Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_parse_nested_expression(self):

        root = AssociativeSet('*')

        parse_text = "foo bar (baz berz)"

        parse(parse_text, root)

        # Expected: foo, bar, (baz berz), baz, berz, outer expression, inner expression (parenthetical)
        # Plus outer ordinals: 0, 1, 2 (which should be shared w/ inner ordinals) and 5 relations to
        # support them, and the 'position' category.
        # self.assertEqual( len(root.contents), 15)

        self.assertTrue("foo" in root.contents)
        self.assertTrue("bar" in root.contents)

        relations = root.comprehend("baz", "berz")

            len(relations) > 0,
            "Should get a relation back for the inner expression")

        inner_expression = relations[0]

        self.assertNotEqual(inner_expression.name, '*',
                            "Shouldn't get root back as our match")

        self.assertTrue("baz" in inner_expression,
                        "Can't see first item in nested expression.")
        self.assertTrue("berz" in inner_expression,
                        "Can't see second item in nested expression.")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_generate_simple_dump(self):

        filename = "/nml/nextwheel/tests/test.dot"

        root = AssociativeSet('*')

        # parse_text = "foo bar (baz berz)"
        parse_text = "foo bar"

        parse(parse_text, root)

        # Expected: foo, bar, (baz berz), baz, berz, outer expression, inner expression (parenthetical)

        dumpfile = open(filename, "r")

        self.assertNotEqual(dumpfile, None, "Can't find the file?")

        content = dumpfile.readlines()

        self.assertTrue(len(content) > 0, "No lines read from dot file?")

        # We don't want duplicate relations. Let's only allow them once.
        # In this case our context is named '*' and our test category is 'bar'.
        lines_with_bar_and_star = [
            line for line in content if "bar" in line and "*" in line

            len(lines_with_bar_and_star) == 1,
            "'bar' and '*' should appear only ONCE")
Exemplo n.º 3
	def test_parse_nested_expression(self):
		root = AssociativeSet('*')
		parse_text = "foo bar (baz berz)"
		parse(parse_text, root)
		# Expected: foo, bar, (baz berz), baz, berz, outer expression, inner expression (parenthetical)
		# Plus outer ordinals: 0, 1, 2 (which should be shared w/ inner ordinals) and 5 relations to
		# support them, and the 'position' category.
		# self.assertEqual( len(root.contents), 15)
		self.assertTrue( "foo" in root.contents )
		self.assertTrue( "bar" in root.contents )
		relations = root.comprehend("baz", "berz")
		self.assertTrue(len(relations) > 0, "Should get a relation back for the inner expression")
		inner_expression = relations[0]
		self.assertNotEqual( inner_expression.name, '*', "Shouldn't get root back as our match")
		self.assertTrue("baz" in inner_expression, "Can't see first item in nested expression.")
		self.assertTrue("berz" in inner_expression, "Can't see second item in nested expression.")
Exemplo n.º 4
	def test_identify_string(self):

		expression = '"foo bar baz"'
		root = Category("*")
		parse(expression, root)

		match = root.comprehend(expression, "string", "metadata")

		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing string metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_identify_string(self):

        expression = '"foo bar baz"'
        root = Category("*")
        parse(expression, root)

        match = root.comprehend(expression, "string", "metadata")

            len(match) > 0, "Not seeing string metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 6
	def test_evaluate_different_atoms(self):

		rootA = Category('*')
		rootB = Category('*')

		expressionA = "foo"
		expressionB = "(foo)"

		evaluate(parse(expressionA, rootA), rootA)
		evaluate(parse(expressionB, rootB), rootB)
		category_delta = len(rootB.contents) - len(rootA.contents)

		self.assertTrue(category_delta > 0, "Second expression should generate different numbers of categories")
Exemplo n.º 7
	def test_evaluate_simple_expression_multiple_times(self):

		root = Category('*')

		expression = "foo bar baz"

		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)  # Don't forget that at this point there are a bunch of meta-categories.
		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)  # Don't forget that at this point there are a bunch of meta-categories.
		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)  # Don't forget that at this point there are a bunch of meta-categories.

		connections = root.comprehend("baz", "foo", "bar")

		self.assertEqual(len(connections), 3) # Should have a relation for each evaluation.
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_simple_subtraction(self):
        expression = '8 - 5'
        # self.fail("Subtraction doesn't work yet")
        result = parse(expression, ROOT).evaluate()

            "Expected 3 in the result but I see: %s" % result.contents)
Exemplo n.º 9
	def test_parse_atom(self):
		root = AssociativeSet('.')
		expression = "foo"
		parsed = parse(expression, root)
		self.assertTrue( isinstance(parsed, AssociativeSet) )
		self.assertTrue( expression in parsed.contents, "Not seeing 'foo' in the contents.")
Exemplo n.º 10
	def test_has_metadata(self):

		expression = '"foo bar baz"'
		root = Category("*")
		result = parse(expression, root)
		metadata = root.contents["metadata"]

		self.assertTrue(result.related( set([metadata]) ), "All expressions should have metadata associated with them. This does not.")
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_simple_addition(self):
        expression = '1 + 2'

        result = parse(expression, ROOT).evaluate()

            "Expected 3 in the result but I see: %s" % result.contents)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_parse_atom(self):

        root = AssociativeSet('.')
        expression = "foo"
        parsed = parse(expression, root)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(parsed, AssociativeSet))
        self.assertTrue(expression in parsed.contents,
                        "Not seeing 'foo' in the contents.")
Exemplo n.º 13
	def test_detailed_regex(self):

		expression = r"/ABC\d+def[^c]/"
		root = Category("*")
		result = parse(expression, root)

		match = root.comprehend(expression, "regex", "metadata")

		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'regex' metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 14
	def test_identify_simple_regex(self):

		expression = '/ABC/'
		root = Category("*")
		result = parse(expression, root)

		match = root.comprehend(expression, "regex", "metadata")

		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'regex' metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 15
	def test_identify_numeric(self):

		expression = '123'
		root = Category("*")
		result = parse(expression, root)

		match = root.comprehend(expression, "number", "metadata")

		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'number' metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_timestamp(self):

        expression = '123'
        root = Category("*")
        result = parse(expression, root)
        time_match = root.comprehend(result.name, "time", "metadata")
            len(time_match) > 0,
            "Not seeing 'time' metadata for this expression.")

        timestamp = time_match[0]

        # YEAR
        match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "year")
        self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'year' info.")
        year = extract_time_component(match, "year")
        self.assertTrue(re.match(year_pattern, year), "Not seeing year value.")

        # MONTH
        match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "month")
        self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'month' info.")
        month = extract_time_component(match, "month")
        self.assertTrue(re.match(month_pattern, month),
                        "Not seeing month value.")

        # DATE
        match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "date")
        self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'date' info.")
        date = extract_time_component(match, "date")
        self.assertTrue(re.match(date_pattern, date), "Not seeing date value.")

        # HOUR - Go with 24 hour clock for now.
        match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "hour")
        self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'hour' info.")
        hour = extract_time_component(match, "hour")
        self.assertTrue(re.match(hour_pattern, hour), "Not seeing hour value.")

        # MINUTE
        match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "minute")
        self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'minute' info.")
        minute = extract_time_component(match, "minute")
        self.assertTrue(re.match(minute_pattern, minute),
                        "Not seeing minute value.")

        # SECOND
        match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "second")
        self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'second' info.")
        second = extract_time_component(match, "second")
        self.assertTrue(re.match(second_pattern, second),
                        "Not seeing second value.")
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_identify_simple_regex(self):

        expression = '/ABC/'
        root = Category("*")
        result = parse(expression, root)

        match = root.comprehend(expression, "regex", "metadata")

            len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'regex' metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_detailed_regex(self):

        expression = r"/ABC\d+def[^c]/"
        root = Category("*")
        result = parse(expression, root)

        match = root.comprehend(expression, "regex", "metadata")

            len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'regex' metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 19
def load_prelude():

	for line in open( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/prelude.w", "r"):
		line = line.strip()
		# Comment stripper. Fragile!
		line = line[:line.find('#')] if '#' in line else line

		# Ignore blank lines
		if line:
			evaluate( parse(line, ROOT), ROOT )
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_has_metadata(self):

        expression = '"foo bar baz"'
        root = Category("*")
        result = parse(expression, root)
        metadata = root.contents["metadata"]

            "All expressions should have metadata associated with them. This does not."
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_identify_numeric(self):

        expression = '123'
        root = Category("*")
        result = parse(expression, root)

        match = root.comprehend(expression, "number", "metadata")

            len(match) > 0,
            "Not seeing 'number' metadata for this expression.")
Exemplo n.º 22
def load_file(filename):
		for line in open( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/%s.w" % filename, "r"):
			line = line.strip()
			# Comment stripper. Fragile!
			line = line[:line.find('#')] if '#' in line else line

			# Ignore blank lines
			if line:
				evaluate( parse( expand_arrows(line), ROOT), ROOT )
		print "Can't load that file for some damned reason or another."
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_simultaneous_transitions(self):
        root = Category('*')

        setup_expressions = [
            "foo A",
            "bar B",
            "transition (pattern (A)) (action B)",
            "transition (pattern (Y)) (action Z)",

        # Setup the world
        for expression in setup_expressions:
            evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

        expression = "foo bar"

        # After evaluation the following relationships should exist:
        # foo B
        # bar Z
        # foo bar
        expected_relationships = ["foo B", "bar Z", "foo bar"]

        relationships = list(
                [root.comprehend(*r.split()) for r in expected_relationships]))

        # Verify those relationships do not yet exist.
                         "None of those relationships should exist yet.")

        evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

        # Now, ALL of those relationships should exist.

        relationships = list(
                [root.comprehend(*r.split()) for r in expected_relationships]))
                        "All of those relationships should exist.")
Exemplo n.º 24
	def test_parse_ordering_of_expression(self):
		root = AssociativeSet('*')
		expression_result = parse("foo bar", root)
		self.assertEqual(len(root.comprehend("foo", "0")), 1) # Should get ONE hit.
		position_relation = root.comprehend("foo", "0")[0]
		self.assertTrue("position" in position_relation.contents)
		position_tags = [x for x in position_relation.contents.values() if "position" in x.contents]
		self.assertTrue(position_tags, "Should be able to see the position relation marked as such.")
Exemplo n.º 25
	def test_timestamp(self):

		expression = '123'
		root = Category("*")
		result = parse(expression, root)
		time_match = root.comprehend(result.name, "time", "metadata")
		self.assertTrue(len(time_match) > 0, "Not seeing 'time' metadata for this expression.")

		timestamp = time_match[0]

		# YEAR
		match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "year")
		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'year' info.")
		year = extract_time_component(match, "year")
		self.assertTrue(re.match(year_pattern, year), "Not seeing year value.")

		match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "month")
		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'month' info.")
		month = extract_time_component(match, "month")
		self.assertTrue(re.match(month_pattern, month), "Not seeing month value.")

		# DATE
		match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "date")
		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'date' info.")
		date = extract_time_component(match, "date")
		self.assertTrue(re.match(date_pattern, date), "Not seeing date value.")

		# HOUR - Go with 24 hour clock for now.
		match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "hour")
		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'hour' info.")
		hour = extract_time_component(match, "hour")
		self.assertTrue(re.match(hour_pattern, hour), "Not seeing hour value.")

		match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "minute")
		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'minute' info.")
		minute = extract_time_component(match, "minute")
		self.assertTrue(re.match(minute_pattern, minute), "Not seeing minute value.")

		match = root.comprehend(timestamp.name, "second")
		self.assertTrue(len(match) > 0, "Not seeing 'second' info.")
		second = extract_time_component(match, "second")
		self.assertTrue(re.match(second_pattern, second), "Not seeing second value.")
Exemplo n.º 26
	def test_simultaneous_transitions(self):
		root = Category('*')

		setup_expressions = [
			"foo A",
			"bar B",
			"transition (pattern (A)) (action B)",
			"transition (pattern (Y)) (action Z)",

		# Setup the world
		for expression in setup_expressions:
			evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

		expression = "foo bar"

		# After evaluation the following relationships should exist:
		# foo B
		# bar Z
		# foo bar
		expected_relationships = [
			"foo B",
			"bar Z",
			"foo bar"

		relationships = list(chain.from_iterable([ root.comprehend(*r.split()) for r in expected_relationships ]))

		# Verify those relationships do not yet exist.
		self.assertFalse(any(relationships), "None of those relationships should exist yet.")

		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

		# Now, ALL of those relationships should exist.

		relationships = list(chain.from_iterable([ root.comprehend(*r.split()) for r in expected_relationships ]))
		self.assertTrue(all(relationships), "All of those relationships should exist.")
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_simple_interaction(self):

        root = Category('*')

        expression = "foo bar"

        evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)


        self.assertTrue(isinstance(root.contents["foo"], Category))

        foo = root.contents["foo"]
        bar = root.contents["bar"]

        self.assertTrue(bar.related(set([foo])), "no double relation?")
Exemplo n.º 28
	def test_simple_interaction(self):

		root = Category('*')

		expression = "foo bar"

		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

		self.assertTrue( root.has("foo") )

		self.assertTrue( isinstance( root.contents["foo"], Category) )

		foo = root.contents["foo"]
		bar = root.contents["bar"]

		self.assertTrue(bar.related(set([foo])), "no double relation?")
Exemplo n.º 29
	def test_categories_receive_precedence(self):

		plus = ROOT.contents["+"]
		precedence = ROOT.contents["precedence"]
		three = ROOT.contents["3"]
		self.assertTrue("+" in ROOT.contents, "'+' isn't defined?")
		self.assertTrue(three in plus.intersection(precedence), "Addition hasn't the right precedence.")
		expression = '1 + 2'
		expression_category = parse(expression, ROOT)

		self.assertTrue("precedence" in expression_category.contents["+"].contents, "No precedence found for '+'!")
		self.assertTrue("+" in expression_category.contents["+"].contents["precedence"].contents, "Precedence category doesn't know about '+'?")
Exemplo n.º 30
	def test_getting_a_thingy_between_two_other_thingies(self):

		root = Category('*')

		expression = "apple tasty red"

		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

		apple	= root.contents["apple"]
		tasty	= root.contents["tasty"]
		red		= root.contents["red"]

		related = root.comprehend("apple", "red")

		self.assertTrue(len(related) > 0, "We should have received some results back.")

		self.assertTrue( root.comprehend("apple", "red")[0].related( set([tasty]) ), "Can't find a relationship?")
Exemplo n.º 31
	def test_getting_a_thingy_between_two_other_thingies2(self):

		root = Category('*')

		expression = "apple tasty red"

		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

		apple	= root.contents["apple"]
		tasty	= root.contents["tasty"]
		red		= root.contents["red"]

		relation = root.comprehend("apple", "red")

		self.assertTrue(len(relation) > 0, "We should have received some results back.")

		# TODO: Make this test less crude and more direct.
		self.assertTrue( tasty in relation[0].contents.values(), "Can't find a relationship?")
Exemplo n.º 32
	def test_parse_simple_expression(self):
		root = AssociativeSet('.')
		expression = "foo bar"
		# Note that this is the result of the expression being
		# *parsed*, not *parsed AND evaluated*. If it was being
		# evaluated there would be another category that represented
		# the result of the interaction.
		expression_result = parse(expression, root)
		# Expected in root: foo, bar, the relation between them, and the literal <<relation>> category.
		# Also the ordinal values (positions) for each element of the expression, and a relation for each.
		# And the 'position' category.
		# self.assertEqual( len(root.contents), 9)
		self.assertTrue( "foo" in root.contents )
		self.assertTrue( "bar" in root.contents )
		self.assertTrue( "__relation__0" in root.contents )
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_parse_ordering_of_expression(self):

        root = AssociativeSet('*')
        expression_result = parse("foo bar", root)

        self.assertEqual(len(root.comprehend("foo", "0")),
                         1)  # Should get ONE hit.

        position_relation = root.comprehend("foo", "0")[0]

        self.assertTrue("position" in position_relation.contents)

        position_tags = [
            x for x in position_relation.contents.values()
            if "position" in x.contents
            "Should be able to see the position relation marked as such.")
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_parse_simple_expression(self):

        root = AssociativeSet('.')

        expression = "foo bar"

        # Note that this is the result of the expression being
        # *parsed*, not *parsed AND evaluated*. If it was being
        # evaluated there would be another category that represented
        # the result of the interaction.
        expression_result = parse(expression, root)

        # Expected in root: foo, bar, the relation between them, and the literal <<relation>> category.
        # Also the ordinal values (positions) for each element of the expression, and a relation for each.
        # And the 'position' category.
        # self.assertEqual( len(root.contents), 9)
        self.assertTrue("foo" in root.contents)
        self.assertTrue("bar" in root.contents)
        self.assertTrue("__relation__0" in root.contents)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def test_getting_a_thingy_between_two_other_thingies2(self):

        root = Category('*')

        expression = "apple tasty red"

        evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

        apple = root.contents["apple"]
        tasty = root.contents["tasty"]
        red = root.contents["red"]

        relation = root.comprehend("apple", "red")

            len(relation) > 0, "We should have received some results back.")

        # TODO: Make this test less crude and more direct.
        self.assertTrue(tasty in relation[0].contents.values(),
                        "Can't find a relationship?")
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_getting_a_thingy_between_two_other_thingies(self):

        root = Category('*')

        expression = "apple tasty red"

        evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

        apple = root.contents["apple"]
        tasty = root.contents["tasty"]
        red = root.contents["red"]

        related = root.comprehend("apple", "red")

            len(related) > 0, "We should have received some results back.")

            root.comprehend("apple", "red")[0].related(set([tasty])),
            "Can't find a relationship?")
Exemplo n.º 37
	def test_arithmetic_precedence(self):

		expression = '1 + 2 / 5 * 3 - 2'

		expression_category = parse(expression, ROOT)

		metadata = expression_category.contents["metadata"]
		plus = expression_category.contents["+"]
		minus = expression_category.contents["-"]
		mult = expression_category.contents["*"]
		div = expression_category.contents["/"]
		operators = (plus, minus, mult, div)
		precedence = ROOT.contents["precedence"]
		self.assertTrue("0" in [category.name for category in precedence.intersection(div)], "Division should have precedence zero")
		self.assertTrue("1" in [category.name for category in precedence.intersection(mult)], "Multiplication should have precedence one")
		self.assertTrue("2" in [category.name for category in precedence.intersection(minus)], "Subtraction should have precedence two")
		self.assertTrue("3" in [category.name for category in precedence.intersection(plus)], "Addition should have precedence three")
Exemplo n.º 38
	def test_another_interaction(self):

		root = Category('*')

		expression = "apple tasty red"

		evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

		apple	= root.contents["apple"]
		tasty	= root.contents["tasty"]
		red		= root.contents["red"]

		# TODO: Make #related not suck.
		self.assertTrue(apple.related( set([tasty]) ), "no relation?")
		self.assertTrue(apple.related( set([red]) ), "no relation?")

		self.assertTrue(tasty.related( set([red]) ), "no relation?")
		self.assertTrue(tasty.related( set([apple]) ), "no relation?")

		self.assertTrue(red.related( set([tasty]) ) , "no relation?")
		self.assertTrue(red.related( set([apple]) ), "no relation?")
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_another_interaction(self):

        root = Category('*')

        expression = "apple tasty red"

        evaluate(parse(expression, root), root)

        apple = root.contents["apple"]
        tasty = root.contents["tasty"]
        red = root.contents["red"]

        # TODO: Make #related not suck.
        self.assertTrue(apple.related(set([tasty])), "no relation?")
        self.assertTrue(apple.related(set([red])), "no relation?")

        self.assertTrue(tasty.related(set([red])), "no relation?")
        self.assertTrue(tasty.related(set([apple])), "no relation?")

        self.assertTrue(red.related(set([tasty])), "no relation?")
        self.assertTrue(red.related(set([apple])), "no relation?")
Exemplo n.º 40
	def test_evaluate_atom(self):

		root = Category('*')
		root.create("relation") # Housekeeping

		expression = "foo"

		parsed = parse(expression, root)

		evaluate(parsed, root)

		# After an evaluation we should be able to see a relation which represents the result
		# of this particular evaluation. It will relate to a timestamp and the given expression.
		# In this way you should be able to see a history of evaluations.

		self.assertTrue( "foo" in root.contents.keys() )

		self.assertTrue( root.has("foo") )

		self.assertTrue( isinstance( root.contents["foo"], Category) )

		foo = root.contents["foo"]

		self.assertFalse(foo.has("relation")) # Should not connect directly to <<relation>>
Exemplo n.º 41
	def test_simple_subtraction(self):
		expression = '8 - 5'
		# self.fail("Subtraction doesn't work yet")
		result = parse(expression, ROOT).evaluate()

		self.assertTrue(result.has('3'), "Expected 3 in the result but I see: %s" % result.contents )
Exemplo n.º 42
from interpreter.tools import parse, evaluate, expand_arrows
from common import *
import os

def load_prelude():

	for line in open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/prelude.w", "r"):
		line = line.strip()
		# Comment stripper. Fragile!
		line = line[:line.find('#')] if '#' in line else line

		# Ignore blank lines
		if line:
			evaluate( parse( expand_arrows(line), ROOT), ROOT )


tokenized_lines = []

line_number = 1

for line in fileinput.input():

	line = line.strip()
	# Comment stripper. Fragile!
	line = line[:line.find('#')] if '#' in line else line

	# Ignore blank lines
	if line:
		evaluate( parse(line, ROOT), ROOT )
Exemplo n.º 43
	if command in ('reset',):
		ROOT = Category("*")
		print "* was reset"

	if command.split() and command.split()[0] == "load":
		args = command.split()
		if len(args) != 2:
			print "This didn't make sense for loading: ", args

	# Ignore blank lines
	if line:
		evaluate( parse( expand_arrows(line), ROOT), ROOT )

Exemplo n.º 44
	def test_simple_addition(self):
		expression = '1 + 2'

		result = parse(expression, ROOT).evaluate()

		self.assertTrue(result.has('3'), "Expected 3 in the result but I see: %s" % result.contents )