Exemplo n.º 1
    def handler(self, **args):
        encoding = args['encoding'].replace('-', '')
        if not self.translations.has_key(encoding):
            return Event("continue", "", "")
        (skipmatch, regex, fromencoding) = self.translations[encoding]

        rawmsg = args['event'].rawdata()
        if len(rawmsg) > 100:
            return Event("continue", "", "")
        if not regex.search(rawmsg):
            return Event("continue", "", "")

        if skipmatch:
            # skip if it match
                msg = rawmsg.decode(encoding)
                # well, no translation
                return Event("continue", "", "")

            msg = rawmsg.decode(fromencoding)
        except Exception, e:
            return Event("continue", "", "")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def handler(self, **args):
        target_back = self.return_to_sender(args)
        target_nick = self.return_to_sender(args, 'nick')
        args = args["text"].split()[2:]
        args_l = len(args)

        if args_l != 1 and args_l != 2:
            return Event(
                "privmsg", "", target_back,
                ["syntax: quake <roomid> [invite-nick], roomid in (0...5)"])

            roomid = int(args[0])
            return Event("privmsg", "", target_back, ["invalid roomid"])

        if roomid < 1 or roomid >= 6:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target_back,
                         ["roomid %d not in (0....5) " % roomid])

        text = "DCC CHAT chat %d %d" % (ip, firstport + roomid - 1)
        if args_l == 2:
            return Event("ctcp", "", args[1], [text])
        elif args_l == 1:
            return Event("ctcp", "", target_nick, [text])
Exemplo n.º 3
	def handler(self, **args):
		gets kernel status
		# self.debug("kernelStatus")
		connect=httplib.HTTPConnection("www.kernel.org", 80)
		connect.request('GET', '/kdist/finger_banner')
		response = connect.getresponse()
		if response.status != 200:
			msg = '%d: %s' % (response.status, response.reason)
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
		text = response.read()

		# Extract just the version numbers, instead of flooding
		# the channel with everything.
		result = ""
		for line in text.split("\n"):
			if len(line.split(":")) > 1:
				line = line.split(" ", 2)[2]
				version = '%s ;; ' % line.split(":")[1].strip()
				line = line.split("of", 2)[0]
				line = line.split("for", 2)[0]
				line = line.split("to", 2)[0]
				result += '%s: %s' % (line.strip(), version)

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ result ])
Exemplo n.º 4
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Allows someone to add material onto a factoid (that isn't locked) by
		saying "foo is also bar", for example"""
        import priv
        from irclib import Event
        from time import time
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        # args["text"] should look something like:
        #  "moobot: foo is also bar blatz qux"
        # Grab the factoid to change:
        factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" is ")[0]
        # Grab the stuff to tack on:
        to_add = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1).split(" is also ")[1]

        # Check if the factoid is locked or not
        locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
        if locked_by == None:
            message = "Factoid '%s' does not exist." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "delete_priv") == 0 and (
                locked_by != "" and locked_by != args["source"]):
            message = "You do not have permission to delete factoid '%s." % factoid_key
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # Since we don't have delete_priv, we just delete and recreate the factoid
        orig_factoid = FactoIds.getValueByKey(factoid_key)
        new_factoid = orig_factoid + ", or " + to_add
        FactoIds.update(factoid_key, new_factoid, args["source"])
        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: priv.py Projeto: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ revokes a privilege from a  nick/host """
        from irclib import Event
        from irclib import nm_to_n
        import database

        target = args["channel"]
        if args["type"] == "privmsg":
            target = nm_to_n(args["source"])

        privilege = args["text"].split()[2]
        mask = args["text"].split()[4]

        if checkPriv(args["source"], "grant_priv") == 0 or checkPriv(
                args["source"], privilege) == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         ["You don't have permission to do that."])

        mask = mask.replace("*", "%")

        if checkPriv(mask, privilege) == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         [mask + " does not have " + privilege + "."])

        database.doSQL("delete from grants where hostmask = '" +
                       self.sqlEscape(mask) + "' and priv_type = '" +
                       self.sqlEscape(privilege) + "'")
        return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                     ["Revoked " + privilege + " from " + mask + "."])
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: priv.py Projeto: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ gives a nick/host mask a privileve """
        from irclib import Event
        from irclib import nm_to_n
        import database

        target = args["channel"]
        if args["type"] == "privmsg":
            target = nm_to_n(args["source"])
        privilege = args["text"].split()[2]

        mask = args["text"].split()[4]

        if checkPriv(args["source"], "grant_priv") == 0 or checkPriv(
                args["source"], privilege) == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         ["You don't have permission to do that."])

        mask = mask.replace("*", "%")
        if checkPriv(mask, privilege) != 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         [mask + " already has " + privilege + "."])

        database.doSQL("insert into grants(hostmask, priv_type) values('" +
                       self.sqlEscape(mask) + "', '" +
                       self.sqlEscape(privilege) + "')")
        return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                     ["Granted " + privilege + " to " + mask])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def handler(self, **args):
        """ replaces an existing factoid (no factoid is text> """
        import priv
        from irclib import Event
        from time import time

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        # Strip the bot name and "no" from the factoid
        factoid_text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

        # Separate the factoid_keu (the word(s) before "is") from the
        # factoid value (anything after the first "is")
        data = factoid_text.split(" is ", 1)
        factoid_key = data[0]
        factoid_value = data[1]

        locked_by = FactoIds.getLockedBy(factoid_key)
        if locked_by == None:
            message = "Factoid '" + factoid_key + "' does not exist."
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # Check if they can modify factoids, and if they can modify THIS
        # particular factoid (ie, it's not locked)
        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"],
                          "delete_priv") == 0 and locked_by != "":
            return Event(
                "privmsg", "", target,
                ["Factoid \"%s\" locked by %s" % (factoid_key, locked_by)])

        FactoIds.replace(factoid_key, factoid_value, args["source"])

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Exemplo n.º 8
    def handler(self, **args):
        """adds a factoid link"""
        from irclib import Event

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)

        #  Strip the bots name
        text = self.strip_words(args["text"], 1)

        linkfrom, dummy, linktype, linkto = self.rMatch.match(text).groups()
        linkfrom = linkfrom.strip()
        linktype = linktype.strip()
        linkto = linkto.strip()
        weight = 100
        if linktype.find("*") != -1:
            linktype, weight = linktype.split("*", 1)
                weight = int(weight)
                if weight < 0:
                    weight = 0
                elif weight > 1000:
                    weight = 1000
            except ValueError:
                weight = 100

        #  Check and make sure the factoid isn't there
        for factoid_key in [linkfrom, linktype, linkto]:
            if not FactoIds.exists(factoid_key):
                message = "Factoid \"%s\" must be defined first." % factoid_key
                return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        FactoIds.link(linkfrom, linkto, linktype, weight, args["source"])
        FactoIds.link(linkto, linkfrom, linktype, weight, args["source"])

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, ["ok"])
Exemplo n.º 9
    def handler(self, **args):
        """adds larts and praises"""
        import priv

        from irclib import Event
        import database
        type = args["text"].split()[2]
        value = " ".join(args["text"].split()[3:])
        if args["type"] == "privmsg":
            from irclib import nm_to_n
            target = nm_to_n(args["source"])
            target = args["channel"]
        if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "add_lart_priv") == 0:
            return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                         ["You do not have permission to do that.  "])

        value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\")
        value = value.replace("\"", "\\\"")
        value = value.replace("'", "\\'")
        database.doSQL("insert into data values('" + value + "', '" + type +
                       "', '" + args["source"] + "')")
        return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                     ["Adding: \"" + value + "\" as " + type + "."])
Exemplo n.º 10
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""returns a continue if the user is not to be ignored, otherwise
		returns a "do nothing" handler"""
		import priv
		from irclib import Event
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "notalk_priv") != 0 and priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "all_priv") == 0:
			self.debug("ignoring message by " + args["source"])
			return Event("do nothing", "", "" , [ ])
		return Event("continue", "", "" , [])
Exemplo n.º 11
	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Search for a certain string having either a given stat or any stat
		at all ("statfind foo")"""
		import database
		from irclib import Event
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		# Remove bot name
		text = args["text"].split()[1:]
		stat = text[0][:-4]		# First word, strip "find" from the end
		name = text[1]

		if stat == "stat":
			# Build the message prefix
			msg = "Matching for any stat, matching on '" + name + "' "
			# Get the number first
			query = "select count(counter) from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%'"
			count = database.doSQL(query)[0][0]

			if count > 15:
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found, 15 shown): "
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found): "
			# Now the actual nicks and types
			query = "select nick, type, counter from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%' limit 15"
			results = database.doSQL(query)
			for tuple in results:
				msg += "%s (%s: %s) ;; " % tuple
			# Remove the last " ;; "
			if count != 0:
				msg = msg[:-4]
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
			# Build the message prefix
			msg = "Matching " + stat + "stats for '" + name + "' "
			# Get the number first
			query = "select count(counter) from stats where nick " \
				+ "like '%" + name + "%' and type='" + stat + "'"
			count = database.doSQL(query)[0][0]

			if count > 15:
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found, 15 shown): "
				msg += "(" + str(count) + " found): "
			# Now the actual nicks for that type
			query = "select nick, counter from stats where nick like " \
				+ "'%" + name + "%' and type='" + stat + "' limit 15"
			results = database.doSQL(query)
			for tuple in results:
				msg += "%s: %s ;; " % tuple
			# Remove the last " ;; "
			if count != 0:
				msg = msg[:-4]
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [msg])
Exemplo n.º 12
    def handler(self, **args):
        import priv
        from irclib import Event
        if (priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "all_priv") == 0):
            return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                         ["You can't do that!"])

        self.Debug(args["text"].split(" ", 3)[3])
        return Event("internal", "send_raw", "",
                     ["send_raw", args["text"].split(" ", 3)[3]])
Exemplo n.º 13
	def handler(self, **args):
		import priv
		from irclib import Event
		module_list = []
		for module in args["text"].split()[2:]:
		if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], 'module_priv') != 0:
			return [Event("internal", "", "", [ "unload" ] + module_list), Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "unloading "  + " ".join(module_list)] )]
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [ "that requires module_priv." ])
Exemplo n.º 14
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Looks for haiku in each line of text.  If found, mentions the haiku
        to the channel."""
        from irclib import Event
        result = check_for_haiku(args["text"])
        if (result != ""):
            from irclib import nm_to_n
            return [ Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                           [ result + "  -- a haiku by " + nm_to_n(args["source"]) ]),
                     Event("continue", "", "", [ ])]
		return Event("continue", "", "", [])
Exemplo n.º 15
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Return information about a factoid to the person requesting it"""
        import time
        from irclib import Event

        target = self.return_to_sender(args)
        # Grab the factoid_key name requested
        factoid_key = self.strip_words(args["text"], 2)

        factinfo = FactoIds.getFactoInfoByKey(factoid_key)
        if not factinfo:
            return Event("continue", "", target, [""])
        # Convert timestamps to ASCII time strings
        # Makes "1030123142124L" into a long int
        # That gets converted into a special time tuple
        # That gets converted to a nice ASCII string
            requested_time_str = time.asctime(
            requested_time_str = "never"

            created_time_str = time.asctime(
            created_time_str = "never"

            modified_time_str = time.asctime(
            modified_time_str = "never"

        #if locked_time == None:
        #	locked_time_str = "Not locked."
        #	locked_time_str = time.asctime(time.localtime(locked_time))

        reply = factoid_key + ": created by " + self.str(
            factinfo["created_by"]) + " on " + created_time_str
        if (factinfo["modified_by"] is not None):
            reply += ".  Last modified by " + self.str(
                factinfo["modified_by"]) + " on " + modified_time_str
        reply += ".  Last requested by " + self.str(factinfo["requested_by"]) + " on " + requested_time_str + \
         ", requested a total of " + str(factinfo["requested_count"]) + " times."
        if (factinfo["locked_by"] is not None
                and factinfo["locked_time"] != None):
            reply += "  Locked by " + self.str(
                factinfo["locked_by"]) + " on " + time.ctime(
                    factinfo["locked_time"]) + "."

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [reply])
Exemplo n.º 16
	def handler(self, **args):

		keyword = " ".join(args["text"].split(" ")[3:])

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
			response = self.search(keyword)
			msg = "error"
			return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ msg ])
		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [ response ])
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: tell.py Projeto: oink/BadGirl
    def handler(self, **args):
        import database, priv

        from irclib import Event, nm_to_n
        # The target will always be a privmsg, and always to the person
        # we are telling it to.
        target = args["text"].split()[2]
        sender = nm_to_n(args["source"])

        # Check if this is faketell or not
        faketell = 0
        if args["text"].split()[1] == "faketell":
            if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "faketell_priv"):
                faketell = 1

        # Get the factoid
        factoid_key = " ".join(args["text"].split()[4:])

        # Check if it exists first
        count_query = "select count(factoid_key) from" \
         + " factoids where lower(factoid_key) = '" + factoid_key.lower() + "'"
        count = database.doSQL(count_query)[0][0]
        if count == 0:
            # Send the sender a message that it doesn't exist
            target = sender
            message = "Factoid '" + factoid_key + "' does not exist"
            return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])

        # Grab it and parse it
        factoid_query = "select factoid_value from factoids where" \
         + " lower(factoid_key) = '" + factoid_key.lower() + "'"
        factoid = self.parse_sar(database.doSQL(factoid_query)[0][0])
        # Replace $who and $nick with the target
        factoid = factoid.replace("$who", target)
        factoid = factoid.replace("$nick", target)

        # If the factoid begins with <reply> then just tell it to them
        # otherwise, tell them what factoid and who sent it
        if faketell:
            if factoid.lower()[:7] == "<reply>":
                message = factoid[7:]
                message = factoid_key + " is " + factoid
            if factoid.lower()[:7] == "<reply>":
                factoid = factoid[7:]
                message = sender + " wanted you to know: " + factoid
                message = sender + " wanted you to know: " + factoid_key \
                 + " is " + factoid

        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [message])
Exemplo n.º 18
 def handler(self, **args):
     """handles "op" commands"""
     from irclib import Event
     import priv
     if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "op_priv") == 0:
         return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                      ["You do not have permission to do that."])
     user = args["text"]
     user = user[user.find(" ") + 1:]
     user = user[user.find(" ") + 1:]
     result = Event("internal", "",
                    user.split()[1], ["op", user.split()[0]])
     return result
Exemplo n.º 19
	def handler(self, **args):
		text = " ".join(args["text"].split(" ", 2)[1:])
		if text == 'languages':
			return self.helpLanguages(args)
		# get parameter
		match = self.re.match(text)
		text = match.group(5)
		if text is None:
			return self.help(args)

		type = match.group(1)
		if type:
			type = type.lower()
		if match.group(2) is not None:
			fromLang, toLang = (match.group(2).lower(), match.group(3).lower())
		elif match.group(4):
			fromLang, toLang = self.shortcuts[match.group(4)].lower().split("_", 2)

		# language
		if fromLang in self.languageToLangs:
			fromLang = self.languageToLangs[fromLang]
		if toLang in self.languageToLangs:
			toLang = self.languageToLangs[toLang]
		fromLanguage = self.langToLanguages[fromLang]
		toLanguage = self.langToLanguages[toLang]

		# redirect stupid query
		if text.find(' ') == -1 and self.reWord.search(text):
			return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), 
				[ "use: dict " + text + " or ~~" + text])

		# which translator(s)?
		translators = None
		for translator in self.translators:
			if translator.command == type:
				translators = (translator, )
		if not translators:
			translators = self.translators

		# dispatch it
		for translator in translators:
			result = translator.translate(text, translator.mapLanguage(fromLang), translator.mapLanguage(toLang), fromLanguage, toLanguage)
			if result:
				return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), 
					[ "%s translation: %s" % (translator.name.capitalize(), result) ])

		# check if we know the languages they want to use
		return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), 
			[ "translating from %s to %s is not supported" % (fromLanguage, toLanguage) ])
Exemplo n.º 20
    def handler(self, **args):
		it's just dirty
        from irclib import Event
        self.problem = args["text"].split(None, 2)[2]
        if self.r.match(self.problem):
            text = "Problem %s is at http://acm.zju.edu.cn/show_problem.php?pid=%s\n" % (
                self.problem, self.problem)
            import urllib2
            if self.problem in self.DoneList:
                text += "Oops, The problem %s was already done." % (
                    self.problem, )
                text += "Hey, problem %s wasn't done. Let's hack it~" % (
                    self.problem, )
            text = "%s is not a valid PROBLEM ID, see http://acm.zju.edu.cn/ for details" % (
                self.problem, )
        text += " TOTAL RESOLVED: %d" % (len(self.DoneList))
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)
        result = Event("privmsg", "", target, [text])
        return result
Exemplo n.º 21
    def handler(self, **args):
        """weather query from http://weather.com.cn/ ."""
        result = None
        target = self.return_to_sender(args)
        city_name = args["text"].split()[2]
        import subprocess
        """ query city4weather.txt for city id"""
        p = subprocess.Popen("""grep %s /path/to/city4weather.txt | awk '{print $2}' """ %\
                                             city_name , shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        city_id = '101020500'
        for city_id in p.stdout.readlines():
            if city_id[-1] == '\n':
                city_id = city_id[0:-1]

        weather_info = ""
        p = subprocess.Popen('curl http://m.weather.com.cn/data/%s.html' % city_id, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
        for line in p.stdout.readlines():
            weather_info = line

        import json
        ss = s["weatherinfo"]["city"] +',' + s["weatherinfo"]["date_y"] +',' + s["weatherinfo"]["week"] +',' + s["weatherinfo"]["temp1"] +',' + s["weatherinfo"]["weather1"] +',' + s["weatherinfo"]["wind1"] +',' +s["weatherinfo"]["index_d"]
        result = ss.encode("UTF-8")

        from irclib import Event
        return Event("privmsg", "", target, [result])
Exemplo n.º 22
    def handler(self, **args):
        from irclib import Event

        nick = args["text"].split(" ")[2]
        realnick = who(nick)
        return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args),
                     [nick + " is " + realnick])
Exemplo n.º 23
class lunarCal(MooBotModule):
	"""黄历查询 by [email protected]
		Action: http://www.shpan.com/huangli/MyDetail.asp?currentDate=
		Method: GET
		Params: yyyy-mm-dd
	URL = "http://www.shpan.com/huangli/MyDetail.asp?currentDate="
	def __init__(self):
		self.regex = "^hl( +[^ ]*)?"
	def parse_date(self, strDate):
		from datetime import date
		if strDate.isdigit():
			d = date(int(strDate[0:-4]), int(strDate[-4:-2]), int(strDate[-2:]))
			tupDate = re.findall('(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)', strDate)
			if len(tupDate) == 1:
				d = date(int(tupDate[0][0]), int(tupDate[0][1]), int(tupDate[0][2]))
				raise ValueError, "输入格式不正确。";
		return d.isoformat()
	def fetch(self, date):
		#print date
		response = urllib.urlopen(lunarCal.URL+date)
		html = response.read().decode("GBK")
		return html
	def extract(self, text):
		date = re.compile("中华人民共和国\d{4}年\d+月\d+日黄历".decode("GBK"))
		hl = re.search(date, text)
		if hl:
			msg = ["\002" + hl.group(0) + "\002.  "]
			date = re.compile('<tr>[^<]*<td[^>]*class="TdShow"\s*>([^<]*)</td>\s*<td[^>]*class="TdShow"\s*>([^<]*)</td>\s*</tr>')
			for item in re.findall(date, text):
				msg.append("\002" + item[0].strip() + "\002 " + item[1].strip())
			return msg
			raise ValueError, "查询结果无效。";
	def handler(self, **args):
		qstr = args["text"].strip().split(" ")[1:]
			if len(qstr) == 1:
				from datetime import date
				theDate = date.today().isoformat()
			elif len(qstr) == 2:
				theDate = self.parse_date(qstr[1])
				raise ValueError, "输入格式不正确。";
			msg = ["\n".join(self.extract(self.fetch(theDate)))]
		except ValueError, e:
			desc = str(e).decode("GBK")
			msg = [desc]
		#for m in msg: print m
		return Event("notice",
			     self.return_to_sender(args, select="nick"),
Exemplo n.º 24
	def handler(self, **args):
		target = self.return_to_sender(args)

		quoteurl = "http://bash.org/?random1"
			html = urllib2.urlopen(quoteurl).read()
		except urllib2.URLError:
			return "error connecting to bash.org"
		# Grab a one-line quote unless they specify multiline
		if args["text"].find("multiline") == -1:
			quote_text=re.search('<p class="qt">(.*?)</p>',html)
			quote_text=re.search('<p class="qt">(.*?)</p>',html,re.DOTALL)
		except AttributeError:
			return "No quote found"

		# This replaces various bits of html chars. If someone wants to replace
		# it with HTMLParser stuff, feel free
		quote=re.sub('&nbsp;',' ',quote)
		quote=re.sub('<br />','',quote)

		return Event("privmsg", "", target, [quote])
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_channel_join(self):
     event = Event('privnotice', 'dougsmom', 'yourmom',
                   ['*** You are connected using SSL cipher Woooooo'])
     self.bot._dispatcher(self.cxn, event)
     action, (channel, ), kw = self.cxn.method_calls.pop()
     assert action == 'join'
     assert channel == '#testing'
Exemplo n.º 26
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Grabs a fortune and spits it out"""
        import os
        from irclib import Event
        fortune_txt = os.popen("fortune -s").read()

        return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [fortune_txt])
Exemplo n.º 27
class nslookup(MooBotModule):
	def __init__(self):
		self.regex="^(?:d?nslookup|dns) .+"

	def handler(self, **args):
		"""Does domain name lookups or reverse lookups on IPs"""
		import socket, re

		query = args["text"].split()[2]

		if isValidateIp(query):
			result = socket.getfqdn(query)
			if result == query:
				result = "FQDN not found"
				result = ""
				for addressInfo in socket.getaddrinfo(query, 0, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP):
					result = result + " " + addressInfo[4][0]
				result = result.strip()
			except Exception, e:
				result = "Host lookup error: " + str(e)

		target = self.return_to_sender(args)
#		target = args["channel"]
#		if args["type"] == "privmsg":
#			from irclib import nm_to_n
#			target = nm_to_n(args["source"])

		from irclib import Event
		result = Event("privmsg", "", target, [ query + ": " + result ])
		return result
Exemplo n.º 28
 def handler(self, **args):
     """handles "part" commands with priv checking"""
     from irclib import Event
     import priv
     if priv.checkPriv(args["source"], "part_priv") == 0:
         target = args["channel"]
         if args["type"] == "privmsg":
             from irclib import nm_to_n
             target = nm_to_n(args["source"])
         return Event("privmsg", "", target,
                      ["You do not have permission to do that."])
     channel = args["text"]
     channel = channel[channel.find(" ") + 1:]
     channel = channel[channel.find(" ") + 1:]
     result = Event("internal", "", channel, ["part"])
     return result
Exemplo n.º 29
    def handler(self, **args):
        """Grabs an excuse from the bofh fortune file and spits it out"""
        import os
        from irclib import Event
        fortune_txt = os.popen("fortune bofh-excuses|tail --lines=+2").read()

        return Event("privmsg", "", self.return_to_sender(args), [fortune_txt])
Exemplo n.º 30
    def handler(self, **args):
        txts = self.getRawArgs(args)

        cmd = txts[0]
        txts = txts[1:]
        if cmd == "encode" or cmd == "decode":
            if len(txts) < 2:
                return self.usage(args)
            encodings = txts[0]
            msg = ' '.join(txts[1:])
        elif cmd == "codec":
            if len(txts) < 2:
                return self.usage(args)
            encodings = txts[0]
            msg = ' '.join(txts[1:])
            cmd = "encode"
            if len(txts) < 1:
                return self.usage(args)
            msg = ' '.join(txts)
            encodings = cmd
            if encodings.lower().startswith("un"):
                encodings = encodings[2:]
                cmd = "decode"
            elif encodings.startswith('-'):
                encodings = encodings[1:]
                cmd = "decode"
                if encodings.startswith('+'):
                    encodings = encodings[1:]
                cmd = "encode"

        return Event("privmsg", "", 
                     self.return_to_sender(args), [ self.doEncodeDecode(cmd, encodings, msg) ])