Exemplo n.º 1
    def _create_mission_scheduler(self, mission_id, mission_yml):
        @param mission_id
        @param mission_yml
        log.debug('[mm] _create_mission_scheduler: mission_id=%r', mission_id)

        mission_loader = MissionLoader(self._agent)
        mission_loader.load_mission(mission_id, mission_yml)
        self._mission_entries = mission_loader.mission_entries

        log.debug('[mm] _create_mission_scheduler: _ia_clients=\n%s',

        # get instrument IDs and clients for the valid running instruments:
        instruments = {}
        for (instrument_id, obj) in self._agent._ia_clients.iteritems():
            if isinstance(obj, dict):
                # it's valid instrument.
                if instrument_id != obj.resource_id:
                    log.error('[mm] _create_mission_scheduler: instrument_id=%s, '
                              'resource_id=%s', instrument_id, obj.resource_id)

                instruments[obj.resource_id] = obj.ia_client

        mission_scheduler = MissionScheduler(self._agent,
        log.debug('[mm] _create_mission_scheduler: MissionScheduler created. entries=%s',
        return mission_scheduler
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_load_mission(self):
        p_agent = FakeAgent()
        mission_id = 0
        mission = MissionLoader(p_agent)
        filename = "ion/agents/platform/test/mission_RSN_simulator1.yml"

        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            mission_string = f.read()

        self.assertTrue(mission.load_mission(mission_id, mission_string))
    def test_load_mission(self):
        p_agent = FakeAgent()
        mission_id = 0
        mission = MissionLoader(p_agent)
        filename = "ion/agents/platform/test/mission_RSN_simulator1.yml"

        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            mission_string = f.read()

        self.assertTrue(mission.load_mission(mission_id, mission_string))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _create_mission_scheduler(self, mission_id, mission_yml):
        - loads the mission
        - verifies instruments associated
        - gets exclusive access to those instruments
        - creates MissionScheduler

        @param mission_id
        @param mission_yml

        @return (mission_loader, mission_scheduler, instrument_objs)
        @raise  Exception if no stable ID is found for an instrument; or
                the first exception while requesting exclusive
                access to a child instrument (in this case, all other successful
                such requests, if any, are reverted).
        log.debug('%r: [mm] _create_mission_scheduler: mission_id=%r', self._platform_id, mission_id)

        mission_loader = MissionLoader(self._agent)
        mission_loader.load_mission(mission_id, mission_yml)
        self._mission_entries = mission_loader.mission_entries

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug('%r: [mm] _create_mission_scheduler: _ia_clients=\n%s', self._platform_id,

        # {stable_id: obj, ...} objects of valid running instruments:
        instrument_objs = {}
        for (instrument_id, obj) in self._agent._ia_clients.iteritems():
            if isinstance(obj, dict):   # dict means it's valid instrument.
                # get first "PRE:*" ID from obj.alt_ids:
                pres = [alt_id for alt_id in obj.alt_ids if alt_id.startswith('PRE:')]
                if not pres:
                    raise Exception('%r: No stable ID found for instrument_id=%r. alt_ids=%s' % (
                                    self._platform_id, instrument_id, obj.alt_ids))
                stable_id = pres[0]
                log.debug('%r: [mm] _create_mission_scheduler: instrument_id=%r, stable_id=%r,'
                          ' resource_id=%r', self._platform_id, instrument_id, stable_id, obj.resource_id)

                instrument_objs[stable_id] = obj

        # {stable_id: client, ...} dict for scheduler
        instruments_for_scheduler = dict((stable_id, obj.ia_client) for
                                         stable_id, obj in instrument_objs.iteritems())

        mission_entries = mission_loader.mission_entries

        # get all involved instruments referenced in the mission:
        instrument_ids = set()
        for mission_entry in mission_entries:
            for instrument_id in mission_entry.get('instrument_id', []):
                if instrument_id in instrument_objs:
                    raise Exception('%r: No stable ID found for instrument_id=%r referenced'
                                    ' in mission, mission_id=%r' % (self._platform_id,
                                    instrument_id, mission_id))

        # get exclusive access to those instruments. If any one fails,
        # rollback and raise that first exception:
        instrument_ids_ok = set()
        exception = None
        for instrument_id in instrument_ids:
            resource_id = instrument_objs[instrument_id].resource_id
                self._get_exclusive_access(instrument_id, resource_id, mission_id)
            except Exception as ex:
                exception = ex
                log.warn('%r: [xa] _create_mission_scheduler: exclusive access request to'
                         ' resource_id=%r, instrument_id=%r failed: %s', self._platform_id,
                         resource_id, instrument_id, exception)

        if exception:
            if len(instrument_ids_ok):
                log.warn('%r: [xa] _create_mission_scheduler: reverting exclusive access to the resources: %s',
                         self._platform_id, instrument_ids_ok)
                for instrument_id in instrument_ids_ok:
                    resource_id = instrument_objs[instrument_id].resource_id
                        self._remove_exclusive_access(instrument_id, resource_id, mission_id)
                    except Exception as ex:
                        # just log warning an continue
                        log.warn('%r: [xa] exception while reverting exclusive access to resource_id=%r, '
                                 'instrument_id=%r: %s', self._platform_id, resource_id, instrument_id, ex)

            raise exception

        mission_scheduler = MissionScheduler(self._agent,
        log.debug('%r: [mm] _create_mission_scheduler: MissionScheduler created. entries=%s',
                  self._platform_id, mission_entries)
        return mission_loader, mission_scheduler, instrument_objs