Exemplo n.º 1
def format_rotor_potential(potential):
    """ Formats the potential energy surface along a rotor into a string
        used to define hindered rotors and internal rotors in MESS input files.

        :param potential: value of the potential along torsion (kcal.mol-1)
        :type potential: list(float)
        :return npotential: number of values in the potential
        :rtype int
        :return potential_str: values of potential in a MESS-format string
        :rtype str

    # Get the number of the terms in the potential
    npot = len(potential)

    # Build potentials string
    coord_str, ene_str = '', ''
    for i, (coord, energy) in enumerate(potential.items()):
        if ((i + 1) % 6) == 0 and (i + 1) != npot:
            coord_str += f'{coord[0]:<8.2f}\n'
            ene_str += f'{energy:<8.2f}\n'
            coord_str += f'{coord[0]:<8.2f}'
            ene_str += f'{energy:<8.2f}'

    # Indent the lines
    coord_str = indent(coord_str, 4)
    ene_str = indent(ene_str, 4)

    return npot, coord_str, ene_str
Exemplo n.º 2
def core_phasespace(geom1,
    """ Writes the string that defines the `Core` section for a
        phase space theory model of a transition state for a MESS input file by
        formatting input information into strings a filling Mako template.

        :param geom1: geometry of the dissociation species 1
        :type geom1: list
        :param geom2: geometry of the dissociation species 2
        :type geom2: list
        :param sym_factor: symmetry factor of transition state
        :type sym_factor: float
        :param stoich: combined stoichiometry of dissociation species 1 and 2
        :type stoich: str
        :param pot_prefator: factor C0 in potential expression V = -C0/R^n (au)
        :type pot_prefactor: float
        :param pot_exp: power n in potential expression V = -C0/R^n (au)
        :type pot_exp: float
        :param tstlvl: level to resolve the rate constant
        :type tstlvl: str
        :rtype: str

    assert tstlvl in ('e', 'ej', 't')

    # Format the geometry section of each fragment
    natom1, geom1 = util.geom_format(geom1)
    natom2, geom2 = util.geom_format(geom2)

    # Indent the geometry strings
    geom1 = indent(geom1, 2)
    geom2 = indent(geom2, 2)

    # Format the tstlvl string
    assert tstlvl in ('e', 'ej', 't')
    tstlvl = tstlvl.upper()

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    core_keys = {
        'sym_factor': sym_factor,
        'natom1': natom1,
        'geom1': geom1,
        'natom2': natom2,
        'geom2': geom2,
        'stoich': stoich,
        'pot_prefactor': pot_prefactor,
        'pot_exp': pot_exp,
        'tstlvl': tstlvl

    return build_mako_str(template_file_name='core_phasespace.mako',
Exemplo n.º 3
def intensities_format(intens):
    """ Formats the vibrational intenuencies of a species into a string that
        is appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param intens: harmonic infrared intensities of species
        :type intens: list(float)
        :return nintens: number of harmonic infrared intensities for species
        :rtype int
        :return inten_str: MESS-format string containing infrared intensities
        :rtype string

    # Get the number of intens
    nintens = len(intens)

    # Build intens string
    inten_str = ''
    for i, inten in enumerate(intens):
        if ((i + 1) % 6) == 0 and (i + 1) != len(intens):
            inten_str += '{0:<8.1f}\n'.format(int(inten))
            inten_str += '{0:<8.1f}'.format(inten)

    # Indent the lines
    inten_str = indent(inten_str, 4)

    return nintens, inten_str
Exemplo n.º 4
def format_rotor_potential(potential):
    """ Formats the potential energy surface along a rotor into a string
        used to define hindered rotors and internal rotors in MESS input files.

        :param potential: value of the potential along torsion (kcal.mol-1)
        :type potential: list(float)
        :return npotential: number of values in the potential
        :rtype int
        :return potential_str: values of potential in a MESS-format string
        :rtype str

    # Get the number of the terms in the potential
    npotential = len(potential)

    # Build potentials string
    potential_str = ''
    for i, energy in enumerate(potential.values()):
        if ((i + 1) % 6) == 0 and (i + 1) != npotential:
            potential_str += '{0:<8.2f}\n'.format(energy)
            potential_str += '{0:<8.2f}'.format(energy)

    # Indent the lines
    potential_str = indent(potential_str, 4)

    return npotential, potential_str
Exemplo n.º 5
def freqs_format(freqs):
    """ Formats the vibrational frequencies of a species into a string that
        is appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param freqs: vibrational frequencies of species
        :type freqs: list(float)
        :return nfreqs: number of frequences for the species
        :rtype int
        :return freq_str: MESS-format string containing frequencies
        :rtype string

    # Get the number of freqs
    nfreqs = len(freqs)

    # Build freqs string
    freq_str = ''
    for i, freq in enumerate(freqs):
        if ((i + 1) % 6) == 0 and (i + 1) != len(freqs):
            freq_str += '{0:<8.0f}\n'.format(int(freq))
            freq_str += '{0:<8.0f}'.format(freq)

    # Indent the lines
    freq_str = indent(freq_str, 4)

    return nfreqs, freq_str
Exemplo n.º 6
def geometry_format(geo, indent_lines=True):
    """ Formats the geometry of a species into a string that
        is appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param geo: geometry of a species
        :param indent_lines: indent the lines of the geometry
        :return natoms: number of atoms in the geometry
        :rtype int
        :return geo_str: MESS-format string containing geometry
        :rtype string

    # Get the number of atoms
    natoms = len(geo)

    # Build geom string; converting the coordinates to angstrom
    gstr = ''
    for (symb, xyz) in geo:
        xyzc = tuple(val * 0.529177 for val in xyz)
        gstr += f'{symb:<4s}{xyzc[0]:>14.5f}{xyzc[1]:>14.5f}{xyzc[2]:>14.5f}\n'

    # Remove final newline character and indent the lines
    if indent_lines:
        gstr = indent(gstr.rstrip(), 4)
        gstr = gstr.rstrip()

    return natoms, gstr
Exemplo n.º 7
def _format_well_extension_inp(inp_str, well_enes_dct, well_lump_str):
    """ handles building new input will well lumping/extension info

    # Reinitialize string
    new_inp_str = inp_str

    # Write string for each of the well enes
    for well, ene in well_enes_dct.items():
        if ene is not None:
            # Find line for where well start, for-loop handle weird format
            for line in inp_str.splitlines():
                if 'Well' in line and well in line:
                    _search = line
            _add = f'  WellExtensionCap[kcal/mol]    {ene*phycon.EH2KCAL:.2f}'
            new_inp_str = ioformat.add_line(string=new_inp_str,

    # Write new strings with the lumped input
    well_extend_line = 'WellExtension\nExtensionCorrection    0.2'
    well_lump_line = ioformat.indent(well_lump_str, 2)
    new_inp_str = ioformat.add_line(string=new_inp_str,
    new_inp_str = ioformat.add_line(string=new_inp_str,

    return new_inp_str
Exemplo n.º 8
def format_xmat(xmat):
    """ Formats the anharmonicity (X) matrix for a species
        into a string appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param xmat: anharmonicity matrix (cm-1)
        :type xmat: list(list(float))
        :return xmat_str: anharmonicity matrix in a MESS-format string
        :rtype string

    xmat = numpy.array(xmat)

    # Loop over the rows of the anharm numpy array
    xmat_str = ''
    for i in range(xmat.shape[0]):
        xmat_str += ' '.join([
            '{0:>12.5f}'.format(val) for val in list(xmat[i, :i + 1])
            if val != 0.0
        if (i + 1) != xmat.shape[0]:
            xmat_str += '\n'

    # Indent the lines
    xmat_str = indent(xmat_str, 2)

    return xmat_str
Exemplo n.º 9
def rotor_hindered(group,
    """ Writes the string that defines the `Rotor` section for a
        single hindered rotor of a species for a MESS input file by
        formatting input information into strings a filling Mako template.

        :param group: idxs for the atoms of one of the rotational groups
        :type group: list(int)
        :param axis: idxs for the atoms that make up the rotational axis
        :type axis: list(int)
        :param symmetry: overall symmetry of the torsional motion (potential)
        :type symmetry: int
        :param potential: value of the potential along torsion (kcal.mol-1)
        :type potential: list(float)
        :param remdummy: list of idxs of dummy atoms for shifting values
        :type remdummy: list(int)
        :param geom: geometry of the species the rotor exists for
        :type geom: list
        :param use_quantum_weight: toggle weigthing of quantum effects
        :type use_quantum_weight: bool
        :param rotor_id: name associated with the rotor
        :type rotor_id: str
        :rtype: str

    # Format the rotor sections
    rotor_group = util.format_rotor_key_defs(group, remdummy)
    rotor_axis = util.format_rotor_key_defs(axis, remdummy)
    rotor_npotential, rotor_potential = util.format_rotor_potential(potential)

    # Format the geom
    natom = 1
    if geom is not None:
        natom, geom = util.geom_format(geom)
        geom = indent(geom, 4)

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    rotor_keys = {
        'group': rotor_group,
        'axis': rotor_axis,
        'symmetry': symmetry,
        'npotential': rotor_npotential,
        'potential': rotor_potential,
        'natom': natom,
        'geom': geom,
        'use_quantum_weight': use_quantum_weight,
        'rotor_id': rotor_id

    return build_mako_str(template_file_name='rotor_hindered.mako',
Exemplo n.º 10
def symbols_format(geo):
    """ Format the symbols

    symbs = automol.geom.symbols(geo)
    symb_str = automol.util.vec.string(symbs,

    symb_str = indent(symb_str, 6)

    return symb_str
Exemplo n.º 11
def geometry_format(geo):
    """ Format the geometry string

    # Build geom str
    geo_str = ''
    for (_, xyz) in geo:
        geo_str += '{:>14.5f}{:>14.5f}{:>14.5f}\n'.format(*xyz)

    # Remove final newline character and indent the lines
    geo_str = indent(geo_str.rstrip(), 4)

    return geo_str
Exemplo n.º 12
def geometry_format(geo):
    """ Format the geometry string

    # Build geom str
    geo_str = ''
    for (_, xyz) in geo:
        geo_str += f'{xyz[0]:>14.5f}{xyz[1]:>14.5f}{xyz[2]:>14.5f}\n'

    # Indent the lines and remove final newline character
    geo_str = indent(geo_str, 4)
    geo_str = geo_str.rstrip()

    return geo_str
Exemplo n.º 13
def global_energy_transfer_input(edown_str, collid_freq_str):
    """ Writes the global energy transfer section of the MESS input file by
        formatting input information into strings a filling Mako template.

        :param edown_str: String for the energy down parameters
        :type edown_str: str
        :param collid_freq_str: String for the collisional freq parameters
        :type collid_freq_str: str
        :rtype: str

    edown_str = indent(edown_str, 2)
    collid_freq_str = indent(collid_freq_str, 2)

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    glob_etrans_keys = {
        'edown_str': edown_str,
        'collid_freq_str': collid_freq_str

    return build_mako_str(template_file_name='global_etrans.mako',
Exemplo n.º 14
def format_rovib_coups(rovib_coups):
    """ Formats the matrix of rovibrational coupling terms for a species
        into a string appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param rovib_coups: rovibrational coupling matrix
        :type rovib_coups: numpy.ndarray
        :return rovib_coups_str: values of potential in a MESS-format string
        :rtype str

    # Join the values into a string
    rovib_coups_str = '  '.join(str(val) for val in rovib_coups)

    # Indent the lines
    rovib_coups_str = indent(rovib_coups_str, 4)

    return rovib_coups_str
Exemplo n.º 15
def core_multirotor(geom,
    """ Writes the string that defines the `Core` section for a
        multidimensional rotor model of a species for a MESS input file by
        formatting input information into strings a filling Mako template.

        :param geom: geometry of species
        :type geom: list
        :param sym_factor: symmetry factor of species
        :type sym_factor: float
        :param pot_surf_file: name of file with PES along rotor (kcal.mol-1)
        :type pot_sur_file: str
        :param int_rot_str: MESS-format strings that define internal rotors
        :type int_rot_str: str
        :param interp_emax: max energy to calculate density/number of states
        :type interp_emax: float
        :param quant_lvl_emax: max energy to calculate quantum energy levels
        :type quant_lvl_emax: float
        :rtype: str

    # Format the geometry section
    natom, geom = util.geom_format(geom)

    # Indent the internal rotor string
    int_rot_str = indent(int_rot_str, 2)

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    core_keys = {
        'sym_factor': sym_factor,
        'natom': natom,
        'geom': geom,
        'pot_surf_file': pot_surf_file,
        'int_rot': int_rot_str,
        'interp_emax': interp_emax,
        'quant_lvl_emax': quant_lvl_emax

    return build_mako_str(template_file_name='core_multirotor.mako',
Exemplo n.º 16
def test__string_build():
    """ test ioformat.build_mako_str
        test ioformat.indent
        test ioformat.addchar

    mako_keys = {'param1': 'molecule', 'param2': 'atom', 'param3': 3}
    mako_str = ioformat.build_mako_str('test.mako', MAKO_PATH, mako_keys)
    assert mako_str == ('param1 is molecule\n'
                        'param2 is atom\n'
                        'param3 is 3\n'
                        'param3 is 3\n'
                        'param3 is 3\n')

    ini_string = 'molecule'
    assert ioformat.indent(ini_string, 4) == '    molecule'
    assert ioformat.addchar(ini_string, '- ', side='pre') == '- molecule'
    assert ioformat.addchar(ini_string, ' +++', side='post') == 'molecule +++'
Exemplo n.º 17
def umbrella_mode(group, plane, ref_atom, potential,
    """ Writes the string that defines the `Umbrella` section for a
        single umbrella mode of a species for a MESS input file by
        formatting input information into strings a filling Mako template.

        :param group: idxs for the atoms of ?
        :type group: list(int)
        :param axis: idxs for the atoms that ?
        :type axis: list(int)
        :param geo: geometry of the species the umbrella mode exists for
        :type geo: list
        :rtype: str

    # Format the sections
    umbr_group = messformat.format_rotor_key_defs(group)
    umbr_plane = messformat.format_rotor_key_defs(plane)
    umbr_npotential, _, umbr_potential = messformat.format_rotor_potential(
    ref_atom += 1

    # Format the geom
    if geo is not None:
        natom, geo = messformat.geometry_format(geo)
        geo = indent(geo, 4)
        natom = None

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    umbr_keys = {
        'group': umbr_group,
        'axis': umbr_plane,
        'ref_atom': ref_atom,
        'npotential': umbr_npotential,
        'potential': umbr_potential,
        'natom': natom,
        'geo': geo,

    return build_mako_str(
Exemplo n.º 18
def symbols_format(geo):
    """ Format the symbols

    symbs = automol.geom.symbols(geo)
    # nsymbs = len(symbs)

    symb_str = automol.util.vec.string(symbs,
    # for i, symb in enumerate(symbs):
    #     if ((i+1) % 6) == 0 and (i+1) != nsymbs:
    #         symb_str += '{0:>6s}\n'.format(symb)
    #     else:
    #         symb_str += '{0:>6s}'.format(symb)

    symb_str = ioformat.indent(symb_str, 6)

    return symb_str
Exemplo n.º 19
def format_rot_dist_consts(rot_dists):
    """ Formats the list of rotational distortion constants
        into a string appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param rot_dists: rotational distortion constants: [['aaa'], [val]]
        :type rot_dists: list(list(str), list(float))
        :return rot_dists_str: values of potential in a MESS-format string
        :rtype string

    # Build rotational dists string
    rot_dists_str = ''
    for i, const in enumerate(rot_dists):
        rot_dists_str += '  '.join(map(str, const))
        if (i + 1) != len(rot_dists):
            rot_dists_str += '\n'

    # Indent the lines
    rot_dists_str = indent(rot_dists_str, 4)

    return rot_dists_str
Exemplo n.º 20
def molec_spec_format(geo):
    """ Parses out the atom labels of a Cartesian geometry and
        formats them into a string appropriate for definining
        molecular species for Monte Carlo calculations in MESS.

        :param geo: geometry
        :type geo: list
        :return atom_lst_str
        :rtype: string

    # Build geom string; converting the coordinates to angstrom
    atom_lst_str = ''
    for (asymb, _) in geo:
        atom_lst_str += '{:s} '.format(asymb)

    # Remove final newline character
    atom_lst_str = atom_lst_str.rstrip()

    # Indent the lines
    atom_lst_str = indent(atom_lst_str, 6)

    return atom_lst_str
Exemplo n.º 21
def elec_levels_format(elec_levels):
    """ Formats the list of electronic energy levels into a string that
        is appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param elec_levels: levels, given as [[energy, degeneracy], ...]
        :type elec_levels: list(list(float))
        :return elec_levels_str: MESS-format string containing levels
        :rtype string

    # Get the number of elec levles
    nlevels = len(elec_levels)

    # Build elec levels string
    elec_levels_str = ''
    for i, level in enumerate(elec_levels):
        elec_levels_str += '  '.join(map(str, level))
        if (i + 1) != len(elec_levels):
            elec_levels_str += '\n'

    # Indent the lines
    elec_levels_str = indent(elec_levels_str, 4)

    return nlevels, elec_levels_str
Exemplo n.º 22
def pt_format(header,
    """ write a point string

    # Intialize with header
    pt_str = f'*{header}'
    pt_str += '\n\n'

    # Write the energy and coordinate along reaction coordinate
    pt_str += energy_format(vlabel, vval)
    pt_str += '\n'
    if sval is not None:
        pt_str += energy_format(slabel, sval)
        pt_str += '\n'
    pt_str += '\n'

    # Write the structurea information
    if geo is not None:
        pt_str += geometry_format(geo)
        pt_str += '\n\n'
    if grad is not None:
        pt_str += gradient_format(grad)
        pt_str += '\n\n'
    pt_str += hessian_format(hess)
    pt_str += '\n'

    pt_str = indent(pt_str, 2)

    return pt_str
Exemplo n.º 23
def geometry_format(geo):
    """ Formats the geometry of a species into a string that
        is appropriate for a MESS input file.

        :param geo: geometry of a species
        :return natoms: number of atoms in the geometry
        :rtype int
        :return geo_str: MESS-format string containing geometry
        :rtype string

    # Get the number of atoms
    natoms = len(geo)

    # Build geom string; converting the coordinates to angstrom
    geo_str = ''
    for (asymb, xyz) in geo:
        geo_str += '{:<4s}{:>14.5f}{:>14.5f}{:>14.5f}\n'.format(
            asymb, *tuple((val * 0.529177 for val in xyz)))

    # Remove final newline character and indent the lines
    geo_str = indent(geo_str.rstrip(), 4)

    return natoms, geo_str
Exemplo n.º 24
def rotor_internal(group, axis, symmetry, grid_size, mass_exp_size,
                   pot_exp_size=5, hmin=13, hmax=101,
                   geo=None, rotor_id=''):
    """ Writes the string that defines the `Rotor` section for a
        single internal rotor of a species for a MESS input file by
        formatting input information into strings a filling Mako template.

        :param group: idxs for the atoms of one of the rotational groups
        :type group: list(int)
        :param axis: idxs for the atoms that make up the rotational axis
        :type axis: list(int)
        :param symmetry: overall symmetry of the torsional motion (potential)
        :type symmetry: int
        :param grid_size: grid_size for statistical weight calculation
        :type grid_size: int
        :param mass_exp_size: num. mass expansion Fourier harmonics
        :type mass_exp_size: int
        :param pot_exp_size: num. potential expansion Fourier harmonics
        :type pot_exp_size: int
        :param hmin: minimum value for quantum phase space dimension
        :type hmin: int
        :param hmax: maximum value for quantum phase space dimension
        :type hmax: int
        :param geo: geometry of the species the rotor exists for
        :type geo: list
        :param rotor_id: name associated with the rotor
        :type rotor_id: str
        :rtype: str

    assert mass_exp_size > 0 and mass_exp_size % 2 == 1, (
        f'Mass exponent size: {mass_exp_size} is not an odd number'
    assert pot_exp_size > 0 and pot_exp_size % 2 == 1, (
        f'Potential exponent size: {pot_exp_size} is not an odd number'

    # Format the sections
    rotor_group = messformat.format_rotor_key_defs(group)
    rotor_axis = messformat.format_rotor_key_defs(axis)

    # Format the geom
    if geo is not None:
        natom, geo = messformat.geometry_format(geo)
        geo = indent(geo, 4)
        natom = None

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    rotor_keys = {
        'group': rotor_group,
        'axis': rotor_axis,
        'symmetry': symmetry,
        'mass_exp_size': mass_exp_size,
        'pot_exp_size': pot_exp_size,
        'hmin': hmin,
        'hmax': hmax,
        'grid_size': grid_size,
        'natom': natom,
        'geo': geo,
        'rotor_id': rotor_id

    return build_mako_str(
Exemplo n.º 25
def mc_species(geo,
    """ Writes a monte carlo species section

        :param geo: geometry of species
        :type geo: list
        :param sym_factor: symmetry factor of species
        :type sym_factor: float
        :param elec_levels: energy and degeneracy of atom's electronic states
        :type elec_levels: list(float)
        :param flux_mode_str: MESS-format `FluxionalMode` sections for rotors
        :type flux_mode_str: str
        :param data_file_name: Name of data file with molecular info
        :type data_file_name: str
        :param ground_ene: energy relative to reference n PES (kcal.mol-1)
        :type ground_ene: float
        :param reference_ene: harmonic ZPVE used for MC PF (kcal.mol-1)
        :type reference_ene: float
        :param freqs: vibrational frequencies (cm-1)
        :type freqs: list(float)
        :param use_cm_chift: signal to include a CM shift
        :type use_cm_shift: bool
        :rtype: str

    # Format the molecule specification section
    atom_list = messformat.molec_spec_format(geo)

    # Build a formatted frequencies and elec levels string
    nlevels, levels = messformat.elec_levels_format(elec_levels)
    levels = indent(levels, 2)
    if freqs:
        nfreqs, freqs = messformat.freqs_format(freqs)
        nfreqs = 0

    # Check if reference config name is present
    if nfreqs > 0:
        assert ref_config_file_name, (
            'Must provide a reference configuration file if no Hessians given')

    # Indent various strings string if needed
    flux_mode_str = messformat.indent(flux_mode_str, 4)

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    monte_carlo_keys = {
        'atom_list': atom_list,
        'sym_factor': sym_factor,
        'flux_mode_str': flux_mode_str,
        'data_file_name': data_file_name,
        'ref_config_file_name': ref_config_file_name,
        'reference_ene': reference_ene,
        'ground_ene': ground_ene,
        'nlevels': nlevels,
        'levels': levels,
        'nfreqs': nfreqs,
        'freqs': freqs,
        'use_cm_shift': use_cm_shift

    return build_mako_str(template_file_name='monte_carlo.mako',
Exemplo n.º 26
def rotor_hindered(group, axis, symmetry, potential,
                   hmin=None, hmax=None,
    """ Writes the string that defines the `Rotor` section for a
        single hindered rotor of a species for a MESS input file by
        formatting input information into strings a filling Mako template.

        :param group: idxs for the atoms of one of the rotational groups
        :type group: list(int)
        :param axis: idxs for the atoms that make up the rotational axis
        :type axis: list(int)
        :param symmetry: overall symmetry of the torsional motion (potential)
        :type symmetry: int
        :param hmin: minimum value for quantum phase space dimension
        :type hmin: int
        :param hmax: maximum value for quantum phase space dimension
        :type hmax: int
        :param potential: value of the potential along torsion (kcal.mol-1)
        :type potential: list(float)
        :param therm_pow_max: max exp't power in Boltzmann weight
        :type therm_pow_max: int
        :param geo: geometry of the species the rotor exists for
        :type geo: list
        :param rotor_id: name associated with the rotor
        :type rotor_id: str
        :param potential_form: expression the potential should be fit to
        :type potential_form: str
        :rtype: str

    # Format the rotor sections
    fmtd_group = messformat.format_rotor_key_defs(group)
    fmtd_axis = messformat.format_rotor_key_defs(axis)
    npot, fmtd_coords, fmtd_enes = messformat.format_rotor_potential(

    # Format the geom
    natom = 1
    if geo is not None:
        natom, geo = messformat.geometry_format(geo)
        geo = indent(geo, 4)

    # Create dictionary to fill template
    rotor_keys = {
        'group': fmtd_group,
        'axis': fmtd_axis,
        'symmetry': symmetry,
        'npotential': npot,
        'pot_coords': fmtd_coords,
        'pot_enes': fmtd_enes,
        'potential_form': potential_form,
        'hmin': hmin,
        'hmax': hmax,
        'lvl_ene_max': lvl_ene_max,
        'therm_pow_max': therm_pow_max,
        'natom': natom,
        'geo': geo,
        'rotor_id': rotor_id

    return build_mako_str(