Exemplo n.º 1
def archived_files(container_file):
	name, ext = split_ext(container_file)
	path = os.path.dirname(name)
	name = os.path.basename(name)
		arc_ext = ext
		arc = Archive(container_file)
		for entry in arc.list():
			name, ext = os.path.splitext(entry.name)
			if arc_ext not in _SINGLE_CONTAINERS and ext.lower() not in _SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS:

			path = os.path.dirname(name)
			name = os.path.basename(name)

			tmp = make_temp_dir(task)
			f = open(os.path.join(tmp, entry.name))
			yield (container_file, path, name, ext, f)
		f = open(container_file, "r")
		yield (None, path, name, ext, f)
Exemplo n.º 2
def pack_datasets(project):
	log = task.logger

	config = GlobalConfig(task.conf)

	project_id = project["id"]

	log.info("--- [{0}] --------------------------------------------".format(project_id))

	if not config.results.create_zip:
		log.info("Creation of the results compressed file is deactivated. Skipped.")

	project_path = project["path"]
	temp_path = project["temp_path"]

	dest_path = os.path.join(project_path, "results.zip")

	sigdb = SigDb(config.sigdb_path)

	projdb = ProjectDb(project["db"])

	projres = ProjectResults(project)

	gene_sym = projdb.get_gene_symbols()

	total_samples = projdb.get_total_affected_samples()

	log.info("Compressing files ...")

	arc = None
		arc = Archive(dest_path, mode="w", fmt="zip")

		log.info("  Variant genes ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "variant_genes", "w") as vf:
			write_line(vf, "PROJECT_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE",

			for afg in projdb.affected_genes(join_variant=True, join_xrefs=True, join_rec=True):
				var = afg.var
				rec = afg.rec

				start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)

				xrefs = [xref for xref in var.xrefs]
				if sigdb.exists_variant(var.chr, start):
					xrefs += ["I:1"]
				xrefs = ",".join(xrefs)

				intogen_driver = 1 if sigdb.exists_gene(afg.gene_id) else 0

				write_line(vf, project_id, var.chr, var.strand, start, "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt),
								afg.gene_id, gene_sym.get(afg.gene_id),
								afg.impact, TransFIC.class_name(afg.impact),
								rec.sample_freq or 0, total_samples, rec.sample_prop or 0,
								afg.coding_region, afg.prot_changes, intogen_driver, xrefs)

		log.info("  Variant samples ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "variant_samples", "w") as vf:
			write_line(vf, "PROJECT_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE", "SAMPLES")

			for var in projdb.variants(join_samples=True):
				start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)
				write_line(vf, project_id, var.chr, var.strand, start, "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt),
						   ",".join([s.name for s in var.samples]))

		log.info("  Consequences ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "consequences", "w") as cf:
			write_line(cf, "PROJECT_ID", "CHR", "STRAND", "START", "ALLELE", "TRANSCRIPT_ID", "CT",

			for csq in projdb.consequences(join_variant=True):
				var = csq.var
				start, end, ref, alt = var_to_tab(var)
				allele = "{0}/{1}".format(ref, alt)

				uniprot = protein = protein_pos = aa_change = None
				sift_score = sift_tfic = sift_tfic_class = None
				pph2_score = pph2_tfic = pph2_tfic_class = None
				ma_score = ma_tfic = ma_tfic_class = None
				if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.ONCODRIVEFM):
					uniprot, protein = csq.uniprot, csq.protein
				if so.match(csq.ctypes, so.NON_SYNONYMOUS):
					protein_pos, aa_change = csq.protein_pos, csq.aa_change
					sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class = csq.sift_score, csq.sift_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.sift_tfic_class)
					pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class = csq.pph2_score, csq.pph2_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.pph2_tfic_class)
					ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class = csq.ma_score, csq.ma_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(csq.ma_tfic_class)

				write_line(cf, project_id, var.chr, var.strand, start, allele, csq.transcript,
							",".join(csq.ctypes), csq.gene, gene_sym.get(csq.gene),
							uniprot, protein, protein_pos, aa_change,
							sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class,
							pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class,
							ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class,
							csq.impact, TransFIC.class_name(csq.impact))

		log.info("  Genes ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "genes", "w") as gf:
			write_line(gf, "PROJECT_ID", "GENE_ID", "SYMBOL", "FM_PVALUE", "FM_QVALUE", "FM_EXC_CAUSE",

			for gene in projdb.genes(join_xrefs=True, join_rec=True):
				if gene.rec.sample_freq is not None and gene.rec.sample_freq > 0:
					intogen_driver = 1 if sigdb.exists_gene(gene.id) else 0
					write_line(gf, project_id, gene.id, gene.symbol, gene.fm_pvalue, gene.fm_qvalue, gene.fm_exc_cause,
									gene.rec.sample_freq, total_samples, gene.rec.sample_prop or 0,
									gene.clust_zscore, gene.clust_pvalue, gene.clust_qvalue, gene.clust_exc_cause,
									gene.clust_coords, intogen_driver, ",".join(gene.xrefs))

		log.info("  Pathways ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "pathways", "w") as pf:

			for pathway in projdb.pathways(join_rec=True):
				if pathway.rec.sample_freq is not None and pathway.rec.sample_freq > 0:
					write_line(pf, project_id, pathway.id, pathway.gene_count, pathway.fm_zscore, pathway.fm_pvalue, pathway.fm_qvalue,
									pathway.rec.sample_freq or 0, total_samples, pathway.rec.sample_prop or 0,
									pathway.rec.gene_freq or 0, pathway.gene_count, pathway.rec.gene_prop or 0)

		if not config.skip_oncodrivefm:

			log.info("  Genes per sample functional impact ...")

			with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "fimpact.gitools.tdm", "w") as f:
				write_line(f, "SAMPLE", "GENE_ID",
				for fields in projdb.sample_gene_fimpacts():
					(gene, sample,
						 sift_score, sift_tfic, sift_tfic_class,
						 pph2_score, pph2_tfic, pph2_tfic_class,
						 ma_score, ma_tfic, ma_tfic_class) = fields
					write_line(f, sample, gene,
							   sift_score, sift_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(sift_tfic_class),
							   pph2_score, pph2_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(pph2_tfic_class),
							   ma_score, ma_tfic, TransFIC.class_name(ma_tfic_class))

		log.info("Saving project configuration ...")

		with ArcFile(task, arc, project_id, "project", "w") as f:
			values = [project_id, project["assembly"], total_samples]
			names, values = projres.get_annotations_to_save(config.project.annotations, project["annotations"], names=names, values=values)
			tsv.write_line(f, *names)
			tsv.write_line(f, *values, null_value="-")
		if arc is not None: