def publish_positions(self, positions, moving_time=None, accel_time=None, blocking=True):
     self.set_trajectory_time(moving_time, accel_time)
     self.joint_positions = list(positions)
     joint_commands = JointCommands(positions)
     if blocking:
     self.T_sb = mr.FKinSpace(self.robot_des.M, self.robot_des.Slist, positions)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def set_joint_commands(self,
     self.set_trajectory_time(moving_time, accel_time)
     joint_commands = JointCommands(commands)
     if (delay > 0):
 def __init__(self):
     self.robot_name = rospy.get_param("~robot_name")                    # Name of the robot
     self.robot_des = getattr(mrd, self.robot_name)                      # Get the Modern Robotics description of the specified robot
     self.joint_states = None                                            # Current joint states
     self.ee_reference = None                                            # Snapshot of the end-effector pose w.r.t the 'Space' frame - used when tracking a horizontal line in space
     self.velocity_x_ik_only = False                                     # True if the end-effector is tracking a horizontal line in space only (as opposed to a vertical or diagonal line)
     self.gripper_state = GripperState.IDLE                              # Current gripper controller state
     self.joint_limit_padding = 0.2                                      # All joint limits are buffered by this amount [rad] as it takes time for joints to stop moving
     self.stop_single_joint = False                                      # True if a joint limit was breached while in 'SINGLE_JOINT' control mode
     self.ee_vel = 0.15                                                  # Desired end-effector velocity [m/s] w.r.t the 'shoulder_link' frame
     self.controllers = []                                               # List of PID controller objects used when in the 'ROBOT_POSE_CONTROL' mode
     self.mutex = threading.Lock()                                       # Mutex to essentially ensure that the 'joy_control_cb' and 'controller' timer occur sequentially
     self.js_mutex = threading.Lock()                                    # Mutex to get the most up-to-date joint states
     self.angles = None                                                  # Desired angular positions of the joints (used in the 'ROBOT_POSE_CONTROL' mode)
     self.gripper_pwm = 300                                              # Desired gripper pwm when opening or closing
     self.arm_vel_max = 2.5                                              # Max allowed single joint velocity [rad/s] when in 'SINGLE_JOINT' mode
     self.T_ssh = None                                                   # Transform from the 'shoulder_link' frame w.r.t the 'Space' frame - used in the 'VELOCITY_IK' mode
     self.arm_state = ArmState.IDLE                                      # Current joint controller state
     self.last_active_arm_state = ArmState.IDLE                          # Last joint controller state (excluding 'STOPPED' and 'IDLE')
     self.joy_speeds = {"course" : 1, "fine" : 1, "current" : 1}         # Holds the 'course' and 'fine' speed values
     self.pub_joint_commands = rospy.Publisher("joint/commands", JointCommands, queue_size=100)          # ROS Publisher to command joint velocities [rad/s]
     self.pub_gripper_command = rospy.Publisher("gripper/command", Float64, queue_size=100)              # ROS Publisher to command gripper position [rad]
     self.sub_joint_states = rospy.Subscriber("joint_states", JointState, self.joint_state_cb)           # ROS Subscriber to get the current joint states
     self.sub_joy_commands = rospy.Subscriber("joy/commands", JoyControl, self.joy_control_cb)           # ROS Subscriber to get the joystick commands
     srv_robot_info = rospy.ServiceProxy("get_robot_info", RobotInfo)
     self.resp = srv_robot_info()                                                                        # ROS Service to get joint limits
     self.upper_joint_limits = [x - self.joint_limit_padding for x in self.resp.upper_joint_limits]      # Upper joint limits with padding included
     self.upper_joint_limits[2] = 1.0                                                                    # Prevent the 'elbow' joint from going past this position [rad] to avoid singularities
     self.lower_joint_limits = [x + self.joint_limit_padding for x in self.resp.lower_joint_limits]      # Lower joint limits with padding included
     self.num_joints = self.resp.num_joints                                                              # Number of joints in the arm
     self.joint_commands = JointCommands()                                                               # Class-wide Joint Commands message
     self.joint_commands.cmd = [0] * self.num_joints
     self.twist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]                                                                     # Modern_Robotics Twist [Wx, Wy, Wz, Vx, Vy, Vz] of end-effector w.r.t the 'shoulder_link' frame
     for x in range(self.num_joints):
         pid_controller = pid.PID()
     while (self.joint_states == None and not rospy.is_shutdown()):
     self.tmr_controller = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01), self.controller)                             # ROS Timer to poll the arm and gripper control states
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):

        # Initialization parameters to control the Interbotix Arm
        srv_robot_info = rospy.ServiceProxy(
            "get_robot_info", RobotInfo
        )  # ROS Service to get joint limit information among other things
        self.resp = srv_robot_info(
        )  # Store the robot information in this variable
        self.joint_indx_dict = dict(
            zip(self.resp.joint_names, range(self.resp.num_single_joints))
        )  # Map each joint-name to their respective index in the joint_names list (which conveniently matches their index in the joint-limit lists)
        self.joy_msg = ArmJoyControl(
        )  # Incoming message coming from the 'joy_control' node
        self.arm_model = rospy.get_param("~robot_name")  # Arm-model type
        self.num_joints = self.resp.num_joints  # Number of joints in the arm
        self.speed_max = 3.0  # Max scaling factor when bumping up joint speed
        self.gripper_pwm = 200  # Initial gripper PWM value
        self.gripper_moving = False  # Boolean that is set to 'True' if the gripper is moving - 'False' otherwise
        self.gripper_command = Float64(
        )  # Float64 message to be sent to the 'gripper' joint
        self.gripper_index = self.num_joints + 1  # Index of the 'left_finger' joint in the JointState message
        self.follow_pose = True  # True if going to 'Home' or 'Sleep' pose
        self.use = False
        self.joint_states = None  # Holds the most up-to-date JointState message
        self.js_mutex = threading.Lock(
        )  # Mutex to make sure that 'self.joint_states' variable isn't being modified and read at the same time
        self.joint_commands = JointCommands(
        )  # JointCommands message to command the arm joints as a group
        self.target_positions = list(
            self.resp.sleep_pos)  # Holds the 'Sleep' or 'Home' joint values
        self.robot_des = getattr(
            mrd, self.arm_model)  # Modern Robotics robot description
        self.joy_speeds = {
            "course": 2.0,
            "fine": 2.0,
            "current": 2.0
        }  # Dictionary containing the desired joint speed scaling factors
        self.pub_joint_commands = rospy.Publisher(
            "joint/commands", JointCommands, queue_size=100,
            latch=True)  # ROS Publisher to command joint positions [rad]
        self.pub_gripper_command = rospy.Publisher(
            "gripper/command", Float64,
            queue_size=100)  # ROS Publisher to command gripper PWM values
        self.is_use = rospy.Subscriber("/vx300s/joy", Joy, self.check_cb)
        self.sub_joy_commands = rospy.Subscriber(
            "joy/commands", ArmJoyControl,
            self.joy_control_cb)  # ROS Subscriber to get the joystick commands
        self.sub_joint_states = rospy.Subscriber(
            "joint_states", JointState, self.joint_state_cb
        )  # ROS Subscriber to get the current joint states
        while (self.joint_states == None and not rospy.is_shutdown()):
            pass  # Wait until we know the current joint values of the robot
        self.joint_positions = list(
        )  # Holds the desired joint positions for the robot arm at any point in time
        self.yaw = 0.0  # Holds the desired 'yaw' of the end-effector w.r.t. the 'base_link' frame
        self.T_sy = np.identity(
        )  # Transformation matrix of a virtual frame with the same x, y, z, roll, and pitch values as 'base_link' but containing the 'yaw' of the end-effector
        self.T_sb = mr.FKinSpace(
            self.robot_des.M, self.robot_des.Slist, self.resp.sleep_pos
        )  # Transformation matrix of the end-effector w.r.t. the 'base_link' frame
        self.T_yb =
            self.T_sb)  # Transformation matrix of the end-effector w.r.t. T_sy
        tmr_controller = rospy.Timer(
            self.controller)  # ROS Timer to control the Interbotix Arm