Exemplo n.º 1
def create_settings(box):
    "Creates a widget Container for settings and info of  a particular slider."
    sl_enable, slider, sl_units = box.children

    enable = widgets.Checkbox(value=box.visible)
    link((box, 'visible'), (enable, 'value'))

    def slider_link(obj, attr):
        "Function to link one object to an attr of the slider."
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        def link_fn(name, new_value):
            "How to update the object's value given min/max on the slider. "
            if new_value >= slider.max:
                slider.max = new_value
            # if any value is greater than the max, the max slides up
            # however, this is not held true for the minimum, because
            # during typing the max or value will grow, and we don't want
            # to permanently anchor the minimum to unfinished typing
            if attr is "max" and new_value <= slider.value:
                if slider.max >= slider.min:
                    slider.value = new_value
                    pass  # bounds nonsensical, probably because we picked up
                          # a small value during user typing.
            elif attr is "min" and new_value >= slider.value:
                slider.value = new_value
            setattr(slider, attr, new_value)
            slider.step = (slider.max - slider.min)/24.0
        obj.on_trait_change(link_fn, "value")
        link((slider, attr), (obj, "value"))

    text_html = "<span class='form-control' style='width: auto;'>"
    setvalue = widgets.FloatText(value=slider.value,
    slider_link(setvalue, "value")
    fromlabel = widgets.HTML(text_html + "from")
    setmin = widgets.FloatText(value=slider.min)
    slider_link(setmin, "min")
    tolabel = widgets.HTML(text_html + "to")
    setmax = widgets.FloatText(value=slider.max)
    slider_link(setmax, "max")

    units = widgets.Latex(value="")
    units.width = "6ex"
    units.font_size = "1.165em"
    link((sl_units, 'value'), (units, 'value'))
    descr = widgets.HTML(text_html + slider.varkey.descr.get("label", ""))
    descr.width = "40ex"

    return widgets.HBox(children=[enable, setvalue, units, descr,
                                  fromlabel, setmin, tolabel, setmax])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        self._top = widgets.Tab(visible=False)
        self._data = None  # hdu.data
        self._png_image = None  # ndarray_to_png(self._data)
        self._header = ''

        self._image_box = widgets.VBox()
        self._image = widgets.Image()
        self._image_title = widgets.Latex()
        self._image_box.children = [self._image, self._image_title]

        self._header_box = widgets.VBox()
        self._header_display = widgets.Textarea(disabled=True)
        self._header_box.children = [self._header_display]
        self._top.children = [self._image_box, self._header_box]
Exemplo n.º 3
def modelcontrolpanel(model, *args, **kwargs):
    """Easy model control in IPython / Jupyter

    Like interact(), but with the ability to control sliders and their ranges
    live. args and kwargs are passed on to interact()

    sliders = model.interact(*args, **kwargs)
    sliderboxes = []
    for sl in sliders.children:
        cb = widgets.Checkbox(value=True)
        unit_latex = sl.varkey.unitstr
        if unit_latex:
            unit_latex = "$\scriptsize"+unit_latex+"$"
        units = widgets.Latex(value=unit_latex)
        units.font_size = "1.16em"
        box = widgets.HBox(children=[cb, sl, units])
        link((box, 'visible'), (cb, 'value'))

    widgets_css = widgets.HTML("""<style>
    [style="font-size: 1.16em;"] { padding-top: 0.25em; }
    [style="width: 3ex; font-size: 1.165em;"] { padding-top: 0.2em; }
    .widget-numeric-text { width: auto; }
    .widget-numeric-text .widget-label { width: 20ex; }
    .widget-numeric-text .form-control { background: #fbfbfb; width: 8.5ex; }
    .widget-slider .widget-label { width: 20ex; }
    .widget-checkbox .widget-label { width: 15ex; }
    .form-control { border: none; box-shadow: none; }
    settings = [widgets_css]
    for sliderbox in sliderboxes:
    # model_latex = "$"+model.latex(show_subs=False)+"$"
    # model_eq = widgets.Latex(model_latex)
    tabs = widgets.Tab(children=[widgets.Box(children=sliderboxes,
                                # TODO: fix model equation display
                                # widgets.Box(children=[model_eq],
                                #             padding="1.25ex")])

    tabs.set_title(0, 'Variable Sliders')
    tabs.set_title(1, 'Slider Settings')
    #tabs.set_title(2, 'Model Equations')

    return tabs
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, has_groundtruth, n_iters, render_function=None,
                 displacements_function=None, errors_function=None,
                 costs_function=None, style='minimal', tabs_style='minimal'):
        # Initialise default options dictionary
        default_options = {'groups': ['final'], 'mode': 'result',
                           'render_image': True, 'subplots_enabled': True}

        # Assign properties
        self.has_groundtruth = None
        self.n_iters = None
        self.displacements_function = displacements_function
        self.errors_function = errors_function
        self.costs_function = costs_function

        # Create children
        self.mode = ipywidgets.RadioButtons(
            description='Figure mode:',
            options={'Single': False, 'Multiple': True},
        self.render_image = ipywidgets.Checkbox(
            description='Render image',
        self.mode_render_image_box = ipywidgets.VBox(
            children=[self.mode, self.render_image], margin='0.2cm')
        self.shape_selection = [
            ipywidgets.Latex(value='Shape:', margin='0.2cm'),
            ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Initial', value=False),
            ipywidgets.ToggleButton(description='Final', value=True)]
        if has_groundtruth:
                description='Groundtruth', value=False))
        self.result_box = ipywidgets.HBox(children=self.shape_selection,
                                          align='center', margin='0.2cm',
        self.iterations_mode = ipywidgets.RadioButtons(
            options={'Animation': 'animation', 'Static': 'static'},
            value='animation', description='Iterations:', margin='0.15cm')
        index = {'min': 0, 'max': n_iters - 1, 'step': 1, 'index': 0}
        self.index_animation = AnimationOptionsWidget(
            index, description='', index_style='slider', loop_enabled=False,
        self.index_slider = ipywidgets.IntRangeSlider(
            min=0, max=n_iters - 1, step=1, value=(0, 0),
            description='', margin='0.15cm', width='6cm', visible=False,
        self.plot_errors_button = ipywidgets.Button(
            description='Errors', margin='0.1cm',
            visible=has_groundtruth and errors_function is not None)
        self.plot_displacements_button = ipywidgets.Button(
            description='Displacements', margin='0.1cm',
            visible=displacements_function is not None)
        self.plot_costs_button = ipywidgets.Button(
            description='Costs', margin='0.1cm',
            visible=costs_function is not None)
        self.buttons_box = ipywidgets.HBox(
            children=[self.plot_errors_button, self.plot_costs_button,
        self.sliders_buttons_box = ipywidgets.VBox(
            children=[self.index_animation, self.index_slider,
        self.iterations_box = ipywidgets.HBox(
            children=[self.iterations_mode, self.sliders_buttons_box],
            margin='0.2cm', padding='0.2cm')
        self.result_iterations_tab = ipywidgets.Tab(
            children=[self.result_box, self.iterations_box], margin='0.2cm')
        self.result_iterations_tab.set_title(0, 'Result')
        self.result_iterations_tab.set_title(1, 'Iterations')

        # Create final widget
        children = [self.mode_render_image_box, self.result_iterations_tab]
        super(FittingResultOptionsWidget, self).__init__(
            children, Dict, default_options, render_function=render_function,
            orientation='horizontal', align='start')

        # Set callbacks
        if displacements_function is not None:
        if errors_function is not None:
        if costs_function is not None:

        # Set values
        self.set_widget_state(has_groundtruth, n_iters, allow_callback=False)

        # Set style
        self.predefined_style(style, tabs_style)