Exemplo n.º 1
    def values(self, tind, zind=None):
            tind: Value to test for inclusion between time bounds
        span = (None, None)
        for m in self._members:

            if m.period is not None:
                # If a period is defined, extract the attribute from the
                # pd.Timestamp object before comparison. The min and max
                # values are in this period unit already.
                tind_copy = getattr(tind, m.period)
                # If a period isn't defined, make a new Timestamp object
                # to align with the above name 'tind_copy'
                tind_copy = tind

            # If we are between times
            if tind_copy > m.tspan.minv and tind_copy <= m.tspan.maxv:
                if not isnan(zind) and not isnan(m.zspan):
                    # If we are between depths
                    if zind > m.zspan.minv and zind <= m.zspan.maxv:
                        span = m.vspan
                elif isnan(zind) and isnan(m.zspan):
                    span = m.vspan
        return span
Exemplo n.º 2
 def values(self, tind, zind=None):
     span = (None, None)
     for m in self._members:
         # If we are between times
         if tind > m.tspan.minv and tind <= m.tspan.maxv:
             if not isnan(zind) and not isnan(m.zspan):
                 # If we are between depths
                 if zind > m.zspan.minv and zind <= m.zspan.maxv:
                     span = m.vspan
             elif isnan(zind) and isnan(m.zspan):
                 span = m.vspan
     return span
Exemplo n.º 3
    def check(self, tinp, inp, zinp):
        # Start with everything as UNKNOWN (1)
        flag_arr = np.ma.empty(inp.size, dtype='uint8')

        # If the value is masked set the flag to MISSING
        flag_arr[inp.mask] = QartodFlags.MISSING

        # Iterate over each member and apply its spans on the input data.
        # Member spans are applied in order and any data points that fall into
        # more than one member are flagged by each one.
        for m in self._members:

            if m.period is not None:
                # If a period is defined, extract the attribute from the
                # pd.DatetimeIndex object before comparison. The min and max
                # values are in this period unit already.
                tinp_copy = getattr(tinp, m.period).to_series()
                # If a period isn't defined, make a new Timestamp object
                # to align with the above name 'tinp_copy'
                tinp_copy = tinp

            # If a zspan is defined but we don't have z input (zinp), skip this member
            # Note: `zinp.count()` can return `np.ma.masked` so we also check using isnan
            if not isnan(m.zspan) and (not zinp.count() or isnan(zinp.any())):

            # Indexes that align with the T
            t_idx = (tinp_copy >= m.tspan.minv) & (tinp_copy <= m.tspan.maxv)

            # Indexes that align with the Z
            if not isnan(m.zspan):
                # Only test non-masked values between the min and max
                z_idx = (~zinp.mask) & (zinp >= m.zspan.minv) & (zinp <=
                # If there is no z data in the config, don't try to filter by depth!
                # Set z_idx to all True to prevent filtering
                z_idx = np.ones(inp.size, dtype=bool)

            # Combine the T and Z indexes
            values_idx = (t_idx & z_idx)

            # Failed and suspect data for this value span. Combining fail_idx or
            # suspect_idx with values_idx represents the subsets of data that should be
            # fail and suspect respectively.
            if not isnan(m.fspan):
                fail_idx = (inp < m.fspan.minv) | (inp > m.fspan.maxv)
                fail_idx = np.zeros(inp.size, dtype=bool)

            suspect_idx = (inp < m.vspan.minv) | (inp > m.vspan.maxv)

            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                flag_arr[(values_idx & fail_idx)] = QartodFlags.FAIL
                flag_arr[(values_idx & ~fail_idx
                          & suspect_idx)] = QartodFlags.SUSPECT
                flag_arr[(values_idx & ~fail_idx
                          & ~suspect_idx)] = QartodFlags.GOOD

        return flag_arr