Exemplo n.º 1
def beforeInstallCmds():
  # add rabbitmq to sources
  v = {'file': "/etc/apt/sources.list",
       'txt': "deb http://www.rabbitmq.com/debian/ testing main"}
  _s("grep -q '%(txt)s' %(file)s || echo '%(txt)s' >> %(file)s" % v)
  _r("wget http://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc")
  _s("apt-key add rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc")
  _r("rm rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc")
Exemplo n.º 2
def postInstallCmds():
  with _cd(conf['INSTALL_DIR']):
    if not _fe(conf['INSTALL_DIR']+conf['WORKER_DIR']+"/run_glass"):
      _w("svn checkout https://svn.physik.uzh.ch/repos/itp/glass ."+conf['WORKER_DIR'])
      _w("echo backend : Agg > matplotlibrc")
      _w("echo 'backend : Agg' > %(INSTALL_DIR)s%(WORKER_DIR)s/matplotlibrc" % conf)
    with _v('.'+conf['WORKER_DIR']):
      _s("python setup.py build")
    with _cd('.'+conf['WORKER_DIR']):
      _s("chown -R %(SYS_USER)s:%(SYS_GROUP)s %(INSTALL_DIR)s" % conf)
      _s("chmod -R u+rwx %(INSTALL_DIR)s" % conf)
Exemplo n.º 3
def testInstall():
  # enable the default site and check if it answers
  _s("ln -s -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-enabled")
  _s("/etc/init.d/nginx restart")
  _r("wget %(PUBLIC_URL)s:%(PUBLIC_PORT)s" % conf)
  test = _fe("index.html")
  with settings(warn_only=True):
    resp = _r("grep 'Welcome to nginx' index.html")
    test = test and resp.return_code
  if not test: warn(yellow('nginx is not running properly'))
  _r("rm index.html")
  _s("rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default")
  _s("/etc/init.d/nginx restart")
Exemplo n.º 4
def mysql_install():
  """ Installs MySQL """
  if _mysql_is_installed():
    fabric.api.warn(yellow('MySQL is already installed.'))
  # Ensure mysql won't ask for a password on installation
  # See the following:
  # http://serverfault.com/questions/19367/scripted-install-of-mysql-on-ubuntu
  # http://www.muhuk.com/2010/05/how-to-install-mysql-with-fabric/
  # get the password
  passwd = fabric.api.env.conf['DATABASE_ROOT_PSW']
  # get the correct version for installation
  version = '5.5'
  debconf_defaults = [
    "mysql-server-%s mysql-server/root_password password %s" % (version,passwd),
    "mysql-server-%s mysql-server/root_password_again password %s" % (version,passwd),
  _s("echo '%s' | debconf-set-selections" % "\n".join(debconf_defaults))
  fabric.api.warn(yellow('The password for mysql "root" user will be set to "%s"' % passwd))
  common_packages = [
    'mysql-server-%s' % version,

  #install prerequ for mysql-python
  _s("apt-get build-dep python-mysqldb")
Exemplo n.º 5
def setup():
  _s("mkdir -p %(INSTALL_DIR)s/run" % conf)
  file = _gen_start_script()
  _p(file, "%(INSTALL_DIR)s/run/start_guni.sh" % conf, use_sudo=True)  #local
  _s("chown -R %(SYS_USER)s:%(SYS_GROUP)s %(INSTALL_DIR)s/*" % conf)
  _s("chmod 744 %(INSTALL_DIR)s/run/start_guni.sh" % conf)
  #file = _gen_upstart_conf()
  #_p(file, "/etc/init/guni-lmt.conf" % conf, use_sudo=True)  #local
  #_s("ln -s -f /lib/init/upstart-job /etc/init.d/guni-lmt")
  #_s("initctl reload-configuration")
  file = _gen_supervisor_script()
  _p(file, "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/guni", use_sudo=True)

  _s("supervisorctl reload")
Exemplo n.º 6
def betweenInstallCmds():
  _s("easy_install -U virtualenv ")
Exemplo n.º 7
def setup():
  #rabbitmq server
  with settings(warn_only=True):
    _s("rabbitmqctl add_user %(BROKER_USER)s %(BROKER_PSW)s" % conf)
    _s("rabbitmqctl add_vhost %(BROKER_VHOST)s" % conf)
    _s('rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p %(BROKER_VHOST)s %(BROKER_USER)s ".*" ".*" ".*"' % conf)
  # celery deamon
  file = _gen_default_config()
  _p(file, "/etc/default/celeryd", use_sudo=True)
  file = _gen_init_d_script()
  _p(file, "/etc/init.d/celeryd", use_sudo=True)
  _s("chmod 777 /etc/init.d/celeryd")
  _s("mkdir -p /var/run/celery/")
  _s("chown lmt:www-lmt /var/run/celery/")
Exemplo n.º 8
def setup():
  file = _generateConfigFile()
  puts("--- nginx temp config file: ")
  print file.getvalue()
  _p(file, "/etc/nginx/sites-available/lmt.conf", use_sudo=True)  
  _s("ln -f -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/lmt.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled")
  _s("/etc/init.d/nginx reload") 

  # copy html files
  _s("cp -f -R %(REPRO_DIR)s/static_html %(INSTALL_DIR)s%(HTML_DIR)s" % conf)
  file = _generateHTMLSettings()
  _p(file, "%(INSTALL_DIR)s%(HTML_DIR)s/js/lmt.settings.js" % conf, use_sudo=True)  #local
  _s("chown -R %(SYS_USER)s:%(SYS_GROUP)s %(INSTALL_DIR)s/*" % conf)
  _s("chmod -R 774 %(INSTALL_DIR)s%(HTML_DIR)s/*" % conf)  

  # merge php
  with _cd("%(INSTALL_DIR)s%(HTML_DIR)s"%conf):
    _s("echo '<!DOCTYPE html>' > lmt.html")
    _s("echo '<html lang='en'>' >> lmt.html")
    _s("cat head.html >> lmt.html")
    _s("cat body.php >> lmt.html")
    _s("echo '</html>' >> lmt.html")