def setUp(self): pyodbc.enable_mem_guards(True) pyodbc.enable_tracing(_enable_logging) self.assertIsNotNone(_conn_string, msg=_error_string) try: self.conn = pyodbc.connect(_conn_string, unicode_results=_unicode_results, timeout=3) except Exception as e: raise Exception('It seems that your {0} is not setup correctly. Attempting to connect resulted in:\n{1}'.format(_conn_string_key, e.args[1]))
def _cancel_all(connstring, label): """cancel_all sessions where client_label matches label. to use this, you must set LABEL to some unique value inside your connection string """ q = """select session_id, statement_id from v_monitor.sessions where client_label='%s'""" % label conn = pyodbc.connect(connstring, ansi=True) data = conn.cursor().execute(q).fetchall() _interrupt_statements(conn, data)
def main(conn_str): print('Connecting to data source...') conn = odbc.connect(conn_str) print('Building the table...') ensure_table(conn) print('Trying queries...') t1 = time() query_with_time_out(conn, 5.0) t2 = time() query(conn) t3 = time() print('query ellapsed %d s, query_with_timeout ellapsed %d s' % (t3 - t2, t2 - t1))
def _cancel(connstring, timeout, queryid): """after some timeout, close the statement associated with queryid. queryid should be some uuid you add via sql comments """ time.sleep(timeout) conn = pyodbc.connect(connstring, ansi=True) q = """ select session_id, statement_id from v_monitor.sessions where current_statement like '%%%s%%' and current_statement not like '%%v_monitor.sessions%%'; """ q = q % queryid data = conn.cursor().execute(q).fetchall() if len(data) == 1: _interrupt_statements(conn, data)
def db_update_weights(productID, weights_dict): """ Loads a set of weights to a timeseries weights table in the DB. Could benefit from some connection pooling all around. ** NOTE: Needs to actually DROP all these weights first, which isn't written yet... """ db_connection = iopro.connect(**db_config) db_cursor = db_connection.cursor() for k, v in weights_dict.items(): db_cursor.execute("insert into dbo.TimeSeriesWeights_TMP values (?,?,?)", productID, k, v) db_connection.commit() db_connection.close() print(productID, "-- Loading Weights...")
def db_get_productlist(): """ Connects to an existing database view containing the distinct ProductIDs for a given client, and returns those IDs as a list. This is highly suboptimal but works as a proof of concept. """ db_connection = iopro.connect(**db_config) db_cursor = db_connection.cursor() productIDs = [] db_cursor.execute( "exec TimeSeriesQueueGet" ) # Expects a table or view containing distinct ProductIDs in a 'ProductID' int field for row in db_cursor.fetchall(): productIDs.append(row[0]) db_connection.commit() db_connection.close() return productIDs # Return result as a list of integers
def db_get_ts_config(): """ This is an initialization routine for the app. App needs to know the range of purchase dates in order to distinguish between pre-history and days with zero sales. Sets a time-series config dict (ts_config) to contain these min and max dates. """ db_connection = iopro.connect(**db_config) db_cursor = db_connection.cursor() db_cursor.execute( "select * from dbo.vTransactionStats" ) # Application needs to know, minimally, first and last overall transaction dates result = db_cursor.fetchone() ts_config["minPurchaseDate"] = result.minPurchaseDate ts_config[ "maxPurchaseDate" ] = ( result.maxPurchaseDate ) # Assumes the most recent PurchaseDate applies to all products, so zeros can be filled in appropriately for trending db_connection.close() del (db_cursor) del (db_connection)
def generate_tables(count): import os, binascii import random import datetime print("Generating tables for tests (%s elements)" % repr(count)) conn = pyodbc.connect(_connect_string) cur = conn.cursor() for tab in tables: print("Table %s: %s" % (tab["name"], tab["descr"])) verbose_exec(cur, "drop table if exists %s" % (tab["name"])) verbose_exec(cur, "create table %s (val %s)" % (tab["name"], tab["type"])) values = tab["generator"](count / 2) values.extend([(None, )] * (count - len(values))) # add nulls random.shuffle(values) #and shuffle cur.executemany("insert into %s values(?)" % (tab["name"], ), values) cur.commit() conn.close()
def db_get_trx_series(productID): """ Accepts a single ProductID. Queries the profile database to get the DAILY sales counts for that single ProductID. This is then converted into a clean time series, bounded by the min and max sales dates, with all missing dates filled in with zero sales. Returns a Pandas time-series object for further processing. """ db_connection = iopro.connect(**db_config) db_cursor = db_connection.cursor() db_cursor.execute("select * from dbo.fxTransactionSeries(?)", productID) result = db_cursor.fetchsarray() db_connection.close() ts_idx = pd.date_range(ts_config["minPurchaseDate"], ts_config["maxPurchaseDate"]) df = pd.DataFrame(result) df.set_index( "PurchaseDate", drop=True, append=False, inplace=True, verify_integrity=False ) # Set Pandas index to the date column ts = pd.Series(df["Purchases"]) ts.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(ts.index) ts = ts.reindex(ts_idx, fill_value=0) return ts # Returns a Series indexed by Date, no missing dates and all zeros filled
def connect(conn_str): print('Connecting to data source...') return odbc.connect(conn_str)
dictarray = cursor.fetchdictarray(N // steps) t1 = time() - t0 if profile: show_stats("After reading...", tref) print "[fetchdictarray twice] Retrieved %d rows in %.3fs" % (len( dictarray['volume_']), t1) print "Last row:", [(name, arr[-1]) for name, arr in dictarray.iteritems()] del dictarray # del cursor time4 = t1 return (time1, time2, time3, time4) if __name__ == "__main__": # set up a connection connection = pyodbc.connect(_default_connect_string) cursor = connection.cursor() import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "write": write(cursor) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "profile": if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): profile = True else: print "Memory profiling only support on Linux. Exiting..." sys.exit(1) results = [] for i in range(5): print "\n\nrun %d\n" % i
un = "unanglicized_name" ord = "ordinal" pmid = "pmid" ti = "title" ab = "abstract" y = "year" aff = "affiliation" affn = "aff_nullable" numa = "number_of_authors" coa = "coauthors" cit = "cit_count" s = json.load(open(config_file)) conn_str = ('driver=%s; server=%s; uid=%s; pwd=%s; db=%s' % (s['driver'], s['server'], s['uid'], s['pwd'], s['db'])) conn = pyodbc.connect(conn_str) """ make the pairs """ df =, conn) df[ab] = df[ab].map(lambda s : " ".join([utils.preprocess(x) for x in json.loads(s).itervalues()])) df[ti] = df[ti].map(lambda x: utils.preprocess(x)) # see # # for a better way? counts = df.groupby(un).size() counts = counts[counts != 1] df = df[df[un].isin(counts.index.values)] cursor = conn.cursor() df[coa] = df.apply(lambda x: utils.query_coauths(cursor, int(x[pmid]), int(x[id])), axis=1)['pmid'] cursor.close()
un = "unanglicized_name" ord = "ordinal" pmid = "pmid" ti = "title" ab = "abstract" y = "year" aff = "affiliation" affn = "aff_nullable" numa = "number_of_authors" coa = "coauthors" cit = "cit_count" s = json.load(open(config_file)) conn_str = ('driver=%s; server=%s; uid=%s; pwd=%s; db=%s' % (s['driver'], s['server'], s['uid'], s['pwd'], s['db'])) conn = pyodbc.connect(conn_str) """ make the pairs """ df =, conn) df[ab] = df[ab].map(lambda s: " ".join( [utils.preprocess(x) for x in json.loads(s).itervalues()])) df[ti] = df[ti].map(lambda x: utils.preprocess(x)) # see # # for a better way? counts = df.groupby(un).size() counts = counts[counts != 1] df = df[df[un].isin(counts.index.values)] cursor = conn.cursor() df[coa] = df.apply(
def clean(conn_str): print('Connecting to data source...') conn = odbc.connect(conn_str) print('Dropping the table') drop_table(conn)
def read_only_connect(): return pyodbc.connect(_connect_string, ansi=True, unicode_results=False, readonly=True)