Exemplo n.º 1
    def on_ctcp(self, conn: ServerConnection, event: Event):
        The 'ctcp' event indicates that a CTCP message was received.
        The downloader receives a CTCP from the bot to initialize the
        XDCC file transfer.
        Handles DCC ACCEPT and SEND messages. Other DCC messages will result
        in a raised InvalidCTCP exception.
        DCC ACCEPT will only occur when a resume request was sent successfully.
        DCC SEND will occur when the bot offers a file.
        :param conn: The connection
        :param event: The 'ctcp' event
        :return: None
        :raise InvalidCTCPException: In case no valid DCC message was received

        def start_download(append: bool = False):
            Helper method that starts the download of an XDCC pack
            :param append: If set to True, opens the file in append mode
            :return: None
            self.downloading = True
            self.xdcc_timestamp = time.time()
            mode = "ab" if append else "wb"
            self.logger.info("Starting Download (" + mode + ")")
            self.xdcc_file = open(self.pack.get_filepath(), mode)
            self.xdcc_connection = \
                self.dcc_connect(self.peer_address, self.peer_port, "raw")

        self.logger.info("CTCP Message: " + str(event.arguments))
        if event.arguments[0] == "DCC":
            payload = shlex.split(event.arguments[1])

            if payload[0] == "SEND":

                filename = payload[1]
                self.peer_address = ip_numstr_to_quad(payload[2])
                self.peer_port = int(payload[3])
                self.filesize = int(payload[4])


                if os.path.isfile(self.pack.get_filepath()):

                    position = os.path.getsize(self.pack.get_filepath())

                    if position >= self.filesize:
                        raise AlreadyDownloadedException(self.pack.filename)

                    self.logger.info("Requesting Resume")
                    self.progress = position
                    bot = event.source.split("!")[0]
                    resume_param = "\"" + filename + "\" " + \
                                   str(self.peer_port) + " " + str(position)
                    conn.ctcp("DCC RESUME", bot, resume_param)


            elif payload[0] == "ACCEPT":

                raise InvalidCTCPException(payload[0])