Exemplo n.º 1
def process(orographic_enhancement: cli.inputcube,
            *cubes: cli.inputcube,
            attributes_config: cli.inputjson = None,
            ofc_box_size: int = 30,
            smart_smoothing_iterations: int = 100):
    """Calculate optical flow components from input fields.

        orographic_enhancement (iris.cube.Cube):
            Cube containing the orographic enhancement fields.
        cubes (iris.cube.CubeList):
            Cubes from which to calculate optical flow velocities.
            These three cubes will be sorted by their time coords.
        attributes_config (dict):
            Dictionary containing required changes to the attributes.
            Every output file will have the attributes_config applied.
        ofc_box_size (int):
            Size of square 'box' (in grid spaces) within which to solve
            the optical flow equations.
        smart_smoothing_iterations (int):
            Number of iterations to perform in enforcing smoothness constraint
            for optical flow velocities.

            List of the umean and vmean cubes.

    from iris.cube import CubeList

    from improver.nowcasting.optical_flow import \
    from improver.nowcasting.utilities import ApplyOrographicEnhancement

    original_cube_list = CubeList(cubes)
    # order input files by validity time
    original_cube_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.coord("time").points[0])

    # subtract orographic enhancement
    cube_list = ApplyOrographicEnhancement("subtract").process(
            original_cube_list, orographic_enhancement)

    # calculate optical flow velocities from T-1 to T and T-2 to T-1, and
    # average to produce the velocities for use in advection
    u_mean, v_mean = generate_optical_flow_components(
        cube_list, ofc_box_size, smart_smoothing_iterations, attributes_config)

    return CubeList([u_mean, v_mean])
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_optical_flow_components(
        cube_list: CubeList, ofc_box_size: int,
        smart_smoothing_iterations: int) -> Tuple[Cube, Cube]:
    Calculate the mean optical flow components between the cubes in cube_list

            Cubelist from which to calculate optical flow velocities
            Size of square 'box' (in grid spaces) within which to solve
            the optical flow equations
            Number of iterations to perform in enforcing smoothness constraint
            for optical flow velocities

        - Cube of x-advection velocities u_mean
        - Cube of y-advection velocities v_mean
    cube_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.coord("time").points[0])
    time_coord = cube_list[-1].coord("time")

    ofc_plugin = OpticalFlow(iterations=smart_smoothing_iterations)
    u_cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    v_cubes = iris.cube.CubeList([])
    for older_cube, newer_cube in zip(cube_list[:-1], cube_list[1:]):
        ucube, vcube = ofc_plugin(older_cube, newer_cube, boxsize=ofc_box_size)

    # average optical flow velocity components
    def _calculate_time_average(wind_cubes, time_coord):
        """Average input cubelist over time"""
        cube = wind_cubes.merge_cube()
            mean = collapsed(cube, "time", iris.analysis.MEAN)
        except CoordinateCollapseError:
            # collapse will fail if there is only one time point
            return cube
        mean.coord("time").points = time_coord.points
        mean.coord("time").units = time_coord.units
        return mean

    u_mean = _calculate_time_average(u_cubes, time_coord)
    v_mean = _calculate_time_average(v_cubes, time_coord)

    return u_mean, v_mean
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_advection_velocities_from_winds(
    cubes: CubeList, background_flow: CubeList, orographic_enhancement: Cube
) -> CubeList:
    """Generate advection velocities as perturbations from a non-zero background

            Two rainfall observations separated by a time difference
            u- and v-components of a non-zero background flow field
            Field containing orographic enhancement data valid for both
            input cube times

        u- and v- advection velocities
    cubes.sort(key=lambda x: x.coord("time").points[0])

    lead_time_seconds = (
        cubes[1].coord("time").cell(0).point - cubes[0].coord("time").cell(0).point
    lead_time_minutes = int(lead_time_seconds / 60)

    # advect earlier cube forward to match time of later cube, using steering flow
    advected_cube = PystepsExtrapolate(lead_time_minutes, lead_time_minutes)(
        cubes[0], *background_flow, orographic_enhancement

    # calculate velocity perturbations required to match forecast to observation
    cube_list = ApplyOrographicEnhancement("subtract")(
        [advected_cube, cubes[1]], orographic_enhancement
    perturbations = OpticalFlow(data_smoothing_radius_km=8.0, iterations=20)(
        *cube_list, boxsize=18

    # sum perturbations and original flow field to get advection velocities
    total_advection = _perturb_background_flow(background_flow, perturbations)
    return total_advection
Exemplo n.º 4
def process(
    orographic_enhancement: cli.inputcube, *cubes: cli.inputcube,
    """Calculate optical flow components from input fields.

        orographic_enhancement (iris.cube.Cube):
            Cube containing the orographic enhancement fields.
        cubes (iris.cube.CubeList):
            Cubes from which to calculate optical flow velocities.
            These three cubes will be sorted by their time coords.

            List of the umean and vmean cubes.

    from iris.cube import CubeList

    from improver.nowcasting.optical_flow import generate_optical_flow_components
    from improver.nowcasting.utilities import ApplyOrographicEnhancement

    original_cube_list = CubeList(cubes)
    # order input files by validity time
    original_cube_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.coord("time").points[0])

    # subtract orographic enhancement
    cube_list = ApplyOrographicEnhancement("subtract")(
        original_cube_list, orographic_enhancement

    # calculate optical flow velocities from T-1 to T and T-2 to T-1, and
    # average to produce the velocities for use in advection
    u_mean, v_mean = generate_optical_flow_components(
        cube_list, ofc_box_size=30, smart_smoothing_iterations=100

    return CubeList([u_mean, v_mean])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _validate_coefficients(self, cube: Cube,
                               smoothing_coefficients: CubeList) -> List[Cube]:
        """Validate the smoothing coefficients cubes.

                2D cube containing the input data to which the recursive
                filter will be applied.

                A cubelist containing two cubes of smoothing_coefficient values,
                one corresponding to smoothing in the x-direction, and the other
                to smoothing in the y-direction.

            A list of smoothing coefficients cubes ordered: [x-coeffs, y-coeffs].

            ValueError: Smoothing coefficient cubes are not named correctly.
            ValueError: If any smoothing_coefficient cube value is over 0.5
            ValueError: The coordinate to be smoothed within the
                smoothing coefficient cube is not of the expected length.
            ValueError: The coordinate to be smoothed within the
                smoothing coefficient cube does not have the expected points.
        # Ensure cubes are in x, y order.
        smoothing_coefficients.sort(key=lambda cell: cell.name())
        axes = ["x", "y"]

        for axis, smoothing_coefficient in zip(axes, smoothing_coefficients):

            # Check the smoothing coefficient cube name is as expected
            expected_name = self.smoothing_coefficient_name_format.format(axis)
            if smoothing_coefficient.name() != expected_name:
                msg = (
                    "The smoothing coefficient cube name {} does not match the "
                    "expected name {}".format(smoothing_coefficient.name(),
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # Check the smoothing coefficients do not exceed an empirically determined
            # maximum value; larger values damage conservation significantly.
            if (smoothing_coefficient.data > 0.5).any():
                raise ValueError(
                    "All smoothing_coefficient values must be less than 0.5. "
                    "A large smoothing_coefficient value leads to poor "
                    "conservation of probabilities")

            for test_axis in axes:
                coefficient_crd = smoothing_coefficient.coord(axis=test_axis)
                if test_axis == axis:
                    expected_points = (
                        cube.coord(axis=test_axis).points[1:] +
                        cube.coord(axis=test_axis).points[:-1]) / 2
                    expected_points = cube.coord(axis=test_axis).points

                if len(coefficient_crd.points) != len(
                        expected_points) or not np.allclose(
                            coefficient_crd.points, expected_points):
                    msg = (
                        f"The smoothing coefficients {test_axis} dimension does not "
                        "have the expected length or values compared with the cube "
                        "to which smoothing is being applied.\n\nSmoothing "
                        "coefficient cubes must have coordinates that are:\n"
                        "- one element shorter along the dimension being smoothed "
                        f"({axis}) than in the target cube, with points in that "
                        "dimension equal to the mean of each pair of points along "
                        "the dimension in the target cube\n- equal to the points "
                        "in the target cube along the dimension not being smoothed"
                    raise ValueError(msg)

        return smoothing_coefficients