def hello(src_addr='', src_port=6379, src_db=0, src_passwd='', dst_addr='', dst_port=6379, dst_db=0, dst_passwd=''): src = instance.Instance(src_addr, src_port, src_db, src_passwd).connect() dst = instance.Instance(dst_addr, dst_port, dst_db, dst_passwd).connect() for key in src.keys(): print(key) hash_keys = src.hkeys(key) for k in hash_keys: v = src.hget(key, k) dst.hset(key, k, v) print('Complete!')
def put(self, path): message = json.loads(self.request.body.decode("utf-8")) if path in instances: self.set_status(304, "instance already exists") self.finish() return instances[path] = instance.Instance( map_loader.get_map(message["map"])) instances[path].run_loop() self.set_status(201) self.finish()
def addInstance(self, name, functionName): """Add an instance with a name and function name to the top-level network.""" name = keywords.fixID(name) functionName = keywords.fixID(functionName) with self.updateLock: func = self.imports.getFunctionByFullName(functionName, self.topLevelImport) (net, instanceName) = nm = "" if net.inActiveInstance is not None: nm = net.inActiveInstance.getCanonicalName() #log.debug("net=%s, instanceName=%s"%(nm, instanceName)) inst = instance.Instance(instanceName, func, functionName) net.addInstance(inst)
def _PP_instance(s, pnp, chunk, pp=None): """ Create an Instance object with a lookup string for the PP-attacher TiMBL server. If the chunk is a NP inside a PNP, you must supply the PP preceding it. """ lemma = lambda i: s.lemmata[i] or s.words[ i] # Prefer lemmata, use words if unavailable. p0 = pp and lemma( pp.start) or '-' # The PP as lemma, if given, '-' otherwise. p1 = lemma((pp or chunk).head.index) # The head of the chunk as lemma. p2 = s.pos[( pp or chunk).head.index] # The head of the chunk as part-of-speech tag. p3 = pnp.start != 0 and lemma( pnp.start - 1) or '-' # The lemma of the word before the PP. p4 = pnp.start != 0 and s.pos[ pnp.start - 1] or '-' # The part-of-speech tag of the word before the PP. p5 = lemma(pnp.start) # The preposition word of the PNP as lemma. p6 = lemma(pnp.head.index) # The head of the PNP as lemma. p7 = s.pos[pnp.head.index] # The head of the PNP as part-of-speech tag. p8 = _count_NP( s, chunk.start, pnp.start) # The number of NPs between the chunk and the PNP. p9 = _count_PNP( s, chunk.start, pnp.start) # The number of PNPs between the chunk and the PNP. if pnp.start > chunk.start: # The number of commas and other punctuation between the chunk and the PNP. # The distance between chunk and pnp (add one so it is never zero). comma, other, n = _count_punctuation(s, chunk.stop - 1, pnp.start, selection=[u',']) distance = pnp.start - (pp or chunk).stop + 1 else: comma, other, n = _count_punctuation(s, pnp.stop - 1, chunk.start, selection=[u',']) distance = -1 * ((pp or chunk).start - pnp.stop + 1) if pp and distance < 0: return None # Create the instance. format = u'%d %d %d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %d' format = format % (comma, other, distance, p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9) return instance.Instance(format, chunk.head.index, pnp.start, chunk.type)
import time import pymzn import numpy as np import pymzn.config import instance #pymzn.debug() problem = instance.Instance() problem.set_args(10, 10, 100, 10, 10, 5, 20) sol = pymzn.ORTools() r_range = [20, 30, 40, 50] pymzn.config.set('mzn2fzn', '/home/andrea/MiniZincIDE/mzn2fzn') pymzn.config.set('solns2out', '/home/andrea/MiniZincIDE/solns2out') output_name = "./Gurobi.csv" res = np.zeros((4, 5, 3)) seeds = [1234, 1989, 290889] #, 251091, 240664, 190364, 120863, 101295, 31089, 3573113] s_time = time.time() for r in range(0, len(r_range)): problem.set_r0(r_range[r]) for i in range(0, len(seeds)): problem.arcs_creator(seeds[i]) name = "./data/data_" + str(i) + ".dzn" problem.write_dzn_file(name)
outputFolder = currentFolder + "/data/" #folder that contains output.json outputFileName = "shuttlemile_1_0_transf_3_alpha_0_05_multipl_1_0_busfreqs_2_3_4_sample_output.json" roadTravelTimesFileName = "duration_matrix_jan1_oct31.csv" roadTravelDistancesFileName = "distance_matrix_jan1_oct31.csv" odPairsFileName = "sample_n_33000_odx.csv" # Set parameters param = dict() param['outputFile'] = outputFolder + outputFileName param['roadTravelTimesFile'] = dataFolder + roadTravelTimesFileName param['travelTimeFactorShuttle'] = 1 param['travelTimeFactorBus'] = 1 param['roadTravelDistancesFile'] = dataFolder + roadTravelDistancesFileName # Create a network design instance and load the existing output file inst = instance.Instance(runFile=None, parameters=param, logFile=None) inst.load_outputFile() # Replace the trips that were used to create the design by other od pairs # Paths are calculated with the trip splitting information in the instance #inst.replace_trips_by_sample(dataFolder + odPairsFileName) output = inst.output # Output['trips'] now contains trip information # Next, isolate shuttle legs # Add start_times and end_times to trip legs for trip in output['trips']: times = [time for time in pd.to_datetime(trip['departure_times'])] for leg in trip['legs']:
def main(): filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "data_in/test_1.txt") inst = instance.Instance(filename) # input from master problem, now random id_profile = 0 random.seed(42) rewards = [random.randint(0, 30000) for i in range(inst.J)] #rewards = [random.uniform(0.0, 30000.0) for i in range(inst.J)] equivalences = [[0, 1], [2, 3]] mutexes = [[2, 1], [4, 3]] # input from master problem, now random types = inst.profiles[id_profile] types.insert(0, inst.INIT) types.append(inst.TERM) trans_cost = [[0 for i in range(inst.V)] for j in range(inst.V)] trans_time = [[0 for i in range(inst.V)] for j in range(inst.V)] for i in range(len(inst.edges)): for j in range(len(inst.edges[i])): trans_cost[i][inst.edges[i][j][ 'to']] = inst.edges[i][j]['C'] * inst.edges[i][j]['t'] trans_time[i][inst.edges[i][j]['to']] = inst.edges[i][j]['t'] changeover_cost = 0 for i in range(1, len(types)): changeover_cost += trans_cost[types[i - 1]][types[i]] cp = CpoModel() primitives = [[] for i in range(inst.J)] all_primitives = [] init = cp.interval_var(start=0) init.set_end_max(inst.L) total_cost = changeover_cost + inst.vertices[ inst.INIT]['C'] * cp.length_of(init, 0) modes_of_mach = [init ] # serves only for retrieving starts and ends of modes last_shift = init for i in range(1, len(types) - 1): v = types[i] shift = cp.interval_var() shift.set_size_min(inst.vertices[v]['t_min']) shift.set_size_max(inst.vertices[v]['t_max']) shift.set_end_max(inst.L) total_cost += inst.vertices[v]['C'] * cp.length_of(shift, 0) cp.add( cp.start_at_end(shift, last_shift, -trans_time[types[i - 1]][types[i]])) last_shift = shift modes_of_mach.append(shift) for t in range(inst.J): if inst.tasks[t]['p'][v] <= inst.L: prim = cp.interval_var(size=inst.tasks[t]['p'][v]) total_cost -= rewards[t] * cp.presence_of(prim) prim.set_optional() prim.set_start_min(inst.tasks[t]['r']) prim.set_end_max(inst.tasks[t]['d']) primitives[t].append(prim) all_primitives.append(prim) cp.add(cp.start_before_start(shift, prim)) cp.add(cp.end_before_end(prim, shift)) term = cp.interval_var(end=inst.L) total_cost += inst.vertices[inst.TERM]['C'] * cp.length_of(term, 0) cp.add( cp.start_at_end(term, last_shift, -trans_time[types[len(types) - 2]][inst.TERM])) modes_of_mach.append(term) cp.add(cp.no_overlap(cp.sequence_var(all_primitives))) for t in range(inst.J): cp.add(sum([cp.presence_of(p) for p in primitives[t]]) <= 1) for eq in equivalences: cp.add( sum([cp.presence_of(p) for p in primitives[eq[0]]]) == sum( [cp.presence_of(p) for p in primitives[eq[1]]])) for mut in mutexes: cp.add( sum([cp.presence_of(p) for p in primitives[mut[0]]]) + sum([cp.presence_of(p) for p in primitives[mut[1]]]) <= 1) cp.add(cp.minimize(total_cost)) # set TimeLimit in seconds or delete it for no limit # parameters DefaultInferenceLevel and Workers may be beneficial to add sol = cp.solve( TimeLimit=30, LogVerbosity="Quiet") #, DefaultInferenceLevel='Extended', Workers=1) if sol: tasks = [] for t in range(inst.J): for pr in primitives[t]: p = sol.get_var_solution(pr) if p.is_present(): tasks.append({ "task": t, "start": p.get_start(), "end": p.get_end() }) break modes = [] sched_cost = 0 for t in range(len(modes_of_mach)): m = sol.get_var_solution(modes_of_mach[t]) modes.append({ "mode": types[t], "start": m.get_start(), "end": m.get_end() }) sched_cost += inst.vertices[types[t]]['C'] * m.get_length() print("Solution status: " + sol.get_solve_status()) print("Solve time: " + str(sol.get_solve_time())) print("Objective: " + str(sol.get_objective_values()[0])) print("Schedule cost: " + str(sched_cost)) print(tasks) print(modes) else: print("No solution found.")
def genTest(nodes, alpha=1, m=1, q=math.inf): nodes = list(map(lambda i: point.Point(*i), nodes)) v0 = nodes.pop(-1) u = nodes[:math.floor(alpha * len(nodes))] w = nodes[math.floor(alpha * len(nodes)):] return inst.Instance(v0, u, w, m, q)
def createInstance(self, conn): return instance.Instance(self, conn)
exp_param = dict(zip(vary_param.keys(), value)) experiment['string'] = dict_str(exp_param) experiment['log'] = outputFolder + experiment['string'] + "_log.txt" experiment['param'] = copy.deepcopy(fixed_param) experiment['param'].update(exp_param) experiment['param'][ 'outputFile'] = outputFolder + experiment['string'] + "_output.json" experiments.append(experiment) for experiment in experiments: # Run the experiments and save output and log to disk inst = instance.Instance(runFile, experiment['param'], experiment['log']) # Verify correctness inst.verifyOutput( ) #See Instance.verifyOutput() in for possible options # Create maps and histograms for experiment in experiments: inst = instance.Instance(runFile, experiment['param'], experiment['log']) inst.load_outputFile() htmlFile = outputFolder + experiment['string'] + "_design.html" pngFile = outputFolder + experiment['string'] + "_design.png" inst.createPlot() inst.exportPlot(htmlFile, pngFile)
def preprocessInstance(inputList): inst = instance.Instance(inputList) inst.process() return inst
def run(self, outf=None): """Do a transaction.""" # we start out with 'none' objects, and initialize them to sets if # there's a need for it. locked = False addedInstances = None affectedOutputAIs = None affectedInputAIs = None # check for errors if (self.errMsg is not None): if self.activeInstance is not None: self.activeInstance.markError(self.errMsg) # and bail out immediately return try: #log.debug("TRANSACTION STARTING *****************") if (self.newConnections is None and self.setValues is None): # In this case, there is only one active instance to lock pass else: # there are multiple updates, so we must lock a network lock self.project.updateLock.acquire() # these are the active instances for which output locks are set affectedOutputAIs = set() # these are active instances for which handleNewInput() is # called affectedInputAIs = set() if self.activeInstance is not None: affectedOutputAIs.add(self.activeInstance) # now make the new instances if self.newInstances is not None: addedInstances = [] for newInstance in self.newInstances: log.debug("Making new instance %s of fn %s" % (, newInstance.functionName)) fn = self.project.imports.getFunctionByFullName( newInstance.functionName, self.lib) inst = instance.Instance(, fn, fn.getFullName()) # for later activation addedInstances.append(self.activeNetwork.addInstance(inst)) # make the new connections if self.newConnections is not None: # Make the connections for newConnection in self.newConnections: if newConnection.conn is None: self._makeConn(newConnection) self.activeNetwork.findConnectionSrcDest( newConnection.conn, affectedInputAIs, affectedOutputAIs) if self.setValues is not None: for val in self.setValues: log.debug("Setting new value %s" % (val.itemName)) val.findAffected(affectedOutputAIs, affectedInputAIs) if affectedOutputAIs is None: if self.activeInstance is not None: self.activeInstance.outputLock.acquire() locked = True else: for ai in affectedOutputAIs: ai.outputLock.acquire() locked = True log.debug("Locked.") # now do the transaction # new values if self.setValues is not None: for val in self.setValues: if outf is not None: val.describe(outf) val.set(self.project, self) # connections if self.newConnections is not None: for newConnection in self.newConnections: if outf is not None: newConnection.describe(outf) self.activeNetwork.addConnection(newConnection.conn, self) # call the function meant specifically for this if self.activeInstance is not None: if outf is not None: if self.outputs is not None: for output in self.outputs: output.describe(outf) if self.subnetOutputs is not None: for output in self.subnetOutputs: output.describe(outf) if len(self.outputs) > 0 or len(self.subnetOutputs) > 0: self.activeInstance.handleTaskOutput( self, self.seqNr, self.outputs, self.subnetOutputs, self.warnMsg) if affectedInputAIs is not None: for ai in affectedInputAIs: #log.debug("affected input AI %s"%ai.getCanonicalName()) ai.handleNewInput(self, self.seqNr) except: fo = StringIO() traceback.print_exception(sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2], file=fo) errmsg = "Transaction error: %s" % (fo.getvalue()) if self.activeInstance is not None: self.activeInstance.markError(errmsg) else: log.error(errmsg) finally: if locked: if affectedOutputAIs is None: self.activeInstance.outputLock.release() else: for ai in affectedOutputAIs: ai.outputLock.release() #if affectedOutputAIs is not None: if not (self.newConnections is None and self.setValues is None): self.project.updateLock.release() log.debug("Finished transaction locks") if addedInstances is not None: for inst in addedInstances: inst.activate()
def startElement(self, name, attrs): # first handle all the sub-readers if self.cmdReader is not None: self.cmdReader.startElement(name, attrs) elif self.fnInputReader is not None: self.fnInputReader.startElement(name, attrs) elif self.valueReader is not None: self.valueReader.startElement(name, attrs) elif self.descReader is not None: self.descReader.startElement(name, attrs) # and then actual elements elif name == "cpc": # top-level element if attrs.has_key('version'): self.fileVersion = int(attrs.getValue("version")) else: self.fileVersion = 0 if self.fileVersion > curVersion: raise ProjectXMLError("Can't read file from the future.") elif name == "import": if not attrs.has_key('name'): raise ProjectXMLError("import has no name", self) name = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('name')) nimport = self.importList.get(name) if nimport is None: # we don't have it yet. Read it. nimport = self.project.importName(name) # and try again nimport = self.importList.get(name) if nimport is None: raise ProjectXMLError("Failed to import %s" % name, self) self.localImports[name] = nimport elif name == "function": if self.function is not None: raise ProjectXMLError( "function-in-function definitions not supported", self) if not attrs.has_key("type"): raise ProjectXMLError("function has no type", self) if not attrs.has_key("id"): raise ProjectXMLError("function has no id", self) fntype = attrs.getValue("type") id = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("id")) if fntype == "python": tsk = atomic.SimpleFunctionFunction(id, lib=self.thisImport) elif fntype == "python-extended": tsk = atomic.ExtendedFunctionFunction(id, lib=self.thisImport) elif fntype == "network": tsk = network_function.NetworkFunction(id, lib=self.thisImport) elif fntype == "external": if self.dirName is None: raise ProjectXMLError( "external function without directory", self) tsk = external.ExternalFunction(id, basedir=self.dirName, lib=self.thisImport) else: raise ProjectXMLError( "function type '%s' not recognized" % (fntype), self) self.function = tsk self.functionType = fntype elif name == "type": if self.function is not None: raise ProjectXMLError( "type-in-function definitions not supported", self) if self.type is not None: raise ProjectXMLError("type-in-type definitions not supported", self) if not attrs.has_key("id"): raise ProjectXMLError("type has no id", self) if not attrs.has_key("base"): raise ProjectXMLError("type has no base", self) name = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("id")) basetype = self.importList.getTypeByFullName( attrs.getValue("base"), self.thisImport) self.type = basetype.inherit(name, self.thisImport) self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) if basetype.isSubtype(vtype.arrayType): if attrs.has_key("member-type"): tnm = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("member-type")) members = self.importList.getTypeByFullName( tnm, self.thisImport) self.type.setMembers(members) log.debug("new array(%s) type %s" % (, name)) #else: # raise ProjectXMLError("Array type %s has no member type"% # name, self) elif basetype.isSubtype(vtype.dictType): if attrs.has_key("member-type"): tnm = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("member-type")) members = self.importList.getTypeByFullName( tnm, self.thisImport) self.type.setMembers(members) log.debug("new dict(%s) type %s" % (, name)) elif basetype.isSubtype(vtype.fileType): if attrs.has_key("extension"): self.type.setExtension(attrs.getValue("extension")) if attrs.has_key("mime-type"): self.type.setExtension(attrs.getValue("mime-type")) elif name == "inputs": if self.type is not None: raise ProjectXMLError("nested inputs", self) self.ioitem = "inputs" if self.instance is not None: self.type = self.instance.getInputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.function is not None: self.type = self.function.getInputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.activeInst is not None: curValue = self.activeInst.getStagedInputs() self.affectedInputAIs.add(self.activeInst) self.setValueReader( value.ValueReader(self.filename, curValue, importList=self.importList, currentImport=self.thisImport, sourceTag=self), name) else: raise ProjectXMLError("inputs without function/instance", self) elif name == "outputs": if self.type is not None: raise ProjectXMLError("nested outputs", self) self.ioitem = "outputs" if self.instance is not None: self.type = self.instance.getOutputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.function is not None: self.type = self.function.getOutputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.activeInst is not None: curValue = self.activeInst.getOutputs() self.affectedOutputAIs.add(self.activeInst) self.setValueReader( value.ValueReader(self.filename, curValue, importList=self.importList, currentImport=self.thisImport, sourceTag=self), name) else: raise ProjectXMLError("outputs without function/instance", self) elif name == "subnet-inputs": if self.type is not None: raise ProjectXMLError("nested subnet-inputs", self) self.ioitem = "subnet-inputs" if self.instance is not None: self.type = self.instance.getSubnetInputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.function is not None: self.type = self.function.getSubnetInputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.activeInst is not None: curValue = self.activeInst.getStagedSubnetInputs() self.affectedInputAIs.add(self.activeInst) self.setValueReader( value.ValueReader(self.filename, curValue, importList=self.importList, currentImport=self.thisImport, sourceTag=self), name) else: raise ProjectXMLError( "subnet-inputs without function/instance", self) elif name == "subnet-outputs": if self.type is not None: raise ProjectXMLError("nested subnet-outputs", self) self.ioitem = "subnet-outputs" if self.instance is not None: self.type = self.instance.getSubnetOutputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.function is not None: self.type = self.function.getSubnetOutputs() self.typeStack.append((self.type, None)) elif self.activeInst is not None: curValue = self.activeInst.getSubnetOutputs() self.affectedOutputAIs.add(self.activeInst) self.setValueReader( value.ValueReader(self.filename, curValue, importList=self.importList, currentImport=self.thisImport, sourceTag=self), name) else: raise ProjectXMLError( "subnet-outputs without function/instance", self) elif name == "field": if self.type is None and self.ioitem is None: raise ProjectXMLError("Field without type context", self) if not attrs.has_key("type"): raise ProjectXMLError("No type in field", self) tpnm = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("type")) if self.type is not None and self.type.isCompound(): tp = self.importList.getTypeByFullName(tpnm, self.thisImport) nm = None if self.type.isSubtype(vtype.arrayType): self.type.setMembers(tp) elif self.type.isSubtype(vtype.dictType): self.type.setMembers(tp) elif self.type.isSubtype(vtype.recordType): if not attrs.has_key("id"): raise ProjectXMLError("No id in list field", self) const = cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "const") opt = cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "opt") complete = cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "complete") nm = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("id")) self.type.addMember(nm, tp, opt, const, complete) # add it to the stack self.type = tp self.typeStack.append((tp, nm)) else: raise ProjectXMLError( "Non-compound type %s can't have fields" % self.type.getName(), self) elif name == "network": #if len(self.networkStack) < 1: # raise ProjectXMLError("network in network definition", self) if self.function is None: # there is no function, check whether we're in an active # network: if len(self.activeInstStack) < 1: # we're not. Get the top level if len(self.networkStack) > 0: raise ProjectXMLError("network in network definition", self) self.networkStack.append(self.thisImport.getNetwork()) else: self.networkStack.append(self.activeInst.getNet()) else: # this is a function network if len(self.networkStack) > 0: raise ProjectXMLError("network in network definition", self) self.networkStack.append(self.function.getSubnet()) = self.networkStack[-1] elif name == "instance": if is None: raise ProjectXMLError("instance without network", self) if not attrs.has_key("id"): raise ProjectXMLError("instance has no id", self) if not attrs.has_key("function"): raise ProjectXMLError("instance has no function", self) id = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("id")) fn = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('function')) func = self.importList.getFunctionByFullName(fn, self.thisImport) self.instance = instance.Instance(id, func, fn, self.thisImport) elif name == "assign": if not 'value' in attrs: raise ProjectXMLError("assign has no value", self) if not attrs.has_key('type'): raise ProjectXMLError("assign has no type", self) if not attrs.has_key('dest'): raise ProjectXMLError("assign has no destination", self) valueString = attrs.getValue('value') typestr = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('type')) dst = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('dest')) # get the type object tp = self.importList.getTypeByFullName(typestr, self.thisImport) # get the value from the type object val = active_value.ActiveValue( value.interpretLiteral(valueString, tp), tp) val.setUpdated(True) #log.debug("value is %s, %s"%(str(val), valueString)) # get the destination dstInstName, dstDir, dstItemName = (connection.splitIOName( dst, keywords.In)) cn = connection.makeInitialValue(, dstInstName, dstDir, dstItemName, val), self.affectedInputAIs, self.affectedOutputAIs), self) elif name == "connection": if is None: raise ProjectXMLError("connection without network", self) if not attrs.has_key('src') and not attrs.has_key('value'): raise ProjectXMLError("connection has no source", self) if not attrs.has_key('dest'): raise ProjectXMLError("connection has no destination", self) dst = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('dest')) dstInstName, dstDir, dstItemName = (connection.splitIOName( dst, None)) if attrs.has_key('src'): src = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('src')) # now check the source srcInstName, srcDir, srcItemName = (connection.splitIOName( src, None)) cn = connection.makeConnection(, srcInstName, srcDir, srcItemName, dstInstName, dstDir, dstItemName) else: if not attrs.has_key("type"): raise ProjectXMLError("connection has no type", self) typestr = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('type')) valueString = attrs.getValue('value') tp = self.importList.getTypeByFullName(typestr, self.thisImport) # get the value from the type object val = value.interpretLiteral(valueString, tp) cn = connection.makeInitialValue(, dstInstName, dstDir, dstItemName, val), self.affectedInputAIs, self.affectedOutputAIs), self) elif name == "controller": # generic items if cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "persistent_dir"): # a persistent scratch dir is needed log.debug("Setting persistent dir for %s" % self.function.getName()) self.function.setPersistentDir(True) if cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "output_dir"): log.debug("Setting output dir always on for %s" % self.function.getName()) # a run dir is needed even if there's no file output self.function.setOutputDirWithoutFiles(True) if cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "log"): log.debug("Turning on logging for %s" % (self.function.getName())) self.function.setLog(True) if cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "access_outputs"): log.debug("Controller uses current outputs for %s" % (self.function.getName())) self.function.setAccessOutputs(True) if cpc.util.getBooleanAttribute(attrs, "access_subnet_outputs"): log.debug("Controller uses current subnet outputs for %s" % (self.function.getName())) self.function.setAccessSubnetOutputs(True) # type-specific items if (self.functionType == "python" or self.functionType == "python-extended"): importName = None if attrs.has_key("import"): importName = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue('import')) if not attrs.has_key('function'): raise ProjectXMLError("python controller has no function", self) fnName = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("function")) self.function.setFunction(fnName, importName) elif self.functionType == "command": pass elif self.functionType == "external": if not attrs.has_key('executable'): raise ProjectXMLError( "command controller has no executable", self) executable = attrs.getValue("executable") self.function.setExecutable(executable) self.inController = True elif name == "stdin": if self.inController and self.functionType == "command": if not attrs.has_key('value'): raise ProjectXMLError("stdin has no value", self) self.function.setStdin(attrs.getValue('value')) else: raise ProjectXMLError("stdin tag, without command controller", self) elif name == "arg": if self.inController and self.functionType == "command": pass else: raise ProjectXMLError("arg tag, without command controller", self) elif name == "active": # read in a description of an active network + active instances if not isinstance(, active_network.ActiveNetwork): raise ProjectXMLError("active instance without active network", self) if not attrs.has_key("id"): raise ProjectXMLError("active instance has no id", self) if not attrs.has_key("state"): raise ProjectXMLError("active instance has no state", self) if not attrs.has_key("seqnr"): raise ProjectXMLError("active instance has no seqnr", self) name = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("id")) stStr = attrs.getValue("state") # now get the actual state state = None for st in active_inst.ActiveInstance.states: if st.str == stStr: state = st if state is None: raise ProjectXMLError( "active instance state %s invalid" % stStr, self) seqnr = int(attrs.getValue("seqnr")) ai = ai.setState(state) ai.setSeqNr(seqnr) if attrs.has_key('errmsg'): ai.markError( xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(attrs.getValue('errmsg')), False) if attrs.has_key('warnmsg'): ai.setWarning( xml.sax.saxutils.unescape(attrs.getValue('warnmsg'))) if attrs.has_key('cputime'): try: ai.setCputime(float(attrs.getValue('cputime'))) except ValueError: pass self.activeInstStack.append(ai) self.activeInst = ai self.affectedInputAIs.add(ai) self.affectedOutputAIs.add(ai) elif name == "active-connection": # any value associated with active connection points if self.activeInst is None: raise ProjectXMLError( "active connection without active instance", self) if not attrs.has_key("id"): raise ProjectXMLError("active conn field has no id", self) if not attrs.has_key("type"): raise ProjectXMLError("active conn field has no type", self) tpnm = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("type")) tp = self.importList.getTypeByFullName(tpnm, self.thisImport) if attrs.has_key("seqnr"): seqnr = int(attrs.getValue("seqnr")) else: seqnr = 0 name = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("id")) # TODO fix this for new type struct. val = None if attrs.has_key("value"): if not attrs.has_key("value_type"): raise ProjectXMLError( "active connection value without value_type", self) vtpnm = keywords.fixID(attrs.getValue("value_type")) vtp = self.importList.getTypeByFullName(vtpnm, self.thisImport) valnm = attrs.getValue("value") valueString = attrs.getValue('value') val = value.interpretLiteral(valueString, tp) if self.ioitem == "inputs": self.activeInst.setInput(name, tp, val, seqnr) elif self.ioitem == "outputs": self.activeInst.setOutput(name, tp, val, seqnr) elif self.ioitem == "subnet-inputs": self.activeInst.setSubnetInput(name, tp, val, seqnr) elif self.ioitem == "subnet-outputs": self.activeInst.setSubnetOutput(name, tp, val, seqnr) else: raise ProjectXMLError( "unknown active connection ioitem '%s'" % (self.ioitem), self) elif name == "tasks": pass # just ignore it; we deal with tasks when they come elif name == "task": if self.curTask is not None: raise ProjectXMLError("task within task", self) if self.activeInst is None: raise ProjectXMLError("task without active instance", self) if not attrs.has_key("seqnr"): raise ProjectXMLError("task has no seqnr", self) if not attrs.has_key("priority"): raise ProjectXMLError("task has no priority", self) priority = int(attrs.getValue("priority")) seqnr = int(attrs.getValue("seqnr")) self.curTask = task.Task(self.project, self.activeInst, self.activeInst.getFunction(), None, priority, seqnr) elif name == "function-input": if self.curTask is None: raise ProjectXMLError("function-input without task", self) inp = run.FunctionRunInput() self.setFnInputReader(run.IOReader(inp, None), name) self.fnInputReader.setReportFilename(self.filename) self.fnInputReader.startElement(name, attrs) elif name == "command-list": if self.curTask is None: raise ProjectXMLError("commands without task", self) self.cmdReader = cpc.command.CommandReader() elif name == "desc": # A description. First find out what it describes. if self.type is not None: if (len(self.typeStack) > 1 and self.typeStack[-2][0].isSubtype(vtype.recordType)): # if it is a field, describe it as a field tp = self.typeStack[-2][0] field = self.typeStack[-1][1] lstm = tp.getRecordMember(field) self.setDescReader( description.DescriptionReader(lstm, self.filename), name) elif not self.type.isBuiltin() and len(self.typeStack) == 1: # it is a custom, describable type self.setDescReader( description.DescriptionReader(self.type, self.filename), name) else: raise ProjectXMLError("description of a builtin type.", self) elif self.function is not None: self.setDescReader( description.DescriptionReader(self.function, self.filename), name) elif self.curTask is None and is None: self.setDescReader( description.DescriptionReader(self.thisImport, self.filename), name) # raise ProjectXMLError("Unknown item to describe.") else: raise ProjectXMLError("Unknown tag %s" % name, self)