Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_simple_model_checking2(self):
        path = "examples/rpython_performance/SigmaLoop.mch"
        if os.name=='nt':
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(path)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        env._max_int = 2**31
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend 
        solution_file_read = False
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==0 # no setup possible
        bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility (sum:=45)  
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==0        
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==1
        invatiant = root.children[2]
        assert isinstance(invatiant, AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(invatiant, env)
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
        assert len(next_states)==1
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 # init and empty setup
        assert env.get_value('sum')==55
        assert env.get_value('sum')==55  
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_simple_model_checking0(self):
        path = "examples/rpython_performance/Lift2.mch"
        if os.name=='nt':
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(path)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        env._max_int = 2**31
        solution_file_read = False
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==0 # no setup possible
        bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility (floor:=4)
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==0        
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==1
        invatiant = root.children[2]
        assert isinstance(invatiant, AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(invatiant, env)
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
        assert len(next_states)==2
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 # init and empty setup
        assert env.get_value('floor')==4
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==1 # setup
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==1
        for n_state in next_states:
            bstate = n_state.bstate
            assert isinstance(bstate, BState)
            if not env.state_space.is_seen_state(bstate):
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==3 # dec, inc, setup
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==3
        assert env.get_value('floor')==3 or env.get_value('floor')==5
        # TODO: Bstate needs refactoring. 
        # - Remove init state
        # - dont map None to values if parsing unit is no machine
        # - check empty on stack length 0
        # model checking loop
        while not env.state_space.empty():
            assert interpret(invatiant, env) 
            next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
            for n_state in next_states:
                bstate = n_state.bstate
                if not env.state_space.is_seen_state(bstate):
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==100
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: pyB.py Projeto: hhu-stups/pyB
def run_checking_mode(arguments):
    root, env, parse_object, solution_file_present = startup(arguments)
    if not isinstance(parse_object, BMachine):                  # #PREDICATE or #EXPRESSION                   
        result = interpret(parse_object.root, env)              # eval predicate or expression
        print result
        assert isinstance(parse_object, BMachine)               # 8. typecheck
        type_check_root_bmch(root, env, parse_object) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        mch = parse_object                           
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_present)  # also evals properties
        if not bstates==[]: 
            result = None
            for bstate in bstates:
                #if mch.has_properties_mc:
                #    assert interpret(mch.aPropertiesMachineClause, env)
                init_bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_present)
                for init_bstate in init_bstates:
                    if mch.has_invariant_mc:
                        # TODO: why not result=result and interpret ? Add comment or fix code
                        result = interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env)
                if mch.has_assertions_mc:
                    interpret(mch.aAssertionsMachineClause, env)
            return result
        else: # TODO: dont repeat yourself 
            init_bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_present)
            for bstate in init_bstates:
                if mch.has_invariant_mc:
                    assert interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env)        
                if mch.has_assertions_mc:
                    interpret(mch.aAssertionsMachineClause, env)
            if not init_bstates==[]:  
        return eval_Invariant(root, env, mch)   
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: pyB.py Projeto: hhu-stups/pyB
def __calc_states_and_print_ui(root, env, mch, solution_file_read):
    # Schneider Book page 62-64:
    # The parameters p make the constraints C True
    # #p.C    
    # Sets St and constants k which meet the constraints c make the properties B True
    # C => #St,k.B
    if not env.set_up_done:
        next_states = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        if len(next_states)>0:
            print_set_up_bstates(next_states, mch)
            return next_states
            # no bstates and no exception: set up to do (e.g no constants)
            env.set_up_done = True 
    # If C and B is True there should be Variables v which make the Invaraiant I True
    # B & C => #v.I
    if not env.init_done:
        next_states = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        if len(next_states)>0:
            undo_possible = not env.state_space.empty()
            print_init_bstates(next_states, mch, undo_possible)
            return next_states
            # no bstates and no exception: no init to do (e.g no variables)
            env.init_done = True

    print mch.mch_name," - Invariant:", eval_Invariant(root, env, mch)  # TODO: move print to animation_clui
        bstate = env.state_space.get_state()
        for bmachine in bstate.bmch_list:
            if not bmachine is None and not bmachine.mch_name==mch.mch_name :
                print bmachine.mch_name, " - Invariant:", interpret(bmachine.aInvariantMachineClause, env)
    bstate_lst = calc_next_states(env, mch)
    show_ui(env, mch, bstate_lst)
    next_states = []
    for n in bstate_lst: # all other data inside bstate_lst has already been processed by show_ui
    return next_states
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_with_pyb(bfile_name, dir=""):
    # Build b-mch AST
    ast_string = file_to_AST_str("%s%s.mch" % (dir, bfile_name))
    ast_root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

    # Get ProB Solution, write to env
    env = Environment()
    env._min_int = -2**31
    env._max_int = 2**31
    ast_str, err = solution_file_to_AST_str("%s%s_values.txt" % (dir, bfile_name))
    assert err==''
    root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_str)
    env.solution_root = root

    # Init B-mch
    #dh = DefinitionHandler(env, remove_defs_and_parse_ast) 
    dh = DefinitionHandler(env, str_ast_to_python_ast)                                       
    mch = parse_ast(ast_root, env)    
    type_check_root_bmch(ast_root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend 
    #if env.solution_root:
    #    idNodes = find_var_nodes(root.children[0]) 
    #    idNames = [n.idName for n in idNodes]
    #    type_check_predicate(env.solution_root, env, idNames)   
    # side-effect: check properties and invariant 
    print "team-test:calc set up.."
    bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read=True)
    print "team-test:calc set init.."
    bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read=True)
    if mch.has_properties_mc:
        print "team-test:eval properties..."
        assert interpret(mch.aPropertiesMachineClause, env)
    if mch.has_invariant_mc:
        print "team-test:eval invariant..."
        assert interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_bool_law(self):
        path = "examples/BoolLaws.mch"
        if os.name=='nt':
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(path)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        env._max_int = 2**31
        solution_file_read = False
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility 
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility 
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==1        
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==2               
        invatiant = root.children[5]
        assert isinstance(invatiant, AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(invatiant, env)
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==3 # init and setup and ref state 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
        assert len(next_states)==3   
        while not env.state_space.empty():
            assert interpret(invatiant, env) 
            next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
            for n_state in next_states:
                bstate = n_state.bstate
                if not env.state_space.is_seen_state(bstate):
            if env.state_space.get_state().opName=="set up":
                assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 # setup and ref state NOT init
        #negative exponent bug: (x>0 => y**x=C) crashes  
        # inconsistence between variables and constants        
        MACHINE Test
        VARIABLES x
        INVARIANT  x>0 => 10**x = 10 & -3>0 => 10**(-3) = 10 
        INITIALISATION x:=-3
    def test_arith_law(self):
        path = "examples/ArithmeticLaws.mch"
        if os.name=='nt':
        ast_string = file_to_AST_str(path)
        root = str_ast_to_python_ast(ast_string)

        # Test
        env = Environment()
        mch = remove_defs_and_parse_ast(root, env)
        type_check_bmch(root, env, mch) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
        env._max_int = 2**31
        solution_file_read = False
        bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==0 # no setup possible
        bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read)
        assert len(bstates)==1 # only one possibility 
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==0        
        assert isinstance(bstates[0], BState)
        assert len(env.state_space.seen_states)==1
        invatiant = root.children[3]
        assert isinstance(invatiant, AInvariantMachineClause)
        assert interpret(invatiant, env)
        assert len(env.state_space.stack)==2 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: pyB.py Projeto: hhu-stups/pyB
def run_model_checking_mode(arguments):
    print "WARNING: model checking still experimental"
    root, env, parse_object, solution_file_present = startup(arguments)
    if not isinstance(parse_object, BMachine):                                  
        print "Error: only model checking of b machines" 

    assert isinstance(parse_object, BMachine)                   # 6. typecheck
    type_check_root_bmch(root, env, parse_object) # also checks all included, seen, used and extend
    mch = parse_object      

    bstates = set_up_constants(root, env, mch, solution_file_read=False)  # also evals properties
    # TODO: implement setup and init non determinism
    if len(bstates)==1:
    elif len(bstates)>1:
        print "WARNING: non det. set up constants not supported yet" 
    bstates = exec_initialisation(root, env, mch, solution_file_read=False)
    for bstate in bstates:
        if not env.state_space.is_seen_state(bstate):
    #if not len(bstates)==1:
    #    print "WARNING: only one init. expected" 
    #    print "real init number:", len(bstates)
    #    return
    if not mch.has_invariant_mc:
        print "WARNING: no invariant present" 
    while not env.state_space.empty():                          # 7. model check      
        # FIXME: dirty fix to avoid invariant checking of set up states 
        if env.state_space.get_state().opName=="set up":
        if not DISABLE_INVARIANT_MC_CHECK:    
            if not interpret(mch.aInvariantMachineClause, env):
                print "WARNING: invariant violation found after checking", len(env.state_space.seen_states),"states"
                violation = env.state_space.get_state()
                #print violation.opName
                return False
            if EVAL_CHILD_INVARIANT:
                bstate = env.state_space.get_state()
                for bmachine in bstate.bmch_list:
                    if not bmachine is None and not bmachine.mch_name==mch.mch_name :
                        if not interpret(bmachine.aInvariantMachineClause, env):
                            print "WARNING: invariant violation in",bmachine.mch_name ," found after checking", len(env.state_space.seen_states),"states"
                            return False 
        next_states = calc_next_states(env, mch)
        for s in next_states:
            bstate = s.bstate
            #print s.opName
            #bstate.print_bstate() # TODO: check double values with Lift2.mch example
            if not env.state_space.is_seen_state(bstate):
    print "checked",len(env.state_space.seen_states),"states.\033[1m\033[92mNo invariant violation found.\033[00m"
        print "invariant check was disabled"
    return True