Exemplo n.º 1
def warmupInstrument():
    simply runs just epics flyscan in a loop, with delays between scans. 
    run as:
    to stop, simply do ctrl-C ctrol-C
    and then RE.abort()
    this should return BS to idle... 
    reload by : 
    %run -m warmup

    while True:
            logger.info(f"Starting '{usaxs_flyscan.busy.pvname}'")
            yield from bps.mv(usaxs_flyscan.busy, "Busy")
            logger.info(f"completed '{usaxs_flyscan.busy.pvname}'")
        except Exception as exc:
            logger.error(f"caught {exc}")
        yield from bps.sleep(900)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def inner():
        y_signal = peaky.calculated_value
        x_signal = mot

        ps = PeakStats(x_signal.name, y_signal.name)
        RE.subscribe(ps)  # collects data during scan     # FIXME: trouble here

        yield from bp.scan([y_signal, calc.calculated_value],

        tbl = pyRestTable.Table()
        tbl.labels = "PeakStats value".split()
        tbl.rows = [[k, ps.__getattribute__(k)]
                    for k in sorted("min max cen com fwhm".split())]

        h = db[-1]
Exemplo n.º 3
Install a NeXus file writer for uascan raw data files

See ``instrument.utils.setup_new_user.newFile()``
to replace ``instrument.framework.callbacks.newSpecFile()``

__all__ = [

# from ..session_logs import logger
from instrument.session_logs import logger

from .nxwriter_usaxs import NXWriterUascan
from ..framework import RE, callback_db

nxwriter = NXWriterUascan()
callback_db['nxwriter'] = RE.subscribe(nxwriter.receiver)
Exemplo n.º 4
def myLinkamPlan(pos_X,
    collect RT USAXS/SAXS/WAXS
    change temperature T to temp1 with rate1
    collect USAXS/SAXS/WAXS while heating
    when temp1 reached, hold for delay1 seconds, collecting data repeatedly
    change T to temp2 with rate2
    collect USAXS/SAXS/WAXS while heating
    when temp2 reached, hold for delay2 seconds, collecting data repeatedly
    collect final data
    and it will end here...

    reload by
    # %run -m linkam
    def setSampleName():
        return f"{scan_title}_{linkam.value:.0f}C_{(time.time()-t0)/60:.0f}min"

    def collectAllThree(debug=False):
        sampleMod = setSampleName()
        if debug:
            #for testing purposes, set debug=True
            yield from bps.sleep(20)
            md["title"] = sampleMod
            yield from USAXSscan(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, sampleMod, md={})
            sampleMod = setSampleName()
            md["title"] = sampleMod
            yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, sampleMod, md={})
            sampleMod = setSampleName()
            md["title"] = sampleMod
            yield from WAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, sampleMod, md={})

    #linkam = linkam_tc1
    linkam = linkam_ci94
    logger.info(f"Linkam controller PV prefix={linkam.prefix}")

    t0 = time.time()
    yield from collectAllThree()

    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, rate1)  #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(temp1,
                                 wait=False)  #sets the temp of next ramp
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {temp1} C")

    while not linkam.settled:  #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

        f"Reached temperature, now collecting data for {delay1} seconds")
    t1 = time.time()

    while time.time() - t1 < delay1:  # collects data for delay1 seconds
        yield from collectAllThree()

        f"waited for {delay1} seconds, now ramping temperature to {temp2} C")

    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, rate2)  #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(temp2,
                                 wait=False)  #sets the temp of next ramp

    while not linkam.settled:  #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

    logger.info(f"reached {temp2} C")

    yield from collectAllThree()

Exemplo n.º 5
def pete():
    yield from bps.null()
    logger.info("Pete wishes you well")
Turn on dynamic time in uascan.

Command line::
    %run -i user/uascan_dynamic_time_on.py

In a command file::
    run_python user/uascan_dynamic_time_on.py    

from instrument.session_logs import logger

from instrument.devices import terms

logger.info("terms.USAXS.useDynamicTime = %s",
Exemplo n.º 7
def fzLinkamPlan(pos_X,
    collect RT USAXS/SAXS/WAXS
    change temperature T to temp1 with rate1
    collect USAXS/SAXS/WAXS while heating
    when temp1 reached, hold for delay1 min, collecting data repeatedly
    change T to temp2 with rate2
    collect USAXS/SAXS/WAXS while heating
    when temp2 reached, hold for delay2 seconds, collecting data repeatedly
    collect final data
    and it will end here...

    reload by
    # %run -m linkam
    def setSampleName():
        return (f"{scan_title}"

    def collectAllThree(debug=False):
        sampleMod = setSampleName()
        if debug:
            #for testing purposes, set debug=True
            yield from bps.sleep(20)
                md["title"] = sampleMod
                yield from USAXSscan(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, sampleMod, md={})
            except Exception as exc:
                yield from reset_USAXS()

                sampleMod = setSampleName()
                md["title"] = sampleMod
                yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, sampleMod, md={})
            except Exception as exc:

                sampleMod = setSampleName()
                md["title"] = sampleMod
                yield from WAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, sampleMod, md={})
            except Exception as exc:

    summary = (
        "Linkam USAXS/SAXS/WAXS heating sequence\n"
        f"fzLinkamPlan(pos_X={pos_X}, pos_Y={pos_Y},thickness={thickness},"
        f"sample_name={scan_title}, temp1={temp1},rate1={rate1})"
        f"delay1_min={delay1_min}, temp2={temp2},rate2={rate2})")

    # Linkam device choice
    linkam = linkam_tc1  # Linkam T96, 600, 1500V, 350V
    #linkam = linkam_ci94   # Linkam 1500 using old controller.
    logger.info(f"Linkam controller PV prefix={linkam.prefix}")
    # this runs start of scan code...
    yield from before_command_list(md={})

    # go to 40C and measure all data there as baseline...
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 50)  #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(40, wait=True)  #sets the temp of next ramp
    t0 = time.time()
    yield from collectAllThree()
    #yield from mode_USAXS()

    # here is start of heating rmap up.
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, rate1)  #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(temp1, wait=True)  #sets the temp of next ramp
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {temp1} C")

    #enable is want to collect data as heating up...
    #while not linkam.settled:                           #runs data collection until next temp
    #    yield from collectAllThree()

    #at temperature stuff goes here...
        f"Reached temperature, now collecting data for {delay1_min} minutes")
    t1 = time.time()
    t0 = time.time()
    # this is main loop where we collect data at temeprature.
    while time.time(
    ) - t1 < delay1_min * 60:  # collects data for delay1 seconds
        yield from collectAllThree()

        f"waited for {delay1_min} min, now changing temperature to {temp2} C")

    #done with main loop, we will cool next.
    t0 = time.time()
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, rate2)  #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(temp2,
                                 wait=False)  #sets the temp of next ramp

    # collecting data on cooling
    while not linkam.settled:  #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

    logger.info(f"reached {temp2} C")

    #cooling finished, get one more data set at final temperature.
    yield from collectAllThree()

    # run endof scan code.
    yield from after_command_list()

    # done...
Exemplo n.º 8
def jamesLinkamPlan(
        pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={}):
    collect RT USAXS/SAXS/WAXS
    change temperature T to temp1 with rate1
    collect USAXS/SAXS/WAXS while heating

    reload by
    # %run -i -m linkam

    def myTitleFunction(title):
        return f"{title}_{linkam.value:.0f}C_{(time.time()-t1)/60:.0f}min"

    def collectAllThree(debug=False):
        if debug:
            #for testing purposes, set debug=True
            sampleMod = myTitleFunction(scan_title)
            yield from bps.sleep(20)
            yield from USAXSscan(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})
            yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})
            yield from WAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    summary = (
        "Linkam USAXS/SAXS/WAXS heating sequence\n"
        f"james_LinkamPlan(pos_X={pos_X}, pos_Y={pos_Y},thickness={thickness},"

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.

    # Linkam device choice
    #linkam = linkam_tc1     # Linkam T96, 600, 1500V, 350V
    linkam = linkam_ci94     # Linkam 1500 using old controller.
    logger.info(f"Linkam controller PV prefix={linkam.prefix}")
    # this runs start of scan code...
    yield from before_command_list(md={})

    # Room temp measurement 30C
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)               #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(30, wait=False)      #sets the temp of next ramp
    #TODO here: start Linkam somehow, if it is off, it stays off...
    yield from collectAllThree()

    # Heat to 400 @150C/min. Measure at 400C one USAXS/SAXS/WAXS.
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {400} C")
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)               # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(400, wait=False)     # sets the temp of next ramp
    yield from preUSAXStune()
    while not linkam.settled:                         # runs data collection until next temp
        yield from bps.sleep(2)                       # sleep until settled
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    yield from collectAllThree()                      #measure at 400C

    # “Resetting the sample” from initial condition, precipitation of fine gamma-prime

    #  Heat to 1060C at 10C/min. Recording SAXS/WAXS/USAXS [60 minutes]
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 10)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(1170, wait=False)      # temp measuremnt
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {1170} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

    #  Hold at 1060C for 30min. Recording SAXS only [30 minutes] 
    logger.info(f"Hold at temperature {1170} C")
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    while time.time()-t0 < 30*60 :                      # collects data for 30 minutes
        yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.   

    # Cool to 400C at 20C/min. Recording SAXS only [30 minutes]
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 20)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(400, wait=False)       # temp measuremnt
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Cooling temperature to {400} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.

    #  USAXS/SAXS/WAXS one measurement at 400C
    yield from collectAllThree()

    # Coarsening kinetics

    #  Heat to 750C at 10C/min. Recording USAXS/SAXS/WAXS [30 minutes]
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 10)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(772, wait=False)      # temp measuremnt
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {750} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()
    #  Hold at 750 C for 5 hours, USAXS/SAXS/WAXS [300 minutes]
    logger.info(f"Hold at temperature {750} C")
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    while time.time()-t0 < 5*60*60 :                      # collects data for 5 hours minutes
        yield from collectAllThree()

    #  Heat to 1060C at 10C/min. Recording USAXS/SAXS/WAXS [30 minutes]
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 10)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(1170, wait=False)      # temp measuremnt
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {1170} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

    #  Hold at 1060C for 30mins. Recording SAXS only [30 minutes]
    logger.info(f"Hold at temperature {1170} C")
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    while time.time()-t0 < 30*60 :                      # collects data for 30 minutes
        yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.   

    #  Cool to 400C at 20C/min. Recording USAXS only [30 minutes]
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 20)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(400, wait=False)       # temp measuremnt
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Cooling temperature to {400} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from USAXSscan(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.

    #  Heat to 850C at 10C/min. Recording USAXS/SAXS/WAXS [40 minutes]
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 10)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(889, wait=False)      # temp measuremnt
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {850} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

    #  Hold at 850 C for 4 hours, USAXS/SAXS/WAXS [240 minutes]
    logger.info(f"Hold at temperature {850} C")
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    while time.time()-t0 < 4*60*60 :                      # collects data for 5 hours minutes
        yield from collectAllThree()

    #  Cool to 400C at 20C/min. Recording SAXS only [20 minutes]
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 20)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(400, wait=False)       # temp measuremnt
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Cooling temperature to {400} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.

    #  Cool to RT at 150C/min.
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(40, wait=False)       # temp measuremnt

    #done with main loop, we will cool next.
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()

    # collecting data on cooling
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

    logger.info(f"reached {40} C")

    #cooling finished, get one more data set at final temperature.
    yield from collectAllThree()

    # run endof scan code.
    yield from after_command_list()


    # done...
Exemplo n.º 9
def jamesLinkamPlan(
        pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={}):
    collect RT USAXS/SAXS/WAXS
    change temperature T to temp1 with rate1
    collect USAXS/SAXS/WAXS while heating

    reload by
    # %run -i -m linkam

    def myTitleFunction(title):
        return f"{title}_{linkam.value:.0f}C_{(time.time()-t1)/60:.0f}min"

    def collectAllThree(debug=False):
        if debug:
            #for testing purposes, set debug=True
            sampleMod = myTitleFunction(scan_title)
            yield from bps.sleep(20)
            yield from USAXSscan(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})
            yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})
            yield from WAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    summary = (
        "Linkam USAXS/SAXS/WAXS heating sequence\n"
        f"james_LinkamPlan(pos_X={pos_X}, pos_Y={pos_Y},thickness={thickness},"

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.

    # Linkam device choice
    #linkam = linkam_tc1     # Linkam T96, 600, 1500V, 350V
    linkam = linkam_ci94     # Linkam 1500 using old controller.
    logger.info(f"Linkam controller PV prefix={linkam.prefix}")
    # this runs start of scan code...
    yield from before_command_list(md={})

    # Room temp measurement 30C
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)               #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(30, wait=False)      #sets the temp of next ramp
    #TODO here: start Linkam somehow, if it is off, it stays off...
    yield from collectAllThree()
    #yield from mode_USAXS()

    # Heat to 560C @150C/min. Measure at 550C one USAXS/SAXS/WAXS.
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {566} C")
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)               #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(566, wait=False)     #sets the temp of next ramp
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from bps.sleep(2)                       # sleep until settled
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    yield from collectAllThree()                      #measure at 250C

    # Heat to 1060C @ 150C/min with 1 USAXS/SAXS/WAXS measurement, then wait to achieve temp
    # Hold at 1060C/20 minutes (solutionize). Measure USAXS/SAXS/WAXS 
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)                 #sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(1170, wait=False)      # temp measuremnt
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {1170} C")
    yield from collectAllThree()                        #measure on heating
    while not linkam.settled:                           #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from bps.sleep(2)                         # sleep until settled
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    # this is solutionize.
    logger.info(f"Solutionize at temperature {1170} C")
    while time.time()-t0 < 20*60 :                      # collects data for 20 minutes
        yield from collectAllThree()
    #done with solutionize
    # Cool at 20 C/min to 566C, with continuous in-situ SAXS ONLY
    yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 20)                 # sets the rate of next ramp
    yield from linkam.set_target(566, wait=False)      # temp measuremnt
    t1 = time.time()
    logger.info(f"Cooling at 20deg/C temperature to {566} C")
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from SAXS(pos_X, pos_Y, thickness, scan_title, md={})

    yield from sync_order_numbers()                   # resync order numbers since we run only SAXs above.
    yield from collectAllThree()

    for rate in (20, 10, 5, 2):
        # Heat to 1060C @ 150C/min with 1 USAXS/SAXS/WAXS measurement, then wait to achieve temp
        # Hold at 1060C/20 minutes (solutionize). Measure USAXS/SAXS/WAXS 
        yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)                 # sets the rate of next ramp
        yield from linkam.set_target(1170, wait=False)      # set temperature
        t1 = time.time()
        logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {1170} C")
        yield from collectAllThree()                        # measure while ramping to 1060C
        while not linkam.settled:                           # runs data collection until next temp
            yield from bps.sleep(2)                         # sleep until settled
        t0 = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()
        # this is solutionize.
        logger.info(f"Solutionize at temperature {1170} C")
        while time.time()-t0 < 20*60 :                      # collects data for 20 minutes
            yield from collectAllThree()
        # Cool at rate C/min to 560C, with continuous data collection
        yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, rate)                # sets the rate of next ramp
        yield from linkam.set_target(566, wait=False)       # temp measuremnt
        t1 = time.time()
        logger.info(f"Cooling at {rate} deg/C temperature to {566} C")
        while not linkam.settled:                          # runs data collection until next temp
            yield from collectAllThree()

        yield from collectAllThree()                       # last scan at 560C

    #now the annealing at different tremperatuers
    for temp in (772, 830, 889, 950):
        # Heat to 1060C @ 150C/min with 1 USAXS/SAXS/WAXS measurement, then wait to achieve temp
        # Hold at 1060C/20 minutes (solutionize). Measure USAXS/SAXS/WAXS 
        yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)                 # sets the rate of next ramp
        yield from linkam.set_target(1170, wait=False)      # set temperature
        t1 = time.time()
        logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {1170} C")
        yield from collectAllThree()                        # measure while ramping to 1060C
        while not linkam.settled:                           # runs data collection until next temp
            yield from bps.sleep(2)                         # sleep until settled
        t0 = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()
        # this is solutionize.
        logger.info(f"Solutionize at temperature {1170} C")
        while time.time()-t0 < 20*60 :                      # collects data for 20 minutes
            yield from collectAllThree()
        # Cool at 20 C/min to 560C, with continuous data collection
        yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 20)                  # sets the rate of next ramp
        yield from linkam.set_target(566, wait=False)       # temp measuremnt
        t1 = time.time()
        logger.info(f"Cooling at {20} deg/C temperature to {566} C")
        while not linkam.settled:                          # runs data collection until next temp
            yield from collectAllThree()

        yield from collectAllThree()                       # last scan at 560C
        ## one temp block...
        yield from bps.mv(linkam.rate, 150)                  #sets the rate of next ramp
        yield from linkam.set_target(temp, wait=False)       # temp measuremnt
        t1 = time.time()
        logger.info(f"Ramping temperature to {temp} C")
        while not linkam.settled:                            #runs data collection until next temp
            yield from bps.sleep(2)                          # sleep until settled
        t0 = time.time()
        t1 = time.time()
        # this is main loop where we collect data at temperature temp.
        while time.time()-t0 < 2*60*60 :                    # collects data for 2 hours
            yield from collectAllThree()

    #done with main loop, we will cool next.
    t0 = time.time()
    t1 = time.time()
    yield from linkam.set_target(50, wait=False)     #sets the temp of next ramp

    # collecting data on cooling
    while not linkam.settled:                         #runs data collection until next temp
        yield from collectAllThree()

    logger.info(f"reached {50} C")

    #cooling finished, get one more data set at final temperature.
    yield from collectAllThree()

    # run endof scan code.
    yield from after_command_list()


    # done...