Exemplo n.º 1
 def send(self, code, data):  #{5}
     comm = Comm(target_name=str(self.uid),
                     "code": code,
                     "data": json_encoder.serialize_json(data)
Exemplo n.º 2
class JupyterComm(Comm):
    JupyterComm provides a Comm for the notebook which is initialized
    the first time data is pushed to the frontend.

    js_template = """
    function msg_handler(msg) {{
      var metadata = msg.metadata;
      var buffers = msg.buffers;
      var msg = msg.content.data;
      if ((metadata.msg_type == "Ready")) {{
        if (metadata.content) {{
          console.log("Python callback returned following output:", metadata.content);
      }} else if (metadata.msg_type == "Error") {{
        console.log("Python failed with the following traceback:", metadata.traceback)
      }} else {{
    if ((window.PyViz == undefined) || (!window.PyViz.comm_manager)) {{
      console.log("Could not find comm manager")
    }} else {{
      window.PyViz.comm_manager.register_target('{plot_id}', '{comm_id}', msg_handler);

    def init(self):
        from ipykernel.comm import Comm as IPyComm
        if self._comm:
        self._comm = IPyComm(target_name=self.id, data={})

    def decode(cls, msg):
        Decodes messages following Jupyter messaging protocol.
        If JSON decoding fails data is assumed to be a regular string.
        return msg['content']['data']

    def close(self):
        Closes the comm connection
        if self._comm:

    def send(self, data=None, metadata=None, buffers=[]):
        Pushes data across comm socket.
        if not self._comm:
        self.comm.send(data, metadata=metadata, buffers=buffers)
Exemplo n.º 3
class CallbackComm:
    Interface for handling callbacks via ipykernel's Comm class.

    def __init__( self, target_name ):
        self.__comm = Comm( target_name = target_name )

    def send_line( self, line ):
        Send a single line of text.
        self.__comm.send( data = { 'out': line } )

    def send_data( self, data ):
        Send arbitrary data.
        self.__comm.send( data = data )

    def close( self, status ):
        Send final status message and close the comm channel.
        self.__comm.close( data = { 'done': status } )
Exemplo n.º 4
class Component(LoggingConfigurable):
    comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)
    _module = None
    _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

    def module(self):
        if self._module is not None:
            return self._module
            return self.__class__.__name__

    def __init__(self, target_name='jupyter.react', props={}, comm=None):
        self.target_name = target_name
        self.props = props
        if comm is None:
            self.comm = comm

    def open(self, props):
        props['module'] = self.module
        args = dict(target_name=self.target_name, data=props)
        args['comm_id'] = 'jupyter_react.{}.{}'.format(uuid.uuid4(),
        self.comm = Comm(**args)

    def _comm_changed(self, change):
        if change['new'] is None:

    def __del__(self):

    def close(self):
        if self.comm is not None:
            self.comm = None
            self._ipython_display_ = None

    def send(self, data):

    def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
        self.send({"method": "display"})

    def _handle_msg(self, msg):
        if 'content' in msg:
            self._msg_callbacks(self, msg['content'], msg['buffers'])

    def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
        self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)
Exemplo n.º 5
class Component(LoggingConfigurable):
  comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)
  _module = None
  _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

  def module(self):
      if self._module is not None:
          return self._module
          return self.__class__.__name__

  def __init__(self, target_name='jupyter.react', props={}, comm=None):
      self.target_name = target_name
      self.props = props
      if comm is None:
          self.comm = comm

  def open(self, props):
      props['module'] = self.module
      args = dict(target_name=self.target_name, data=props)
      args['comm_id'] = 'jupyter_react.{}.{}'.format( uuid.uuid4(), props['module'] )
      self.comm = Comm(**args)

  def _comm_changed(self, change):
      if change['new'] is None:

  def __del__(self):

  def close(self, msg):
      if self.comm is not None:
          self.comm = None
          self._ipython_display_ = None

  def send(self, data):
      self.comm.send( data )

  def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
      self.send({"method": "display"})

  def _handle_msg(self, msg):
      if 'content' in msg:
          self._msg_callbacks(self, msg['content'], msg['buffers'])

  def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
      self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)
Exemplo n.º 6
def stream_df_as_arrow(df, spark, limit=5000):
    # df = df.repartition(2000)#.cache()
    # cos = pa.output_stream(sink,compression='gzip')
    # get the aliases and change the names of the columns to show the aliases
    # this avoids duplicate columns
    aliased_schema = get_schema_with_aliases(df)
    renamed_schema_fields = []
    for i in range(len(aliased_schema)):
        aliased_field = aliased_schema[i]
        fieldname: str = ""
        if aliased_field["tablealias"] != "":
            fieldname = aliased_field["tablealias"] + "." + aliased_field[
            fieldname = aliased_field["name"]

    comm = Comm(target_name="inspect_df")

    # see if we have any results
    renamed_df = df.toDF(*renamed_schema_fields)
    row_iterator = renamed_df.toLocalIterator()
    row_num = 0
    row_buff = []
    chunk_size = 500
    for row in row_iterator:
        if (row_num > 2000):
        row_num += 1
        if row_num % chunk_size == 0:
            batches = spark.createDataFrame(
                row_buff, renamed_df.schema)._collectAsArrow()
            if len(batches) > 0:
                sink = pa.BufferOutputStream()
                writer = pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(sink, batches[0].schema)
                for batch in batches:
                comm.send(data="test", buffers=[sink.getvalue()])
            row_buff = []
    # send the last batch
    batches = spark.createDataFrame(row_buff,
    if len(batches) > 0:
        sink = pa.BufferOutputStream()
        writer = pa.RecordBatchStreamWriter(sink, batches[0].schema)
        for batch in batches:
        comm.send(data="test", buffers=[sink.getvalue()])

    comm.close(data="closing comm")
Exemplo n.º 7
def hold_comm_open(kernel=None):
    if kernel is None:
        if not Kernel.initialized():
            raise ValueError(
                'No kernel passed, and current kernel not initialized')
        kernel = Kernel.instance()

    comm_manager = getattr(kernel, 'comm_manager', None)
    if comm_manager is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Comms cannot be opened without a kernel "
                           "and a comm_manager attached to that kernel.")

    patched_comms = []

    messages = []
    buffers = []

    def patched_register_comm(comm):
        original_publish_msg = comm._publish_msg

        def patched_publish_msg(msg_type, **kwargs):
            if msg_type != 'comm_open':
                original_publish_msg(msg_type, **kwargs)
            msg, msg_bufs = _convert_message(comm, **kwargs)

        patched_comms.append((comm, original_publish_msg))
        comm._publish_msg = patched_publish_msg

    original_register_comm = comm_manager.register_comm
    comm_manager.register_comm = patched_register_comm

        comm_manager.register_comm = original_register_comm
        for comm, original_publish_msg in patched_comms:
            comm._publish_msg = original_publish_msg

    data = dict(messages=messages, )

    args = dict(target_name='jupyter.widget-tunnel',
                metadata={'version': __protocol_version__})

    comm = Comm(**args)
Exemplo n.º 8
class JupyterComm(Comm):
    JupyterComm provides a Comm for the notebook which is initialized
    the first time data is pushed to the frontend.

    js_template = """
    function msg_handler(msg) {{
      var buffers = msg.buffers;
      var msg = msg.content.data;
    window.PyViz.comm_manager.register_target('{plot_id}', '{comm_id}', msg_handler);

    def init(self):
        from ipykernel.comm import Comm as IPyComm
        if self._comm:
        self._comm = IPyComm(target_name=self.id, data={})

    def decode(cls, msg):
        Decodes messages following Jupyter messaging protocol.
        If JSON decoding fails data is assumed to be a regular string.
        return msg['content']['data']

    def close(self):
        Closes the comm connection
        if self._comm:

    def send(self, data=None, buffers=[]):
        Pushes data across comm socket.
        if not self._comm:
        self.comm.send(data, buffers=buffers)
Exemplo n.º 9
class CommSocket:
    Manages the Comm connection between IPython and the browser (client).

    Comms are 2 way, with the CommSocket being able to publish a message
    via the send_json method, and handle a message with on_message. On the
    JS side figure.send_message and figure.ws.onmessage do the sending and
    receiving respectively.

    def __init__(self, manager):
        self.supports_binary = None
        self.manager = manager
        self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        # Publish an output area with a unique ID. The javascript can then
        # hook into this area.
        display(HTML("<div id=%r></div>" % self.uuid))
            self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid})
        except AttributeError as err:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to create an IPython notebook Comm '
                               'instance. Are you in the IPython '
                               'notebook?') from err

        manager = self.manager
        self._ext_close = False

        def _on_close(close_message):
            self._ext_close = True


    def is_open(self):
        return not (self._ext_close or self.comm._closed)

    def on_close(self):
        # When the socket is closed, deregister the websocket with
        # the FigureManager.
        if self.is_open():
            except KeyError:
                # apparently already cleaned it up?

    def send_json(self, content):
        self.comm.send({'data': json.dumps(content)})

    def send_binary(self, blob):
        if self.supports_binary:
            self.comm.send({'blob': 'image/png'}, buffers=[blob])
            # The comm is ASCII, so we send the image in base64 encoded data
            # URL form.
            data = b64encode(blob).decode('ascii')
            data_uri = "data:image/png;base64,{0}".format(data)
            self.comm.send({'data': data_uri})

    def on_message(self, message):
        # The 'supports_binary' message is relevant to the
        # websocket itself.  The other messages get passed along
        # to matplotlib as-is.

        # Every message has a "type" and a "figure_id".
        message = json.loads(message['content']['data'])
        if message['type'] == 'closing':
        elif message['type'] == 'supports_binary':
            self.supports_binary = message['value']
Exemplo n.º 10
class Widget(LoggingConfigurable):
    # Class attributes
    _widget_construction_callback = None
    widgets = {}
    widget_types = {}

    def on_widget_constructed(callback):
        """Registers a callback to be called when a widget is constructed.

        The callback must have the following signature:
        Widget._widget_construction_callback = callback

    def _call_widget_constructed(widget):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        if Widget._widget_construction_callback is not None and callable(Widget._widget_construction_callback):

    def handle_comm_opened(comm, msg):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        class_name = str(msg['content']['data']['widget_class'])
        if class_name in Widget.widget_types:
            widget_class = Widget.widget_types[class_name]
            widget_class = import_item(class_name)
        widget = widget_class(comm=comm)

    # Traits
    _model_module = Unicode('jupyter-js-widgets', help="""A requirejs module name
        in which to find _model_name. If empty, look in the global registry.""").tag(sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('WidgetModel', help="""Name of the backbone model
        registered in the front-end to create and sync this widget with.""").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode(None, allow_none=True, help="""A requirejs module in which to find _view_name.
        If empty, look in the global registry.""").tag(sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode(None, allow_none=True, help="""Default view registered in the front-end
        to use to represent the widget.""").tag(sync=True)
    comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)

    msg_throttle = Int(3, help="""Maximum number of msgs the front-end can send before receiving an idle msg from the back-end.""").tag(sync=True)

    keys = List()
    def _keys_default(self):
        return [name for name in self.traits(sync=True)]

    _property_lock = Dict()
    _holding_sync = False
    _states_to_send = Set()
    _display_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())
    _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

    # (Con/de)structor
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Public constructor"""
        self._model_id = kwargs.pop('model_id', None)
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs)


    def __del__(self):
        """Object disposal"""

    # Properties

    def open(self):
        """Open a comm to the frontend if one isn't already open."""
        if self.comm is None:
            state, buffer_keys, buffers = self._split_state_buffers(self.get_state())

            args = dict(target_name='jupyter.widget', data=state)
            if self._model_id is not None:
                args['comm_id'] = self._model_id

            self.comm = Comm(**args)
            if buffers:
                # FIXME: workaround ipykernel missing binary message support in open-on-init
                # send state with binary elements as second message

    def _comm_changed(self, name, new):
        """Called when the comm is changed."""
        if new is None:
        self._model_id = self.model_id

        Widget.widgets[self.model_id] = self

    def model_id(self):
        """Gets the model id of this widget.

        If a Comm doesn't exist yet, a Comm will be created automagically."""
        return self.comm.comm_id

    # Methods

    def close(self):
        """Close method.

        Closes the underlying comm.
        When the comm is closed, all of the widget views are automatically
        removed from the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None:
            Widget.widgets.pop(self.model_id, None)
            self.comm = None
            self._ipython_display_ = None

    def _split_state_buffers(self, state):
        """Return (state_without_buffers, buffer_keys, buffers) for binary message parts"""
        buffer_keys, buffers = [], []
        for k, v in list(state.items()):
            if isinstance(v, _binary_types):
        return state, buffer_keys, buffers

    def send_state(self, key=None):
        """Sends the widget state, or a piece of it, to the front-end.

        key : unicode, or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to sync with the front-end.
        state = self.get_state(key=key)
        state, buffer_keys, buffers = self._split_state_buffers(state)
        msg = {'method': 'update', 'state': state, 'buffers': buffer_keys}
        self._send(msg, buffers=buffers)

    def get_state(self, key=None):
        """Gets the widget state, or a piece of it.

        key : unicode or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to get.

        state : dict of states
        metadata : dict
            metadata for each field: {key: metadata}
        if key is None:
            keys = self.keys
        elif isinstance(key, string_types):
            keys = [key]
        elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable):
            keys = key
            raise ValueError("key must be a string, an iterable of keys, or None")
        state = {}
        traits = self.traits() if not PY3 else {} # no need to construct traits on PY3
        for k in keys:
            to_json = self.trait_metadata(k, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
            value = to_json(getattr(self, k), self)
            if not PY3 and isinstance(traits[k], Bytes) and isinstance(value, bytes):
                value = memoryview(value)
            state[k] = value
        return state

    def set_state(self, sync_data):
        """Called when a state is received from the front-end."""
        # The order of these context managers is important. Properties must
        # be locked when the hold_trait_notification context manager is
        # released and notifications are fired.
        with self._lock_property(**sync_data), self.hold_trait_notifications():
            for name in sync_data:
                if name in self.keys:
                    from_json = self.trait_metadata(name, 'from_json',
                    self.set_trait(name, from_json(sync_data[name], self))

    def send(self, content, buffers=None):
        """Sends a custom msg to the widget model in the front-end.

        content : dict
            Content of the message to send.
        buffers : list of binary buffers
            Binary buffers to send with message
        self._send({"method": "custom", "content": content}, buffers=buffers)

    def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a custom msg receive callback.

        callback: callable
            callback will be passed three arguments when a message arrives::

                callback(widget, content, buffers)

        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def on_displayed(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a widget displayed callback.

        callback: method handler
            Must have a signature of::

                callback(widget, **kwargs)

            kwargs from display are passed through without modification.
        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._display_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def add_traits(self, **traits):
        """Dynamically add trait attributes to the Widget."""
        super(Widget, self).add_traits(**traits)
        for name, trait in traits.items():
            if trait.get_metadata('sync'):

    def notify_change(self, change):
        """Called when a property has changed."""
        # Send the state before the user registered callbacks for trait changes
        # have all fired.
        name = change['name']
        if self.comm is not None and name in self.keys:
            # Make sure this isn't information that the front-end just sent us.
            if self._should_send_property(name, change['new']):
                # Send new state to front-end
        LoggingConfigurable.notify_change(self, change)

    # Support methods
    def _lock_property(self, **properties):
        """Lock a property-value pair.

        The value should be the JSON state of the property.

        NOTE: This, in addition to the single lock for all state changes, is
        flawed.  In the future we may want to look into buffering state changes
        back to the front-end."""
        self._property_lock = properties
            self._property_lock = {}

    def hold_sync(self):
        """Hold syncing any state until the outermost context manager exits"""
        if self._holding_sync is True:
                self._holding_sync = True
                self._holding_sync = False

    def _should_send_property(self, key, value):
        """Check the property lock (property_lock)"""
        to_json = self.trait_metadata(key, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
        if (key in self._property_lock
            and to_json(value, self) == self._property_lock[key]):
            return False
        elif self._holding_sync:
            return False
            return True

    # Event handlers
    def _handle_msg(self, msg):
        """Called when a msg is received from the front-end"""
        data = msg['content']['data']
        method = data['method']

        # Handle backbone sync methods CREATE, PATCH, and UPDATE all in one.
        if method == 'backbone':
            if 'sync_data' in data:
                # get binary buffers too
                sync_data = data['sync_data']
                for i,k in enumerate(data.get('buffer_keys', [])):
                    sync_data[k] = msg['buffers'][i]
                self.set_state(sync_data) # handles all methods

        # Handle a state request.
        elif method == 'request_state':

        # Handle a custom msg from the front-end.
        elif method == 'custom':
            if 'content' in data:
                self._handle_custom_msg(data['content'], msg['buffers'])

        # Catch remainder.
            self.log.error('Unknown front-end to back-end widget msg with method "%s"' % method)

    def _handle_custom_msg(self, content, buffers):
        """Called when a custom msg is received."""
        self._msg_callbacks(self, content, buffers)

    def _handle_displayed(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when a view has been displayed for this widget instance"""
        self._display_callbacks(self, **kwargs)

    def _trait_to_json(x, self):
        """Convert a trait value to json."""
        return x

    def _trait_from_json(x, self):
        """Convert json values to objects."""
        return x

    def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when `IPython.display.display` is called on the widget."""
        def loud_error(message):
            sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % message)

        # Show view.
        if self._view_name is not None:
            validated = Widget._version_validated

            # Before the user tries to display a widget.  Validate that the
            # widget front-end is what is expected.
            if validated is None:
                loud_error('Widget Javascript not detected.  It may not be installed properly.')
            elif not validated:
                loud_error('The installed widget Javascript is the wrong version.')

            # TODO: delete this sending of a comm message when the display statement
            # below works. Then add a 'text/plain' mimetype to the dictionary below.
            self._send({"method": "display"})

            # The 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget' mimetype has not been registered yet.
            # See the registration process and naming convention at
            # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838
            # and the currently registered mimetypes at
            # http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml.
            # We don't have a 'text/plain' entry so that the display message will be
            # will be invisible in the current notebook.
            data = { 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget': self._model_id }
            display(data, raw=True)


    def _send(self, msg, buffers=None):
        """Sends a message to the model in the front-end."""
        self.comm.send(data=msg, buffers=buffers)
Exemplo n.º 11
class Widget(LoggingConfigurable):
    # Class attributes
    _widget_construction_callback = None
    widgets = {}
    widget_types = {}

    def on_widget_constructed(callback):
        """Registers a callback to be called when a widget is constructed.

        The callback must have the following signature:
        Widget._widget_construction_callback = callback

    def _call_widget_constructed(widget):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        if Widget._widget_construction_callback is not None and callable(

    def handle_comm_opened(comm, msg):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        widget_class = import_item(str(msg['content']['data']['widget_class']))
        widget = widget_class(comm=comm)

    # Traits
    _model_module = Unicode(None,
                            help="""A requirejs module name
        in which to find _model_name. If empty, look in the global registry."""
    _model_name = Unicode('WidgetModel',
                          help="""Name of the backbone model 
        registered in the front-end to create and sync this widget with.""")
    _view_module = Unicode(
        help="""A requirejs module in which to find _view_name.
        If empty, look in the global registry.""",
    _view_name = Unicode(None,
                         help="""Default view registered in the front-end
        to use to represent the widget.""",
    comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)

    msg_throttle = Int(3,
                       help="""Maximum number of msgs the 
        front-end can send before receiving an idle msg from the back-end.""")

    version = Int(0, sync=True, help="""Widget's version""")
    keys = List()

    def _keys_default(self):
        return [name for name in self.traits(sync=True)]

    _property_lock = Dict()
    _send_state_lock = Int(0)
    _states_to_send = Set()
    _display_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())
    _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

    # (Con/de)structor
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Public constructor"""
        self._model_id = kwargs.pop('model_id', None)
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs)


    def __del__(self):
        """Object disposal"""

    # Properties

    def open(self):
        """Open a comm to the frontend if one isn't already open."""
        if self.comm is None:
            args = dict(target_name='ipython.widget',
                            'model_name': self._model_name,
                            'model_module': self._model_module
            if self._model_id is not None:
                args['comm_id'] = self._model_id
            self.comm = Comm(**args)

    def _comm_changed(self, name, new):
        """Called when the comm is changed."""
        if new is None:
        self._model_id = self.model_id

        Widget.widgets[self.model_id] = self

        # first update

    def model_id(self):
        """Gets the model id of this widget.

        If a Comm doesn't exist yet, a Comm will be created automagically."""
        return self.comm.comm_id

    # Methods

    def close(self):
        """Close method.

        Closes the underlying comm.
        When the comm is closed, all of the widget views are automatically
        removed from the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None:
            Widget.widgets.pop(self.model_id, None)
            self.comm = None

    def send_state(self, key=None):
        """Sends the widget state, or a piece of it, to the front-end.

        key : unicode, or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to sync with the front-end.
        state, buffer_keys, buffers = self.get_state(key=key)
        msg = {"method": "update", "state": state}
        if buffer_keys:
            msg['buffers'] = buffer_keys
        self._send(msg, buffers=buffers)

    def get_state(self, key=None):
        """Gets the widget state, or a piece of it.

        key : unicode or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to get.

        state : dict of states
        buffer_keys : list of strings
            the values that are stored in buffers
        buffers : list of binary memoryviews
            values to transmit in binary
        metadata : dict
            metadata for each field: {key: metadata}
        if key is None:
            keys = self.keys
        elif isinstance(key, string_types):
            keys = [key]
        elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable):
            keys = key
            raise ValueError(
                "key must be a string, an iterable of keys, or None")
        state = {}
        buffers = []
        buffer_keys = []
        for k in keys:
            f = self.trait_metadata(k, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
            value = getattr(self, k)
            serialized = f(value)
            if isinstance(serialized, memoryview):
                state[k] = serialized
        return state, buffer_keys, buffers

    def set_state(self, sync_data):
        """Called when a state is received from the front-end."""
        # The order of these context managers is important. Properties must
        # be locked when the hold_trait_notification context manager is
        # released and notifications are fired.
        with self._lock_property(**sync_data), self.hold_trait_notifications():
            for name in sync_data:
                if name in self.keys:
                    from_json = self.trait_metadata(name, 'from_json',
                    setattr(self, name, from_json(sync_data[name]))

    def send(self, content, buffers=None):
        """Sends a custom msg to the widget model in the front-end.

        content : dict
            Content of the message to send.
        buffers : list of binary buffers
            Binary buffers to send with message
        self._send({"method": "custom", "content": content}, buffers=buffers)

    def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a custom msg receive callback.

        callback: callable
            callback will be passed three arguments when a message arrives::
                callback(widget, content, buffers)
        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def on_displayed(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a widget displayed callback.

        callback: method handler
            Must have a signature of::
                callback(widget, **kwargs)
            kwargs from display are passed through without modification.
        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._display_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def add_trait(self, traitname, trait):
        """Dynamically add a trait attribute to the Widget."""
        super(Widget, self).add_trait(traitname, trait)
        if trait.get_metadata('sync'):

    # Support methods
    def _lock_property(self, **properties):
        """Lock a property-value pair.

        The value should be the JSON state of the property.

        NOTE: This, in addition to the single lock for all state changes, is
        flawed.  In the future we may want to look into buffering state changes 
        back to the front-end."""
        self._property_lock = properties
            self._property_lock = {}

    def hold_sync(self):
        """Hold syncing any state until the context manager is released"""
        # We increment a value so that this can be nested.  Syncing will happen when
        # all levels have been released.
        self._send_state_lock += 1
            self._send_state_lock -= 1
            if self._send_state_lock == 0:

    def _should_send_property(self, key, value):
        """Check the property lock (property_lock)"""
        to_json = self.trait_metadata(key, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
        if (key in self._property_lock
                and to_json(value) == self._property_lock[key]):
            return False
        elif self._send_state_lock > 0:
            return False
            return True

    # Event handlers
    def _handle_msg(self, msg):
        """Called when a msg is received from the front-end"""
        data = msg['content']['data']
        method = data['method']

        # Handle backbone sync methods CREATE, PATCH, and UPDATE all in one.
        if method == 'backbone':
            if 'sync_data' in data:
                # get binary buffers too
                sync_data = data['sync_data']
                for i, k in enumerate(data.get('buffer_keys', [])):
                    sync_data[k] = msg['buffers'][i]
                self.set_state(sync_data)  # handles all methods

        # Handle a state request.
        elif method == 'request_state':

        # Handle a custom msg from the front-end.
        elif method == 'custom':
            if 'content' in data:
                self._handle_custom_msg(data['content'], msg['buffers'])

        # Catch remainder.
                'Unknown front-end to back-end widget msg with method "%s"' %

    def _handle_custom_msg(self, content, buffers):
        """Called when a custom msg is received."""
        self._msg_callbacks(self, content, buffers)

    def _notify_trait(self, name, old_value, new_value):
        """Called when a property has been changed."""
        # Trigger default traitlet callback machinery.  This allows any user
        # registered validation to be processed prior to allowing the widget
        # machinery to handle the state.
        LoggingConfigurable._notify_trait(self, name, old_value, new_value)

        # Send the state after the user registered callbacks for trait changes
        # have all fired (allows for user to validate values).
        if self.comm is not None and name in self.keys:
            # Make sure this isn't information that the front-end just sent us.
            if self._should_send_property(name, new_value):
                # Send new state to front-end

    def _handle_displayed(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when a view has been displayed for this widget instance"""
        self._display_callbacks(self, **kwargs)

    def _trait_to_json(self, x):
        """Convert a trait value to json."""
        return x

    def _trait_from_json(self, x):
        """Convert json values to objects."""
        return x

    def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when `IPython.display.display` is called on the widget."""
        # Show view.
        if self._view_name is not None:
            self._send({"method": "display"})

    def _send(self, msg, buffers=None):
        """Sends a message to the model in the front-end."""
        self.comm.send(data=msg, buffers=buffers)
Exemplo n.º 12
class Widget(LoggingHasTraits):
    # Class attributes
    _widget_construction_callback = None

    # widgets is a dictionary of all active widget objects
    widgets = {}

    # widget_types is a registry of widgets by module, version, and name:
    widget_types = WidgetRegistry()

    def on_widget_constructed(callback):
        """Registers a callback to be called when a widget is constructed.

        The callback must have the following signature:
        Widget._widget_construction_callback = callback

    def _call_widget_constructed(widget):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        if Widget._widget_construction_callback is not None and callable(

    def handle_comm_opened(comm, msg):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        version = msg.get('metadata', {}).get('version', '')
        if version.split('.')[0] != PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAJOR:
            raise ValueError(
                "Incompatible widget protocol versions: received version %r, expected version %r"
                % (version, __protocol_version__))
        data = msg['content']['data']
        state = data['state']

        # Find the widget class to instantiate in the registered widgets
        widget_class = Widget.widget_types.get(state['_model_module'],
        widget = widget_class(comm=comm)
        if 'buffer_paths' in data:
            _put_buffers(state, data['buffer_paths'], msg['buffers'])

    def get_manager_state(drop_defaults=False, widgets=None):
        """Returns the full state for a widget manager for embedding

        :param drop_defaults: when True, it will not include default value
        :param widgets: list with widgets to include in the state (or all widgets when None)
        state = {}
        if widgets is None:
            widgets = Widget.widgets.values()
        for widget in widgets:
            state[widget.model_id] = widget._get_embed_state(
        return {'version_major': 2, 'version_minor': 0, 'state': state}

    def _get_embed_state(self, drop_defaults=False):
        state = {
            'model_name': self._model_name,
            'model_module': self._model_module,
            'model_module_version': self._model_module_version
        model_state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(
        state['state'] = model_state
        if len(buffers) > 0:
            state['buffers'] = [{
                'encoding': 'base64',
                'path': p,
                'data': standard_b64encode(d).decode('ascii')
            } for p, d in zip(buffer_paths, buffers)]
        return state

    def get_view_spec(self):
        return dict(version_major=2, version_minor=0, model_id=self._model_id)

    # Traits
    _model_name = Unicode('WidgetModel',
                          help="Name of the model.",
    _model_module = Unicode('@jupyter-widgets/base',
                            help="The namespace for the model.",
    _model_module_version = Unicode(
        help="A semver requirement for namespace version containing the model.",
    _view_name = Unicode(None, allow_none=True,
                         help="Name of the view.").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode(None,
                           help="The namespace for the view.").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode(
        "A semver requirement for the namespace version containing the view."

    _view_count = Int(
        "EXPERIMENTAL: The number of views of the model displayed in the frontend. This attribute is experimental and may change or be removed in the future. None signifies that views will not be tracked. Set this to 0 to start tracking view creation/deletion."
    comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)

    keys = List(help="The traits which are synced.")

    def _default_keys(self):
        return [name for name in self.traits(sync=True)]

    _property_lock = Dict()
    _holding_sync = False
    _states_to_send = Set()
    _display_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())
    _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

    # (Con/de)structor
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Public constructor"""
        self._model_id = kwargs.pop('model_id', None)
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs)


    def __del__(self):
        """Object disposal"""

    # Properties

    def open(self):
        """Open a comm to the frontend if one isn't already open."""
        if self.comm is None:
            state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(self.get_state())

            args = dict(target_name='jupyter.widget',
                            'state': state,
                            'buffer_paths': buffer_paths
                        metadata={'version': __protocol_version__})
            if self._model_id is not None:
                args['comm_id'] = self._model_id

            self.comm = Comm(**args)

    def _comm_changed(self, change):
        """Called when the comm is changed."""
        if change['new'] is None:
        self._model_id = self.model_id

        Widget.widgets[self.model_id] = self

    def model_id(self):
        """Gets the model id of this widget.

        If a Comm doesn't exist yet, a Comm will be created automagically."""
        return self.comm.comm_id

    # Methods

    def close(self):
        """Close method.

        Closes the underlying comm.
        When the comm is closed, all of the widget views are automatically
        removed from the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None:
            Widget.widgets.pop(self.model_id, None)
            self.comm = None
            self._ipython_display_ = None

    def send_state(self, key=None):
        """Sends the widget state, or a piece of it, to the front-end.

        key : unicode, or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to sync with the front-end.
        state = self.get_state(key=key)
        state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(state)
        msg = {
            'method': 'update',
            'state': state,
            'buffer_paths': buffer_paths
        self._send(msg, buffers=buffers)

    def get_state(self, key=None, drop_defaults=False):
        """Gets the widget state, or a piece of it.

        key : unicode or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to get.

        state : dict of states
        metadata : dict
            metadata for each field: {key: metadata}
        if key is None:
            keys = self.keys
        elif isinstance(key, string_types):
            keys = [key]
        elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable):
            keys = key
            raise ValueError(
                "key must be a string, an iterable of keys, or None")
        state = {}
        traits = self.traits()
        for k in keys:
            to_json = self.trait_metadata(k, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
            value = to_json(getattr(self, k), self)
            if not PY3 and isinstance(traits[k], Bytes) and isinstance(
                    value, bytes):
                value = memoryview(value)
            if not drop_defaults or not self._compare(value,
                state[k] = value
        return state

    def _is_numpy(self, x):
        return x.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' and x.__class__.__module__ == 'numpy'

    def _compare(self, a, b):
        if self._is_numpy(a) or self._is_numpy(b):
            import numpy as np
            return np.array_equal(a, b)
            return a == b

    def set_state(self, sync_data):
        """Called when a state is received from the front-end."""
        # The order of these context managers is important. Properties must
        # be locked when the hold_trait_notification context manager is
        # released and notifications are fired.
        with self._lock_property(**sync_data), self.hold_trait_notifications():
            for name in sync_data:
                if name in self.keys:
                    from_json = self.trait_metadata(name, 'from_json',
                    self.set_trait(name, from_json(sync_data[name], self))

    def send(self, content, buffers=None):
        """Sends a custom msg to the widget model in the front-end.

        content : dict
            Content of the message to send.
        buffers : list of binary buffers
            Binary buffers to send with message
        self._send({"method": "custom", "content": content}, buffers=buffers)

    def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a custom msg receive callback.

        callback: callable
            callback will be passed three arguments when a message arrives::

                callback(widget, content, buffers)

        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def on_displayed(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a widget displayed callback.

        callback: method handler
            Must have a signature of::

                callback(widget, **kwargs)

            kwargs from display are passed through without modification.
        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self.comm.comm_log.write("widget::on_displayed !!!!!!!!!!\n")
        self._display_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def add_traits(self, **traits):
        """Dynamically add trait attributes to the Widget."""
        super(Widget, self).add_traits(**traits)
        for name, trait in traits.items():
            if trait.get_metadata('sync'):

    def notify_change(self, change):
        """Called when a property has changed."""
        # Send the state to the frontend before the user-registered callbacks
        # are called.
        name = change['name']
        if self.comm is not None and self.comm.kernel is not None:
            # Make sure this isn't information that the front-end just sent us.
            if name in self.keys and self._should_send_property(
                    name, change['new']):
                # Send new state to front-end
        super(Widget, self).notify_change(change)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._gen_repr_from_keys(self._repr_keys())

    # Support methods
    def _lock_property(self, **properties):
        """Lock a property-value pair.

        The value should be the JSON state of the property.

        NOTE: This, in addition to the single lock for all state changes, is
        flawed.  In the future we may want to look into buffering state changes
        back to the front-end."""
        self._property_lock = properties
            self._property_lock = {}

    def hold_sync(self):
        """Hold syncing any state until the outermost context manager exits"""
        if self._holding_sync is True:
                self._holding_sync = True
                self._holding_sync = False

    def _should_send_property(self, key, value):
        """Check the property lock (property_lock)"""
        to_json = self.trait_metadata(key, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
        # A roundtrip conversion through json in the comparison takes care of
        # idiosyncracies of how python data structures map to json, for example
        # tuples get converted to lists.
        if (key in self._property_lock and jsonloads(
                jsondumps(to_json(value, self))) == self._property_lock[key]):
            return False
        elif self._holding_sync:
            return False
            return True

    # Event handlers
    def _handle_msg(self, msg):
        """Called when a msg is received from the front-end"""
        data = msg['content']['data']
        method = data['method']

        if method == 'update':
            if 'state' in data:
                state = data['state']
                if 'buffer_paths' in data:
                    _put_buffers(state, data['buffer_paths'], msg['buffers'])

        # Handle a state request.
        elif method == 'request_state':

        # Handle a custom msg from the front-end.
        elif method == 'custom':
            if 'content' in data:
                self._handle_custom_msg(data['content'], msg['buffers'])

        # Catch remainder.
                'Unknown front-end to back-end widget msg with method "%s"' %

    def _handle_custom_msg(self, content, buffers):
        """Called when a custom msg is received."""
        self._msg_callbacks(self, content, buffers)

    def _handle_displayed(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when a view has been displayed for this widget instance"""
        self.comm.comm_log.write("widget::_handle_displayed !!!!!!!!!!\n")
        self._display_callbacks(self, **kwargs)

    def _trait_to_json(x, self):
        """Convert a trait value to json."""
        return x

    def _trait_from_json(x, self):
        """Convert json values to objects."""
        return x

    def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when `IPython.display.display` is called on the widget."""

        self.comm.comm_log.write("widget::_ipython_display !!!!!!!!!!\n")
        if self._view_name is not None:

            # The 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json' mimetype has not been registered yet.
            # See the registration process and naming convention at
            # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838
            # and the currently registered mimetypes at
            # http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml.
            data = {
                'text/plain': "A Jupyter Widget",
                'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json': {
                    'version_major': 2,
                    'version_minor': 0,
                    'model_id': self._model_id
                "Calling display(then _handle_displayed) with data -> %s\n" %
            display(data, raw=True)


    def _send(self, msg, buffers=None):
        """Sends a message to the model in the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None and self.comm.kernel is not None:
            self.comm.send(data=msg, buffers=buffers)

    def _repr_keys(self):
        traits = self.traits()
        for key in sorted(self.keys):
            # Exclude traits that start with an underscore
            if key[0] == '_':
            # Exclude traits who are equal to their default value
            value = getattr(self, key)
            trait = traits[key]
            if self._compare(value, trait.default_value):
            elif (isinstance(trait, (Container, Dict))
                  and trait.default_value == Undefined and len(value) == 0):
                # Empty container, and dynamic default will be empty
            yield key

    def _gen_repr_from_keys(self, keys):
        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
        signature = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (key, getattr(self, key))
                              for key in keys)
        return '%s(%s)' % (class_name, signature)
Exemplo n.º 13
class CommSocket(object):
    Manages the Comm connection between IPython and the browser (client).

    Comms are 2 way, with the CommSocket being able to publish a message
    via the send_json method, and handle a message with on_message. On the
    JS side figure.send_message and figure.ws.onmessage do the sending and
    receiving respectively.

    def __init__(self, manager):
        self.supports_binary = None
        self.manager = manager
        self.uuid = str(uuid())
        # Publish an output area with a unique ID. The javascript can then
        # hook into this area.
        display(HTML("<div id=%r></div>" % self.uuid))
            self.comm = Comm('matplotlib', data={'id': self.uuid})
        except AttributeError:
            raise RuntimeError('Unable to create an IPython notebook Comm '
                               'instance. Are you in the IPython notebook?')

        manager = self.manager
        self._ext_close = False

        def _on_close(close_message):
            self._ext_close = True


    def is_open(self):
        return not (self._ext_close or self.comm._closed)

    def on_close(self):
        # When the socket is closed, deregister the websocket with
        # the FigureManager.
        if self.is_open():
            except KeyError:
                # apparently already cleaned it up?

    def send_json(self, content):
        self.comm.send({'data': json.dumps(content)})

    def send_binary(self, blob):
        # The comm is ascii, so we always send the image in base64
        # encoded data URL form.
        data = b64encode(blob)
        if six.PY3:
            data = data.decode('ascii')
        data_uri = "data:image/png;base64,{0}".format(data)
        self.comm.send({'data': data_uri})

    def on_message(self, message):
        # The 'supports_binary' message is relevant to the
        # websocket itself.  The other messages get passed along
        # to matplotlib as-is.

        # Every message has a "type" and a "figure_id".
        message = json.loads(message['content']['data'])
        if message['type'] == 'closing':
        elif message['type'] == 'supports_binary':
            self.supports_binary = message['value']
Exemplo n.º 14
class Widget(LoggingHasTraits):
    # Class attributes
    _widget_construction_callback = None

    # widgets is a dictionary of all active widget objects
    widgets = {}

    # widget_types is a registry of widgets by module, version, and name:
    widget_types = WidgetRegistry()

    def on_widget_constructed(callback):
        """Registers a callback to be called when a widget is constructed.

        The callback must have the following signature:
        Widget._widget_construction_callback = callback

    def _call_widget_constructed(widget):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        if Widget._widget_construction_callback is not None and callable(

    def handle_comm_opened(comm, msg):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        data = msg['content']['data']
        state = data['state']

        # Find the widget class to instantiate in the registered widgets
        widget_class = Widget.widget_types.get(state['_model_module'],
        widget = widget_class(comm=comm)
        if 'buffer_paths' in data:
            _put_buffers(state, data['buffer_paths'], msg['buffers'])

    def get_manager_state(drop_defaults=False):
        return dict(
                k: {
                for k in Widget.widgets

    def get_view_spec(self):
        return dict(version_major=1, version_minor=0, model_id=self._model_id)

    # Traits
    _model_module = Unicode(
        help="A JavaScript module name in which to find _model_name.",
    _model_name = Unicode('WidgetModel',
                          help="Name of the model.",
    _model_module_version = Unicode(
        help="A semver requirement for the model module version.",
    _view_module = Unicode(
        help="A JavaScript module in which to find _view_name.").tag(sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode(None,
                         help="Name of the view object.").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode(
        '*', help="A semver requirement for the view module.").tag(sync=True)
    _view_count = Int(
        "EXPERIMENTAL: The number of views of the model displayed in the frontend. This attribute is experimental and may change or be removed in the future."
    comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)

    msg_throttle = Int(
        """Maximum number of msgs the front-end can send before receiving an idle msg from the back-end."""

    keys = List()

    def _default_keys(self):
        return [name for name in self.traits(sync=True)]

    _property_lock = Dict()
    _holding_sync = False
    _states_to_send = Set()
    _display_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())
    _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

    # (Con/de)structor
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Public constructor"""
        self._model_id = kwargs.pop('model_id', None)
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs)


    def __del__(self):
        """Object disposal"""

    # Properties

    def open(self):
        """Open a comm to the frontend if one isn't already open."""
        if self.comm is None:
            state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(self.get_state())

            args = dict(target_name='jupyter.widget',
                            'state': state,
                            'buffer_paths': buffer_paths
            if self._model_id is not None:
                args['comm_id'] = self._model_id

            self.comm = Comm(**args)

    def _comm_changed(self, change):
        """Called when the comm is changed."""
        if change['new'] is None:
        self._model_id = self.model_id

        Widget.widgets[self.model_id] = self

    def model_id(self):
        """Gets the model id of this widget.

        If a Comm doesn't exist yet, a Comm will be created automagically."""
        return self.comm.comm_id

    # Methods

    def close(self):
        """Close method.

        Closes the underlying comm.
        When the comm is closed, all of the widget views are automatically
        removed from the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None:
            Widget.widgets.pop(self.model_id, None)
            self.comm = None
            self._ipython_display_ = None

    def send_state(self, key=None):
        """Sends the widget state, or a piece of it, to the front-end.

        key : unicode, or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to sync with the front-end.
        state = self.get_state(key=key)
        state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(state)
        msg = {
            'method': 'update',
            'state': state,
            'buffer_paths': buffer_paths
        self._send(msg, buffers=buffers)

    def get_state(self, key=None, drop_defaults=False):
        """Gets the widget state, or a piece of it.

        key : unicode or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to get.

        state : dict of states
        metadata : dict
            metadata for each field: {key: metadata}
        if key is None:
            keys = self.keys
        elif isinstance(key, string_types):
            keys = [key]
        elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable):
            keys = key
            raise ValueError(
                "key must be a string, an iterable of keys, or None")
        state = {}
        traits = self.traits()
        for k in keys:
            to_json = self.trait_metadata(k, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
            value = to_json(getattr(self, k), self)
            if not PY3 and isinstance(traits[k], Bytes) and isinstance(
                    value, bytes):
                value = memoryview(value)
            if not drop_defaults or not self._compare(value,
                state[k] = value
        return state

    def _is_numpy(self, x):
        return x.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' and x.__class__.__module__ == 'numpy'

    def _compare(self, a, b):
        if self._is_numpy(a) or self._is_numpy(b):
            import numpy as np
            return np.equal(a, b)
            return a == b

    def set_state(self, sync_data):
        """Called when a state is received from the front-end."""
        # The order of these context managers is important. Properties must
        # be locked when the hold_trait_notification context manager is
        # released and notifications are fired.
        with self._lock_property(**sync_data), self.hold_trait_notifications():
            for name in sync_data:
                if name in self.keys:
                    from_json = self.trait_metadata(name, 'from_json',
                    self.set_trait(name, from_json(sync_data[name], self))

    def send(self, content, buffers=None):
        """Sends a custom msg to the widget model in the front-end.

        content : dict
            Content of the message to send.
        buffers : list of binary buffers
            Binary buffers to send with message
        self._send({"method": "custom", "content": content}, buffers=buffers)

    def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a custom msg receive callback.

        callback: callable
            callback will be passed three arguments when a message arrives::

                callback(widget, content, buffers)

        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def on_displayed(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a widget displayed callback.

        callback: method handler
            Must have a signature of::

                callback(widget, **kwargs)

            kwargs from display are passed through without modification.
        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._display_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def add_traits(self, **traits):
        """Dynamically add trait attributes to the Widget."""
        super(Widget, self).add_traits(**traits)
        for name, trait in traits.items():
            if trait.get_metadata('sync'):

    def notify_change(self, change):
        """Called when a property has changed."""
        # Send the state to the frontend before the user-registered callbacks
        # are called.
        name = change['name']
        if self.comm is not None and self.comm.kernel is not None:
            # Make sure this isn't information that the front-end just sent us.
            if name in self.keys and self._should_send_property(
                    name, change['new']):
                # Send new state to front-end
        super(Widget, self).notify_change(change)

    # Support methods
    def _lock_property(self, **properties):
        """Lock a property-value pair.

        The value should be the JSON state of the property.

        NOTE: This, in addition to the single lock for all state changes, is
        flawed.  In the future we may want to look into buffering state changes
        back to the front-end."""
        self._property_lock = properties
            self._property_lock = {}

    def hold_sync(self):
        """Hold syncing any state until the outermost context manager exits"""
        if self._holding_sync is True:
                self._holding_sync = True
                self._holding_sync = False

    def _should_send_property(self, key, value):
        """Check the property lock (property_lock)"""
        to_json = self.trait_metadata(key, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
        if (key in self._property_lock
                and to_json(value, self) == self._property_lock[key]):
            return False
        elif self._holding_sync:
            return False
            return True

    # Event handlers
    def _handle_msg(self, msg):
        """Called when a msg is received from the front-end"""
        data = msg['content']['data']
        method = data['method']

        if method == 'update':
            if 'state' in data:
                state = data['state']
                if 'buffer_paths' in data:
                    _put_buffers(state, data['buffer_paths'], msg['buffers'])

        # Handle a state request.
        elif method == 'request_state':

        # Handle a custom msg from the front-end.
        elif method == 'custom':
            if 'content' in data:
                self._handle_custom_msg(data['content'], msg['buffers'])

        # Catch remainder.
                'Unknown front-end to back-end widget msg with method "%s"' %

    def _handle_custom_msg(self, content, buffers):
        """Called when a custom msg is received."""
        self._msg_callbacks(self, content, buffers)

    def _handle_displayed(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when a view has been displayed for this widget instance"""
        self._display_callbacks(self, **kwargs)

    def _trait_to_json(x, self):
        """Convert a trait value to json."""
        return x

    def _trait_from_json(x, self):
        """Convert json values to objects."""
        return x

    def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when `IPython.display.display` is called on the widget."""
        if self._view_name is not None:

            # TODO: delete this sending of a comm message when the display statement
            # below works. Then add a 'text/plain' mimetype to the dictionary below.
            self._send({"method": "display"})

            # The 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json' mimetype has not been registered yet.
            # See the registration process and naming convention at
            # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838
            # and the currently registered mimetypes at
            # http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml.
            # We don't have a 'text/plain' entry, so this display message will be
            # will be invisible in the current notebook.
            data = {
                'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json': {
                    'model_id': self._model_id
            display(data, raw=True)


    def _send(self, msg, buffers=None):
        """Sends a message to the model in the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None and self.comm.kernel is not None:
            self.comm.send(data=msg, buffers=buffers)
Exemplo n.º 15
class Widget(LoggingConfigurable):
    # Class attributes
    _widget_construction_callback = None
    widgets = {}
    widget_types = {}

    def on_widget_constructed(callback):
        """Registers a callback to be called when a widget is constructed.

        The callback must have the following signature:
        Widget._widget_construction_callback = callback

    def _call_widget_constructed(widget):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        if Widget._widget_construction_callback is not None and callable(Widget._widget_construction_callback):

    def handle_comm_opened(comm, msg):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        widget_class = import_item(str(msg['content']['data']['widget_class']))
        widget = widget_class(comm=comm)

    # Traits
    _model_module = Unicode(None, allow_none=True, help="""A requirejs module name
        in which to find _model_name. If empty, look in the global registry.""", sync=True)
    _model_name = Unicode('WidgetModel', help="""Name of the backbone model
        registered in the front-end to create and sync this widget with.""", sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode(help="""A requirejs module in which to find _view_name.
        If empty, look in the global registry.""", sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode(None, allow_none=True, help="""Default view registered in the front-end
        to use to represent the widget.""", sync=True)
    comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)

    msg_throttle = Int(3, sync=True, help="""Maximum number of msgs the
        front-end can send before receiving an idle msg from the back-end.""")

    version = Int(0, sync=True, help="""Widget's version""")
    keys = List()
    def _keys_default(self):
        return [name for name in self.traits(sync=True)]

    _property_lock = Dict()
    _holding_sync = False
    _states_to_send = Set()
    _display_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())
    _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

    # (Con/de)structor
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Public constructor"""
        self._model_id = kwargs.pop('model_id', None)
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs)


    def __del__(self):
        """Object disposal"""

    # Properties

    def open(self):
        """Open a comm to the frontend if one isn't already open."""
        if self.comm is None:
            args = dict(target_name='ipython.widget',
            if self._model_id is not None:
                args['comm_id'] = self._model_id
            self.comm = Comm(**args)

    def _comm_changed(self, name, new):
        """Called when the comm is changed."""
        if new is None:
        self._model_id = self.model_id

        Widget.widgets[self.model_id] = self

    def model_id(self):
        """Gets the model id of this widget.

        If a Comm doesn't exist yet, a Comm will be created automagically."""
        return self.comm.comm_id

    # Methods

    def close(self):
        """Close method.

        Closes the underlying comm.
        When the comm is closed, all of the widget views are automatically
        removed from the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None:
            Widget.widgets.pop(self.model_id, None)
            self.comm = None

    def send_state(self, key=None):
        """Sends the widget state, or a piece of it, to the front-end.

        key : unicode, or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to sync with the front-end.
        state = self.get_state(key=key)
        buffer_keys, buffers = [], []
        for k, v in state.items():
            if isinstance(v, memoryview):
        msg = {'method': 'update', 'state': state, 'buffers': buffer_keys}
        self._send(msg, buffers=buffers)

    def get_state(self, key=None):
        """Gets the widget state, or a piece of it.

        key : unicode or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to get.

        state : dict of states
        metadata : dict
            metadata for each field: {key: metadata}
        if key is None:
            keys = self.keys
        elif isinstance(key, string_types):
            keys = [key]
        elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable):
            keys = key
            raise ValueError("key must be a string, an iterable of keys, or None")
        state = {}
        for k in keys:
            to_json = self.trait_metadata(k, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
            state[k] = to_json(getattr(self, k), self)
        return state

    def set_state(self, sync_data):
        """Called when a state is received from the front-end."""
        # The order of these context managers is important. Properties must
        # be locked when the hold_trait_notification context manager is
        # released and notifications are fired.
        with self._lock_property(**sync_data), self.hold_trait_notifications():
            for name in sync_data:
                if name in self.keys:
                    from_json = self.trait_metadata(name, 'from_json',
                    # traitlets < 4.1 don't support read-only attributes
                    if hasattr(self, 'set_trait'):
                        self.set_trait(name, from_json(sync_data[name], self))
                        setattr(self, name, from_json(sync_data[name], self))

    def send(self, content, buffers=None):
        """Sends a custom msg to the widget model in the front-end.

        content : dict
            Content of the message to send.
        buffers : list of binary buffers
            Binary buffers to send with message
        self._send({"method": "custom", "content": content}, buffers=buffers)

    def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a custom msg receive callback.

        callback: callable
            callback will be passed three arguments when a message arrives::

                callback(widget, content, buffers)

        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def on_displayed(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a widget displayed callback.

        callback: method handler
            Must have a signature of::

                callback(widget, **kwargs)

            kwargs from display are passed through without modification.
        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._display_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def add_traits(self, **traits):
        """Dynamically add trait attributes to the Widget."""
        super(Widget, self).add_traits(**traits)
        for name, trait in traits.items():
            if trait.get_metadata('sync'):

    # Support methods
    def _lock_property(self, **properties):
        """Lock a property-value pair.

        The value should be the JSON state of the property.

        NOTE: This, in addition to the single lock for all state changes, is
        flawed.  In the future we may want to look into buffering state changes
        back to the front-end."""
        self._property_lock = properties
            self._property_lock = {}

    def hold_sync(self):
        """Hold syncing any state until the outermost context manager exits"""
        if self._holding_sync is True:
                self._holding_sync = True
                self._holding_sync = False

    def _should_send_property(self, key, value):
        """Check the property lock (property_lock)"""
        to_json = self.trait_metadata(key, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
        if (key in self._property_lock
            and to_json(value, self) == self._property_lock[key]):
            return False
        elif self._holding_sync:
            return False
            return True

    # Event handlers
    def _handle_msg(self, msg):
        """Called when a msg is received from the front-end"""
        data = msg['content']['data']
        method = data['method']

        # Handle backbone sync methods CREATE, PATCH, and UPDATE all in one.
        if method == 'backbone':
            if 'sync_data' in data:
                # get binary buffers too
                sync_data = data['sync_data']
                for i,k in enumerate(data.get('buffer_keys', [])):
                    sync_data[k] = msg['buffers'][i]
                self.set_state(sync_data) # handles all methods

        # Handle a state request.
        elif method == 'request_state':

        # Handle a custom msg from the front-end.
        elif method == 'custom':
            if 'content' in data:
                self._handle_custom_msg(data['content'], msg['buffers'])

        # Catch remainder.
            self.log.error('Unknown front-end to back-end widget msg with method "%s"' % method)

    def _handle_custom_msg(self, content, buffers):
        """Called when a custom msg is received."""
        self._msg_callbacks(self, content, buffers)

    def _notify_trait(self, name, old_value, new_value):
        """Called when a property has been changed."""
        # Trigger default traitlet callback machinery.  This allows any user
        # registered validation to be processed prior to allowing the widget
        # machinery to handle the state.
        LoggingConfigurable._notify_trait(self, name, old_value, new_value)

        # Send the state after the user registered callbacks for trait changes
        # have all fired (allows for user to validate values).
        if self.comm is not None and name in self.keys:
            # Make sure this isn't information that the front-end just sent us.
            if self._should_send_property(name, new_value):
                # Send new state to front-end

    def _handle_displayed(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when a view has been displayed for this widget instance"""
        self._display_callbacks(self, **kwargs)

    def _trait_to_json(x, self):
        """Convert a trait value to json."""
        return x

    def _trait_from_json(x, self):
        """Convert json values to objects."""
        return x

    def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when `IPython.display.display` is called on the widget."""
        # Show view.
        if self._view_name is not None:
            self._send({"method": "display"})

    def _send(self, msg, buffers=None):
        """Sends a message to the model in the front-end."""
        self.comm.send(data=msg, buffers=buffers)
Exemplo n.º 16
class Widget(LoggingHasTraits):
    # Class attributes
    _widget_construction_callback = None

    # widgets is a dictionary of all active widget objects
    widgets = {}

    # widget_types is a registry of widgets by module, version, and name:
    widget_types = WidgetRegistry()

    def close_all(cls):
        for widget in list(cls.widgets.values()):

    def on_widget_constructed(callback):
        """Registers a callback to be called when a widget is constructed.

        The callback must have the following signature:
        Widget._widget_construction_callback = callback

    def _call_widget_constructed(widget):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        if Widget._widget_construction_callback is not None and callable(Widget._widget_construction_callback):

    def handle_comm_opened(comm, msg):
        """Static method, called when a widget is constructed."""
        version = msg.get('metadata', {}).get('version', '')
        if version.split('.')[0] != PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAJOR:
            raise ValueError("Incompatible widget protocol versions: received version %r, expected version %r"%(version, __protocol_version__))
        data = msg['content']['data']
        state = data['state']

        # Find the widget class to instantiate in the registered widgets
        widget_class = Widget.widget_types.get(state['_model_module'],
        widget = widget_class(comm=comm)
        if 'buffer_paths' in data:
            _put_buffers(state, data['buffer_paths'], msg['buffers'])

    def get_manager_state(drop_defaults=False, widgets=None):
        """Returns the full state for a widget manager for embedding

        :param drop_defaults: when True, it will not include default value
        :param widgets: list with widgets to include in the state (or all widgets when None)
        state = {}
        if widgets is None:
            widgets = Widget.widgets.values()
        for widget in widgets:
            state[widget.model_id] = widget._get_embed_state(drop_defaults=drop_defaults)
        return {'version_major': 2, 'version_minor': 0, 'state': state}

    def _get_embed_state(self, drop_defaults=False):
        state = {
            'model_name': self._model_name,
            'model_module': self._model_module,
            'model_module_version': self._model_module_version
        model_state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(self.get_state(drop_defaults=drop_defaults))
        state['state'] = model_state
        if len(buffers) > 0:
            state['buffers'] = [{'encoding': 'base64',
                                 'path': p,
                                 'data': standard_b64encode(d).decode('ascii')}
                                for p, d in zip(buffer_paths, buffers)]
        return state

    def get_view_spec(self):
        return dict(version_major=2, version_minor=0, model_id=self._model_id)

    # Traits
    _model_name = Unicode('WidgetModel',
        help="Name of the model.", read_only=True).tag(sync=True)
    _model_module = Unicode('@jupyter-widgets/base',
        help="The namespace for the model.", read_only=True).tag(sync=True)
    _model_module_version = Unicode(__jupyter_widgets_base_version__,
        help="A semver requirement for namespace version containing the model.", read_only=True).tag(sync=True)
    _view_name = Unicode(None, allow_none=True,
        help="Name of the view.").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module = Unicode(None, allow_none=True,
        help="The namespace for the view.").tag(sync=True)
    _view_module_version = Unicode('',
        help="A semver requirement for the namespace version containing the view.").tag(sync=True)

    _view_count = Int(None, allow_none=True,
        help="EXPERIMENTAL: The number of views of the model displayed in the frontend. This attribute is experimental and may change or be removed in the future. None signifies that views will not be tracked. Set this to 0 to start tracking view creation/deletion.").tag(sync=True)
    comm = Instance('ipykernel.comm.Comm', allow_none=True)

    keys = List(help="The traits which are synced.")

    def _default_keys(self):
        return [name for name in self.traits(sync=True)]

    _property_lock = Dict()
    _holding_sync = False
    _states_to_send = Set()
    _display_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())
    _msg_callbacks = Instance(CallbackDispatcher, ())

    # (Con/de)structor
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Public constructor"""
        self._model_id = kwargs.pop('model_id', None)
        super(Widget, self).__init__(**kwargs)


    def __del__(self):
        """Object disposal"""

    # Properties

    def open(self):
        """Open a comm to the frontend if one isn't already open."""
        if self.comm is None:
            state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(self.get_state())

            args = dict(target_name='jupyter.widget',
                        data={'state': state, 'buffer_paths': buffer_paths},
                        metadata={'version': __protocol_version__}
            if self._model_id is not None:
                args['comm_id'] = self._model_id

            self.comm = Comm(**args)

    def _comm_changed(self, change):
        """Called when the comm is changed."""
        if change['new'] is None:
        self._model_id = self.model_id

        Widget.widgets[self.model_id] = self

    def model_id(self):
        """Gets the model id of this widget.

        If a Comm doesn't exist yet, a Comm will be created automagically."""
        return self.comm.comm_id

    # Methods

    def close(self):
        """Close method.

        Closes the underlying comm.
        When the comm is closed, all of the widget views are automatically
        removed from the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None:
            Widget.widgets.pop(self.model_id, None)
            self.comm = None
            self._ipython_display_ = None

    def send_state(self, key=None):
        """Sends the widget state, or a piece of it, to the front-end, if it exists.

        key : unicode, or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to sync with the front-end.
        state = self.get_state(key=key)
        if len(state) > 0:
            if self._property_lock:  # we need to keep this dict up to date with the front-end values
                for name, value in state.items():
                    if name in self._property_lock:
                        self._property_lock[name] = value
            state, buffer_paths, buffers = _remove_buffers(state)
            msg = {'method': 'update', 'state': state, 'buffer_paths': buffer_paths}
            self._send(msg, buffers=buffers)

    def get_state(self, key=None, drop_defaults=False):
        """Gets the widget state, or a piece of it.

        key : unicode or iterable (optional)
            A single property's name or iterable of property names to get.

        state : dict of states
        metadata : dict
            metadata for each field: {key: metadata}
        if key is None:
            keys = self.keys
        elif isinstance(key, string_types):
            keys = [key]
        elif isinstance(key, collections.Iterable):
            keys = key
            raise ValueError("key must be a string, an iterable of keys, or None")
        state = {}
        traits = self.traits()
        for k in keys:
            to_json = self.trait_metadata(k, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
            value = to_json(getattr(self, k), self)
            if not PY3 and isinstance(traits[k], Bytes) and isinstance(value, bytes):
                value = memoryview(value)
            if not drop_defaults or not self._compare(value, traits[k].default_value):
                state[k] = value
        return state

    def _is_numpy(self, x):
        return x.__class__.__name__ == 'ndarray' and x.__class__.__module__ == 'numpy'

    def _compare(self, a, b):
        if self._is_numpy(a) or self._is_numpy(b):
            import numpy as np
            return np.array_equal(a, b)
            return a == b

    def set_state(self, sync_data):
        """Called when a state is received from the front-end."""
        # The order of these context managers is important. Properties must
        # be locked when the hold_trait_notification context manager is
        # released and notifications are fired.
        with self._lock_property(**sync_data), self.hold_trait_notifications():
            for name in sync_data:
                if name in self.keys:
                    from_json = self.trait_metadata(name, 'from_json',
                    self.set_trait(name, from_json(sync_data[name], self))

    def send(self, content, buffers=None):
        """Sends a custom msg to the widget model in the front-end.

        content : dict
            Content of the message to send.
        buffers : list of binary buffers
            Binary buffers to send with message
        self._send({"method": "custom", "content": content}, buffers=buffers)

    def on_msg(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a custom msg receive callback.

        callback: callable
            callback will be passed three arguments when a message arrives::

                callback(widget, content, buffers)

        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._msg_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def on_displayed(self, callback, remove=False):
        """(Un)Register a widget displayed callback.

        callback: method handler
            Must have a signature of::

                callback(widget, **kwargs)

            kwargs from display are passed through without modification.
        remove: bool
            True if the callback should be unregistered."""
        self._display_callbacks.register_callback(callback, remove=remove)

    def add_traits(self, **traits):
        """Dynamically add trait attributes to the Widget."""
        super(Widget, self).add_traits(**traits)
        for name, trait in traits.items():
            if trait.get_metadata('sync'):

    def notify_change(self, change):
        """Called when a property has changed."""
        # Send the state to the frontend before the user-registered callbacks
        # are called.
        name = change['name']
        if self.comm is not None and self.comm.kernel is not None:
            # Make sure this isn't information that the front-end just sent us.
            if name in self.keys and self._should_send_property(name, getattr(self, name)):
                # Send new state to front-end
        super(Widget, self).notify_change(change)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._gen_repr_from_keys(self._repr_keys())

    # Support methods
    def _lock_property(self, **properties):
        """Lock a property-value pair.

        The value should be the JSON state of the property.

        NOTE: This, in addition to the single lock for all state changes, is
        flawed.  In the future we may want to look into buffering state changes
        back to the front-end."""
        self._property_lock = properties
            self._property_lock = {}

    def hold_sync(self):
        """Hold syncing any state until the outermost context manager exits"""
        if self._holding_sync is True:
                self._holding_sync = True
                self._holding_sync = False

    def _should_send_property(self, key, value):
        """Check the property lock (property_lock)"""
        to_json = self.trait_metadata(key, 'to_json', self._trait_to_json)
        if key in self._property_lock:
            # model_state, buffer_paths, buffers
            split_value = _remove_buffers({ key: to_json(value, self)})
            split_lock = _remove_buffers({ key: self._property_lock[key]})
            # A roundtrip conversion through json in the comparison takes care of
            # idiosyncracies of how python data structures map to json, for example
            # tuples get converted to lists.
            if (jsonloads(jsondumps(split_value[0])) == split_lock[0]
                and split_value[1] == split_lock[1]
                and _buffer_list_equal(split_value[2], split_lock[2])):
                return False
        if self._holding_sync:
            return False
            return True

    # Event handlers
    def _handle_msg(self, msg):
        """Called when a msg is received from the front-end"""
        data = msg['content']['data']
        method = data['method']

        if method == 'update':
            if 'state' in data:
                state = data['state']
                if 'buffer_paths' in data:
                    _put_buffers(state, data['buffer_paths'], msg['buffers'])

        # Handle a state request.
        elif method == 'request_state':

        # Handle a custom msg from the front-end.
        elif method == 'custom':
            if 'content' in data:
                self._handle_custom_msg(data['content'], msg['buffers'])

        # Catch remainder.
            self.log.error('Unknown front-end to back-end widget msg with method "%s"' % method)

    def _handle_custom_msg(self, content, buffers):
        """Called when a custom msg is received."""
        self._msg_callbacks(self, content, buffers)

    def _handle_displayed(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when a view has been displayed for this widget instance"""
        self._display_callbacks(self, **kwargs)

    def _trait_to_json(x, self):
        """Convert a trait value to json."""
        return x

    def _trait_from_json(x, self):
        """Convert json values to objects."""
        return x

    def _ipython_display_(self, **kwargs):
        """Called when `IPython.display.display` is called on the widget."""

        plaintext = repr(self)
        if len(plaintext) > 110:
            plaintext = plaintext[:110] + '…'
        data = {
            'text/plain': plaintext,
        if self._view_name is not None:
            # The 'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json' mimetype has not been registered yet.
            # See the registration process and naming convention at
            # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6838
            # and the currently registered mimetypes at
            # http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml.
            data['application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json'] = {
                'version_major': 2,
                'version_minor': 0,
                'model_id': self._model_id
        display(data, raw=True)

        if self._view_name is not None:

    def _send(self, msg, buffers=None):
        """Sends a message to the model in the front-end."""
        if self.comm is not None and self.comm.kernel is not None:
            self.comm.send(data=msg, buffers=buffers)

    def _repr_keys(self):
        traits = self.traits()
        for key in sorted(self.keys):
            # Exclude traits that start with an underscore
            if key[0] == '_':
            # Exclude traits who are equal to their default value
            value = getattr(self, key)
            trait = traits[key]
            if self._compare(value, trait.default_value):
            elif (isinstance(trait, (Container, Dict)) and
                  trait.default_value == Undefined and
                  (value is None or len(value) == 0)):
                # Empty container, and dynamic default will be empty
            yield key

    def _gen_repr_from_keys(self, keys):
        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
        signature = ', '.join(
            '%s=%r' % (key, getattr(self, key))
            for key in keys
        return '%s(%s)' % (class_name, signature)