiv_info])

        dep_stores_list = open(dep_stores_file).read().splitlines()[1:]
        dep_stores_info = {}

        for item in dep_stores_list:
            temp = item.split()
            dep_pc = temp[0]
            store_pc = temp[1]
            if store_pc not in dep_stores_info:
                dep_stores_info[store_pc] = []

        store_equiv_pcs = set()

        db_info = [i for i in open(db_file).read().splitlines()[1:]]
        insts = [instruction(None, None, i) for i in db_info]
        self.inst_db_map = {i.pc: i for i in insts}
        self.ctrl_insts = set([i.pc for i in insts if i.ctrl_flag])

        # trace_info = trace(trace_file)

        self.pc_map = {}

        pc_idx = 0
        pilot_idx = 2
        member_idx = 3

        # new_store_equiv_file = app_prefix + '_final_store_equivalence.txt'
        # new_ctrl_equiv_file = app_prefix + '_final_control_equivalence.txt'

        dep_stores_equiv_classes = []

        dep_stores_pilot_map = {}
        for item in store_equiv_info:
            pc = item[pc_idx]
            pilot = item[pilot_idx]
            # members = item[member_idx].split()
            self._add_to_pc_map(pc, pilot, 'store')

        with open(trace_file) as f:
            curr_bb = {}
            for line in f:
                item = trace_item(line.split())
                if item.pc in self.ctrl_insts:
                    curr_bb = {}
                curr_bb[item.pc] = item.inst_num
                # store that depends on prev insts
                if item.inst_num in store_equiv_pilots and item.pc in dep_stores_info:
                    for dep_pc in dep_stores_info[item.pc]:
                        if dep_pc in curr_bb:
                            self._add_to_pc_map(dep_pc, curr_bb[dep_pc],

            # build non-store pc equivalence classes for
            # store equivalence (previously in control_equiv file)
            # if pc in dep_stores_info:
            #     for dep_pc in dep_stores_info[pc]:
            #         dep_pc_pilot = ''
            #         dep_pc_equiv = equiv_class(dep_pc)
            #         is_ctrl = False
            #         for member in members:
            #             store_idx = trace_info.get_idx(member)
            #             added_to_pc_map = False
            #             for i in range(store_idx,-1,-1):
            #                 trace_item = trace_info[i]
            #                 is_ctrl = self.inst_db_map[
            #                         trace_item.pc].ctrl_flag
            #                 if is_ctrl:
            #                     if dep_pc in store_equiv_pcs:
            #                         store_equiv_pcs.remove(dep_pc)
            #                     if added_to_pc_map:
            #                         self._remove_from_pc_map(dep_pc)
            #                     dep_stores_info[pc].remove(dep_pc)
            #                     break
            #                 if trace_item.pc == dep_pc:
            #                     if member == pilot:
            #                         dep_pc_pilot = trace_item.inst_num
            #                         self._add_to_pc_map(dep_pc,dep_pc_pilot,
            #                                             'store')
            #                         added_to_pc_map = True
            #                         store_equiv_pcs.add(dep_pc)
            #                     dep_pc_equiv.add_member(
            #                             trace_item.inst_num)
            #                     break
            #             if is_ctrl:
            #                 break
            #         dep_pc_equiv.set_pilot(dep_pc_pilot)
            #         if not is_ctrl:
            #             dep_stores_equiv_classes.append(dep_pc_equiv)

        # new_ctrl_info = []  # stores pcs that stores do not depend on
        for item in ctrl_equiv_info:
            pc = item[pc_idx]
            pilot = item[pilot_idx]
            if pc not in store_equiv_pcs:
                self._add_to_pc_map(pc, pilot, 'ctrl')
                # new_ctrl_info.append(item)

        # update final equivalence class files
        # with open(new_ctrl_equiv_file, 'w') as f:
        #     for item in new_ctrl_info:
        #         f.write('%s\n' % ':'.join(item))

        # del new_ctrl_info
        # shutil.copy(store_equiv_file,new_store_equiv_file)
        # with open(new_store_equiv_file, 'a') as f:
        #     for item in dep_stores_equiv_classes:
        #         f.write('%s\n' % item.print_equiv_class())

        # del dep_stores_equiv_classes

        self.pc_list = sorted(self.pc_map.keys())