Exemplo n.º 1
 def testrunGetProbGapToOpt(self, testrun, problemid):
     """ Return the gap between found an solufile-solution
     optsol = testrun.problemGetOptimalSolution(problemid)
     status = testrun.problemGetSoluFileStatus(problemid)
     pb = testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, Key.PrimalBound)
     if status == 'opt' or status == 'best':
         return misc.getGap(float(pb), float(optsol))
         return misc.FLOAT_INFINITY
Exemplo n.º 2
 def calculateGaps(self):
     """ Calculate and store primal and dual gap
     for testrun in self.getTestRuns():
         for problemid in testrun.getProblemIds():
             optval = testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, Key.OptimalValue)
             if optval is not None:
                 for key in [Key.PrimalBound, Key.DualBound]:
                     val = testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, key)
                     if val is not None:
                         gap = misc.getGap(val, optval, True)
                         # subtract 'Bound' and add 'Gap' from Key
                         thename = key[:-5] + "Gap"
                         testrun.addDataById(thename, gap, problemid)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def writeSolufile(self):
        """ Write a solu file based on the parsed results
        # ## collect data
        solufiledata = {}
        for testrun in self.getTestRuns():
            for probname in testrun.getProblemIds():
                pb = testrun.getProblemDataById(probname, Key.PrimalBound)
                db = testrun.getProblemDataById(probname, Key.DualBound)
                if pb is None or db is None:
                status = '=unkn='
                infinite = (pb >= misc.FLOAT_INFINITY or pb <= -misc.FLOAT_INFINITY)
                sense = 0
                if pb < db:
                    sense = 1
                else: sense = -1

                if not infinite and misc.getGap(pb, db, True) <= self.gaptol:
                    status = '=opt='
                elif not infinite:
                    status = '=best='
                elif pb == db:
                    status = '=inf='

                currentsolufileentry = solufiledata.get(probname)
                if currentsolufileentry == None:
                    solufiledata[probname] = (status, pb)
                    solustatus, solupb = currentsolufileentry
                    if solustatus == '=best=':
                        assert sense != 0
                        if not infinite and sense * (solupb - pb) < 0 or status == '=opt=':
                            solufiledata[probname] = (status, pb)
                    elif solustatus == '=unkn=':
                        solufiledata[probname] = (status, pb)

        # # write solufiledata to file
        newsolufilename = 'newsolufile.solu'
        f = open(newsolufilename, 'w')
        for prob in sorted(list(solufiledata.keys()), reverse = False):
            solustatus, solupb = solufiledata.get(prob)
            f.write("%s %s" % (solustatus, prob))
            if solustatus in ['=best=', '=opt=']:
                f.write(" %g" % solupb)

Exemplo n.º 4
    def determineStatusForUnknProblem(self, testrun, problemid):
        """ Determine status for a problem for which we don't know anything about the feasibility or optimality
        pb = testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, Key.PrimalBound)
        db = testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, Key.DualBound)
        solverstatus = testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, Key.SolverStatus)

        if solverstatus:
            code = Key.solverToProblemStatusCode(solverstatus)

        elif pb is not None:
            code = Key.ProblemStatusCodes.Better
        elif misc.getGap(pb, db) < self.gaptol:
            code = Key.ProblemStatusCodes.SolvedNotVerified
            code = Key.ProblemStatusCodes.Unknown

        return code
Exemplo n.º 5
    def calculateGaps(self):
        """ Calculate and store primal and dual gap

        # use validation reference bounds for storing primal and dual gaps
        if self.validation is None:

        for testrun in self.getTestRuns():
            for problemid in testrun.getProblemIds():

                optval = self.validation.getReferencePb(testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, Key.ProblemName))
                if optval is not None:
                    for key in [Key.PrimalBound, Key.DualBound]:
                        val = testrun.getProblemDataById(problemid, key)
                        if val is not None:
                            gap = misc.getGap(val, optval, True)
                            # subtract 'Bound' and add 'Gap' from Key
                            thename = key[:-5] + "Gap"
                            testrun.addDataById(thename, gap, problemid)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def validateDual(self, pb, db):
     """validate the relative gap between the primal and dual bound if dual validation is enabled
     if self.validatedual:
         return misc.getGap(pb, db) < self.gaptol
     return True