Exemplo n.º 1
def check_final_grid (grid_path):

    grid = Grid(grid_path)
    problem = False

    # Check there are no isolated bottom cells
    # Find points which are open, their neighbour below is closed (i.e. they're at the seafloor), and their horizontal neighoburs are all closed
    hfac = grid.hfac
    num_valid_neighbours = neighbours(hfac, missing_val=0)[-1]
    valid_below = neighbours_z(hfac, missing_val=0)[3]
    num_isolated = np.count_nonzero((hfac!=0)*(valid_below==0)*(num_valid_neighbours==0))
    if num_isolated > 0:
        problem = True
        print 'Problem!! There are ' + str(num_isolated) + ' locations with isolated bottom cells.'    

    # Check that every water column has at least 2 open cells (partial cells count)
    open_cells = np.ceil(grid.hfac)
    num_pinched = np.count_nonzero(np.sum(open_cells, axis=0)==1)
    if num_pinched > 0:
        problem = True
        print 'Problem!! There are ' + str(num_pinched) + ' locations with only one open cell in the water column.'

    # Check that neighbouring ocean cells have at least 2 open faces between
    open_cells_w, open_cells_e, open_cells_s, open_cells_n = neighbours(open_cells)[:4]
    open_cells_neighbours = [open_cells_w, open_cells_e, open_cells_s, open_cells_n]
    loc_strings = ['western', 'eastern', 'southern', 'northern']
    for i in range(len(loc_strings)):
        problem = check_one_direction(open_cells, open_cells_neighbours[i], loc_strings[i], problem)
    if problem:
        print 'Something went wrong with the filling or digging. Are you sure that your values of hFacMin and hFacMinDr are correct? Are you working with a version of MITgcm that calculates Ro_sfc and R_low differently?'
        print 'Everything looks good!'
Exemplo n.º 2
def calc_load_anomaly (grid, out_file, option='constant', ini_temp_file=None, ini_salt_file=None, ini_temp=None, ini_salt=None, constant_t=-1.9, constant_s=34.4, eosType='MDJWF', rhoConst=1035, tAlpha=None, sBeta=None, Tref=None, Sref=None, hfac=None, prec=64, check_grid=True):

    errorTol = 1e-13  # convergence criteria

    # Build the grid if needed
    if check_grid:
        grid = choose_grid(grid, None)
    # Decide which hfac to use
    if hfac is None:
        hfac = grid.hfac

    # Set temperature and salinity
    if ini_temp is not None and ini_salt is not None:
        # Deep copy of the arrays
        temp = np.copy(ini_temp)
        salt = np.copy(ini_salt)
    elif ini_temp_file is not None and ini_salt_file is not None:
        # Read from file
        temp = read_binary(ini_temp_file, [grid.nx, grid.ny, grid.nz], 'xyz', prec=prec)
        salt = read_binary(ini_salt_file, [grid.nx, grid.ny, grid.nz], 'xyz', prec=prec)
        print 'Error (calc_load_anomaly): Must either specify ini_temp and ini_salt OR ini_temp_file and ini_salt_file'

    # Fill in the ice shelves
    # The bathymetry will get filled too, but that doesn't matter because pressure is integrated from the top down
    closed = hfac==0
    if option == 'constant':
        # Fill with constant values
        temp[closed] = constant_t
        salt[closed] = constant_s
    elif option == 'nearest':
        # Select the layer immediately below the ice shelves and tile to make it 3D
        temp_top = xy_to_xyz(select_top(np.ma.masked_where(closed, temp), return_masked=False), grid)
        salt_top = xy_to_xyz(select_top(np.ma.masked_where(closed, salt), return_masked=False), grid)
        # Fill the mask with these values
        temp[closed] = temp_top[closed]
        salt[closed] = salt_top[closed]    
    elif option == 'precomputed':
        for data in [temp, salt]:
            # Make sure there are no missing values
            if (data[~closed]==0).any():
                print 'Error (calc_load_anomaly): you selected the precomputed option, but there are appear to be missing values in the land mask.'
            # Make sure it's not a masked array as this will break the rms
            if isinstance(data, np.ma.MaskedArray):
                # Fill the mask with zeros
                data[data.mask] = 0
                data = data.data
        print 'Error (calc_load_anomaly): invalid option ' + option

    # Get vertical integrands considering z at both centres and edges of layers
    dz_merged = np.zeros(2*grid.nz)
    dz_merged[::2] = abs(grid.z - grid.z_edges[:-1])  # dz of top half of each cell
    dz_merged[1::2] = abs(grid.z_edges[1:] - grid.z)  # dz of bottom half of each cell
    # Tile to make 3D
    z = z_to_xyz(grid.z, grid)
    dz_merged = z_to_xyz(dz_merged, grid)

    # Initial guess for pressure (dbar) at centres of cells
    press = abs(z)*gravity*rhoConst*1e-4

    # Iteratively calculate pressure load anomaly until it converges
    press_old = np.zeros(press.shape)  # Dummy initial value for pressure from last iteration
    rms_error = 0
    while True:
        rms_old = rms_error
        rms_error = rms(press, press_old)
        print 'RMS error = ' + str(rms_error)
        if rms_error < errorTol or np.abs(rms_error-rms_old) < 0.1*errorTol:
            print 'Converged'
        # Save old pressure
        press_old = np.copy(press)
        # Calculate density anomaly at centres of cells
        drho_c = density(eosType, salt, temp, press, rhoConst=rhoConst, Tref=Tref, Sref=Sref, tAlpha=tAlpha, sBeta=sBeta) - rhoConst
        # Use this for both centres and edges of cells
        drho = np.zeros(dz_merged.shape)
        drho[::2,...] = drho_c
        drho[1::2,...] = drho_c
        # Integrate pressure load anomaly (Pa)
        pload_full = np.cumsum(drho*gravity*dz_merged, axis=0)
        # Update estimate of pressure
        press = (abs(z)*gravity*rhoConst + pload_full[1::2,...])*1e-4

    # Extract pload at each level edge (don't care about centres anymore)
    pload_edges = pload_full[::2,...]

    # Now find pload at the ice shelf base
    # For each xy point, calculate three variables:
    # (1) pload at the base of the last fully dry ice shelf cell
    # (2) pload at the base of the cell beneath that
    # (3) hFacC for that cell
    # To calculate (1) we have to shift pload_3d_edges upward by 1 cell
    pload_edges_above = neighbours_z(pload_edges)[0]
    pload_above = select_top(np.ma.masked_where(closed, pload_edges_above), return_masked=False)
    pload_below = select_top(np.ma.masked_where(closed, pload_edges), return_masked=False)
    hfac_below = select_top(np.ma.masked_where(closed, hfac), return_masked=False)
    # Now we can interpolate to the ice base
    pload = pload_above + (1-hfac_below)*(pload_below - pload_above)

    # Write to file
    write_binary(pload, out_file, prec=prec)