if self.in_code: self.in_code = False pigpio.set_watchdog(self.gpio, 0) if self.edges > 12: self.callback(self.hash_val) if __name__ == "__main__": import time import pigpio import ir_hasher def callback(hash): print("hash={}".format(hash)) pigpio.start() ir = ir_hasher.hasher(7, callback, 5) print("ctrl c to exit") time.sleep(300) pigpio.stop()
print("Setting up BNO055") bno = BNO055(serial_port='/dev/serial0', rst=18) if not bno.begin(): raise RuntimeError('Failed to initialize BNO055! Is the sensor connected?') pixel_pin = board.D12 # NeoPixels connected to BCM 12 pin -- WAS CHANGED FROM 18 TO 12 ORDER = neopixel.GRB import os print("Running `sudo pigpiod` to enable IR communcation") os.system("sudo pigpiod") print("Initializing Controller") # Instantiate Remote controller pi = pigpio.pi() ir = ir_hasher.hasher(pi, 17, callback, 5) print("Initializing NeoPixels") with neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin, num_pixels, brightness=0.4, auto_write=False, pixel_order=ORDER) as pixels: key_functionality = { 'UP': (forward_pulse, {}), 'DOWN': (forward_pulse, { 'start': BML }), 'LEFT': (forward_pulse, { 'start': 24
def callback(hash): #print("hello") #print("hash = {}".format(hash)) if hash in hashes: print("key = {} hash = {}".format(hashes[hash], hash)) try: if hashes[hash] == 'Play': x.ctrl_iface.Play() print('Play') if hashes[hash] == 'Pause': x.ctrl_iface.Pause() print('Pause') if hashes[hash] == 'Next': x.ctrl_iface.Next() print('Next') if hashes[hash] == 'Previous': x.ctrl_iface.Previous() print('Previous') except Exception as e: print(e) pi = pigpio.pi() ir = ir_hasher.hasher(pi, 4, callback, 5) time.sleep(1) pi.stop() else: print("search for player...") x.load_player(x.bus, x.service, x.hci0_path) time.sleep(1)
1583569525:'0', 1629745313:'rewind', 1666513749:'record', 1677653754:'c-down', 1825951717:'c-right', 1852412236:'6', 1894279468:'9', 1904895749:'vol+', 1941947509:'ff', 2076573637:'0', 2104823531:'back', 2141641957:'home', 2160787557:'record', 2398525299:'7', 2468117013:'8', 2476712746:'play', 2574308838:'forward', 2577952149:'4', 2706654902:'stop', 2829002741:'c-up', 2956097083:'back', 3112717386:'5', 3263244773:'ff', 3286088195:'pause', 3363767978:'c-down', 3468076364:'vol-', 3491068358:'stop', 3593710134:'c-left', 3708232515:'3', 3734134565:'back', 3766109107:'TV', 3798010010:'play', 3869937700:'menu', 3872715523:'7', 3885097091:'2', 3895301587:'text', 3931058739:'mute', 3983900853:'c-right', 4032250885:'4', 4041913909:'vol+', 4207017660:'9', 4227138677:'back', 4294027955:'3'} def callback(hash): if hash in hashes: print("key={} hash={}".format(hashes[hash], hash)); pi = pigpio.pi() ir = ir_hasher.hasher(pi, 7, callback, 5) print("ctrl c to exit"); time.sleep(300) pi.stop()
recorded = 1 print('Welcome to Ramils Remote Setuper') print( 'This code creates a json dictionary mapping keynames to their IR hashcodes' ) print( 'Make sure you have pigpio installed, pigpiod enabled and have ir_hasher ') print('=' * 30, '\n', 'The default pin for IR receiver is 17') print('Setting up PI gpios and hasher') INPUT_PIN = 17 pi = pigpio.pi() ir = ir_hasher.hasher(pi, INPUT_PIN, callback, 5) print("Type key name, press ENTER, then press key on remote. Repeat. Succeed.") print("Empty input to stop") data = {} key = input("Type key name: ") recorded = 0 while key != "": print("Press that key") while recorded == 0: pass print('recorded') recorded = 0 key = input("Type next key name: ")