def test_inventory(self):
        clients_dict = test_dummy()

        config = get_all_config()

        # Generate burp_reports object to use for reports.
        reports = BurpReports(clients_dict,

        reports.save_compared_inventory(__inventory__, __output__)
        compared_clients = csv_as_dict(__output__, config['inventory_columns']['client_name'],

        return compared_clients
    def test_inventory(self):
        clients_dict = test_dummy()

        config = get_all_config()

        # Generate burp_reports object to use for reports.
        reports = BurpReports(clients_dict,

        reports.save_compared_inventory(__inventory__, __output__)
        compared_clients = csv_as_dict(

        return compared_clients
    def compare_inventory(self, csv_inventory):

        :param csv_inventory: Input filename to compare from (also can be an url to download it)
        :return: list csv_rows_inventory_status (status of each client) in nested list one row per client

        # Set dict of status from config
        all_status = dict(self.config['inventory_status'])

        # Set variables of status as lists, also enable possibility to have more than one status:
        spare_status = all_status['spare'].split(',')
        active_status = all_status['active'].split(',')

        # Set dict of status from config
        all_columns = dict(self.config['inventory_columns'])

        client_column = all_columns['client_name']
        delimiter = self.common_config['csv_delimiter']

        # Download the csv if it is in a url
        if validators.url(csv_inventory):
            get_csv_from_url(csv_inventory, csv_output=self.tempfile, delimiter=delimiter)
            csv_inventory = self.tempfile

        # Get inventory from CSV file
        inventory = csv_as_dict(csv_inventory, client_column, delimiter=delimiter)
        # Get a list of clients outdated in burp:
        outdated_clients = self._get_outdated()

        csv_rows_inventory_status = []
        headers = []

        headers.insert(0, client_column)  # Change First header column as client
        headers.insert(1, all_columns['status'])  # Change Second header column as status
        headers.insert(2, all_columns['server'])  # Change Third header column as server
        headers.insert(3, all_columns['sub_status'])  # Change Fourth header column as status detailed

        first_client = next(iter(inventory.keys()))  # Gets first key of dict

        for column in sorted(inventory[first_client].keys()):  # Get headers from input inventory sorted
            if column.lower() not in all_columns.values():  # Add to the list only if not in the all_columns defined

        # Prepare the header list to return:
        csv_rows_inventory_status.append(headers)  # First row as headers

        # Verify inventory and compare with clients in burp
        for k in sorted(inventory):
            client = k
            server_name = ''

            # Do not check excluded clients
            if client in self.excluded_clients:

            # Columns required to verify the status, lowercase and without spaces at end and beginning
            status = inventory[client].get(all_columns['status'], '').lower().strip()
            sub_status = inventory[client].get(all_columns['sub_status'], '').lower().strip()

            # If the client is in burp servers
            if client in self.clients:

                if sub_status in spare_status:
                    burp_status = all_status['spare_in_burp']

                elif status not in active_status:
                    burp_status = all_status['inactive_in_burp']

                    burp_status = all_status['in_inventory_updated']
                    # Set never/outdated if the client is outdated
                    if client in outdated_clients:
                        burp_status = outdated_clients[client]['b_status']

            # If the client is not in burp servers: ---
            # Define the status as ignored for clients spare
            elif sub_status in spare_status:
                burp_status = all_status['spare_not_in_burp']

            # Define ignored to client not active:
            elif status not in active_status:
                burp_status = all_status['inactive_not_in_burp']

                # Define absent in burp
                burp_status = all_status['in_inventory_not_in_burp']

            # Add server_name information
            if self.clients[client].get('server', None):
                server_name = self.clients[client]['server']
                # Mark the status of the client as duplicated if there is more than one server on it.
                if len(server_name) > 1:
                    burp_status = all_status['in_many_servers']

            # Generate list row with client's status and other data
            row = [client, burp_status, server_name, sub_status]

            # Add all other columns, starting from fourth column in headers
            for i in range(4, len(headers)):
                row.append(inventory[client].get(headers[i]))  # Insert each value of client to the row


        # Check if there is some client in burp but not in the inventory
        for burp_client in sorted(self.clients):
            # Do not check excluded clients
            if burp_client in self.excluded_clients:

            if burp_client not in inventory:
                burp_status = all_status['not_inventory_in_burp']
                if self.clients[burp_client].get('server', None):
                    server_name = self.clients[burp_client]['server']
                    server_name = []
                sub_status = ''
                # Generate list row with client's status and other data
                row = [burp_client, burp_status, server_name, sub_status]


        return csv_rows_inventory_status
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compare_inventory(self, csv_inventory):

        :param csv_inventory: Input filename to compare from (also can be an url to download it)
        :return: list csv_rows_inventory_status (status of each client) in nested list one
        row per client

        # Set dict of status from config
        all_status = dict(self.config['inventory_status'])

        # Set variables of status as lists, also enable possibility to have more than one status:
        spare_status = all_status['spare'].split(',')
        active_status = all_status['active'].split(',')

        # Set dict of status from config
        all_columns = self.inventory_columns

        client_column = all_columns['client_name']
        delimiter = self.common_config['csv_delimiter']

        # Download the csv if it is in a url
        if validators.url(csv_inventory):
            get_csv_from_url(csv_inventory, csv_output=self.tempfile, delimiter=delimiter)
            csv_inventory = self.tempfile

        elif csv_inventory == 'email_inventory':
            if self.config.has_section('email_inventory'):
                email_inventory_config = dict(self.config['email_inventory'])
                email_inventory_obj = ImapReceive(config=email_inventory_config)
                email_inventory_obj.download_attachment() # Read email and download
                csv_inventory = email_inventory_obj.save_file
                print("you must setup the section [email_inventory]"
                      "in configuration to use email_inventory")

        # Get inventory from CSV file
        inventory = csv_as_dict(csv_inventory, client_column,
        # Get a list of clients outdated in burp:
        outdated_clients = self._get_outdated()

        csv_rows_inventory_status = []
        headers = []

        headers.insert(0, client_column)  # Change First header column as client
        headers.insert(1, all_columns['status'])  # Change Second header column as status
        headers.insert(2, all_columns['server'])  # Change Third header column as server
        # Change Fourth header column as status detailed
        headers.insert(3, all_columns['sub_status'])

        first_client = next(iter(inventory.keys()))  # Gets first key of dict

        for column in sorted(inventory[first_client].keys()):  # Get headers from input inventory sorted
            if column.lower() not in all_columns.values():  # Add to the list only if not in the all_columns defined

        # Prepare the header list to return:
        csv_rows_inventory_status.append(headers)  # First row as headers

        # Verify inventory and compare with clients in burp
        for k in sorted(inventory):
            client = k
            server_name = ''

            # Do not check excluded clients
            if client in self.excluded_clients:

            # Columns required to verify the status, lowercase and without spaces at end and beginning
            status = inventory[client].get(all_columns['status'], '').lower().strip()
            sub_status = inventory[client].get(all_columns['sub_status'], '').lower().strip()

            # If the client is in burp servers
            if client in self.clients:

                if sub_status in spare_status:
                    burp_status = all_status['spare_in_burp']

                elif status not in active_status:
                    burp_status = all_status['inactive_in_burp']

                    burp_status = all_status['in_inventory_updated']
                    # Set never/outdated if the client is outdated
                    if client in outdated_clients:
                        burp_status = outdated_clients[client]['b_status']

            # If the client is not in burp servers: ---
            # Define the status as ignored for clients spare
            elif sub_status in spare_status:
                burp_status = all_status['spare_not_in_burp']

            # Define ignored to client not active:
            elif status not in active_status:
                burp_status = all_status['inactive_not_in_burp']

                # Define absent in burp
                burp_status = all_status['in_inventory_not_in_burp']

            # Add server_name information
            if self.clients[client].get('server', None):
                server_name = self.clients[client]['server']
                # Mark the status of the client as duplicated if there is more than one server on it.
                if len(server_name) > 1:
                    burp_status = all_status['in_many_servers']

            # Generate list row with client's status and other data
            row = [client, burp_status, server_name, sub_status]

            # Add all other columns, starting from fourth column in headers
            for i in range(4, len(headers)):
                row.append(inventory[client].get(headers[i]))  # Insert each value of client to the row


        # Check if there is some client in burp but not in the inventory
        for burp_client in sorted(self.clients):
            # Do not check excluded clients
            if burp_client in self.excluded_clients:

            if burp_client not in inventory:
                burp_status = all_status['not_inventory_in_burp']
                if self.clients[burp_client].get('server', None):
                    server_name = self.clients[burp_client]['server']
                    server_name = []
                sub_status = ''
                # Generate list row with client's status and other data
                row = [burp_client, burp_status, server_name, sub_status]


        return csv_rows_inventory_status