Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_time_unit_conversion(self):
     """Test that the output cube contains the desired units and datatypes
     for the time, forecast_reference_time and forecast_period coordinate,
     where a unit conversion has been required for the time and forecast
     reference time coordinates."""
     self.cube.coord("time").convert_units("hours since 1970-01-01 00:00")
     frt_coord = DimCoord(
         units="seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00",
     frt_coord.convert_units("hours since 1970-01-01 00:00")
         "hours since 1970-01-01 00:00")
     result = self.plugin.process(self.cube, self.timestep)
     self.assertEqual(result.coord("forecast_period").points, 600)
     # 2017-11-10 04:10:00
     self.assertEqual(result.coord("time").points, 1519099800)
         result.coord("forecast_reference_time").points, 1519099200)
     self.assertEqual(result.coord("forecast_period").units, "seconds")
         result.coord("time").units, "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00")
         "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00",
     self.assertEqual(result.coord("forecast_period").dtype, np.int32)
     self.assertEqual(result.coord("time").dtype, np.int64)
         result.coord("forecast_reference_time").dtype, np.int64)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time", "Pressure"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        alt_name = "altitude"
        logging.info("Additional coordinates: '" + alt_name + "'")

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = get_data(VDS(filenames[0], "Lidar_Data_Altitudes"), True)

        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'], self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lat_coord = AuxCoord(lat_data, standard_name='latitude')

        pres_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Pressure'], self._get_calipso_data)
        pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data, standard_name='air_pressure', units='hPa')

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lon_coord = AuxCoord(lon_data, standard_name='longitude')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        time_coord = DimCoord(time_data, long_name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time',
                              units="seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00:00")

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        if variable in MIXED_RESOLUTION_VARIABLES:
            logging.warning("Using Level 2 resolution profile for mixed resolution variable {}. See CALIPSO "
                            "documentation for more details".format(variable))
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data)
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_calipso_data)

        cube = Cube(data, long_name=metadata.long_name, units=self.clean_units(metadata.units),
                    dim_coords_and_dims=[(alt_coord, 1), (time_coord, 0)], aux_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, (0,)),
                                                                                                (lon_coord, (0,)),
                                                                                                (pres_coord, (0, 1))])
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cube)
        return gd
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube, CubeList
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        from datetime import datetime
        from iris.util import new_axis
        import numpy as np

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ["Pressure_Mean"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Altitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Latitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lat_coord = DimCoord(lat_data, standard_name='latitude', units='degrees_north')

        lon_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Longitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lon_coord = DimCoord(lon_data, standard_name='longitude', units='degrees_east')

        cubes = CubeList()
        for f in filenames:
            t = get_data(VDS(f, "Nominal_Year_Month"), True)[0]
            time_data = cis_standard_time_unit.date2num(datetime(int(t[0:4]), int(t[4:6]), 15))
            time_coord = AuxCoord(time_data, long_name='Profile_Time', standard_name='time',

            # retrieve data + its metadata
            var = sdata[variable]
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

            data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, variable))

            pres_data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, 'Pressure_Mean'))
            pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data, standard_name='air_pressure', units='hPa')

            if data.ndim == 2:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data, long_name=metadata.long_name or variable, units=self.clean_units(metadata.units),
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0), (lon_coord, 1)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data, long_name=metadata.long_name or variable, units=self.clean_units(metadata.units),
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0), (lon_coord, 1), (alt_coord, 2)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
                # Then add the (extended) pressure coord so that it is explicitly a function of time
                new_cube.add_aux_coord(pres_coord[np.newaxis, ...], (0, 1, 2, 3))
                raise ValueError("Unexpected number of dimensions for CALIOP data: {}".format(data.ndim))

        # Concatenate the cubes from each file into a single GriddedData object
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cubes.concatenate_cube())
        return gd
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ['Latitude', 'Longitude', "Profile_Time", "Pressure"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        alt_name = "altitude"
        logging.info("Additional coordinates: '" + alt_name + "'")

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = get_data(VDS(filenames[0], "Lidar_Data_Altitudes"), True)

        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Latitude'],
                                 self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lat_coord = AuxCoord(lat_data, standard_name='latitude')

        pres_data = hdf.read_data(sdata['Pressure'], self._get_calipso_data)
        pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data,

        # longitude
        lon = sdata['Longitude']
        lon_data = hdf.read_data(lon, self._get_calipso_data)[:, index_offset]
        lon_coord = AuxCoord(lon_data, standard_name='longitude')

        # profile time, x
        time = sdata['Profile_Time']
        time_data = hdf.read_data(time, self._get_calipso_data)[:,
        time_coord = DimCoord(time_data,
                              units="seconds since 1993-01-01 00:00:00")

        # retrieve data + its metadata
        var = sdata[variable]
        metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

        if variable in MIXED_RESOLUTION_VARIABLES:
                "Using Level 2 resolution profile for mixed resolution variable {}. See CALIPSO "
                "documentation for more details".format(variable))
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_mixed_resolution_calipso_data)
            data = hdf.read_data(var, self._get_calipso_data)

        cube = Cube(data,
                    dim_coords_and_dims=[(alt_coord, 1), (time_coord, 0)],
                    aux_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, (0, )),
                                         (lon_coord, (0, )),
                                         (pres_coord, (0, 1))])
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cube)
        return gd
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create_data_object(self, filenames, variable, index_offset=1):
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import get_data
        from cis.data_io.hdf_vd import VDS
        from pyhdf.error import HDF4Error
        from cis.data_io import hdf_sd
        from iris.coords import DimCoord, AuxCoord
        from iris.cube import Cube, CubeList
        from cis.data_io.gridded_data import GriddedData
        from cis.time_util import cis_standard_time_unit
        from datetime import datetime
        from iris.util import new_axis
        import numpy as np

        logging.debug("Creating data object for variable " + variable)

        variables = ["Pressure_Mean"]
        logging.info("Listing coordinates: " + str(variables))


        # reading data from files
        sdata = {}
        for filename in filenames:
                sds_dict = hdf_sd.read(filename, variables)
            except HDF4Error as e:
                raise IOError(str(e))

            for var in list(sds_dict.keys()):
                utils.add_element_to_list_in_dict(sdata, var, sds_dict[var])

        # work out size of data arrays
        # the coordinate variables will be reshaped to match that.
        # NOTE: This assumes that all Caliop_L1 files have the same altitudes.
        #       If this is not the case, then the following line will need to be changed
        #       to concatenate the data from all the files and not just arbitrarily pick
        #       the altitudes from the first file.
        alt_data = self._get_calipso_data(
            hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Altitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        alt_coord = DimCoord(alt_data, standard_name='altitude', units='km')

        lat_data = self._get_calipso_data(
            hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Latitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lat_coord = DimCoord(lat_data,

        lon_data = self._get_calipso_data(
            hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(filenames[0], 'Longitude_Midpoint'))[0, :]
        lon_coord = DimCoord(lon_data,

        cubes = CubeList()
        for f in filenames:
            t = get_data(VDS(f, "Nominal_Year_Month"), True)[0]
            time_data = cis_standard_time_unit.date2num(
                datetime(int(t[0:4]), int(t[4:6]), 15))
            time_coord = AuxCoord(time_data,

            # retrieve data + its metadata
            var = sdata[variable]
            metadata = hdf.read_metadata(var, "SD")

            data = self._get_calipso_data(hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, variable))

            pres_data = self._get_calipso_data(
                hdf_sd.HDF_SDS(f, 'Pressure_Mean'))
            pres_coord = AuxCoord(pres_data,

            if data.ndim == 2:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data,
                            long_name=metadata.long_name or variable,
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0),
                                                 (lon_coord, 1)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
            elif data.ndim == 3:
                # pres_coord = new_axis()
                cube = Cube(data,
                            long_name=metadata.long_name or variable,
                            dim_coords_and_dims=[(lat_coord, 0),
                                                 (lon_coord, 1),
                                                 (alt_coord, 2)],
                            aux_coords_and_dims=[(time_coord, ())])
                # Promote the time scalar coord to a length one dimension
                new_cube = new_axis(cube, 'time')
                # Then add the (extended) pressure coord so that it is explicitly a function of time
                new_cube.add_aux_coord(pres_coord[np.newaxis, ...],
                                       (0, 1, 2, 3))
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unexpected number of dimensions for CALIOP data: {}".

        # Concatenate the cubes from each file into a single GriddedData object
        gd = GriddedData.make_from_cube(cubes.concatenate_cube())
        return gd