def _generate_report(self, report_message, params, created_objects=None):
        generate_report: generate summary report

        log('Generating report')

        uuid_string = str(uuid.uuid4())
        upload_message = 'Job Finished\n\n'
        upload_message += report_message

        log(f'Report message:\n{upload_message}')

        report_params = {
            'message': upload_message,
            'workspace_name': params.get('workspace_name'),
            'report_object_name': 'MetagenomeUtils_report_' + uuid_string
        if created_objects:
            report_params['objects_created'] = created_objects

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
    def run_TaxonomyAbundance(self, ctx, params):
        This example function accepts any number of parameters and returns results in a KBaseReport
        :param params: instance of mapping from String to unspecified object
        :returns: instance of type "ReportResults" -> structure: parameter
           "report_name" of String, parameter "report_ref" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: output
        #BEGIN run_TaxonomyAbundance

        amplicon_matrix_ref = params.get('amplicon_matrix_ref')
        attri_mapping_ref = params.get('attri_mapping_ref')
        cutoff = params.get('threshold')
        grouping_label = params.get(
            'meta_group')  # can be: None, [], [`label`]
        if isinstance(grouping_label, list):
            if len(grouping_label) == 0:
                grouping_label = None
            elif len(grouping_label) == 1:
                grouping_label = grouping_label[0]
                raise ValueError('`grouping_label` wrong value')
        elif grouping_label is not None:
            raise TypeError('`grouping_label` wrong type')

        csv_fp = "/kb/module/data/smalltx.csv"
        xls_fp = "/kb/module/data/moss_f50_metadata.xls"

        html_link = run(amp_id=amplicon_matrix_ref,

        report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        report_name = "TaxonomyAbundance_report_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
        report_info = report_client.create_extended_report({
            'html_links': [html_link],
        output = {
            'report_ref': report_info['ref'],
            'report_name': report_info['name'],

        #END run_TaxonomyAbundance

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(output, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method run_TaxonomyAbundance return value ' +
                             'output is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [report_info]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _upload_report(self, report_dir, file_links, workspace_name,
        dfu = DataFileUtil(self.callback_url)
        upload_info = dfu.file_to_shock({
            'file_path': report_dir,
            'pack': 'zip'
        shock_id = upload_info['shock_id']

        report_params = {
            'JGI metagenome assembly report',
            'html_links': [{
                'shock_id': shock_id,
                'name': 'index.html',
                'description': 'assembly report'
            'JGI_assembly_pipeline.' + str(uuid.uuid4()),

        report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        report = report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)
        return {'report_ref': report['ref'], 'report_name': report['name']}
Exemplo n.º 4
    def standardize_matrix(self, params):
        standardize a matrix

        input_matrix_ref = params.get('input_matrix_ref')
        workspace_name = params.get('workspace_name')
        new_matrix_name = params.get('new_matrix_name')
        with_mean = params.get('with_mean', 1)
        with_std = params.get('with_std', 1)

        if not isinstance(workspace_name, int):
            workspace_id = self.dfu.ws_name_to_id(workspace_name)
            workspace_id = workspace_name

        input_matrix_obj = self.dfu.get_objects({'object_refs': [input_matrix_ref]})['data'][0]
        input_matrix_info = input_matrix_obj['info']
        input_matrix_name = input_matrix_info[1]
        input_matrix_data = input_matrix_obj['data']

        if not new_matrix_name:
            current_time = time.localtime()
            new_matrix_name = input_matrix_name + time.strftime('_%H_%M_%S_%Y_%m_%d', current_time)

        data_matrix = self.data_util.fetch_data({'obj_ref': input_matrix_ref}).get('data_matrix')
        df = pd.read_json(data_matrix)

        standardize_df = self._standardize_df(df, with_mean, with_std)

        new_matrix_data = {'row_ids': df.index.tolist(),
                           'col_ids': df.columns.tolist(),
                           'values': standardize_df.values.tolist()}

        input_matrix_data['data'] = new_matrix_data"Saving new standardized matrix object")
        info = self.dfu.save_objects({
            "id": workspace_id,
            "objects": [{
                "type": input_matrix_info[2],
                "data": input_matrix_data,
                "name": new_matrix_name

        new_matrix_obj_ref = "%s/%s/%s" % (info[6], info[0], info[4])

        objects_created = [{'ref': new_matrix_obj_ref, 'description': 'Standardized Matrix'}]

        report_params = {'message': '',
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         'workspace_name': workspace_name,
                         'report_object_name': 'import_matrix_from_biom_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        return {'new_matrix_obj_ref': new_matrix_obj_ref,
                'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _generate_report(self, matrix_obj_ref, workspace_name, new_row_attr_ref=None,
        _generate_report: generate summary report

        objects_created = [{'ref': matrix_obj_ref, 'description': 'Imported Matrix'}]

        if new_row_attr_ref:
            objects_created.append({'ref': new_row_attr_ref,
                                    'description': 'Imported Row Attribute Mapping'})

        if new_col_attr_ref:
            objects_created.append({'ref': new_col_attr_ref,
                                    'description': 'Imported Column Attribute Mapping'})

        report_params = {'message': '',
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         'workspace_name': workspace_name,
                         'report_object_name': 'import_matrix_from_excel_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generate_report(self, binned_contig_obj_ref, params):
        generate_report: generate summary report

        log('Generating report')
        params['result_directory'] = self.BINNER_RESULT_DIRECTORY

        output_files = self.generate_output_file_list(

        output_html_files = self.generate_html_report(
            params['result_directory'], params['assembly_ref'],

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'workspace_name': params.get('workspace_name'),
            'file_links': output_files,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 500,
            'report_object_name': 'kb_das_tool_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _generate_report(self, pdb_obj_ref, workspace_name, n_poly_pep,
                         pdb_name, pdb_path):
        _generate_report: generate summary report for upload
        output_html_files = self._generate_report_html(pdb_name, pdb_path)

        report_params = {
            f'You uploaded a PDB file. {n_poly_pep} polypeptides were detected.',
            'objects_created': [{
                'ref': pdb_obj_ref,
                'description': 'Imported PDB'
            'import_pdb_from_staging_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 8
    def gen_func_profile_report(self, func_profile_ref, workspace_name):'start generating report')

        objects_created = [{
            'ref': func_profile_ref,
            'description': 'Imported FunctionalProfile'

        output_html_files = self._generate_html_report(func_profile_ref)

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'objects_created': objects_created,
            'workspace_name': workspace_name,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 1400,
            'report_object_name': 'func_profile_viewer_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _save_to_ws_and_report(self, ws_id, source, compoundset, message=None):
        """Save compound set to the workspace and make report"""
        info = self.dfu.save_objects(
            {'id': ws_id,
             "objects": [{
                 "type": "KBaseBiochem.CompoundSet",
                 "data": compoundset,
                 "name": compoundset['name']
        compoundset_ref = "%s/%s/%s" % (info[6], info[0], info[4])
        if not message:
            message = 'Imported %s as %s' % (source, info[1])
        report_params = {
            'objects_created': [{'ref': compoundset_ref,
                                 'description': 'Compound Set'}],
            'message': message,
            'workspace_name': info[7],
            'report_object_name': 'compound_set_creation_report'

        # Construct the output to send back
        report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        report_info = report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)
        output = {'report_name': report_info['name'],
                  'report_ref': report_info['ref'],
                  'compoundset_ref': compoundset_ref}
        return output
Exemplo n.º 10
    def create_html_report(self, callback_url, output_dir, workspace_name):
        dfu = DataFileUtil(callback_url)
        report_name = 'kb_gsea_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        report = KBaseReport(callback_url)
        #copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html'),
        #         os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html'))

        report_shock_id = dfu.file_to_shock({
            'file_path': output_dir,
            'pack': 'zip'

        html_file = {
            'shock_id': report_shock_id,
            'name': 'index.html',
            'label': 'index.html',
            'description': 'HTMLL report for GSEA'

        report_info = report.create_extended_report({
            'html_links': [html_file],
        return {
            'report_name': report_info['name'],
            'report_ref': report_info['ref']
Exemplo n.º 11
    def filter_matrix_with_fs(self, params):
        self.validate_params(params, ('feature_set_ref', 'workspace_name',
                                      'expression_matrix_ref', 'filtered_expression_matrix_suffix'))
        ret = self.dfu.get_objects(
            {'object_refs': [params['feature_set_ref']]}
        feature_set = ret['data']
        feature_set_name = ret['info'][1]
        feature_ids = set(feature_set['elements'].keys())
        filtered_matrix_ref = self._filter_expression_matrix(
            params['expression_matrix_ref'], feature_ids, params['workspace_name'],

        objects_created = [{'ref': filtered_matrix_ref,
                            'description': 'Filtered ExpressionMatrix Object'}]
        message = "Filtered Expression Matrix based of the {} feature ids present in {}"\
            .format(len(feature_ids), feature_set_name)

        report_params = {'message': message,
                         'workspace_name': params['workspace_name'],
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         'report_object_name': 'kb_FeatureSetUtils_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        return {'filtered_expression_matrix_ref': filtered_matrix_ref,
                'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _generate_corr_report(self, workspace_name, matrix_df):
        _generate_report: generate summary report
        """'Start creating report')

        output_html_files = self._generate_matrix_html_report(matrix_df)

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'workspace_name': workspace_name,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 666,
            'report_object_name': 'matrix_viewer_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _generate_network_report(self, graph, network_obj_ref, workspace_name):
        _generate_report: generate summary report
        """'Start creating report')

        output_html_files = self._generate_plotly_network(graph)

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'objects_created': [{
                'ref': network_obj_ref,
                'description': 'Network'
            'workspace_name': workspace_name,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 333,
            'report_object_name': 'build_network_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _generate_report(self, matrix_obj_ref, workspace_name):
        _generate_report: generate summary report

        report_params = {
            'objects_created': [{
                'ref': matrix_obj_ref,
                'description': 'Imported Matrix'
            'import_matrix_from_excel_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 15
    def run_ThermoStoichWizard(self, ctx, params):
        This example function accepts any number of parameters and returns results in a KBaseReport
        :param params: instance of mapping from String to unspecified object
        :returns: instance of type "ReportResults" -> structure: parameter
           "report_name" of String, parameter "report_ref" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: output
        #BEGIN run_ThermoStoichWizard
        uuid_string = str(uuid.uuid4())

        #  run
        print ("Input parameter", params['input_tbl'].keys())
        from ThermoStoichWizard.ThermoStoichiometry import ThermoStoichiometry

        mf = 'C35H32O6C13S2'
        therm = ThermoStoichiometry(mf)
        html_folder = os.path.join(self.shared_folder, 'html')

        html_str = "<html><head>Thermo Stoich Wizard Report</head><body><br><br>{}:{}</body></html>"
        html_str = html_str.format(mf, therm.extract_composition())

        with open(os.path.join(html_folder, "index.html"), 'w') as index_file:

        report = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        html_dir = {
            'path': html_folder,
            'name': 'index.html',  # MUST match the filename of your main html page
            'description': 'Thermo Stoich Wizard Report'
        report_info = report.create_extended_report({
            'html_links': [html_dir],
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'report_object_name': 'thermo_stoich_wizard_report_' + uuid_string,
            'workspace_name': params['workspace_name']
        # report_info = report.create({'report': {'objects_created':[],
        #                                         'text_message': "OK"},
        #                                         'workspace_name': params['workspace_name']})
        output = {
            'report_name': report_info['name'],
            'report_ref': report_info['ref'],
        #END run_ThermoStoichWizard

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(output, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method run_ThermoStoichWizard return value ' +
                             'output is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [output]
Exemplo n.º 16
    def generate_OTU_sheet(self, ctx, params):
        :param params: instance of type "GenerateOTUSheetParams" (Generate a
           customized OTU worksheet using a SampleSet input to generate the
           appropriate columns.) -> structure: parameter "workspace_name" of
           String, parameter "workspace_id" of Long, parameter
           "sample_set_ref" of String, parameter "output_name" of String,
           parameter "output_format" of String, parameter "num_otus" of Long,
           parameter "taxonomy_source" of String, parameter "incl_seq" of
           Long, parameter "otu_prefix" of String
        :returns: instance of type "GenerateOTUSheetOutputs" -> structure:
           parameter "report_name" of String, parameter "report_ref" of String
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: output
        #BEGIN generate_OTU_sheet
        # first we download sampleset
        sample_set_ref = params.get('sample_set_ref')
        ret = self.dfu.get_objects({'object_refs':
        sample_set = ret['data']
        if params.get('output_name'):
            output_name = params.get('output_name')
            # if output_name not specified use name of sample_set as output + "_OTUs"
            output_name = ret['info'][1] + "_OTUs"
        otu_path = sample_set_to_OTU_sheet(sample_set, output_name,
                                           self.scratch, params)
        report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        report_name = "Generate_OTU_sheet_report_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
        report_info = report_client.create_extended_report({
            'file_links': [{
                "CSV with headers for OTU",
                "CSV file with each column containing the assigned sample_id and sample "
                "name of each saved sample. Intended for uploading OTU data."
        output = {
            'report_ref': report_info['ref'],
            'report_name': report_info['name'],

        #END generate_OTU_sheet

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(output, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method generate_OTU_sheet return value ' +
                             'output is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [output]
Exemplo n.º 17
def create_report(callback_url, scratch, workspace_name, result_file):

    html = create_html_tables(result_file)

    dfu = DataFileUtil(callback_url)
    report_name = 'fastANI_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())
    report_client = KBaseReport(callback_url)
    html_dir = os.path.join(scratch, report_name)

    with open(os.path.join(html_dir, "index.html"), 'w') as file:

    shock = dfu.file_to_shock({
        'file_path': html_dir,
        'make_handle': 0,
        'pack': 'zip'
    html_file = {
        'shock_id': shock['shock_id'],
        'name': 'index.html',
        'label': 'html_files',
        'description': 'FastANI HTML report'
    report = report_client.create_extended_report({
        'html_links': [html_file],

    return {'report_name': report['name'], 'report_ref': report['ref']}
Exemplo n.º 18
    def generate_report(self, params):
        generate_report: generate summary report

        log('Generating report')

        output_html_files = self.generate_html_report()

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'workspace_name': params.get('workspace_name'),
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 500,
            'report_object_name': 'kb_eukrep_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 19
    def create_html_report(self, callback_url, output_dir, workspace_name):
         function for creating html report

        dfu = DataFileUtil(callback_url)
        report_name = 'VariationReport' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        report = KBaseReport(callback_url)

        report_shock_id = dfu.file_to_shock({
            'file_path': output_dir,
            'pack': 'zip'

        html_file = {
            'shock_id': report_shock_id,
            'name': 'index.html',
            'label': 'index.html',
            'description': 'Variation HTML report'

        report_info = report.create_extended_report({
            'html_links': [html_file],
        return {
            'report_name': report_info['name'],
            'report_ref': report_info['ref']
Exemplo n.º 20
def create_html_report(callback_url, scratch, workspace_name):
    output_dir = os.path.join(scratch, 'output')
    dfu = DataFileUtil(callback_url)
    report_name = 'METABOLIC_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())
    report = KBaseReport(callback_url)
    copyfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'report_template.html'),
             os.path.join(output_dir, 'report_template.html'))

    report_shock_id = dfu.file_to_shock({
        'file_path': output_dir,
        'pack': 'zip'

    html_file = {
        'shock_id': report_shock_id,
        'name': 'report_template.html',
        'label': 'report_template.html',
        'description': 'HTML report for METABOLIC'

    report_info = report.create_extended_report({
        'html_links': [html_file],
    return {
        'report_name': report_info['name'],
        'report_ref': report_info['ref']
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _generate_mds_report(self, mds_ref, output_dir, workspace_name, n_components):'Creating MDS report...')

        output_files = self._generate_output_file_list(output_dir)
        output_html_files = self._generate_mds_html_report(output_dir, n_components)

        objects_created = list()
        objects_created.append({'ref': mds_ref,
                                'description': 'MDS Matrix'})

        report_params = {'message': '',
                         'workspace_name': workspace_name,
                         'file_links': output_files,
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         'html_links': output_html_files,
                         'direct_html_link_index': 0,
                         'html_window_height': 666,
                         'report_object_name': 'kb_mds_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _generate_report(self, matrix_obj_ref, amplicon_set_obj_ref, new_row_attr_ref,
                         new_col_attr_ref, workspace_name):
        _generate_report: generate summary report

        objects_created = [{'ref': matrix_obj_ref, 'description': 'Imported Amplicon Matrix'},
                           {'ref': amplicon_set_obj_ref, 'description': 'Imported Amplicon Set'}]

        if new_row_attr_ref:
            objects_created.append({'ref': new_row_attr_ref,
                                    'description': 'Imported Amplicons(Row) Attribute Mapping'})

        if new_col_attr_ref:
            objects_created.append({'ref': new_col_attr_ref,
                                    'description': 'Imported Samples(Column) Attribute Mapping'})

        report_params = {'message': '',
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         'workspace_name': workspace_name,
                         'report_object_name': 'import_matrix_from_biom_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}
        #{'report_name': 'import_matrix_from_biom_db306341-c03a-4e60-b8a4-2bd7f6a48925', 'report_ref': '44071/200/1'}
        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 23
    def generate_report(self, binned_contig_obj_ref, task_params):
        generate_report: generate summary report
        log('Generating report')

        result_directory = os.path.join(self.scratch, "cocacola_output_dir")

        task_params['result_directory'] = result_directory

        output_files = self.generate_output_file_list(task_params['result_directory'])

        output_html_files = self.generate_html_report(task_params['result_directory'],

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'workspace_name': task_params['workspace_name'],
            'file_links': output_files,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 266,
            'report_object_name': 'kb_cocacola_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _generate_report(self, template_file, workspace_id):

        file_links = [{
            'Chemical Abundance Matrix template file',
            'use this file for Chemical Abundance Matrix uploader'

        message = 'Successfully created a template for Chemical Abundance Matrix uploader'
        report_params = {
            'message': message,
            'workspace_id': workspace_id,
            'file_links': file_links,
            'report_object_name': 'chem_abun_template_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 25
    def build_feature_set(self, params):
        self.validate_params(params, {'output_feature_set', 'workspace_name', },
                             {'genome', 'feature_ids', 'feature_ids_custom', 'base_feature_sets',
        feature_sources = ('feature_ids', 'feature_ids_custom', 'base_feature_sets')
        if not any([params.get(x) for x in feature_sources]):
            raise ValueError("You must supply at least one feature source: {}".format(
                ", ".join(feature_sources)))
        workspace_id = self.dfu.ws_name_to_id(params['workspace_name'])

        new_feature_set = self._build_fs_obj(params)
        save_object_params = {
            'id': workspace_id,
            'objects': [{'type': 'KBaseCollections.FeatureSet',
                         'data': new_feature_set,
                         'name': params['output_feature_set']}]}

        dfu_oi = self.dfu.save_objects(save_object_params)[0]
        feature_set_obj_ref = '{}/{}/{}'.format(dfu_oi[6], dfu_oi[0], dfu_oi[4])

        objects_created = [{'ref': feature_set_obj_ref,
                            'description': 'Feature Set'}]
        message = 'A new feature set containing {} features was created.'.format(

        report_params = {'message': message,
                         'workspace_name': params['workspace_name'],
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         'report_object_name': 'kb_FeatureSetUtils_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        return {'feature_set_ref': feature_set_obj_ref,
                'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _generate_corr_report(self, corr_matrix_obj_ref, workspace_name, corr_matrix_plot_path,
        _generate_report: generate summary report
        """'Start creating report')

        output_html_files = self._generate_corr_html_report(corr_matrix_obj_ref,

        report_params = {'message': '',
                         'objects_created': [{'ref': corr_matrix_obj_ref,
                                              'description': 'Correlation Matrix'}],
                         'workspace_name': workspace_name,
                         'html_links': output_html_files,
                         'direct_html_link_index': 0,
                         'html_window_height': 666,
                         'report_object_name': 'compute_correlation_matrix_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _generate_search_report(self, header_str, table_str, workspace_name):'Start creating report')

        output_html_files = self._generate_search_html_report(
            header_str, table_str)

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'workspace_name': workspace_name,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 366,
            'kb_matrix_filter_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _generate_merge_report(self, workspace_name, result_directory):
        _generate_merge_report: generate summary report

        log("creating merge report")

        output_files = self._generate_output_file_list(result_directory)
        output_html_files = self._generate_merge_html_report(result_directory)

        report_params = {
            "message": "",
            "workspace_name": workspace_name,
            "file_links": output_files,
            "html_links": output_html_files,
            "direct_html_link_index": 0,
            "html_window_height": 366,
            "report_object_name": "kb_stringtie_report_" + str(uuid.uuid4()),

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            "report_name": output["name"],
            "report_ref": output["ref"]

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 29
    def get_report(self, html_path):
        report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        report_name = 'kb_cmash_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        html_link = {
            'path': html_path,
            'name': 'index.html',
            'description': 'CMash output similarity list'

        report_info = report_client.create_extended_report({
            'html_links': [html_link],

        return {
            'report_name': report_info['name'],
            'report_ref': report_info['ref']
    def generate_report(self, genome_ref, params):
        :param genome_ref:  Return Val from GenomeFileUtil for Uploaded metagenome
                            Need to get report warnings and message from it.
        uuid_string = str(uuid.uuid4())

        objects_created = [{
            'Imported Annotated Metagenome Assembly'

        output_html_files = self.generate_html_report(genome_ref, params)
        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'workspace_name': params.get('workspace_name'),
            'objects_created': objects_created,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 300,
            'report_object_name': 'kb_metagenome_upload_report_' + uuid_string

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
    def create_report(self, context, template_file=None, height=500):
        html_report_folder = os.path.join(self.scratch_folder, 'htmlreport')
        os.makedirs(html_report_folder, exist_ok=True)

        with open(os.path.join(html_report_folder, 'view.html'), 'w') as f:
            self.report_html = self.build_report(context, template_file)

        report_shock_id = ""
        if self.config["save_report_to_kbase"] == "1":
            report_shock_id = self.dfu.file_to_shock({
                'file_path': html_report_folder,
                'pack': 'zip'

        html_output = {'name': 'view.html', 'shock_id': report_shock_id}
        report_params = {
            'objects_created': self.objects_created,
            'workspace_name': self.workspace,
            'html_links': [html_output],
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': height,
            'report_object_name': + '_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())
        if self.config["save_report_to_kbase"] == "1":
            report = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.ctx['token'])
            self.report_info = report.create_extended_report(report_params)
        return self.report_html
Exemplo n.º 32
    def _generate_pca_report(self, pca_ref, score_plots, loading_plots,
                             bi_plots, workspace_name, n_components):'creating report')

        output_html_files = self._generate_pca_html_report(
            score_plots, loading_plots, bi_plots, n_components)

        objects_created = list()
        objects_created.append({'ref': pca_ref, 'description': 'PCA Matrix'})

        report_params = {
            'message': '',
            'workspace_name': workspace_name,
            'objects_created': objects_created,
            'html_links': output_html_files,
            'direct_html_link_index': 0,
            'html_window_height': 1050,
            'report_object_name': 'kb_pca_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {
            'report_name': output['name'],
            'report_ref': output['ref']

        return report_output
    def _generate_report(self, expression_matrix_ref, workspace_name):
        _generate_report: generate report

        objects_created = [{'ref': expression_matrix_ref,
                            'description': 'Average ExpressionMatrix'}]

        report_params = {'message': '',
                         'workspace_name': workspace_name,
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         # 'html_links': output_html_files,
                         # 'direct_html_link_index': 0,
                         'html_window_height': 366,
                         'report_object_name': 'kb_ave_expr_matrix_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url, token=self.token)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 34
    def _generate_report(self, up_feature_set_ref_list, down_feature_set_ref_list,
                         filtered_expression_matrix_ref_list, workspace_name):
        _generate_report: generate summary report

        log('start creating report')

        output_html_files = self._generate_html_report(up_feature_set_ref_list,

        objects_created = list()
        for up_feature_set_ref in up_feature_set_ref_list:
            objects_created += [{'ref': up_feature_set_ref,
                                 'description': 'Upper FeatureSet Object'}]
        for down_feature_set_ref in down_feature_set_ref_list:
            objects_created += [{'ref': down_feature_set_ref,
                                 'description': 'Lower FeatureSet Object'}]

        for filtered_expression_matrix_ref in filtered_expression_matrix_ref_list:
            objects_created += [{'ref': filtered_expression_matrix_ref,
                                 'description': 'Filtered ExpressionMatrix Object'}]

        report_params = {'message': '',
                         'workspace_name': workspace_name,
                         'objects_created': objects_created,
                         'html_links': output_html_files,
                         'direct_html_link_index': 0,
                         'html_window_height': 333,
                         'report_object_name': 'kb_FeatureSetUtils_report_' + str(uuid.uuid4())}

        kbase_report_client = KBaseReport(self.callback_url)
        output = kbase_report_client.create_extended_report(report_params)

        report_output = {'report_name': output['name'], 'report_ref': output['ref']}

        return report_output
Exemplo n.º 35
    def run_Gblocks(self, ctx, params):
        Method for trimming MSAs of either DNA or PROTEIN sequences
        **        input_type: MSA
        **        output_type: MSA
        :param params: instance of type "Gblocks_Params" (Gblocks Input
           Params) -> structure: parameter "workspace_name" of type
           "workspace_name" (** The workspace object refs are of form: ** ** 
           objects = ws.get_objects([{'ref':
           params['workspace_id']+'/'+params['obj_name']}]) ** ** "ref" means
           the entire name combining the workspace id and the object name **
           "id" is a numerical identifier of the workspace or object, and
           should just be used for workspace ** "name" is a string identifier
           of a workspace or object.  This is received from Narrative.),
           parameter "desc" of String, parameter "input_ref" of type
           "data_obj_ref", parameter "output_name" of type "data_obj_name",
           parameter "trim_level" of Long, parameter "min_seqs_for_conserved"
           of Long, parameter "min_seqs_for_flank" of Long, parameter
           "max_pos_contig_nonconserved" of Long, parameter "min_block_len"
           of Long, parameter "remove_mask_positions_flag" of Long
        :returns: instance of type "Gblocks_Output" (Gblocks Output) ->
           structure: parameter "report_name" of type "data_obj_name",
           parameter "report_ref" of type "data_obj_ref"
        # ctx is the context object
        # return variables are: returnVal
        #BEGIN run_Gblocks
        console = []
        invalid_msgs = []
        self.log(console,'Running run_Gblocks with params=')
        self.log(console, "\n"+pformat(params))
        report = ''
#        report = 'Running run_Gblocks with params='
#        report += "\n"+pformat(params)

        #### do some basic checks
        if 'workspace_name' not in params:
            raise ValueError('workspace_name parameter is required')
        if 'input_ref' not in params:
            raise ValueError('input_ref parameter is required')
        if 'output_name' not in params:
            raise ValueError('output_name parameter is required')

        #### Get the input_ref MSA object
            ws = workspaceService(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx['token'])
            objects = ws.get_objects([{'ref': params['input_ref']}])
            data = objects[0]['data']
            info = objects[0]['info']
            input_name = info[1]
            input_type_name = info[2].split('.')[1].split('-')[0]

        except Exception as e:
            raise ValueError('Unable to fetch input_ref object from workspace: ' + str(e))
            #to get the full stack trace: traceback.format_exc()

        if input_type_name == 'MSA':
            MSA_in = data
            row_order = []
            default_row_labels = dict()
            if 'row_order' in MSA_in.keys():
                row_order = MSA_in['row_order']
                row_order = sorted(MSA_in['alignment'].keys())

            if 'default_row_labels' in MSA_in.keys():
                default_row_labels = MSA_in['default_row_labels']
                for row_id in row_order:
                    default_row_labels[row_id] = row_id
            if len(row_order) < 2:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"must have multiple records in MSA: "+params['input_ref'])

            # export features to FASTA file
            input_MSA_file_path = os.path.join(self.scratch, input_name+".fasta")
            self.log(console, 'writing fasta file: '+input_MSA_file_path)
            records = []
            for row_id in row_order:
                #self.log(console,"row_id: '"+row_id+"'")  # DEBUG
                #self.log(console,"alignment: '"+MSA_in['alignment'][row_id]+"'")  # DEBUG
            # using SeqIO makes multiline sequences.  (Gblocks doesn't care, but FastTree doesn't like multiline, and I don't care enough to change code)
                #record = SeqRecord(Seq(MSA_in['alignment'][row_id]), id=row_id, description=default_row_labels[row_id])
            #SeqIO.write(records, input_MSA_file_path, "fasta")
            with open(input_MSA_file_path,'w',0) as input_MSA_file_handle:

            # Determine whether nuc or protein sequences
            NUC_MSA_pattern = re.compile("^[\.\-_ACGTUXNRYSWKMBDHVacgtuxnryswkmbdhv \t\n]+$")
            all_seqs_nuc = True
            for row_id in row_order:
                #self.log(console, row_id+": '"+MSA_in['alignment'][row_id]+"'")
                if NUC_MSA_pattern.match(MSA_in['alignment'][row_id]) == None:
                    all_seqs_nuc = False

        # Missing proper input_type
            raise ValueError('Cannot yet handle input_ref type of: '+type_name)

        # DEBUG: check the MSA file contents
#        with open(input_MSA_file_path, 'r', 0) as input_MSA_file_handle:
#            for line in input_MSA_file_handle:
#                #self.log(console,"MSA_LINE: '"+line+"'")  # too big for console
#                self.log(invalid_msgs,"MSA_LINE: '"+line+"'")

        # validate input data
        N_seqs = 0
        L_first_seq = 0
        with open(input_MSA_file_path, 'r', 0) as input_MSA_file_handle:
            for line in input_MSA_file_handle:
                if line.startswith('>'):
                    N_seqs += 1
                if L_first_seq == 0:
                    for c in line:
                        if c != '-' and c != ' ' and c != "\n":
                            L_first_seq += 1
        # min_seqs_for_conserved
        if 'min_seqs_for_conserved' in params and params['min_seqs_for_conserved'] != None and int(params['min_seqs_for_conserved']) != 0:
            if int(params['min_seqs_for_conserved']) < int(0.5*N_seqs)+1:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Min Seqs for Conserved Pos ("+str(params['min_seqs_for_conserved'])+") must be >= N/2+1 (N="+str(N_seqs)+", N/2+1="+str(int(0.5*N_seqs)+1)+")\n")
            if int(params['min_seqs_for_conserved']) > int(params['min_seqs_for_flank']):
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Min Seqs for Conserved Pos ("+str(params['min_seqs_for_conserved'])+") must be <= Min Seqs for Flank Pos ("+str(params['min_seqs_for_flank'])+")\n")

        # min_seqs_for_flank
        if 'min_seqs_for_flank' in params and params['min_seqs_for_flank'] != None and int(params['min_seqs_for_flank']) != 0:
            if int(params['min_seqs_for_flank']) > N_seqs:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Min Seqs for Flank Pos ("+str(params['min_seqs_for_flank'])+") must be <= N (N="+str(N_seqs)+")\n")

        # max_pos_contig_nonconserved
        if 'max_pos_contig_nonconserved' in params and params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved'] != None and int(params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved']) != 0:
            if int(params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved']) < 0:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Max Num Non-Conserved Pos ("+str(params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved'])+") must be >= 0"+"\n")
            if int(params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved']) > L_first_seq or int(params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved']) >= 32000:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Max Num Non-Conserved Pos ("+str(params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved'])+") must be <= L first seq ("+str(L_first_seq)+") and < 32000\n")

        # min_block_len
        if 'min_block_len' in params and params['min_block_len'] != None and int(params['min_block_len']) != 0:
            if int(params['min_block_len']) < 2:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Min Block Len ("+str(params['min_block_len'])+") must be >= 2"+"\n")
            if int(params['min_block_len']) > L_first_seq or int(params['min_block_len']) >= 32000:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Min Block Len ("+str(params['min_block_len'])+") must be <= L first seq ("+str(L_first_seq)+") and < 32000\n")

        # trim_level
        if 'trim_level' in params and params['trim_level'] != None and int(params['trim_level']) != 0:
            if int(params['trim_level']) < 0 or int(params['trim_level']) > 2:
                self.log(invalid_msgs,"Trim Level ("+str(params['trim_level'])+") must be >= 0 and <= 2"+"\n")

        if len(invalid_msgs) > 0:

            # load the method provenance from the context object
            self.log(console,"SETTING PROVENANCE")  # DEBUG
            provenance = [{}]
            if 'provenance' in ctx:
                provenance = ctx['provenance']
            # add additional info to provenance here, in this case the input data object reference
            provenance[0]['input_ws_objects'] = []
            provenance[0]['service'] = 'kb_gblocks'
            provenance[0]['method'] = 'run_Gblocks'

            # report
            report += "FAILURE\n\n"+"\n".join(invalid_msgs)+"\n"
            reportObj = {

            reportName = 'gblocks_report_'+str(uuid.uuid4())
            report_obj_info = ws.save_objects({
#                'id':info[6],

            self.log(console,"BUILDING RETURN OBJECT")
            returnVal = { 'report_name': reportName,
                          'report_ref': str(report_obj_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_obj_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_obj_info[4])
#                          'output_ref': None
            self.log(console,"run_Gblocks DONE")
            return [returnVal]

        ### Construct the command
        #  e.g.
        #  for "0.5" gaps: cat "o\n<MSA_file>\nb\n5\ng\nm\nq\n" | Gblocks
        #  for "all" gaps: cat "o\n<MSA_file>\nb\n5\n5\ng\nm\nq\n" | Gblocks
        gblocks_cmd = [self.GBLOCKS_bin]

        # check for necessary files
        if not os.path.isfile(self.GBLOCKS_bin):
            raise ValueError("no such file '"+self.GBLOCKS_bin+"'")
        if not os.path.isfile(input_MSA_file_path):
            raise ValueError("no such file '"+input_MSA_file_path+"'")
        if not os.path.getsize(input_MSA_file_path) > 0:
            raise ValueError("empty file '"+input_MSA_file_path+"'")

        # DEBUG
#        with open(input_MSA_file_path,'r',0) as input_MSA_file_handle:
#            for line in input_MSA_file_handle:
#                #self.log(console,"MSA LINE: '"+line+"'")  # too big for console
#                self.log(invalid_msgs,"MSA LINE: '"+line+"'")

        # set the output path
        timestamp = int((datetime.utcnow() - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds()*1000)
        output_dir = os.path.join(self.scratch,'output.'+str(timestamp))
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

        # Gblocks names output blocks MSA by appending "-gb" to input file
        #output_GBLOCKS_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, input_name+'-gb')
        output_GBLOCKS_file_path = input_MSA_file_path+'-gb'
        output_aln_file_path = output_GBLOCKS_file_path

        # Gblocks is interactive and only accepts args from pipe input
        #if 'arg' in params and params['arg'] != None and params['arg'] != 0:
        #    fasttree_cmd.append('-arg')
        #    fasttree_cmd.append(val)

        # Run GBLOCKS, capture output as it happens
        self.log(console, 'RUNNING GBLOCKS:')
        self.log(console, '    '+' '.join(gblocks_cmd))
#        report += "\n"+'running GBLOCKS:'+"\n"
#        report += '    '+' '.join(gblocks_cmd)+"\n"

        # FastTree requires shell=True in order to see input data
        env = os.environ.copy()
        #joined_fasttree_cmd = ' '.join(fasttree_cmd)  # redirect out doesn't work with subprocess unless you join command first
        #p = subprocess.Popen([joined_fasttree_cmd], \
        p = subprocess.Popen(gblocks_cmd, \
                             cwd = self.scratch, \
                             stdin = subprocess.PIPE, \
                             stdout = subprocess.PIPE, \
                             stderr = subprocess.PIPE, \
                             shell = True, \
                             env = env)
#                             executable = '/bin/bash' )

        # write commands to process
        #  for "0.5" gaps: cat "o\n<MSA_file>\nb\n5\ng\nm\nq\n" | Gblocks
        #  for "all" gaps: cat "o\n<MSA_file>\nb\n5\n5\ng\nm\nq\n" | Gblocks

        p.stdin.write("o"+"\n")  # open MSA file

        if 'trim_level' in params and params['trim_level'] != None and int(params['trim_level']) != 0:
            if int(params['trim_level']) >= 1:
                self.log (console,"changing trim level")
                p.stdin.write("5"+"\n")  # set to "half"
                if int(params['trim_level']) == 2:
                    self.log (console,"changing trim level")
                    p.stdin.write("5"+"\n")  # set to "all"
                elif int(params['trim_level']) > 2:
                    raise ValueError ("trim_level ("+str(params['trim_level'])+") was not between 0-2")

        # flank must precede conserved because it acts us upper bound for acceptable conserved values
        if 'min_seqs_for_flank' in params and params['min_seqs_for_flank'] != None and int(params['min_seqs_for_flank']) != 0:
            self.log (console,"changing min_seqs_for_flank")

        if 'min_seqs_for_conserved' in params and params['min_seqs_for_conserved'] != None and int(params['min_seqs_for_conserved']) != 0:
            self.log (console,"changing min_seqs_for_conserved")

        if 'max_pos_contig_nonconserved' in params and params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved'] != None and int(params['max_pos_contig_nonconserved']) > -1:
            self.log (console,"changing max_pos_contig_nonconserved")

        if 'min_block_len' in params and params['min_block_len'] != None and params['min_block_len'] != 0:
            self.log (console,"changing min_block_len")
        p.stdin.write("g"+"\n")  # get blocks
        p.stdin.write("q"+"\n")  # quit

        # Read output
        while True:
            line = p.stdout.readline()
            #line = p.stderr.readline()
            if not line: break
            self.log(console, line.replace('\n', ''))

        self.log(console, 'return code: ' + str(p.returncode))
#        if p.returncode != 0:
        if p.returncode != 1:
            raise ValueError('Error running GBLOCKS, return code: '+str(p.returncode) + 
                '\n\n'+ '\n'.join(console))

        # Check that GBLOCKS produced output
        if not os.path.isfile(output_GBLOCKS_file_path):
            raise ValueError("failed to create GBLOCKS output: "+output_GBLOCKS_file_path)
        elif not os.path.getsize(output_GBLOCKS_file_path) > 0:
            raise ValueError("created empty file for GBLOCKS output: "+output_GBLOCKS_file_path)

        # load the method provenance from the context object
        self.log(console,"SETTING PROVENANCE")  # DEBUG
        provenance = [{}]
        if 'provenance' in ctx:
            provenance = ctx['provenance']
        # add additional info to provenance here, in this case the input data object reference
        provenance[0]['input_ws_objects'] = []
        provenance[0]['service'] = 'kb_gblocks'
        provenance[0]['method'] = 'run_Gblocks'

        # reformat output to single-line FASTA MSA and check that output not empty (often happens when param combinations don't produce viable blocks
        output_fasta_buf = []
        id_order = []
        this_id = None
        ids = dict()
        alignment = dict()
        L_alignment = 0;
        L_alignment_set = False
        with open(output_GBLOCKS_file_path,'r',0) as output_GBLOCKS_file_handle:
            for line in output_GBLOCKS_file_handle:
                line = line.rstrip()
                if line.startswith('>'):
                    this_id = line[1:]
                    output_fasta_buf.append ('>'+re.sub('\s','_',default_row_labels[this_id]))
                    alignment[this_id] = ''
                    if L_alignment != 0 and not L_alignment_set:
                         L_alignment_set = True
                output_fasta_buf.append (line)
                for c in line:
                    if c != ' ' and c != "\n":
                        alignment[this_id] += c
                        if not L_alignment_set:
                            L_alignment += 1
        if L_alignment == 0:
            self.log(invalid_msgs,"params produced no blocks.  Consider changing to less stringent values")
            if 'remove_mask_positions_flag' in params and params['remove_mask_positions_flag'] != None and params['remove_mask_positions_flag'] != '' and params['remove_mask_positions_flag'] == 1:
                self.log (console,"removing mask positions")
                mask = []
                new_alignment = dict()
                for i in range(0,L_alignment):
                    mask[i] = '+'
                    if alignment[id_order[0]][i] == '-' \
                        or alignment[id_order[0]][i] == 'X' \
                        or alignment[id_order[0]][i] == 'x':
                        mask[i] = '-'
                for row_id in id_order:
                    new_alignment[row_id] = ''
                    for i,c in enumerate(alignment[row_id]):
                         if mask[i] == '+':
                            new_alignment[row_id] += c
                alignment = new_alignment

            L_alignment = len(alignment[id_order[0]])

            # write fasta with tidied ids
            output_MSA_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, params['output_name']+'.fasta');
            with open(output_MSA_file_path,'w',0) as output_MSA_file_handle:

        # Upload results
        if len(invalid_msgs) == 0:
            self.log(console,"UPLOADING RESULTS")  # DEBUG

# Didn't write file
#            with open(output_MSA_file_path,'r',0) as output_MSA_file_handle:
#                output_MSA_buf =
#            output_MSA_buf = output_MSA_buf.rstrip()
#            self.log(console,"\nMSA:\n"+output_MSA_buf+"\n")
            # Build output_MSA structure
            #   first extract old info from MSA (labels, ws_refs, etc.)
            MSA_out = dict()
            for key in MSA_in.keys():
                 MSA_out[key] = MSA_in[key]

            # then replace with new info
            MSA_out['alignment'] = alignment
            MSA_out['name'] = params['output_name']
            MSA_out['alignment_length'] = alignment_length = L_alignment
            MSA_name = params['output_name']
            MSA_description = ''
            if 'desc' in params and params['desc'] != None and params['desc'] != '':
                MSA_out['desc'] = MSA_description = params['desc']

            # Store MSA_out
            new_obj_info = ws.save_objects({
                            'workspace': params['workspace_name'],
                                    'type': 'KBaseTrees.MSA',
                                    'data': MSA_out,
                                    'name': params['output_name'],
                                    'meta': {},
                                    'provenance': provenance

            # create CLW formatted output file
            max_row_width = 60
            id_aln_gap_width = 1
            gap_chars = ''
            for sp_i in range(id_aln_gap_width):
                gap_chars += ' '
            # DNA
            if all_seqs_nuc:
                strong_groups = { 'AG': True,
                                  'CTU': True
                weak_groups = None
            # PROTEINS
                strong_groups = { 'AST':  True,
                                  'EKNQ': True,
                                  'HKNQ': True,
                                  'DENQ': True,
                                  'HKQR': True,
                                  'ILMV': True,
                                  'FILM': True,
                                  'HY':   True,
                                  'FWY':  True
                weak_groups = { 'ACS':    True,
                                'ATV':    True,
                                'AGS':    True,
                                'KNST':   True,
                                'APST':   True,
                                'DGNS':   True,
                                'DEKNQS': True,
                                'DEHKNQ': True,
                                'EHKNQR': True,
                                'FILMV':  True,
                                'FHY':    True
            clw_buf = []
            clw_buf.append ('CLUSTALW format of GBLOCKS trimmed MSA '+MSA_name+': '+MSA_description)
            clw_buf.append ('')

            long_id_len = 0
            aln_pos_by_id = dict()
            for row_id in row_order:
                aln_pos_by_id[row_id] = 0
                row_id_disp = default_row_labels[row_id]
                if long_id_len < len(row_id_disp):
                    long_id_len = len(row_id_disp)

            full_row_cnt = alignment_length // max_row_width
            if alignment_length % max_row_width == 0:
                full_row_cnt -= 1
            for chunk_i in range (full_row_cnt + 1):
                for row_id in row_order:
                    row_id_disp = re.sub('\s','_',default_row_labels[row_id])
                    for sp_i in range (long_id_len-len(row_id_disp)):
                        row_id_disp += ' '

                    aln_chunk_upper_bound = (chunk_i+1)*max_row_width
                    if aln_chunk_upper_bound > alignment_length:
                        aln_chunk_upper_bound = alignment_length
                    aln_chunk = alignment[row_id][chunk_i*max_row_width:aln_chunk_upper_bound]
                    for c in aln_chunk:
                        if c != '-':
                            aln_pos_by_id[row_id] += 1

                    clw_buf.append (row_id_disp+gap_chars+aln_chunk+' '+str(aln_pos_by_id[row_id]))

                # conservation line
                cons_line = ''
                for pos_i in range(chunk_i*max_row_width, aln_chunk_upper_bound):
                    col_chars = dict()
                    seq_cnt = 0
                    for row_id in row_order:
                        char = alignment[row_id][pos_i]
                        if char != '-':
                            seq_cnt += 1
                            col_chars[char] = True
                    if seq_cnt <= 1:
                        cons_char = ' '
                    elif len(col_chars.keys()) == 1:
                        cons_char = '*'
                        strong = False
                        for strong_group in strong_groups.keys():
                            this_strong_group = True
                            for seen_char in col_chars.keys():
                                if seen_char not in strong_group:
                                    this_strong_group = False
                            if this_strong_group:
                                strong = True
                        if not strong:
                            weak = False
                            if weak_groups != None:
                                for weak_group in weak_groups.keys():
                                    this_weak_group = True
                                    for seen_char in col_chars.keys():
                                        if seen_char not in weak_group:
                                            this_strong_group = False
                                    if this_weak_group:
                                        weak = True
                        if strong:
                            cons_char = ':'
                        elif weak:
                            cons_char = '.'
                            cons_char = ' '
                    cons_line += cons_char

                lead_space = ''
                for sp_i in range(long_id_len):
                    lead_space += ' '
                lead_space += gap_chars


            # write clw to file
            clw_buf_str = "\n".join(clw_buf)+"\n"
            output_clw_file_path = os.path.join(output_dir, input_name+'-MSA.clw');
            with open (output_clw_file_path, "w", 0) as output_clw_file_handle:

            # upload GBLOCKS FASTA output to SHOCK for file_links
            dfu = DFUClient(self.callbackURL)
                output_upload_ret = dfu.file_to_shock({'file_path': output_aln_file_path,
#                                                      'make_handle': 0,
#                                                      'pack': 'zip'})
                                                       'make_handle': 0})
                raise ValueError ('error loading aln_out file to shock')

            # upload GBLOCKS CLW output to SHOCK for file_links
                output_clw_upload_ret = dfu.file_to_shock({'file_path': output_clw_file_path,
#                                                      'make_handle': 0,
#                                                      'pack': 'zip'})
                                                           'make_handle': 0})
                raise ValueError ('error loading clw_out file to shock')

            # make HTML reports
            # HERE

            # build output report object
            self.log(console,"BUILDING REPORT")  # DEBUG

            reportName = 'gblocks_report_'+str(uuid.uuid4())
            reportObj = {
                                    'description':'GBLOCKS MSA'}],
                #'message': '',
                'message': clw_buf_str,
                'direct_html': '',
                #'direct_html_link_index': 0,
                'file_links': [],
                'html_links': [],
                'workspace_name': params['workspace_name'],
                'report_object_name': reportName
            reportObj['file_links'] = [{'shock_id': output_upload_ret['shock_id'],
                                        'name': params['output_name']+'-GBLOCKS.FASTA',
                                        'label': 'GBLOCKS-trimmed MSA FASTA'
                                       {'shock_id': output_clw_upload_ret['shock_id'],
                                        'name': params['output_name']+'-GBLOCKS.CLW',
                                        'label': 'GBLOCKS-trimmed MSA CLUSTALW'

            # save report object
            SERVICE_VER = 'release'
            reportClient = KBaseReport(self.callbackURL, token=ctx['token'], service_ver=SERVICE_VER)
            #report_info = report.create({'report':reportObj, 'workspace_name':params['workspace_name']})
            report_info = reportClient.create_extended_report(reportObj)                                       

        else:  # len(invalid_msgs) > 0
            reportName = 'gblocks_report_'+str(uuid.uuid4())
            report += "FAILURE:\n\n"+"\n".join(invalid_msgs)+"\n"
            reportObj = {

            ws = workspaceService(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx['token'])
            report_obj_info = ws.save_objects({

            report_info = dict()
            report_info['name'] = report_obj_info[1]
            report_info['ref'] = str(report_obj_info[6])+'/'+str(report_obj_info[0])+'/'+str(report_obj_info[4])

        # done
        returnVal = { 'report_name': report_info['name'],
                      'report_ref': report_info['ref']

        self.log(console,"run_Gblocks DONE")
        #END run_Gblocks

        # At some point might do deeper type checking...
        if not isinstance(returnVal, dict):
            raise ValueError('Method run_Gblocks return value ' +
                             'returnVal is not type dict as required.')
        # return the results
        return [returnVal]