Exemplo n.º 1
    def set(self, content):
        if isinstance(content, Body):
            self.mimetype = content.mimetype
            self.data = content.data
            self.chunked = content.chunked
            self.trailer = content.trailer
            self.fd = content.fd

        self.data = None
        if not content:
            content = BytesIO()
        elif isinstance(content, BytesIO) or (hasattr(content, 'read')
                                              and hasattr(content, 'fileno')
                                              and hasattr(content, 'closed')):
            if content.closed:
                raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file.')
        elif isinstance(content, Unicode):
            content = BytesIO(content.encode(self.encoding))
        elif isinstance(content, bytes):
            content = BytesIO(content)
        elif isinstance(content, bytearray):
            content = BytesIO(bytes(content))
        elif not hasattr(content, '__iter__'):
            raise TypeError('Content must be iterable.')
        self.fd = content
Exemplo n.º 2
 async def fivezig_animated(self, ctx, player: MCPlayer):
     """Get 5zig animated cape by nickname"""
     uuid = player.uuid
         async with self.session.get(
                 raise_for_status=True) as data:
             response_data = await data.json(content_type=None,
         if "animatedCape" not in response_data:
             await ctx.send(
                 chat.error(_("{} doesn't have animated 5zig cape")).format(
         cape = response_data["animatedCape"]
     except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e:
         if e.status == 404:
             await ctx.send(
                     _("{} doesn't have 5zig cape").format(player.name)))
             await ctx.send(
                     _("Unable to get {player}'s 5zig cape: {message}").
                     format(player=player.name, message=e.message)))
     cape = BytesIO(base64.decodebytes(cape.encode()))
     file = discord.File(cape, filename="{}.png".format(player))
     await ctx.send(file=file)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testParseHeaderV1NoBlankLineBetweenHeaderAndBody(self):
        Although it breaks the OFX v1 spec, we don't require an empty line
        between header and message body
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        ofx = header.strip() + "\r\n" + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("ascii"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "USASCII")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
        # Make sure body can actually be parsed
        builder = ofxtools.Parser.TreeBuilder()
        root = builder.close()
        self.assertIsInstance(root, Element)
        self.assertEqual(root.tag, "OFX")
        self.assertEqual(len(root), 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def put(self, path, data, metadata=None):
        """Store a File object, stream, unicode string, or byte string.

        Optionally attach metadata to it.
        # File objects with no encoding attributes are byte data.
        byte_data = not getattr(data, 'encoding', None)

        # Coerce strings to in-memory Byte streams.
        if isinstance(data, string_types):
            data = BytesIO(data.encode())
            byte_data = True

        # Coerce python 3 explicit byte strings
        if isinstance(data, bytes):
            data = BytesIO(data)
            byte_data = True

        # io.StringIO instances are always unicode
        if isinstance(data, StringIO):
            byte_data = False

        directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(self.root, path))
        if not os.path.isdir(directory):

        fn = os.path.join(self.root, path)
        if metadata is not None:
            meta_fn = fn + '.meta'
            with open(meta_fn, 'w') as f:
                json.dump(metadata, f)

        with open(fn, 'wb' if byte_data else 'w') as f:
            shutil.copyfileobj(data, f)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def testExtraWhitespaceHeaderDemarc(self):
        # Even though it breaks with the OFX spec, some FIs insert whitespace
        # after the colon demarc between an OFX header field and its value.
        # We allow this.
        header = ("OFXHEADER:  100\r\n"
                  "DATA:  OFXSGML\r\n"
                  "VERSION:  103\r\n"
                  "SECURITY:  NONE\r\n"
                  "ENCODING:  USASCII\r\n"
                  "CHARSET:  NONE\r\n"
                  "COMPRESSION:  NONE\r\n"
                  "OLDFILEUID:  NONE\r\n"
                  "NEWFILEUID:  NONE\r\n")
        ofx = header + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf8"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, 103)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "USASCII")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
def Read1232IndFile(FileName=None):
    # ALS beamline 12.3.2 using the XMAS software which will return an ind file containing the intensity of each peak found after indexing a crystal.  Also has hkl, two theta, etc.  This can be used
    # for training our algorithms.
    # Load the ind file
    with open(FileName, 'r') as f:
        WholeFile = f.read()

    # Pull out the chunk of the file that contains the indexation table (starts with number of indexed reflections and ends with the deviatoric stuff.
    s = re.search('(number of indexed reflections:\s*[0-9]*[\r\n]*)([a-zA-Z0-9\s\(\)_\.-]*)( dev1, dev2)', WholeFile)
    ReflStr = s.group(2)

    # Nobu has a typo in his files, so two columns are accidentally blended together.  Fix it.
    ReflStr = ReflStr.replace('chi(deg)intensity', 'chi(deg) intensity')

    # Now turn the text into a named numpy array.
    ReflStr = BytesIO(ReflStr.encode('utf-8'))
    R = np.genfromtxt(ReflStr, names=True)

    # Sort by hkl
    R.sort(order=('h', 'k', 'l'))

    # print(tabulate(R, headers=R.dtype.names))
    Rpd = pd.DataFrame(R)

    Rpd.to_csv(FileName + '.csv')

    return Rpd
Exemplo n.º 7
    def send(self, request, stream=False, timeout=None, verify=True, cert=None, proxies=None):
        self.add_headers(request, stream=stream, timeout=timeout, verify=verify, cert=cert, proxies=proxies)
        # Default returns 200 and the same body message
        status = 200
        body = request.body or "No Body"
        # check headers are present
        if self.__checkHeaders(request.headers):
            # Check signature is valid
            timestamp = request.headers[self._protocol.TIMESTAMP_HEADER]
            signature = self._protocol.signRequest(request.url, request.method, params=None, body=request.body, timestamp=timestamp)
            signatureHeaders = self._protocol.getHeaders(signature)
            for name, value in signatureHeaders.items():
                _v = request.headers.get(name)
                if not _v or _v != value:
                    status = 403
                    body = json.dumps({"error" : {"code" : 403, "message": "Headers {} is not correct".format(name)}})
            status = 403
            body = json.dumps({"error" : {"code" : 403, "message": "Headers are missing"}})

        headers = urllib3.response.HTTPHeaderDict(request.headers)
        if hasattr(body, 'read'):
            body = BytesIO(body.encode('utf8'))
        response = urllib3.HTTPResponse(body, headers, status, preload_content=False)
        return self.build_response(request, response)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testParseHeaderV1NoBlankLineBetweenHeaderAndBody(self):
        Although it breaks the OFX v1 spec, we don't require an empty line
        between header and message body
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        ofx = header.strip() + "\r\n" + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("ascii"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "USASCII")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
        # Make sure body can actually be parsed
        builder = ofxtools.Parser.TreeBuilder()
        root = builder.close()
        self.assertIsInstance(root, Element)
        self.assertEqual(root.tag, "OFX")
        self.assertEqual(len(root), 1)
Exemplo n.º 9
        def xml_is_valid(xml, only_front=False):
            xml = BytesIO(xml.encode('utf-8'))
                xml_doc = etree.parse(xml)
                logger.debug('XML is well formed')
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Fail to parse XML')
                return (False, '', str(e))

            xml_doc = setup_depositor(xml_doc)

            if only_front:
                citation_list = xml_doc.find(
                if citation_list:

            xml_doc_pprint = etree.tostring(xml_doc, pretty_print=True)
            xml_doc = etree.parse(BytesIO(xml_doc_pprint))

                result = PARSED_SCHEMA.assertValid(xml_doc)
                logger.debug('XML is valid')
                return (True, xml_doc, '')
            except etree.DocumentInvalid as e:
                logger.error('Fail to parse XML')
                return (False, xml_doc, str(e))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def upload(self, fp, size=None, progress_callback=None):
     Upload file contents.
     fp can be any file-like object, but if you don't specify it's size in advance it must support tell and seek methods.
     Progress callback is optional - if provided, it should match signature of ProgressCallbacks.upload_progress
     if isinstance(fp, bytes):
         fp = BytesIO(fp)
     elif isinstance(fp, str):
         fp = BytesIO(fp.encode('utf-8'))
     if size is None:
         size = base.get_file_size(fp)
     if size < self._upload_chunk_size:
         # simple, one request upload
         retries = max(self._upload_retries, 1)
         while retries > 0:
             url = self._client.get_url(self._url_template_content, path=self.path)
             chunk = base._FileChunk(fp, 0, size)
             r = self._client.POST(url, data=chunk, headers={'Content-length': str(size)})
             server_sha = r.headers['X-Sha512-Checksum']
             our_sha = chunk.sha.hexdigest()
             if server_sha == our_sha:
             retries -= 1
             # TODO: retry network errors too
         if retries == 0:
             raise exc.ChecksumError("Failed to upload file", {})
     else:  # chunked upload
         return self._chunked_upload(fp, size, progress_callback)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def _add_file(self, name, size, data):
     if isinstance(data, bytes):
         data = BytesIO(data)
     elif isinstance(data, str):
         data = BytesIO(data.encode())
     info = tarfile.TarInfo(name)
     info.size = size
     self.archive.addfile(info, data)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, image, symbols):
     image = BytesIO(b64decode(image.encode('ascii')))
     super(CaissedepargneKeyboard, self).__init__(symbols,
Exemplo n.º 13
    def sink(self,
             path: Optional[str] = None,
             name: Optional[str] = None,
             file: Optional[Union[TextIO, BytesIO]] = None,
             content: Optional[Union[str, bytes]] = None):
        file_content = content or self.scrape_result['content']
        file_path = None
        file_extension = None

        if name:
            name_parts = name.split('.')
            if len(name_parts) > 1:
                file_extension = name_parts[-1]

        if not file:
            if file_extension is None:
                    mime_type = self.scrape_result['response_headers'][
                except KeyError:
                    mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'

                if ';' in mime_type:
                    mime_type = mime_type.split(';')[0]

                file_extension = '.' + mime_type.split('/')[1]

            if not name:
                name = self.config['url'].split('/')[-1]

            if name.find(file_extension) == -1:
                name += file_extension

            file_path = path + '/' + name if path is not None else name

            if file_path == file_extension:
                url = re.sub(r'(https|http)?://', '',
                             self.config['url']).replace('/', '-')

                if url[-1] == '-':
                    url = url[:-1]

                url += file_extension

                file_path = url

            file = open(file_path, 'wb')

        if isinstance(file_content, str):
            file_content = BytesIO(file_content.encode('utf-8'))
        elif isinstance(file_content, bytes):
            file_content = BytesIO(file_content)

        with file as f:
            shutil.copyfileobj(file_content, f, length=131072)

        logger.info('file %s created' % file_path)
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: jstoone/pb
def request_content():
    content = request_key('content')
    if content:
        content = BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8'))
        return content, request_key('filename')

    fs = request.files.get('content', request.files.get('c'))
    if fs:
        return fs.stream, request_key('filename') or fs.filename
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: ptpb/pb
def request_content():
    content = request_key('content') or request_key('file')
    if content:
        content = BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8'))
        return content, request_key('filename')

    fs = request_files('content') or request_files('file')
    if fs:
        return fs.stream, request_key('filename') or fs.filename
    return None, None
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: m42e/pb
def request_content():
    content = request_key('content')
    if content:
        content = BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8'))
        return content, request_key('filename')

    fs = request.files.get('content', request.files.get('c'))
    if fs:
        return fs.stream, request_key('filename') or fs.filename
    return None, None
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _set_data(self, data):
     if isinstance(data, str):
         data = BytesIO(data.encode('utf-8'))
     elif isinstance(data, bytes):
         data = BytesIO(data)
     File._set_data(self, data)
     if hasattr(data, 'seek'):
     img = Image.open(data)
     self.image_size = img.size
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: utils.py Projeto: alljp/pymws
def parse_tsv(text):
    Python 2 and 3 compatible TSV parser that returns a list of
    dictionary objects.
    if six.PY2:
        text = BytesIO(text.encode('utf-8'))
        text = text.splitlines()
    return list(csv.DictReader(text, dialect='excel-tab'))
Exemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, data):
     """Parse the given data string or file-like as a metadata block.
     The metadata header should not be included."""
     if data is not None:
         if isinstance(data, text_type): data = BytesIO(data.encode('utf-8'))
         elif isinstance(data, byte_types): data = BytesIO(data)
         elif not hasattr(data, 'read'):
             raise TypeError(
                 "StreamInfo requires string data or a file-like")
Exemplo n.º 20
    def put_attachment(self, content, name=None, content_type=None,
                       content_length=None, domain=None, type_code=None):
        """Put attachment in blob database

        See `get_short_identifier()` for restrictions on the upper bound
        for number of attachments per object.

        :param content: String or file object.
        db = get_blob_db()

        if name is None:
            name = getattr(content, "name", None)
        if name is None:
            raise InvalidAttachment("cannot save attachment without name")
        if self._id is None:
            raise ResourceNotFound("cannot put attachment on unidentified document")
        if hasattr(self, "domain"):
            if domain is not None and self.domain != domain:
                raise ValueError("domain mismatch: %s != %s" % (self.domain, domain))
            domain = self.domain
        elif domain is None:
            raise ValueError("domain attribute or argument is required")
        old_meta = self.blobs.get(name)

        if isinstance(content, six.text_type):
            content = BytesIO(content.encode("utf-8"))
        elif isinstance(content, bytes):
            content = BytesIO(content)

        # do we need to worry about BlobDB reading beyond content_length?
        meta = db.put(
            domain=domain or self.domain,
            type_code=(self._blobdb_type_code if type_code is None else type_code),
        self.external_blobs[name] = BlobMetaRef(
        if self._migrating_blobs_from_couch and self._attachments:
            self._attachments.pop(name, None)
        if self._atomic_blobs is None:
            if old_meta and old_meta.key:
        elif old_meta and old_meta.key:
        return True
Exemplo n.º 21
    def put_attachment(self, content, name=None, content_type=None,
                       content_length=None, domain=None, type_code=None):
        """Put attachment in blob database

        See `get_short_identifier()` for restrictions on the upper bound
        for number of attachments per object.

        :param content: String or file object.
        db = get_blob_db()

        if name is None:
            name = getattr(content, "name", None)
        if name is None:
            raise InvalidAttachment("cannot save attachment without name")
        if self._id is None:
            raise ResourceNotFound("cannot put attachment on unidentified document")
        if hasattr(self, "domain"):
            if domain is not None and self.domain != domain:
                raise ValueError("domain mismatch: %s != %s" % (self.domain, domain))
            domain = self.domain
        elif domain is None:
            raise ValueError("domain attribute or argument is required")
        old_meta = self.blobs.get(name)

        if isinstance(content, str):
            content = BytesIO(content.encode("utf-8"))
        elif isinstance(content, bytes):
            content = BytesIO(content)

        # do we need to worry about BlobDB reading beyond content_length?
        meta = db.put(
            domain=domain or self.domain,
            type_code=(self._blobdb_type_code if type_code is None else type_code),
        self.external_blobs[name] = BlobMetaRef(
        if self._migrating_blobs_from_couch and self._attachments:
            self._attachments.pop(name, None)
        if self._atomic_blobs is None:
            if old_meta and old_meta.key:
        elif old_meta and old_meta.key:
        return True
Exemplo n.º 22
    def encode_raw(self, data):
        """ encode complex data for raw output """
        def _rewind(fid):
            if hasattr(fid, 'seek'):
            return data

        mime_type = getattr(data, 'mime_type', None)
        encoding = getattr(data, 'encoding', None)
        schema = getattr(data, 'schema', None)
        format_ = self.get_format(mime_type, encoding, schema)
        text_encoding = getattr(format_, 'text_encoding', 'utf-8')
        if format_ is None:
            raise ValueError("Invalid format specification! mime_type=%r, "
                             "encoding=%r, schema=%r" %
                             (mime_type, encoding, schema))
        if isinstance(data, CDObject):
            data = data.data
        if format_.is_xml:
            data = BytesIO(
            content_type = "%s; charset=%s" % (format_.mime_type,
        elif format_.is_json:
            data = BytesIO(
                json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode(text_encoding))
            content_type = "%s; charset=%s" % (format_.mime_type,
        elif format_.is_text:
            if isinstance(data, (CDTextBuffer, CDAsciiTextBuffer)):
                data.text_encoding = text_encoding
                source_text_encoding = getattr(data, 'text_encoding', None)
                if source_text_encoding != text_encoding:
                    data = _rewind(data).read()
                    if source_text_encoding is not None:
                        data = data.decode(source_text_encoding)
                    data = BytesIO(data.encode(text_encoding))
            content_type = "%s; charset=%s" % (format_.mime_type,
        else:  # generic binary byte-stream
            if format_.encoding is not None:
                data_out = BytesIO()
                for chunk in format_.encode(_rewind(data)):
                    # if isinstance(chunk, binary_type):
                    #     chunk = str(chunk,'utf-8')
                data = data_out
            content_type = format_.mime_type
        return _rewind(data), content_type
Exemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, data=None, *args, **kwargs):
     # Collect the args to pass to load, this lets child classes
     # override just load and get equivalent magic for the
     # constructor.
     if data is not None:
         if isinstance(data, text_type):
             data = BytesIO(data.encode('utf-8'))
         elif isinstance(data, byte_types):
             data = BytesIO(data)
         elif not hasattr(data, 'read'):
             raise TypeError("VComment requires string data or a file-like")
         self.load(data, *args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _decode_obj(cls, obj_str):
         if obj_str is None:
             return None
         if isinstance(obj_str, str):
             obj_str = BytesIO(obj_str.encode('utf-8'))
         result = JSONParser().parse(obj_str)
         return result
     except Exception as e:
         raise NotImplementedError("only can decode json strings, received "
                                   "type: {}, repr: {}".format(
                                       type(obj_str), repr(obj_str))) from e
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: flac.py Projeto: mattbun/sift
 def __init__(self, data):
     """Parse the given data string or file-like as a metadata block.
     The metadata header should not be included."""
     if data is not None:
         if isinstance(data, text_type):
             data = BytesIO(data.encode('utf-8'))
         elif isinstance(data, byte_types):
             data = BytesIO(data)
         elif not hasattr(data, 'read'):
             raise TypeError(
                 "StreamInfo requires string data or a file-like")
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_sms_resource(self, request_mock):
        """Test the SMS resource PUT method, using the fake response returned by util.send_sms()."""

        sms = { 
            "message": self.message['message'],
            "sms": self.subscriber['sms']

        #Create the mock response.
        dummyResponse = { 
            "message-count": "1",
            "messages": [{
                    "message-id": "TEST-MESSAGE-ID",
                    "message-price": "0.03330000",
                    "network": "0000",
                    "remaining-balance": "3.58010000",
                    "status": "0",
                    "to": sms['sms']
        dummyResponse = json.dumps(dummyResponse)
        dummyResponse = BytesIO( dummyResponse.encode() )
        request_mock.return_value = dummyResponse
        #Test PUT method.
        put_response = self.app.put( '/sms', data=sms )
        put_response = json.loads( put_response.data.decode('UTF-8') ) 

        params = {
            'api_key': meerkat_hermes.app.config['NEXMO_PUBLIC_KEY'],
            'api_secret': meerkat_hermes.app.config['NEXMO_PRIVATE_KEY'],
            'to': sms['sms'],
            'from': meerkat_hermes.app.config['FROM'],
            'text': sms['message']

        self.assertTrue( request_mock.called )
        request_mock.assert_called_with( 'https://rest.nexmo.com/sms/json?' + 
                                         urllib.parse.urlencode(params) )

        self.assertEquals( put_response['messages'][0]['status'], '0' )
        self.assertEquals( put_response['messages'][0]['to'], sms['sms'] )
        #Check that the message has been logged properly.
        log_response = self.log.get_item( 
                'id': put_response['log_id']
        self.assertEquals( log_response['Item']['destination'][0], sms['sms'] )

        #Delete the message from the log
        delete_response = self.app.delete( '/log/'+put_response['log_id'] )
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_vrt_vsifile(data_dir, path_white_gemini_iv_vrt):
    """Successfully read an in-memory VRT"""
    with open(path_white_gemini_iv_vrt) as vrtfile:
        source = vrtfile.read()
        source = source.replace('<SourceFilename relativeToVRT="1">389225main_sw_1965_1024.jpg</SourceFilename>', '<SourceFilename relativeToVRT="0">{}/389225main_sw_1965_1024.jpg</SourceFilename>'.format(data_dir))
        source = BytesIO(source.encode('utf-8'))

    with FilePath(source) as vsifile:
        with vsifile.open() as src:
            assert src.driver == 'VRT'
            assert src.count == 3
            assert src.dtypes == ('uint8', 'uint8', 'uint8')
            assert src.read().shape == (3, 768, 1024)
Exemplo n.º 28
def upload_to_mapbox(username, datasetname, geojson):
    if type(geojson) == dict:
        geojson = json.dumps(geojson)
    if type(geojson) == str:
        geojson = BytesIO(geojson.encode())
    # see: https://www.mapbox.com/api-documentation/#uploads

    # Acquisition of credentials, staging of data, and upload
    # finalization is done by a single method in the Python SDK.
    service = Uploader()
    dataset_name = '{}.{}'.format(username, datasetname)
    resp = service.upload(geojson, dataset_name)

    return resp
Exemplo n.º 29
def load_string(xml_str, validate=True):
    """Generate a python object

    :param xml_str: the XML file as string
    :type xml_str: str
    :param validate: validate the XML before generating the python object.
    :type validate: bool
    :return: the generated python object
    :rtype: :class:`Element`
    if not isinstance(xml_str, BytesIO):
        # TODO: Get encoding from the dtd file (xml tag).
        xml_str = BytesIO(xml_str.encode('utf-8'))
    return load(xml_str, validate)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def testParseHeader(self):
        # Test parse_header() for version 2
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        ofx = header + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf8"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 200)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def testParseHeader(self):
        # Test parse_header() for version 2
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        ofx = header + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf8"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 200)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
Exemplo n.º 32
    def build_tree(xml_string):
        """ Returns a lxml etree from an XML string (xml, xsd...)



            xml_string = BytesIO(xml_string.encode('utf-8'))
        except Exception:
            xml_string = BytesIO(xml_string)

        return etree.parse(xml_string)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def build(self):
     from docker import Client
     from io import BytesIO
     dockerhost = os.environ.get("DOCKER_HOST", "tcp://")
     dockerfile = super(DockerBuild, self).build()
     dockerfile = BytesIO(dockerfile.encode('utf-8'))
     cli = Client(dockerhost)
     builder = cli.build(fileobj=dockerfile, rm=True, tag="bones")
     for line in builder:
         line = json.loads(line)
         if len(line.keys()) == 1 and "stream" in line:
Exemplo n.º 34
 def upload_file(self, filename, src, mkdir=False):
     if isinstance(src, str):
         src = BytesIO(src.encode("utf-8"))
     if mkdir:
         directory = posixpath.dirname(filename)
         if directory:
             self.mkdir(directory, recursive=True)
     if not isinstance(filename, str):
         filename = filename.decode("utf-8")
         self.con.storbinary("STOR " + filename, src, blocksize=32768)
     except FTPError as e:
         return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 35
    def testNoLineBreaksAnywhere(self):
        # Some FIs apparently return OFX data with no line breaks anywhere, not
        # even in the OFX header.  We're cool with that.
        # Issue #89
        header = ("OFXHEADER:100"
        body = (
            "<TRNAMT>507500.00<FITID>202004031<NAME>TD AMERITRADE CLEARING"
            "<MEMO>WT SEQ555555 /ORG=JOHN DOE SRF# EC55555555555 TRN#55555555555 RFB# 55555555555"
        ofx = header + body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf8"))
        ofxheader, body_ = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, 102)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "USASCII")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "1252")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, body_)
Exemplo n.º 36
def roundtrip(f):
    Test roundtrip for `untokenize`. `f` is an open file or a string.
    The source code in f is tokenized, converted back to source code via
    tokenize.untokenize(), and tokenized again from the latter. The test
    fails if the second tokenization doesn't match the first.
    if isinstance(f, str):
        f = BytesIO(f.encode('utf-8'))
    token_list = list(tokenize(f.readline))
    tokens1 = [tok[:2] for tok in token_list]
    new_bytes = untokenize(tokens1)
    readline = (line for line in new_bytes.splitlines(1)).__next__
    tokens2 = [tok[:2] for tok in tokenize(readline)]
    return tokens1 == tokens2
Exemplo n.º 37
def roundtrip(f):
    Test roundtrip for `untokenize`. `f` is an open file or a string.
    The source code in f is tokenized, converted back to source code via
    tokenize.untokenize(), and tokenized again from the latter. The test
    fails if the second tokenization doesn't match the first.
    if isinstance(f, str):
        f = BytesIO(f.encode('utf-8'))
    token_list = list(tokenize(f.readline))
    tokens1 = [tok[:2] for tok in token_list]
    new_bytes = untokenize(tokens1)
    readline = (line for line in new_bytes.splitlines(1)).__next__
    tokens2 = [tok[:2] for tok in tokenize(readline)]
    return tokens1 == tokens2
Exemplo n.º 38
    def build_tree(xml_string, parser=None):
        """Returns a lxml etree from an XML string (xml, xsd...)



            xml_string = BytesIO(xml_string.encode("utf-8"))
        except Exception:
            xml_string = BytesIO(xml_string)
        if not parser:
            parser = XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
        return etree.parse(xml_string, parser=parser)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def testParseHeader(self):
        # Test parse_header() for version 1
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        ofx = header + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf8"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "USASCII")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
Exemplo n.º 40
    def testParseHeaderSingleQuotedDeclarationData(self):
        # The XML spec allows data to be quoted within either single or double quotes
        # Make sure that single-quoted data in the XML declaration is captured by
        # ``ofxtools.header.XML_REGEX``
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        header = ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>" +
        ofx = header + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf8"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 200)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
Exemplo n.º 41
def content_file(content_id, filename):
    """ Serve file from zipball with specified id """
    content_dir = request.app.config['content.contentdir']
    zippath = downloads.get_zip_path(content_id, content_dir)
        metadata, content = downloads.get_file(zippath, filename, no_read=True)
    except downloads.ContentError as err:
    size = metadata.file_size
    timestamp = os.stat(zippath)[stat.ST_MTIME]
    archive = open_archive()
    if filename.endswith('.html') and archive.needs_formatting(content_id):
        logging.debug("Patching HTML file '%s' with Librarian stylesheet" % (
        size, content = patch_content.patch(content.read())
        content = StringIO(content.encode('utf8'))
    return send_file(content, filename, size, timestamp)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def testParseHeader(self):
        # Test parse_header() for version 1
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        ofx = header + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf8"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "USASCII")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
Exemplo n.º 43
    async def backups(self):
        name = datetime.now().__format__("%d%m%y-%H:%M")
        SHELL = os.getenv("SHELL") or "/bin/bash"
        sequence = [SHELL, '-c', """pg_dump -U dredd -h localhost "dredd v3" > "backups/{0}.sql" """.format(name)]
        subprocess.Popen(sequence, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        content = 'Backup created on {0}'.format(name)
        receiver = self.bot.config.BACKUP_RECEIVER
        ch = self.bot.get_channel(679647378210291832)
        await asyncio.sleep(5)
        with open(f'backups/{name}.sql', 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
            backup = f.read()

        backup = BytesIO(backup.encode('utf8'))
        if not backup:
            return await ch.send(f"{self.bot.get_user(345457928972533773).mention} Backup `{name}.sql` is empty!", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(users=True))
            await self.client.send(receiver, content, subject="Database Backup", bcc=None, attachment_bytes=backup.read(), attachment_name=f"{name}.sql")
            return await ch.send(f"Created backup `{name}.sql`")
Exemplo n.º 44
def request_content():
    content_type = http.parse_options_header(request.headers.get("Content-Type", ""))
    if content_type:
        content_type, _ = content_type

    if content_type == "application/json":
        content = request.json.get("c")
        if content:
            content = BytesIO(content.encode("utf-8"))
        return content, request.json.get("filename")

    c = request.form.get("c")
    if c:
        return BytesIO(c.encode("utf-8")), None
    fs = request.files.get("c")
    if fs:
        return fs.stream, fs.filename

    return None, None
Exemplo n.º 45
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: hguemar/pb
def request_content():
    content_type = http.parse_options_header(request.headers.get('Content-Type', ''))
    if content_type:
        content_type, _ = content_type

    if content_type == 'application/json':
        content = request.json.get('c')
        if content:
            content = BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8'))
        return content, request.json.get('filename')

    c = request.form.get('c')
    if c:
        return BytesIO(c.encode('utf-8')), None
    fs = request.files.get('c')
    if fs:
        return fs.stream, fs.filename

    return None, None
Exemplo n.º 46
    def put(self, path, data, metadata=None):
        """Store a File object, stream, unicode string, or byte string.

        Optionally attach metadata to it.
        # Coerce strings to in-memory Byte streams.
        if isinstance(data, string_types):
            data = BytesIO(data.encode())

        # Coerce python 3 explicit byte strings
        if isinstance(data, bytes):
            data = BytesIO(data)

        k = self.bucket.new_key(path)
        if metadata:
Exemplo n.º 47
    def testParseHeaderUnicode(self):
        """ Test parse_header() with UTF-8 charset """
        # Issue #49
        header = str(
            self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion, encoding="UTF-8", charset="NONE")
        ofx = header + self.body_utf8
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("utf_8"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "UTF-8")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body_utf8)
Exemplo n.º 48
    def testParseHeaderLatin1(self):
        """ Test parse_header() with ISO-8859-1 charset """
        header = str(
                self.defaultVersion, encoding="UTF-8", charset="ISO-8859-1"
        ofx = header + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("latin_1"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 100)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.data, "OFXSGML")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.encoding, "UTF-8")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.charset, "ISO-8859-1")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.compression, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
Exemplo n.º 49
    def testParseHeaderV2NoNewlineBetweenHeaderAndBody(self):
        """ OFXv2 doesn't need newline between header and message body """
        # Issue #47
        header = str(self.headerClass(self.defaultVersion))
        ofx = header.strip() + self.body
        ofx = BytesIO(ofx.encode("ascii"))
        ofxheader, body = ofxtools.header.parse_header(ofx)

        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.ofxheader, 200)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.version, self.defaultVersion)
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.security, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.oldfileuid, "NONE")
        self.assertEqual(ofxheader.newfileuid, "NONE")

        self.assertEqual(body, self.body)
        # Make sure body can actually be parsed
        builder = ofxtools.Parser.TreeBuilder()
        root = builder.close()
        self.assertIsInstance(root, Element)
        self.assertEqual(root.tag, "OFX")
        self.assertEqual(len(root), 1)
Exemplo n.º 50
	def set(self, content):
		if isinstance(content, Body):
			self.mimetype = content.mimetype
			self.data = content.data
			self.chunked = content.chunked
			self.trailer = content.trailer
			self.content = content.content

		if not content:
			content = BytesIO()
		elif isinstance(content, (BytesIO, file)):
			if content.closed:
				raise TypeError('I/O operation on closed file.')
		elif isinstance(content, Unicode):
			content = BytesIO(content.encode(self.encoding))
		elif isinstance(content, bytes):
			content = BytesIO(content)
		elif isinstance(content, bytearray):
			content = BytesIO(bytes(content))
		elif not hasattr(content, '__iter__'):
			raise TypeError('Content must be iterable.')
		self.content = content
Exemplo n.º 51
	def set(self, content):
		if isinstance(content, Body):
			self.mimetype = content.mimetype
			self.data = content.data
			self.chunked = content.chunked
			self.trailer = content.trailer
			self.fd = content.fd

		self.data = None
		if not content:
			content = BytesIO()
		elif isinstance(content, BytesIO) or (hasattr(content, 'read') and hasattr(content, 'fileno') and hasattr(content, 'closed')):
			if content.closed:
				raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file.')
		elif isinstance(content, Unicode):
			content = BytesIO(content.encode(self.encoding))
		elif isinstance(content, bytes):
			content = BytesIO(content)
		elif isinstance(content, bytearray):
			content = BytesIO(bytes(content))
		elif not hasattr(content, '__iter__'):
			raise TypeError('Content must be iterable.')
		self.fd = content
Exemplo n.º 52
 def __init__(self, image, symbols):
     image = BytesIO(b64decode(image.encode('ascii')))
     super(CaissedepargneKeyboard, self).__init__(symbols, 5, 3, image, self.color, convert='RGB')
Exemplo n.º 53
    def test_publish_resource(self, mock_sms_response):
        """Test the Publish resource PUT method."""

        def clones(object, times=None):
            #A generator to yield clones of an object, infitnely or upto n times.
            #Used to generate new nexmo response objects for the mock_sms_response
            if times is None:
                while True:
                    yield copy.copy(object)
                for i in range(times):
                    yield copy.copy(object)
        #Createfour test subscribers, each with subscriptions to a different list of topics.
        topic_lists = [['Test1', 'Test2'], ['Test1'], ['Test2'], ['Test3']]
        subscriber_ids = []

        for topics in topic_lists:
            #Create a variation on the test subscriber
            subscriber = self.subscriber.copy()
            subscriber['topics'] = topics
            subscriber['verified'] = True
            subscriber['first_name'] += str(topic_lists.index(topics))
            #Remove the SMS field from two of the subscribers
            if( topic_lists.index(topics) % 2 != 0 ):
                del subscriber['sms'] 
            #Add the subscriber to the database.
            subscribe_response = self.app.put('/subscribe', data=subscriber )
            subscriber_ids.append(json.loads( subscribe_response.data.decode('UTF-8') )['subscriber_id'])
        #Create the mock SMS response.
        dummyResponse = { 
            "message-count": "1",
            "messages": [{
                "message-id": "TEST-MESSAGE-ID",
                "message-price": "0.03330000",
                "network": "0000",
                "remaining-balance": "3.58010000",
                "status": "0",
                "to": self.subscriber['sms']

        dummyResponse = json.dumps(dummyResponse)
        dummyResponse = BytesIO( dummyResponse.encode() )
        mock_sms_response.side_effect = clones(dummyResponse)  
        #Create the message.
        message = self.message.copy()
        message['html-message'] = message.pop('html')
        message['medium'] = ['email','sms']
        #Keep track of the message IDs so we can delete the logs afterwards.
        message_ids = []
        #Test the PUT Method with different calls.

        #Publish the test message to topic Test4.
        message['topics'] = ['Test4']
        message['id'] = "testID1"   
        message_ids.append( message['id'] )
        put_response = self.app.put( '/publish', data=message )
        put_response = json.loads( put_response.data.decode('UTF-8') )  
        print( put_response )

        #No subscribers have subscribed to 'Test4'. 
        #No messages should be sent
        #Check that no messages have been sent and that the sms response has not been called.  
        self.assertEquals( len(put_response), 0 )  
        self.assertFalse( mock_sms_response.called )

        #Add a subscription without a subscriber, to check that the faulty data is properly handled.
              "subscriberID": "TESTID",
              "subscriptionID": "TESTSUBSCRIPTION",
        message['id'] = "testID1b"
        message_ids.append( message['id'] )
        put_response = self.app.put( '/publish', data=message )
        put_response = json.loads( put_response.data.decode('UTF-8') )  
        print( "Put response: " + str(put_response) )

        #One response informing us that the subscriber TESTID is deleted.
        self.assertEquals( len(put_response), 1 )  
        self.assertFalse( mock_sms_response.called )

        #Publish the test message to topic Test3.
        message['topics'] = ['Test3']
        message['id'] = "testID2"   
        message_ids.append( message['id'] )
        put_response = self.app.put( '/publish', data=message )
        put_response = json.loads( put_response.data.decode('UTF-8') )  
        print( "Response to publishing message to topic: " + str(message['topics']) + 
               "\n" + str(put_response) )

        #Only subscriber 4 has subscription to 'Test3'. 
        #Subscriber 4 hasn't given an SMS number, so only one email is sent.
        #Check only one email is sent and no sms calls are made. 
        self.assertEquals( len(put_response), 1 )  
        self.assertFalse( mock_sms_response.called )
        self.assertEquals( put_response[0]['Destination'][0], self.subscriber['email'] )

        #Publish the test message to topic Test1.
        message['topics'] = ['Test1']
        message['id'] = "testID3"   
        message_ids.append( message['id'] )
        put_response = self.app.put( '/publish', data=message )
        put_response = json.loads( put_response.data.decode('UTF-8') )  
        print( "Response to publishing message to topic: " + str(message['topics']) + 
               "\n" + str(put_response) )

        #Subscriber 1 and 2 have subscriptions to 'Test1'. 
        #Subscriber 2 hasn't given an SMS number, so two emails and one sms are sent.
        #Check three messages sent in total and sms mock called once.  
        self.assertEquals( len(put_response), 3 )  
        self.assertTrue( mock_sms_response.call_count == 1 ) 

        #Publish the test message to both topics Test1 and Test2.
        message['topics'] = ['Test1', 'Test2']
        message['id'] = "testID4"   
        message_ids.append( message['id'] )
        put_response = self.app.put( '/publish', data=message )
        put_response = json.loads( put_response.data.decode('UTF-8') )  
        print( "Response to publishing message to topic: " + str(message['topics']) + 
               "\n" + str(put_response) )

        #Subscriber 1 has a subscription to both 'Test1' and 'Test2' so gets sms and email twice.
        #Subscriber 2 has a subscription to 'Test1' but doesn't have an sms, so gets just one email. 
        #Subscriber 3 has a subscription to 'Test2' so gets one email and one sms message. 
        #This results in 4 messages to subscriber 1, 1 to subscriber 2, and 2 to subscriber 3. 
        #Check number of messages sent is 7 and that sms mock has been called ANOTHER 3 times.
        self.assertEquals( len(put_response), 7 )  
        self.assertTrue( mock_sms_response.call_count == 4 ) 

        #Delete the logs.
        for message_id in message_ids:
            delete_response = self.app.delete( '/log/' + message_id )
        #Delete the test subscribers.
        for subscriber_id in subscriber_ids: 
            delete_response = self.app.delete( '/subscribe/' + subscriber_id )