Exemplo n.º 1
def find_matching_files(basedir, filetypes):
    """Try to find all files matching given filetypes.

    By looking at all the files and filenames in the given directory,
    including subdirectories.

    :param basedir: full path to base directory to search in
    :type basedir: string

    :param filetypes: list of filetypes, extensions
    :type filetypes: list

    :return: exitcode and any error messages as: (exitcode, err_msg)
    :rtype: tuple
    files_list = []
    for dirpath, dummy0, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
        for filename in filenames:
            full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
            dummy1, cmd_out, dummy2 = run_shell_command(
                'file %s', (full_path,)
            for filetype in filetypes:
                if cmd_out.lower().find(filetype) > -1:
                elif filename.split('.')[-1].lower() == filetype:
    return files_list
Exemplo n.º 2
def _grep_version_from_executable(path_to_exec, version_regexp):
    """Try to detect a program version.

    Grep in its binary PATH_TO_EXEC and looking for VERSION_REGEXP.  Return
    program version as a string.  Return empty string if not succeeded.
    from invenio_utils.shell import run_shell_command

    exec_version = ""
    if os.path.exists(path_to_exec):
        dummy1, cmd2_out, dummy2 = run_shell_command("strings %s | grep %s", (path_to_exec, version_regexp))
        if cmd2_out:
            for cmd2_out_line in cmd2_out.split("\n"):
                if len(cmd2_out_line) > len(exec_version):
                    # the longest the better
                    exec_version = cmd2_out_line
    return exec_version
Exemplo n.º 3
def _grep_version_from_executable(path_to_exec, version_regexp):
    """Try to detect a program version.

    Grep in its binary PATH_TO_EXEC and looking for VERSION_REGEXP.  Return
    program version as a string.  Return empty string if not succeeded.
    from invenio_utils.shell import run_shell_command
    exec_version = ""
    if os.path.exists(path_to_exec):
        dummy1, cmd2_out, dummy2 = run_shell_command(
            "strings %s | grep %s", (path_to_exec, version_regexp))
        if cmd2_out:
            for cmd2_out_line in cmd2_out.split("\n"):
                if len(cmd2_out_line) > len(exec_version):
                    # the longest the better
                    exec_version = cmd2_out_line
    return exec_version
Exemplo n.º 4
def version(separator="\n", formatting="{version} [{executable}]"):
    Try to detect Apache version by localizing httpd or apache
    executables and grepping inside binaries.  Return list of all
    found Apache versions and paths.  (For a given executable, the
    returned format is 'apache_version [apache_path]'.)  Return empty
    list if no success.
    from invenio_utils.shell import run_shell_command

    out = []
    dummy1, cmd_out, dummy2 = run_shell_command("locate bin/httpd bin/apache")
    for apache in cmd_out.split("\n"):
        apache_version = _grep_version_from_executable(apache, "^Apache\/")
        if apache_version:
            out.append(formatting.format(version=apache_version, executable=apache))
    if separator is None:
        return out
    return separator.join(out)
Exemplo n.º 5
def version(separator='\n', formatting='{version} [{executable}]'):
    Try to detect Apache version by localizing httpd or apache
    executables and grepping inside binaries.  Return list of all
    found Apache versions and paths.  (For a given executable, the
    returned format is 'apache_version [apache_path]'.)  Return empty
    list if no success.
    from invenio_utils.shell import run_shell_command
    out = []
    dummy1, cmd_out, dummy2 = run_shell_command("locate bin/httpd bin/apache")
    for apache in cmd_out.split("\n"):
        apache_version = _grep_version_from_executable(apache, '^Apache\/')
        if apache_version:
    if separator is None:
        return out
    return separator.join(out)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_run_cmd_hello(self):
     """shellutils - running simple command"""
     self.assertEqual((0, "hello world\n", ''),
                      run_shell_command("echo 'hello world'"))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_run_cmd_timeout_no_zombie(self):
     """shellutils - running simple command no zombie"""
     self.assertRaises(Timeout, run_process_with_timeout, (self.script_path, '15', "THISISATEST"), timeout=5)
     ps_output = run_shell_command('ps aux')[1]
     self.failIf('THISISATEST' in ps_output, '"THISISATEST" was found in %s' % ps_output)
     self.failIf('sleep 15' in ps_output, '"sleep 15" was found in %s' % ps_output)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_run_cmd_hello_quote(self):
     """shellutils - running simple command with an argument with quote"""
     self.assertEqual((0, "hel'lo world\n", ''),
                      run_shell_command("echo %s %s", ("hel'lo", "world",)))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_run_cmd_hello_args(self):
     """shellutils - running simple command with an argument"""
     self.assertEqual((0, "hello world\n", ''),
                      run_shell_command("echo 'hello %s'", ("world",)))
Exemplo n.º 10
def dump_database(dump_path, host=CFG_DATABASE_HOST, port=CFG_DATABASE_PORT, \
                  user=CFG_DATABASE_USER, passw=CFG_DATABASE_PASS, \
                  name=CFG_DATABASE_NAME, params=None, compress=False, \
    Dump Invenio database into SQL file located at DUMP_PATH.

    Will perform the command to mysqldump with the given host configuration
    and user credentials.

    Optional mysqldump parameters can also be passed. Otherwise, a default
    set of parameters will be used.

    @param dump_path: path on the filesystem to save the dump to.
    @type dump_path: string

    @param host: hostname of mysql database node to connect to.
    @type host: string

    @param port: port of mysql database node to connect to
    @type port: string

    @param user: username to connect with
    @type user: string

    @param passw: password to connect to with
    @type passw: string

    @param name: name of mysql database node to dump
    @type name: string

    @param params: command line parameters to pass to mysqldump. Optional.
    @type params: string

    @param compress: should the dump be compressed through gzip?
    @type compress: bool

    @param ignore_tables: list of tables to ignore in the dump
    @type ignore: list of string
    write_message("... writing %s" % (dump_path,))

    partial_dump_path = dump_path + ".part"

    # Is mysqldump installed or in the right path?
    cmd_prefix = CFG_PATH_MYSQL + 'dump'
    if not os.path.exists(cmd_prefix):
        raise StandardError("%s is not installed." % (cmd_prefix))

    if not params:
        # No parameters set, lets use the default ones.
        params = " --skip-opt --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options" \
                 " --quick --extended-insert --set-charset --disable-keys" \
                 " --lock-tables=false --max_allowed_packet=2G "

    if ignore_tables:
        params += " ".join([escape_shell_arg("--ignore-table=%s.%s" % (CFG_DATABASE_NAME, table)) for table in ignore_tables])

    dump_cmd = "%s %s " \
               " --host=%s --port=%s --user=%s --password=%s %s" % \
               (cmd_prefix, \
                params, \
                escape_shell_arg(host), \
                escape_shell_arg(str(port)), \
                escape_shell_arg(user), \
                escape_shell_arg(passw), \

    if compress:
        dump_cmd = "%s | %s -cf; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}" % \
                   (dump_cmd, \
        dump_cmd = "bash -c %s" % (escape_shell_arg(dump_cmd),)

    write_message(dump_cmd, verbose=2)

    exit_code, stdout, stderr = run_shell_command(dump_cmd, None, partial_dump_path)

    if exit_code:
        raise StandardError("ERROR: mysqldump exit code is %s. stderr: %s stdout: %s" % \
                            (repr(exit_code), \
                             repr(stderr), \
        os.rename(partial_dump_path, dump_path)
        write_message("... completed writing %s" % (dump_path,))
Exemplo n.º 11
def dump_database(dump_path, host=CFG_DATABASE_HOST, port=CFG_DATABASE_PORT, \
                  user=CFG_DATABASE_USER, passw=CFG_DATABASE_PASS, \
                  name=CFG_DATABASE_NAME, params=None, compress=False, \
    Dump Invenio database into SQL file located at DUMP_PATH.

    Will perform the command to mysqldump with the given host configuration
    and user credentials.

    Optional mysqldump parameters can also be passed. Otherwise, a default
    set of parameters will be used.

    @param dump_path: path on the filesystem to save the dump to.
    @type dump_path: string

    @param host: hostname of mysql database node to connect to.
    @type host: string

    @param port: port of mysql database node to connect to
    @type port: string

    @param user: username to connect with
    @type user: string

    @param passw: password to connect to with
    @type passw: string

    @param name: name of mysql database node to dump
    @type name: string

    @param params: command line parameters to pass to mysqldump. Optional.
    @type params: string

    @param compress: should the dump be compressed through gzip?
    @type compress: bool

    @param ignore_tables: list of tables to ignore in the dump
    @type ignore: list of string
    write_message("... writing %s" % (dump_path, ))

    partial_dump_path = dump_path + ".part"

    # Is mysqldump installed or in the right path?
    cmd_prefix = CFG_PATH_MYSQL + 'dump'
    if not os.path.exists(cmd_prefix):
        raise StandardError("%s is not installed." % (cmd_prefix))

    if not params:
        # No parameters set, lets use the default ones.
        params = " --skip-opt --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options" \
                 " --quick --extended-insert --set-charset --disable-keys" \
                 " --lock-tables=false --max_allowed_packet=2G "

    if ignore_tables:
        params += " ".join([
            escape_shell_arg("--ignore-table=%s.%s" %
                             (CFG_DATABASE_NAME, table))
            for table in ignore_tables

    dump_cmd = "%s %s " \
               " --host=%s --port=%s --user=%s --password=%s %s" % \
               (cmd_prefix, \
                params, \
                escape_shell_arg(host), \
                escape_shell_arg(str(port)), \
                escape_shell_arg(user), \
                escape_shell_arg(passw), \

    if compress:
        dump_cmd = "%s | %s -cf; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}" % \
                   (dump_cmd, \
        dump_cmd = "bash -c %s" % (escape_shell_arg(dump_cmd), )

    write_message(dump_cmd, verbose=2)

    exit_code, stdout, stderr = run_shell_command(dump_cmd, None,

    if exit_code:
        raise StandardError("ERROR: mysqldump exit code is %s. stderr: %s stdout: %s" % \
                            (repr(exit_code), \
                             repr(stderr), \
        os.rename(partial_dump_path, dump_path)
        write_message("... completed writing %s" % (dump_path, ))