Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, sids, properties):
        ''' Combine rethinkdb and quandl backends '''
        # Should save datafames downloaded from quandl ?
        self._save_missing_data = properties.get('save_missing')
        # Allow downloads ?
        self._offline = properties.get('offline')
        # Only get from db or quandl this field
        select = properties.get('select')
        self._select = [select] if select else []

        self.db = RethinkdbFinance(db=properties.get('db', 'quotes'))
        self.quandl = DataQuandl()

        # TODO Check with dates
        self._missing_sids = [
            sid for sid in sids if not self.db.available(sid)

        # Select the right mapping
        if self._select:
            self.mapping_choice = 'whatever_dataframe'
            if properties['universe'].exchange == 'forex':
                self.mapping_choice = 'forex_panel'
                #if properties['universe'].exchange.find('paris') > 0:
                self.mapping_choice = 'stock_panel'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, db='quotes'):
        self.db = RethinkdbFinance(db=db)

        log.info('using {} as data provider'.format('quandl.com'))
        self.feed = DataQuandl()