Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_iter_output(self):
        Test the ``ipalib.frontend.Command._iter_output`` instance attribute.
        api = 'the api instance'
        class Example(self.cls):
        inst = Example(api)

        inst.has_output = tuple()
        assert list(inst._iter_output()) == []

        wrong = ['hello', 'world']
        inst.has_output = wrong
        e = raises(TypeError, list, inst._iter_output())
        assert str(e) == 'Example.has_output: need a %r; got a %r: %r' % (
            tuple, list, wrong

        wrong = ('hello', 17)
        inst.has_output = wrong
        e = raises(TypeError, list, inst._iter_output())
        assert str(e) == 'Example.has_output[1]: need a %r; got a %r: %r' % (
            (str, output.Output), int, 17

        okay = ('foo', output.Output('bar'), 'baz')
        inst.has_output = okay
        items = list(inst._iter_output())
        assert len(items) == 3
        assert list(o.name for o in items) == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
        for o in items:
            assert type(o) is output.Output
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_02_remove_cert_from_nonexistent_entity(self):
     Tests whether trying to remove certificates from a non-existent entry
     raises NotFound error.
     raises(errors.NotFound, self.cert_add_cmd,
            self.non_existent_entity, usercertificate=self.certs)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_01_add_cert_to_nonexistent_entity(self):
     Tests whether trying to add certificates to a non-existent entry
     raises NotFound error.
     raises(errors.NotFound, self.cert_add_cmd,
            self.non_existent_entity, usercertificate=self.certs)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_validate(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate` method.
        class api(object):
            env = config.Env(context='cli')
            def is_production_mode():
                return False

        sub = self.subcls(api)

        # Check with valid values
        okay = dict(
            another_option='some value',

        # Check with an invalid value
        fail = dict(okay)
        fail['option0'] = u'whatever'
        e = raises(errors.ValidationError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert_equal(e.name, u'option0')
        assert_equal(e.error, u"must equal 'option0'")

        # Check with a missing required arg
        fail = dict(okay)
        e = raises(errors.RequirementError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert e.name == 'option1'
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_Registry():
    Test the `ipalib.plugable.Registry` class
    class Base1(object):
    class Base2(object):
    class Base3(object):
    class plugin1(Base1):
    class plugin2(Base2):
    class plugin3(Base3):

    # Test creation of Registry:
    r = plugable.Registry()

    # Check that TypeError is raised trying to register something that isn't
    # a class:
    p = plugin1()
    e = raises(TypeError, r(), p)
    assert str(e) == 'plugin must be a class; got %r' % p

    # Check that registration works

    # Check that DuplicateError is raised trying to register exact class
    # again:
    e = raises(errors.PluginDuplicateError, r(), plugin1)
    assert e.plugin is plugin1

    # Check that overriding works
    class base1_extended(Base1):
    class plugin1(base1_extended):  # pylint: disable=function-redefined

    # Test that another plugin can be registered:

    # Setup to test more registration:
    class plugin1a(Base1):

    class plugin1b(Base1):

    class plugin2a(Base2):

    class plugin2b(Base2):
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_check_name():
    Test the `ipalib.base.check_name` function.
    f = base.check_name
    okay = [
    nope = [
    for name in okay:
        assert name is f(name)
        e = raises(TypeError, f, unicode(name))
        assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('name', str, unicode(name), unicode)
    for name in nope:
        e = raises(ValueError, f, name)
        assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name)
    for name in okay:
        e = raises(ValueError, f, name.upper())
        assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name.upper())
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_validate_output_basic(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate_output` method.
        class Example(self.cls):
            has_output = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

        inst = Example()

        # Test with wrong type:
        wrong = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s.validate_output(): need a %r; got a %r: %r' % (
            'Example', dict, tuple, wrong)

        # Test with a missing keys:
        wrong = dict(bar='hello')
        e = raises(ValueError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s.validate_output(): missing keys %r in %r' % (
            'Example', ['baz', 'foo'], wrong)

        # Test with extra keys:
        wrong = dict(foo=1, bar=2, baz=3, fee=4, azz=5)
        e = raises(ValueError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s.validate_output(): unexpected keys %r in %r' % (
            'Example', ['azz', 'fee'], wrong)

        # Test with different keys:
        wrong = dict(baz=1, xyzzy=2, quux=3)
        e = raises(ValueError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s.validate_output(): missing keys %r in %r' % (
            'Example', ['bar', 'foo'], wrong), str(e)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_init(self):
        Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__init__` method.
        o = self.cls([])
        assert len(o) == 0
        assert list(o) == []
        assert list(o()) == []

        # Test members as attribute and item:
        for cnt in (3, 42):
            for sort in (True, False):
                (o, members) = self.new(cnt, sort=sort)
                assert len(members) == cnt
                for m in members:
                    assert getattr(o, m.name) is m
                    assert o[m.name] is m

        # Test that TypeError is raised if sort is not a bool:
        e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, [], sort=None)
        assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('sort', bool, None, type(None))

        # Test that AttributeError is raised with duplicate member name:
        members = gen_members(0, 1, 2, 1, 3)
        e = raises(AttributeError, self.cls, members)
        assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % ('NameSpace', membername(1),
                                           members[1], members[3])
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_check_name():
    Test the `ipalib.base.check_name` function.
    f = base.check_name
    okay = [
    nope = [
    for name in okay:
        assert name is f(name)
        e = raises(TypeError, f, unicode(name))
        assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('name', str, unicode(name), unicode)
    for name in nope:
        e = raises(ValueError, f, name)
        assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name)
    for name in okay:
        e = raises(ValueError, f, name.upper())
        assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name.upper())
Exemplo n.º 10
 def check_method(self, name, *args):
     o = self.cls()
     e = raises(NotImplementedError, getattr(o, name), *args)
     assert str(e) == 'CrudBackend.%s()' % name
     sub = self.subcls()
     e = raises(NotImplementedError, getattr(sub, name), *args)
     assert str(e) == 'ldap.%s()' % name
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_class(self):
     Test the `ipalib.plugable.MagicDict` class.
     assert self.cls.__bases__ == (plugable.DictProxy,)
     for non_dict in ('hello', 69, object):
         raises(TypeError, self.cls, non_dict)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_validate(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate` method.

        sub = self.subcls()
        sub.env = config.Env(context='cli')

        # Check with valid values
        okay = dict(
            another_option='some value',

        # Check with an invalid value
        fail = dict(okay)
        fail['option0'] = u'whatever'
        e = raises(errors.ValidationError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert_equal(e.name, 'option0')
        assert_equal(e.value, u'whatever')
        assert_equal(e.error, u"must equal 'option0'")
        assert e.rule.__class__.__name__ == 'Rule'
        assert e.index is None

        # Check with a missing required arg
        fail = dict(okay)
        e = raises(errors.RequirementError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert e.name == 'option1'
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_args(self):
        Test the ``ipalib.frontend.Command.args`` instance attribute.
        assert self.cls().args is None
        o = self.cls()
        assert type(o.args) is plugable.NameSpace
        assert len(o.args) == 0
        args = ('destination', 'source?')
        ns = self.get_instance(args=args).args
        assert type(ns) is plugable.NameSpace
        assert len(ns) == len(args)
        assert list(ns) == ['destination', 'source']
        assert type(ns.destination) is parameters.Str
        assert type(ns.source) is parameters.Str
        assert ns.destination.required is True
        assert ns.destination.multivalue is False
        assert ns.source.required is False
        assert ns.source.multivalue is False

        # Test TypeError:
        e = raises(TypeError, self.get_instance, args=(u'whatever',))
        assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % (
            'spec', (str, parameters.Param), u'whatever', unicode)

        # Test ValueError, required after optional:
        e = raises(ValueError, self.get_instance, args=('arg1?', 'arg2'))
        assert str(e) == "arg2: required argument after optional in %s arguments ['arg1?', 'arg2']" % (self.get_instance().name)

         # Test ValueError, scalar after multivalue:
        e = raises(ValueError, self.get_instance, args=('arg1+', 'arg2'))
        assert str(e) == 'arg2: only final argument can be multivalue'
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_check_name():
    Test the `ipalib.base.check_name` function.
    f = base.check_name
    okay = [
    nope = [
    for name in okay:
        assert name is f(name)
        if six.PY2:
            bad_type = unicode
            bad_value = unicode(name)
            bad_type = bytes
            bad_value = name.encode('ascii')
        e = raises(TypeError, f, bad_value)
        assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('name', str, bad_value, bad_type)
    for name in nope:
        e = raises(ValueError, f, name)
        assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name)
    for name in okay:
        e = raises(ValueError, f, name.upper())
        assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name.upper())
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_09_remove_nonexistent_certs_from_entity(self):
     Tests that an attempt to remove certificates that are not present in
     the entry raises AttrValueNotFound
     raises(errors.AttrValueNotFound, self.remove_certs,
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_validate(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate` method.

        sub = self.subcls()
        sub.env = config.Env(context='cli')

        # Check with valid values
        okay = dict(
            another_option='some value',

        # Check with an invalid value
        fail = dict(okay)
        fail['option0'] = u'whatever'
        e = raises(errors.ValidationError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert_equal(e.name, 'option0')
        assert_equal(e.value, u'whatever')
        assert_equal(e.error, u"must equal 'option0'")
        assert e.rule.__class__.__name__ == 'Rule'
        assert e.index is None

        # Check with a missing required arg
        fail = dict(okay)
        e = raises(errors.RequirementError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert e.name == 'option1'
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_setitem(self):
        Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__setitem__` method.
        o = self.cls()
        for (key, raw, value) in good_vars:
            # Test setting the value:
            o[key] = raw
            result = o[key]
            assert type(result) is type(value)
            assert result == value
            assert result is getattr(o, key)

            # Test that value cannot be overridden once set:
            e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw)
            assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % ('Env', key, value, raw)

        # Test that values cannot be set once locked:
        o = self.cls()
        for (key, raw, value) in good_vars:
            e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw)
            assert str(e) == SET_ERROR % ('Env', key, raw)

        # Test that name is tested with check_name():
        o = self.cls()
        for (key, value) in bad_names:
            e = raises(ValueError, o.__setitem__, key, value)
            assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, key)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_bind_as_expired_test_user(self, user):
        """ Try to bind as expired user """
            user.uid, krbprincipalexpiration=expired_expiration_string)

        raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, self.connection.simple_bind_s,
               str(get_user_dn(user.uid)), self.password)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_validate_output_per_type(self):
        Test `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate_output` per-type validation.
        class api(object):
            def is_production_mode():
                return False

        class Complex(self.cls):
            has_output = (
                output.Output('foo', int),
                output.Output('bar', list),
        inst = Complex(api)

        wrong = dict(foo=17.9, bar=[18])
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s:\n  output[%r]: need %r; got %r: %r' % (
            'Complex.validate_output()', 'foo', int, float, 17.9

        wrong = dict(foo=18, bar=17)
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s:\n  output[%r]: need %r; got %r: %r' % (
            'Complex.validate_output()', 'bar', list, int, 17
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_init(self):
        Test the `ipalib.base.NameSpace.__init__` method.
        o = self.cls([])
        assert len(o) == 0
        assert list(o) == []
        assert list(o()) == []

        # Test members as attribute and item:
        for cnt in (3, 42):
            for sort in (True, False):
                (o, members) = self.new(cnt, sort=sort)
                assert len(members) == cnt
                for m in members:
                    assert getattr(o, m.name) is m
                    assert o[m.name] is m

        # Test that TypeError is raised if sort is not a bool:
        e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, [], sort=None)
        assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('sort', bool, None, type(None))

        # Test that AttributeError is raised with duplicate member name:
        members = gen_members(0, 1, 2, 1, 3)
        e = raises(AttributeError, self.cls, members)
        assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % (
            'NameSpace', membername(1), members[1], members[3]
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_validate_output_nested(self):
        Test `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate_output` nested validation.
        class api(object):
            def is_production_mode():
                return False

        class Subclass(output.ListOfEntries):

        # Test nested validation:
        class nested(self.cls):
            has_output = (
                output.Output('hello', int),
        inst = nested(api)
        okay = dict(foo='bar')
        nope = ('aye', 'bee')

        wrong = dict(hello=18, world=[okay, nope, okay])
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == output.emsg % (
            'nested', 'Subclass', 'world', 1, dict, tuple, nope

        wrong = dict(hello=18, world=[okay, okay, okay, okay, nope])
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == output.emsg % (
            'nested', 'Subclass', 'world', 4, dict, tuple, nope
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_class(self):
     Test the `ipalib.plugable.MagicDict` class.
     assert self.cls.__bases__ == (plugable.DictProxy, )
     for non_dict in ('hello', 69, object):
         raises(TypeError, self.cls, non_dict)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def check_method(self, name, *args):
     o = self.cls()
     e = raises(NotImplementedError, getattr(o, name), *args)
     assert str(e) == 'CrudBackend.%s()' % name
     sub = self.subcls()
     e = raises(NotImplementedError, getattr(sub, name), *args)
     assert str(e) == 'ldap.%s()' % name
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_validate_output_nested(self):
        Test `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate_output` nested validation.
        class api:
            def is_production_mode():
                return False

        class Subclass(output.ListOfEntries):

        # Test nested validation:
        class nested(self.cls):
            has_output = (
                output.Output('hello', int),

        inst = nested(api)
        okay = dict(foo='bar')
        nope = ('aye', 'bee')

        wrong = dict(hello=18, world=[okay, nope, okay])
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == output.emsg % ('nested', 'Subclass', 'world', 1, dict,
                                        tuple, nope)

        wrong = dict(hello=18, world=[okay, okay, okay, okay, nope])
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == output.emsg % ('nested', 'Subclass', 'world', 4, dict,
                                        tuple, nope)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_setitem(self):
        Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__setitem__` method.
        o = self.cls()
        for (key, raw, value) in good_vars:
            # Test setting the value:
            o[key] = raw
            result = o[key]
            assert type(result) is type(value)
            assert result == value
            assert result is getattr(o, key)

            # Test that value cannot be overridden once set:
            e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw)
            assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % ('Env', key, value, raw)

        # Test that values cannot be set once locked:
        o = self.cls()
        for (key, raw, value) in good_vars:
            e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw)
            assert str(e) == SET_ERROR % ('Env', key, raw)

        # Test that name is tested with check_name():
        o = self.cls()
        for (key, value) in bad_names:
            e = raises(ValueError, o.__setitem__, key, value)
            assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, key)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_validate_output_per_type(self):
        Test `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate_output` per-type validation.
        class api:
            def is_production_mode():
                return False

        class Complex(self.cls):
            has_output = (
                output.Output('foo', int),
                output.Output('bar', list),

        inst = Complex(api)

        wrong = dict(foo=17.9, bar=[18])
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s:\n  output[%r]: need (%r,); got %r: %r' % (
            'Complex.validate_output()', 'foo', int, float, 17.9)

        wrong = dict(foo=18, bar=17)
        e = raises(TypeError, inst.validate_output, wrong)
        assert str(e) == '%s:\n  output[%r]: need (%r,); got %r: %r' % (
            'Complex.validate_output()', 'bar', list, int, 17)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_validate(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Command.validate` method.
        class api:
            env = config.Env(context='cli')

            def is_production_mode():
                return False

        sub = self.subcls(api)

        # Check with valid values
        okay = dict(
            another_option='some value',

        # Check with an invalid value
        fail = dict(okay)
        fail['option0'] = u'whatever'
        e = raises(errors.ValidationError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert_equal(e.name, u'option0')
        assert_equal(e.error, u"must equal 'option0'")

        # Check with a missing required arg
        fail = dict(okay)
        e = raises(errors.RequirementError, sub.validate, **fail)
        assert e.name == 'option1'
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_iter_output(self):
        Test the ``ipalib.frontend.Command._iter_output`` instance attribute.
        api = 'the api instance'

        class Example(self.cls):

        inst = Example(api)

        inst.has_output = tuple()
        assert list(inst._iter_output()) == []

        wrong = ['hello', 'world']
        inst.has_output = wrong
        e = raises(TypeError, list, inst._iter_output())
        assert str(e) == 'Example.has_output: need a %r; got a %r: %r' % (
            tuple, list, wrong)

        wrong = ('hello', 17)
        inst.has_output = wrong
        e = raises(TypeError, list, inst._iter_output())
        assert str(e) == 'Example.has_output[1]: need a %r; got a %r: %r' % (
            (str, output.Output), int, 17)

        okay = ('foo', output.Output('bar'), 'baz')
        inst.has_output = okay
        items = list(inst._iter_output())
        assert len(items) == 3
        assert list(o.name for o in items) == ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
        for o in items:
            assert type(o) is output.Output
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_forward(self):
        Test the `ipalib.rpc.xmlclient.forward` method.
        class user_add(Command):

        # Test that ValueError is raised when forwarding a command that is not
        # in api.Command:
        (o, api, home) = self.instance('Backend', in_server=False)
        e = raises(ValueError, o.forward, 'user_add')
        assert str(e) == '%s.forward(): %r not in api.Command' % (
            'xmlclient', 'user_add'

        (o, api, home) = self.instance('Backend', user_add, in_server=False)
        args = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str)
        kw = dict(one=binary_bytes, two=utf8_bytes, three=unicode_str)
        params = [args, kw]
        result = (unicode_str, binary_bytes, utf8_bytes)
        conn = DummyClass(
                rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION),
                rpc.xml_wrap(result, API_VERSION),
                rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION),
                Fault(3007, u"'four' is required"),  # RequirementError
                rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION),
                Fault(700, u'no such error'),  # There is no error 700


        # Create connection for the current thread
        setattr(context, o.id, Connection(conn, lambda: None))
        context.xmlclient = Connection(conn, lambda: None)

        # Test with a successful return value:
        assert o.forward('user_add', *args, **kw) == result

        # Test with an errno the client knows:
        e = raises(errors.RequirementError, o.forward, 'user_add', *args, **kw)
        assert_equal(e.args[0], u"'four' is required")

        # Test with an errno the client doesn't know
        e = raises(errors.UnknownError, o.forward, 'user_add', *args, **kw)
        assert_equal(e.code, 700)
        assert_equal(e.error, u'no such error')

        assert context.xmlclient.conn._calledall() is True
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_filter_param_by_context(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.HasParam._filter_param_by_context` method.
        api = 'the api instance'

        class Example(self.cls):
            def get_stuff(self):
                return (
                    'one',  # Make sure create_param() is called for each spec
                    parameters.Str('three', include='cli'),
                    parameters.Str('four', exclude='server'),
                    parameters.Str('five', exclude=['whatever', 'cli']),

        o = Example(api)

        # Test when env is None:
        params = list(o._filter_param_by_context('stuff'))
        assert list(
            p.name for p in params) == ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five']
        for p in params:
            assert type(p) is parameters.Str

        # Test when env.context == 'cli':
        cli = config.Env(context='cli')
        assert cli.context == 'cli'
        params = list(o._filter_param_by_context('stuff', cli))
        assert list(p.name for p in params) == ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
        for p in params:
            assert type(p) is parameters.Str

        # Test when env.context == 'server'
        server = config.Env(context='server')
        assert server.context == 'server'
        params = list(o._filter_param_by_context('stuff', server))
        assert list(p.name for p in params) == ['one', 'two', 'five']
        for p in params:
            assert type(p) is parameters.Str

        # Test with no get_stuff:
        class Missing(self.cls):

        o = Missing(api)
        gen = o._filter_param_by_context('stuff')
        e = raises(NotImplementedError, list, gen)
        assert str(e) == 'Missing.get_stuff()'

        # Test when get_stuff is not callable:
        class NotCallable(self.cls):
            get_stuff = ('one', 'two')

        o = NotCallable(api)
        gen = o._filter_param_by_context('stuff')
        e = raises(TypeError, list, gen)
        assert str(e) == '%s.%s must be a callable; got %r' % (
            'NotCallable', 'get_stuff', NotCallable.get_stuff)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def test_args_options_2_params(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Command.args_options_2_params` method.

        # Test that ZeroArgumentError is raised:
        o = self.get_instance()
        e = raises(errors.ZeroArgumentError, o.args_options_2_params, 1)
        assert e.name == 'example'

        # Test that MaxArgumentError is raised (count=1)
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one?', ))
        e = raises(errors.MaxArgumentError, o.args_options_2_params, 1, 2)
        assert e.name == 'example'
        assert e.count == 1
        assert str(e) == "command 'example' takes at most 1 argument"

        # Test that MaxArgumentError is raised (count=2)
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one', 'two?'))
        e = raises(errors.MaxArgumentError, o.args_options_2_params, 1, 2, 3)
        assert e.name == 'example'
        assert e.count == 2
        assert str(e) == "command 'example' takes at most 2 arguments"

        # Test that OptionError is raised when an extra option is given:
        o = self.get_instance()
        e = raises(errors.OptionError,
        assert e.option == 'bad_option'

        # Test that OverlapError is raised:
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one', 'two'), options=('three', 'four'))
        e = raises(errors.OverlapError,
        assert e.names == "['one', 'two']"

        # Test the permutations:
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one', 'two*'), options=('three', 'four'))
        mthd = o.args_options_2_params
        assert mthd() == dict()
        assert mthd(1) == dict(one=1)
        assert mthd(1, 2) == dict(one=1, two=(2, ))
        assert mthd(1, 21, 22, 23) == dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23))
        assert mthd(1, (21, 22, 23)) == dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23))
        assert mthd(three=3, four=4) == dict(three=3, four=4)
        assert mthd(three=3, four=4, one=1, two=2) == \
            dict(one=1, two=2, three=3, four=4)
        assert mthd(1, 21, 22, 23, three=3, four=4) == \
            dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23), three=3, four=4)
        assert mthd(1, (21, 22, 23), three=3, four=4) == \
            dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23), three=3, four=4)
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_Registry():
    Test the `ipalib.plugable.Registry` class
    class Base1(object):
    class Base2(object):

    class plugin1(Base1):
    class plugin2(Base2):

    # Test creation of Registry:
    r = plugable.Registry()

    # Check that TypeError is raised trying to register something that isn't
    # a class:
    p = plugin1()
    e = raises(TypeError, r(), p)
    assert str(e) == 'plugin must be callable; got %r' % p

    # Check that registration works

    # Check that DuplicateError is raised trying to register exact class
    # again:
    e = raises(errors.PluginDuplicateError, r(), plugin1)
    assert e.plugin is plugin1

    # Check that overriding works
    class base1_extended(Base1):
    class plugin1(base1_extended):  # pylint: disable=function-redefined

    # Test that another plugin can be registered:

    # Setup to test more registration:
    class plugin1a(Base1):

    class plugin1b(Base1):

    class plugin2a(Base2):

    class plugin2b(Base2):
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_filter_param_by_context(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.HasParam._filter_param_by_context` method.
        api = 'the api instance'
        class Example(self.cls):
            def get_stuff(self):
                return (
                    'one',  # Make sure create_param() is called for each spec
                    parameters.Str('three', include='cli'),
                    parameters.Str('four', exclude='server'),
                    parameters.Str('five', exclude=['whatever', 'cli']),
        o = Example(api)

        # Test when env is None:
        params = list(o._filter_param_by_context('stuff'))
        assert list(p.name for p in params) == [
            'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'
        for p in params:
            assert type(p) is parameters.Str

        # Test when env.context == 'cli':
        cli = config.Env(context='cli')
        assert cli.context == 'cli'
        params = list(o._filter_param_by_context('stuff', cli))
        assert list(p.name for p in params) == ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four']
        for p in params:
            assert type(p) is parameters.Str

        # Test when env.context == 'server'
        server = config.Env(context='server')
        assert server.context == 'server'
        params = list(o._filter_param_by_context('stuff', server))
        assert list(p.name for p in params) == ['one', 'two', 'five']
        for p in params:
            assert type(p) is parameters.Str

        # Test with no get_stuff:
        class Missing(self.cls):
        o = Missing(api)
        gen = o._filter_param_by_context('stuff')
        e = raises(NotImplementedError, list, gen)
        assert str(e) == 'Missing.get_stuff()'

        # Test when get_stuff is not callable:
        class NotCallable(self.cls):
            get_stuff = ('one', 'two')
        o = NotCallable(api)
        gen = o._filter_param_by_context('stuff')
        e = raises(TypeError, list, gen)
        assert str(e) == '%s.%s must be a callable; got %r' % (
            'NotCallable', 'get_stuff', NotCallable.get_stuff
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_08_add_already_present_cert_to_entity(self):
     Tests that ExecutionError is raised when attempting to add certificates
     to the entry that already contains them.
Exemplo n.º 35
 def test_09_remove_nonexistent_certs_from_entity(self):
     Tests that an attempt to remove certificates that are not present in
     the entry raises AttrValueNotFound
Exemplo n.º 36
 def test_10_remove_valid_and_nonexistent_certs_from_entity(self):
     Try to remove multiple certificates. Some of them are not present in
     the entry. This scenario should raise InvocationError.
Exemplo n.º 37
    def test_bind_as_expired_test_user(self, user):
        """ Try to bind as expired user """

               str(get_user_dn(user.uid)), self.password
Exemplo n.º 38
 def test_get_dn(self):
     Test the `ipalib.frontend.Object.get_dn` method.
     o = self.cls()
     e = raises(NotImplementedError, o.get_dn, 'primary key')
     assert str(e) == 'Object.get_dn()'
     class user(self.cls):
     o = user()
     e = raises(NotImplementedError, o.get_dn, 'primary key')
     assert str(e) == 'user.get_dn()'
Exemplo n.º 39
 def test_set_api(self):
     Test the `ipalib.plugable.Plugin.set_api` method.
     api = 'the api instance'
     o = self.cls()
     assert o.api is None
     e = raises(AssertionError, o.set_api, None)
     assert str(e) == 'set_api() argument cannot be None'
     assert o.api is api
     e = raises(AssertionError, o.set_api, api)
     assert str(e) == 'set_api() can only be called once'
Exemplo n.º 40
 def test_set_api(self):
     Test the `ipalib.plugable.Plugin.set_api` method.
     api = 'the api instance'
     o = self.cls()
     assert o.api is None
     e = raises(AssertionError, o.set_api, None)
     assert str(e) == 'set_api() argument cannot be None'
     assert o.api is api
     e = raises(AssertionError, o.set_api, api)
     assert str(e) == 'set_api() can only be called once'
Exemplo n.º 41
    def test_forward(self):
        Test the `ipalib.rpc.xmlclient.forward` method.
        class user_add(Command):

        o, _api, _home = self.instance('Backend', user_add, in_server=False)
        args = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str)
        kw = dict(one=binary_bytes, two=utf8_bytes, three=unicode_str)
        params = [args, kw]
        result = (unicode_str, binary_bytes, utf8_bytes)
        conn = DummyClass(
                rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION),
                rpc.xml_wrap(result, API_VERSION),
                rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION),
                Fault(3007, u"'four' is required"),  # RequirementError
                rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION),
                Fault(700, u'no such error'),  # There is no error 700


        # Create connection for the current thread
        setattr(context, o.id, Connection(conn, lambda: None))
        context.xmlclient = Connection(conn, lambda: None)

        # Test with a successful return value:
        assert o.forward('user_add', *args, **kw) == result

        # Test with an errno the client knows:
        e = raises(errors.RequirementError, o.forward, 'user_add', *args, **kw)
        assert_equal(e.args[0], u"'four' is required")

        # Test with an errno the client doesn't know
        e = raises(errors.UnknownError, o.forward, 'user_add', *args, **kw)
        assert_equal(e.code, 700)
        assert_equal(e.error, u'no such error')

        assert context.xmlclient.conn._calledall() is True
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_only_i18n_serves(self):
        Test if end point doesn't fulfill other RPC commands
        assert api.Command.get('user_find')
        params = json.dumps(self._prepare_data('user_find/1'))
        response = self.send_request(params=params)

        assert_equal(response.status, 403)
        assert_equal(response.reason, 'Forbidden')

        response_data = response.read()
        assert_equal(response_data, b'Invalid RPC command')
        raises(ValueError, json.loads, response_data)
Exemplo n.º 43
    def test_delattr(self):
        Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__delattr__` method.

        This also tests that ``__delitem__`` is not implemented.
        o = self.cls()
        o.one = 1
        assert o.one == 1
        for key in ('one', 'two'):
            e = raises(AttributeError, delattr, o, key)
            assert str(e) == DEL_ERROR % ('Env', key)
            e = raises(AttributeError, delitem, o, key)
            assert str(e) == '__delitem__'
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_args_options_2_params(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Command.args_options_2_params` method.

        # Test that ZeroArgumentError is raised:
        o = self.get_instance()
        e = raises(errors.ZeroArgumentError, o.args_options_2_params, 1)
        assert e.name == 'example'

        # Test that MaxArgumentError is raised (count=1)
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one?',))
        e = raises(errors.MaxArgumentError, o.args_options_2_params, 1, 2)
        assert e.name == 'example'
        assert e.count == 1
        assert str(e) == "command 'example' takes at most 1 argument"

        # Test that MaxArgumentError is raised (count=2)
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one', 'two?'))
        e = raises(errors.MaxArgumentError, o.args_options_2_params, 1, 2, 3)
        assert e.name == 'example'
        assert e.count == 2
        assert str(e) == "command 'example' takes at most 2 arguments"

        # Test that OptionError is raised when an extra option is given:
        o = self.get_instance()
        e = raises(errors.OptionError, o.args_options_2_params, bad_option=True)
        assert e.option == 'bad_option'

        # Test that OverlapError is raised:
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one', 'two'), options=('three', 'four'))
        e = raises(errors.OverlapError, o.args_options_2_params,
            1, 2, three=3, two=2, four=4, one=1)
        assert e.names == ['one', 'two']

        # Test the permutations:
        o = self.get_instance(args=('one', 'two*'), options=('three', 'four'))
        mthd = o.args_options_2_params
        assert mthd() == dict()
        assert mthd(1) == dict(one=1)
        assert mthd(1, 2) == dict(one=1, two=(2,))
        assert mthd(1, 21, 22, 23) == dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23))
        assert mthd(1, (21, 22, 23)) == dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23))
        assert mthd(three=3, four=4) == dict(three=3, four=4)
        assert mthd(three=3, four=4, one=1, two=2) == \
            dict(one=1, two=2, three=3, four=4)
        assert mthd(1, 21, 22, 23, three=3, four=4) == \
            dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23), three=3, four=4)
        assert mthd(1, (21, 22, 23), three=3, four=4) == \
            dict(one=1, two=(21, 22, 23), three=3, four=4)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def test_delattr(self):
        Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__delattr__` method.

        This also tests that ``__delitem__`` is not implemented.
        o = self.cls()
        o.one = 1
        assert o.one == 1
        for key in ('one', 'two'):
            e = raises(AttributeError, delattr, o, key)
            assert str(e) == DEL_ERROR % ('Env', key)
            e = raises(AttributeError, delitem, o, key)
            assert str(e) == '__delitem__'
Exemplo n.º 46
    def test_only_post_serves(self):
        Test if end point fulfills only POST method
        params = json.dumps(self._prepare_data('i18n_messages'))
        response = self.send_request(method='GET', params=params)

        assert_equal(response.status, 405)
        assert_equal(response.reason, 'Method Not Allowed')
        assert response.msg
        assert_equal(response.msg['allow'], 'POST')

        response_data = response.read()
        raises(ValueError, json.loads, response_data)
Exemplo n.º 47
    def test_get_dn(self):
        Test the `ipalib.frontend.Object.get_dn` method.
        o = self.cls()
        e = raises(NotImplementedError, o.get_dn, 'primary key')
        assert str(e) == 'Object.get_dn()'

        class user(self.cls):

        o = user()
        e = raises(NotImplementedError, o.get_dn, 'primary key')
        assert str(e) == 'user.get_dn()'
Exemplo n.º 48
def test_islocked():
    Test the `ipalib.base.islocked` function.
    f = base.islocked

    # Test with ReadOnly instance:
    o = base.ReadOnly()
    assert f(o) is False
    assert f(o) is True

    # Test with another class implemented locking protocol:
    class Lockable(object):
        __locked = False
        def __lock__(self):
            self.__locked = True
        def __islocked__(self):
            return self.__locked
    o = Lockable()
    assert f(o) is False
    assert f(o) is True

    # Test with a class incorrectly implementing the locking protocol:
    class Broken(object):
        __lock__ = False
        def __islocked__(self):
            return False
    o = Broken()
    e = raises(AssertionError, f, o)
    assert str(e) == 'no __lock__() method: %r' % o
Exemplo n.º 49
    def test_connect(self):
        Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible.connect` method.

        # Test that connection is created:
        class example(self.cls):
            def create_connection(self, *args, **kw):
                object.__setattr__(self, 'args', args)
                object.__setattr__(self, 'kw', kw)
                return 'The connection.'

        o = example(shared_instance=True)
        args = ('Arg1', 'Arg2', 'Arg3')
        kw = dict(key1='Val1', key2='Val2', key3='Val3')
        assert not hasattr(context, 'example')
        assert o.connect(*args, **kw) is None
        conn = context.example
        assert type(conn) is Connection
        assert o.args == args
        assert o.kw == kw
        assert conn.conn == 'The connection.'
        assert conn.disconnect == o.disconnect

        # Test that StandardError is raised if already connected:
        m = "connect: 'context.%s' already exists in thread %r"
        e = raises(StandardError, o.connect, *args, **kw)
        assert str(e) == m % ('example', threading.currentThread().getName())

        # Double check that it works after deleting context.example:
        del context.example
        assert o.connect(*args, **kw) is None
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_xml_dumps():
    Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_dumps` function.
    f = rpc.xml_dumps
    params = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str, None)

    # Test serializing an RPC request:
    data = f(params, API_VERSION, 'the_method')
    (p, m) = loads(data)
    assert_equal(m, u'the_method')
    assert type(p) is tuple
    assert rpc.xml_unwrap(p) == params

    # Test serializing an RPC response:
    data = f((params,), API_VERSION, methodresponse=True)
    (tup, m) = loads(data)
    assert m is None
    assert len(tup) == 1
    assert type(tup) is tuple
    assert rpc.xml_unwrap(tup[0]) == params

    # Test serializing an RPC response containing a Fault:
    fault = Fault(69, unicode_str)
    data = f(fault, API_VERSION, methodresponse=True)
    e = raises(Fault, loads, data)
    assert e.faultCode == 69
    assert_equal(e.faultString, unicode_str)
Exemplo n.º 51
def test_xml_dumps():
    Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_dumps` function.
    f = rpc.xml_dumps
    params = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str, None)

    # Test serializing an RPC request:
    data = f(params, API_VERSION, 'the_method')
    (p, m) = loads(data)
    assert_equal(m, u'the_method')
    assert type(p) is tuple
    assert rpc.xml_unwrap(p) == params

    # Test serializing an RPC response:
    data = f((params,), API_VERSION, methodresponse=True)
    (tup, m) = loads(data)
    assert m is None
    assert len(tup) == 1
    assert type(tup) is tuple
    assert rpc.xml_unwrap(tup[0]) == params

    # Test serializing an RPC response containing a Fault:
    fault = Fault(69, unicode_str)
    data = f(fault, API_VERSION, methodresponse=True)
    e = raises(Fault, loads, data)
    assert e.faultCode == 69
    assert_equal(e.faultString, unicode_str)
Exemplo n.º 52
def test_xml_loads():
    Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_loads` function.
    f = rpc.xml_loads
    params = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str, None)
    wrapped = rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION)

    # Test un-serializing an RPC request:
    data = dumps(wrapped, 'the_method', allow_none=True)
    (p, m) = f(data)
    assert_equal(m, u'the_method')
    assert_equal(p, params)

    # Test un-serializing an RPC response:
    data = dumps((wrapped,), methodresponse=True, allow_none=True)
    (tup, m) = f(data)
    assert m is None
    assert len(tup) == 1
    assert type(tup) is tuple
    assert_equal(tup[0], params)

    # Test un-serializing an RPC response containing a Fault:
    for error in (unicode_str, u'hello'):
        fault = Fault(69, error)
        data = dumps(fault, methodresponse=True, allow_none=True, encoding='UTF-8')
        e = raises(Fault, f, data)
        assert e.faultCode == 69
        assert_equal(e.faultString, error)
        assert type(e.faultString) is unicode
Exemplo n.º 53
    def finalize_core(self, ctx, **defaults):
        Helper method used in testing `Env._finalize_core`.
        # We must force in_tree=True so we don't load possible config files in
        # /etc/ipa/, whose contents could break this test:
        (o, home) = self.new(in_tree=True)
        if ctx:
            o.context = ctx

        # Check that calls cascade down the chain:
        set_here = ('in_server', 'logdir', 'log')
        assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is False
        assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is False
        assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False
        for key in set_here:
            assert key not in o
        assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is True
        assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is True
        assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False  # Should not cascade
        for key in set_here:
            assert key in o

        # Check that it can't be called twice:
        e = raises(Exception, o._finalize_core)
        assert str(e) == 'Env._finalize_core() already called'

        return (o, home)
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_xml_loads():
    Test the `ipalib.rpc.xml_loads` function.
    f = rpc.xml_loads
    params = (binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str, None)
    wrapped = rpc.xml_wrap(params, API_VERSION)

    # Test un-serializing an RPC request:
    data = dumps(wrapped, 'the_method', allow_none=True)
    (p, m) = f(data)
    assert_equal(m, u'the_method')
    assert_equal(p, params)

    # Test un-serializing an RPC response:
    data = dumps((wrapped,), methodresponse=True, allow_none=True)
    (tup, m) = f(data)
    assert m is None
    assert len(tup) == 1
    assert type(tup) is tuple
    assert_equal(tup[0], params)

    # Test un-serializing an RPC response containing a Fault:
    for error in (unicode_str, u'hello'):
        fault = Fault(69, error)
        data = dumps(fault, methodresponse=True, allow_none=True, encoding='UTF-8')
        e = raises(Fault, f, data)
        assert e.faultCode == 69
        assert_equal(e.faultString, error)
        assert type(e.faultString) is unicode