Exemplo n.º 1
class RAXISHelper(object):
    def __init__(self, image_file, **kwargs):
        if not self.understand(image_file):
            raise IncorrectFormatError(self, image_file)

        super(RAXISHelper, self).__init__(image_file, **kwargs)

    def _start(self):
        with Format.open_file(self._image_file) as fh:
            self._header_bytes = fh.read(1024)

        if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in (b"SGI", b"IRIS"):
            self._f = ">f"
            self._i = ">i"
            self._f = "<f"
            self._i = "<i"

    def detectorbase_start(self):
        self.detectorbase = RAXISImage(self._image_file)

    def get_raw_data(self):
        """Get the pixel intensities (i.e. read the image and return as a flex array."""
        # super() resolves to the other (true) parent class
        return super(RAXISHelper, self).get_raw_data()

    def _detector_helper(self):
        """Returns image header values as a dictionary."""

        locations = {
            "det_h": (self._i, 832),
            "det_v": (self._i, 836),
            "det_f": (self._i, 840),
            "nx": (self._i, 768),
            "ny": (self._i, 772),
            "dx": (self._f, 776),
            "dy": (self._f, 780),
            "distance": (self._f, 344),
            "two_theta": (self._f, 556),
            "beam_x": (self._f, 540),
            "beam_y": (self._f, 544),
        values = {
                          self._header_bytes[location[1]:location[1] + 4])[0]
            for name, location in locations.items()

        assert values["det_h"] == 0
        assert values["det_v"] == 0
        assert values["det_f"] == 0

        values["beam"] = (
            values["beam_x"] * values["dx"],
            values["beam_y"] * values["dy"],
        return values
Exemplo n.º 2
class FormatRAXISIVSPring8(Format):
    '''Format class for R-AXIS4 images. Currently the only example we have is
  from SPring-8, which requires a reverse axis goniometer. It is not clear how
  to distinguish this detector from others that produce 'R-AXIS4' images that we
  may come across in future. This will be a problem if other detectors do not
  also require reverse axis.
    def understand(image_file):
            header = Format.open_file(image_file, 'rb').read(1024)
        except IOError:
            return False

        # A few items expected to be the same from image to image that we can use
        # as a fingerprint for this instrument
        if header[0:7] != "R-AXIS4": return False

        # We expect an invalid goniometer section, indicated by wrong magic number
        if struct.unpack(">i", header[852:856]) == 1: return False

        if header[812:822].strip() != "IRIS": return False

        return True

    def __init__(self, image_file, **kwargs):
        from dxtbx import IncorrectFormatError
        if not self.understand(image_file):
            raise IncorrectFormatError(self, image_file)

        Format.__init__(self, image_file, **kwargs)

    def _start(self):
        self._header_bytes = Format.open_file(self._image_file).read(1024)

        if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in ['SGI', 'IRIS']:
            self._f = '>f'
            self._i = '>i'
            self._f = '<f'
            self._i = '<i'

    def detectorbase_start(self):
        from iotbx.detectors.raxis import RAXISImage
        self.detectorbase = RAXISImage(self._image_file)

    def _goniometer(self):

        return self._goniometer_factory.single_axis_reverse()

    def _detector(self):
        '''Return a model for the detector as defined in the image header,
    with the additional knowledge about how things are arranged i.e. that
    the principle rotation axis vector points from the sample downwards.'''

        i = self._i
        f = self._f
        header = self._header_bytes

        det_h = struct.unpack(i, header[832:836])[0]
        det_v = struct.unpack(i, header[836:840])[0]
        det_f = struct.unpack(i, header[840:844])[0]

        assert (det_h == 0)
        assert (det_v == 0)
        assert (det_f == 0)

        nx = struct.unpack(i, header[768:772])[0]
        ny = struct.unpack(i, header[772:776])[0]

        dx = struct.unpack(f, header[776:780])[0]
        dy = struct.unpack(f, header[780:784])[0]

        distance = struct.unpack(f, header[344:348])[0]
        two_theta = struct.unpack(f, header[556:560])[0]

        beam_x = struct.unpack(f, header[540:544])[0]
        beam_y = struct.unpack(f, header[544:548])[0]

        beam = (beam_x * dx, beam_y * dy)

        return self._detector_factory.simple('IMAGE_PLATE', distance, beam,
                                             '+x', '+y', (dx, dy), (nx, ny),
                                             (0, 1000000), [])

    def _beam(self):
        '''Return a simple model for the beam.'''

        wavelength = struct.unpack(self._f, self._header_bytes[292:296])[0]

        return self._beam_factory.simple(wavelength)

    def _scan(self):
        '''Return the scan information for this image.'''
        import calendar
        i = self._i
        f = self._f
        header = self._header_bytes

        format = self._scan_factory.format('RAXIS')
        exposure_time = struct.unpack(f, header[536:540])[0]

        y, m, d = map(int, header[256:268].strip().split('-'))

        epoch = calendar.timegm(
            datetime.datetime(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0).timetuple())

        # For this instrument, the header goniometer section is invalid. 3 floats
        # starting at byte 520 specify phi0, phis and phie.
        # (http://www.rigaku.com/downloads/software/readimage.html)

        osc_dat = struct.unpack(f, header[520:524])[0]
        osc_start = osc_dat + struct.unpack(f, header[524:528])[0]
        osc_end = osc_dat + struct.unpack(f, header[528:532])[0]

        osc_range = osc_end - osc_start

        return self._scan_factory.single(self._image_file, format,
                                         exposure_time, osc_start, osc_range,

    def get_raw_data(self):
        '''Get the pixel intensities (i.e. read the image and return as a
    flex array.'''
            image = self.detectorbase
            raw_data = image.get_raw_data()

            return raw_data
        except Exception:
            return None
Exemplo n.º 3
class FormatRAXIS(Format):
  '''A class to support the RAXIS detector format from Rigaku.'''

  def understand(image_file):
    '''See if this looks like an RAXIS format image - clue is first
    5 letters of file should be RAXIS.'''

    if Format.open_file(image_file).read(5) == 'RAXIS':
      return True

    return False

  def __init__(self, image_file, **kwargs):
    from dxtbx import IncorrectFormatError
    if not self.understand(image_file):
      raise IncorrectFormatError(self, image_file)

    Format.__init__(self, image_file, **kwargs)


  def _start(self):
    self._header_bytes = Format.open_file(self._image_file).read(1024)

    if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in ['SGI', 'IRIS']:
      self._f = '>f'
      self._i = '>i'
      self._f = '<f'
      self._i = '<i'

  def detectorbase_start(self):
    from iotbx.detectors.raxis import RAXISImage
    self.detectorbase = RAXISImage(self._image_file)

  def _goniometer(self):
    '''Return a model for the goniometer from the values stored in the
    header. Assumes same reference frame as is used for the Saturn

    # OK for the moment I am not completely clear on how omega, chi and
    # phi are defined so for the moment assert (i) that only one rotation
    # axis has a non-zero offset (ii) that this is the scan axis and
    # (iii) that this is aligned with (1, 0, 0) in the file... N.B.
    # with these scanners it is (I believe) always the case that the
    # (1, 0, 0) direction points downwards from the sample to the
    # goniometer.

    i = self._i
    f = self._f
    header = self._header_bytes

    # check magic number to see if this section is valid
    if struct.unpack(i, header[852:856]) == 1:
      n_axes = struct.unpack(i, header[856:860])[0]
      n_axes = 0
    scan_axis = struct.unpack(i, header[980:984])[0]

    for j in range(n_axes):

      axis_x = struct.unpack(f, header[860 + j * 12:864 + j * 12])[0]
      axis_y = struct.unpack(f, header[864 + j * 12:868 + j * 12])[0]
      axis_z = struct.unpack(f, header[868 + j * 12:872 + j * 12])[0]

      axis_start = struct.unpack(f, header[920 + j * 4:924 + j * 4])[0]
      axis_end = struct.unpack(f, header[940 + j * 4:944 + j * 4])[0]
      axis_offset = struct.unpack(f, header[960 + j * 4:964 + j * 4])[0]

      if j == scan_axis:
        assert(math.fabs(axis_x - 1) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_y) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_z) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_start % 180.0) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_end % 180.0) < 0.001)

    return self._goniometer_factory.single_axis()

  def _detector(self):
    '''Return a model for the detector as defined in the image header,
    with the additional knowledge about how things are arranged i.e. that
    the principle rotation axis vector points from the sample downwards.'''

    # As above will have to make a bunch of assumptions about how the
    # detector is set up, namely that the rotation axis points downwards,
    # the fast axis points along and the slow axis points up. These will
    # (as well as I can understand) be asserted. Also assuming that the
    # two-theta axis is along (1, 0, 0) which is all that makes sense.

    i = self._i
    f = self._f
    header = self._header_bytes

    det_h = struct.unpack(i, header[832:836])[0]
    det_v = struct.unpack(i, header[836:840])[0]
    det_f = struct.unpack(i, header[840:844])[0]

    assert(det_h == 0)
    assert(det_v == 0)
    assert(det_f == 0)

    nx = struct.unpack(i, header[768:772])[0]
    ny = struct.unpack(i, header[772:776])[0]

    dx = struct.unpack(f, header[776:780])[0]
    dy = struct.unpack(f, header[780:784])[0]

    distance = struct.unpack(f, header[344:348])[0]
    two_theta = struct.unpack(f, header[556:560])[0]

    beam_x = struct.unpack(f, header[540:544])[0]
    beam_y = struct.unpack(f, header[544:548])[0]

    beam = (beam_x * dx, beam_y * dy)

    return self._detector_factory.two_theta(
        'IMAGE_PLATE', distance, beam, '+y', '-x', '+x', two_theta,
        (dx, dy), (nx, ny), (0, 1000000), [])

  def _beam(self):
    '''Return a simple model for the beam. This assumes a laboratory source
    which has an unpolarized beam.'''

    wavelength = struct.unpack(self._f, self._header_bytes[292:296])[0]

    return self._beam_factory.complex((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.5,
                                      (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), wavelength)

  def _scan(self):
    '''Return the scan information for this image.'''
    import calendar
    i = self._i
    f = self._f
    header = self._header_bytes

    # We expect an invalid goniometer section, indicated by wrong magic number
    magic_no = struct.unpack(">i", header[852:856])

    format = self._scan_factory.format('RAXIS')
    exposure_time = struct.unpack(f, header[536:540])[0]

    y, m, d = map(int, header[256:268].strip().split('-'))

    epoch = calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0).timetuple())

    if magic_no == 1:
      s = struct.unpack(i, header[980:984])[0]
      osc_start = struct.unpack(f, header[920 + s * 4:924 + s * 4])[0]
      osc_end = struct.unpack(f, header[940 + s * 4:944 + s * 4])[0]

      osc_dat = struct.unpack(f, header[520:524])[0]
      osc_start = osc_dat + struct.unpack(f, header[524:528])[0]
      osc_end = osc_dat + struct.unpack(f, header[528:532])[0]

    osc_range = osc_end - osc_start

    return self._scan_factory.single(
        self._image_file, format, exposure_time,
        osc_start, osc_range, epoch)

  def get_raw_data(self):
    '''Get the pixel intensities (i.e. read the image and return as a
    flex array.'''
      image = self.detectorbase
      raw_data = image.get_raw_data()

      return raw_data
    except Exception:
      return None
Exemplo n.º 4
class FormatRAXIS(Format):
  '''A class to support the RAXIS detector format from Rigaku.'''

  def understand(image_file):
    '''See if this looks like an RAXIS format image - clue is first
    5 letters of file should be RAXIS.'''

    if Format.open_file(image_file).read(5) == 'RAXIS':
      return True

    return False

  def __init__(self, image_file):

    Format.__init__(self, image_file)


  def _start(self):
    self._header_bytes = Format.open_file(self._image_file).read(1024)

    if self._header_bytes[812:822].strip() in ['SGI', 'IRIS']:
      self._f = '>f'
      self._i = '>i'
      self._f = '<f'
      self._i = '<i'

    from iotbx.detectors.raxis import RAXISImage
    self.detectorbase = RAXISImage(self._image_file)

  def _goniometer(self):
    '''Return a model for the goniometer from the values stored in the
    header. Assumes same reference frame as is used for the Saturn

    # OK for the moment I am not completely clear on how omega, chi and
    # phi are defined so for the moment assert (i) that only one rotation
    # axis has a non-zero offset (ii) that this is the scan axis and
    # (iii) that this is aligned with (1, 0, 0) in the file... N.B.
    # with these scanners it is (I believe) always the case that the
    # (1, 0, 0) direction points downwards from the sample to the
    # goniometer.

    i = self._i
    f = self._f
    header = self._header_bytes

    # check magic number to see if this section is valid
    if struct.unpack(i, header[852:856]) == 1:
      n_axes = struct.unpack(i, header[856:860])[0]
      n_axes = 0
    scan_axis = struct.unpack(i, header[980:984])[0]

    for j in range(n_axes):

      axis_x = struct.unpack(f, header[860 + j * 12:864 + j * 12])[0]
      axis_y = struct.unpack(f, header[864 + j * 12:868 + j * 12])[0]
      axis_z = struct.unpack(f, header[868 + j * 12:872 + j * 12])[0]

      axis_start = struct.unpack(f, header[920 + j * 4:924 + j * 4])[0]
      axis_end = struct.unpack(f, header[940 + j * 4:944 + j * 4])[0]
      axis_offset = struct.unpack(f, header[960 + j * 4:964 + j * 4])[0]

      if j == scan_axis:
        assert(math.fabs(axis_x - 1) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_y) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_z) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_start % 180.0) < 0.001)
        assert(math.fabs(axis_end % 180.0) < 0.001)

    return self._goniometer_factory.single_axis()

  def _detector(self):
    '''Return a model for the detector as defined in the image header,
    with the additional knowledge about how things are arranged i.e. that
    the principle rotation axis vector points from the sample downwards.'''

    # As above will have to make a bunch of assumptions about how the
    # detector is set up, namely that the rotation axis points downwards,
    # the fast axis points along and the slow axis points up. These will
    # (as well as I can understand) be asserted. Also assuming that the
    # two-theta axis is along (1, 0, 0) which is all that makes sense.

    i = self._i
    f = self._f
    header = self._header_bytes

    det_h = struct.unpack(i, header[832:836])[0]
    det_v = struct.unpack(i, header[836:840])[0]
    det_f = struct.unpack(i, header[840:844])[0]

    assert(det_h == 0)
    assert(det_v == 0)
    assert(det_f == 0)

    nx = struct.unpack(i, header[768:772])[0]
    ny = struct.unpack(i, header[772:776])[0]

    dx = struct.unpack(f, header[776:780])[0]
    dy = struct.unpack(f, header[780:784])[0]

    distance = struct.unpack(f, header[344:348])[0]
    two_theta = struct.unpack(f, header[556:560])[0]

    beam_x = struct.unpack(f, header[540:544])[0]
    beam_y = struct.unpack(f, header[544:548])[0]

    beam = (beam_x * dx, beam_y * dy)

    return self._detector_factory.two_theta(
        'IMAGE_PLATE', distance, beam, '+y', '-x', '+x', two_theta,
        (dx, dy), (nx, ny), (0, 1000000), [])

  def _beam(self):
    '''Return a simple model for the beam. This assumes a laboratory source
    which has an unpolarized beam.'''

    wavelength = struct.unpack(self._f, self._header_bytes[292:296])[0]

    return self._beam_factory.complex((0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.5,
                                      (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), wavelength)

  def _scan(self):
    '''Return the scan information for this image.'''
    import calendar
    i = self._i
    f = self._f
    header = self._header_bytes

    # We expect an invalid goniometer section, indicated by wrong magic number
    magic_no = struct.unpack(">i", header[852:856])

    format = self._scan_factory.format('RAXIS')
    exposure_time = struct.unpack(f, header[536:540])[0]

    y, m, d = map(int, header[256:268].strip().split('-'))

    epoch = calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime(y, m, d, 0, 0, 0).timetuple())

    if magic_no == 1:
      s = struct.unpack(i, header[980:984])[0]
      osc_start = struct.unpack(f, header[920 + s * 4:924 + s * 4])[0]
      osc_end = struct.unpack(f, header[940 + s * 4:944 + s * 4])[0]

      osc_dat = struct.unpack(f, header[520:524])[0]
      osc_start = osc_dat + struct.unpack(f, header[524:528])[0]
      osc_end = osc_dat + struct.unpack(f, header[528:532])[0]

    osc_range = osc_end - osc_start

    return self._scan_factory.single(
        self._image_file, format, exposure_time,
        osc_start, osc_range, epoch)