Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_clipRaster(self):
        """Raster layers can be clipped

        # Create a raster layer
        myName = 'shake'
        myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(RASTERPATH, myName)

        msg = 'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % (myName,
        assert myRasterLayer is not None, msg

        # Create a bounding box
        myRect = [97, -3, 104, 1]

        # Clip the vector to the bbox
        myResult = clipLayer(myRasterLayer, myRect)

        # Check the output is valid
        assert os.path.exists(myResult)

        # Clip and give a desired resolution for the output
        mySize = 0.05
        myResult = clipLayer(myRasterLayer, myRect, mySize)
        myNewRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(myResult, myName)
        assert myNewRasterLayer.isValid(), 'Resampled raster is not valid'

        msg = ('Resampled raster has incorrect pixel size.'
               'Expected: %f, Actual: %f' %
               (mySize, myNewRasterLayer.rasterUnitsPerPixel()))
        assert myNewRasterLayer.rasterUnitsPerPixel() == mySize, msg
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_vectorProjections(self):
     """Test that vector input data is reprojected properly during clip"""
     # Input data is OSM in GOOGLE CRS
     # We are reprojecting to GEO and expecting the output shp to be in GEO
     # see https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/119
     # and https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/95
     myVectorLayer = QgsVectorLayer(VECTOR_PATH2,
                                    'OSM Buildings',
     myMessage = 'Failed to load osm buildings'
     assert myVectorLayer is not None, myMessage
     assert myVectorLayer.isValid()
     setCanvasCrs(GEOCRS, True)
     myClipRect = [106.52, -6.38, 107.14, -6.07]
     # Clip the vector to the bbox
     myResult = clipLayer(myVectorLayer, myClipRect)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_clipVector(self):
        """Vector layers can be clipped

        # Create a vector layer
        myName = 'padang'
        myVectorLayer = QgsVectorLayer(VECTOR_PATH, myName, 'ogr')

        msg = 'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % (myName,
        assert myVectorLayer is not None, msg
        assert myVectorLayer.isValid()
        # Create a bounding box
        myRect = [100.03, -1.14, 100.81, -0.73]

        # Clip the vector to the bbox
        myResult = clipLayer(myVectorLayer, myRect)

        # Check the output is valid
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testRasterScaling_projected(self):
        """Attempt to scale projected density raster layers raise exception

        Automatic scaling when resampling density data
        does not currently work for projected layers. See issue #123.

        For the time being this test checks that an exception is raised
        when scaling is attempted on projected layers.
        When we resolve issue #123, this test should be rewritten.

        test_filename = 'Population_Jakarta_UTM48N.tif'
        myRasterPath = ('%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, test_filename))

        # Get reference values
        R = readSafeLayer(myRasterPath)
        R_min, R_max = R.get_extrema()
        native_resolution = R.get_resolution()

        print R_min, R_max
        print native_resolution

        # Define bounding box in EPSG:4326
        bounding_box = [106.61, -6.38, 107.05, -6.07]

        # Test for a range of resolutions
        for res in [0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001]:

            # Clip the raster to the bbox
            extraKeywords = {'resolution': native_resolution}
            myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(myRasterPath, 'xxx')
                myResult = clipLayer(myRasterLayer, bounding_box, res,
            except InvalidProjectionException:
                msg = 'Should have raised InvalidProjectionException'
                raise Exception(msg)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def testRasterScaling(self):
        """Raster layers can be scaled when resampled

        This is a test for ticket #52

        Native test .asc data has

        ncols         638
        nrows         649
        cellsize      0.00045228819716044

        ncols         5525
        nrows         2050
        cellsize      0.0083333333333333

        Scaling is necessary for raster data that represents density
        such as population per km^2

        for test_filename in ['Population_Jakarta_geographic.asc',

            myRasterPath = ('%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, test_filename))

            # Get reference values
            R = readSafeLayer(myRasterPath)
            R_min_ref, R_max_ref = R.get_extrema()
            del R_max_ref
            del R_min_ref
            native_resolution = R.get_resolution()

            # Get the Hazard extents as an array in EPSG:4326
            bounding_box = R.get_bounding_box()

            # Test for a range of resolutions
            for res in [0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001, 0.0005,  # Coarser
                        0.0002]:                                  # Finer

                # To save time only do two resolutions for the
                # large population set
                if test_filename.startswith('Population_2010'):
                    if res > 0.01 or res < 0.005:

                # Clip the raster to the bbox
                extraKeywords = {'resolution': native_resolution}
                myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(myRasterPath, 'xxx')
                myResult = clipLayer(myRasterLayer, bounding_box, res,

                R = readSafeLayer(myResult)
                A_native = R.get_data(scaling=False)
                A_scaled = R.get_data(scaling=True)

                sigma = (R.get_resolution()[0] / native_resolution[0]) ** 2

                # Compare extrema
                expected_scaled_max = sigma * numpy.nanmax(A_native)
                msg = ('Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
                       'max(A_scaled) was %f but expected %f'
                       % (numpy.nanmax(A_scaled), expected_scaled_max))

                # FIXME (Ole): The rtol used to be 1.0e-8 -
                #              now it has to be 1.0e-6, otherwise we get
                #              max(A_scaled) was 12083021.000000 but
                #              expected 12083020.414316
                #              Is something being rounded to the nearest
                #              integer?
                assert numpy.allclose(expected_scaled_max,
                                      rtol=1.0e-6, atol=1.0e-8), msg

                expected_scaled_min = sigma * numpy.nanmin(A_native)
                msg = ('Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
                       'min(A_scaled) was %f but expected %f'
                       % (numpy.nanmin(A_scaled), expected_scaled_min))
                assert numpy.allclose(expected_scaled_min,
                                      rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-12), msg

                # Compare elementwise
                msg = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nanallclose(A_native * sigma, A_scaled,
                                   rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8), msg

                # Check that it also works with manual scaling
                A_manual = R.get_data(scaling=sigma)
                msg = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nanallclose(A_manual, A_scaled,
                                   rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8), msg

                # Check that an exception is raised for bad arguments
                    msg = 'String argument should have raised exception'
                    raise Exception(msg)

                    R.get_data(scaling='(1, 3)')
                    msg = 'Tuple argument should have raised exception'
                    raise Exception(msg)

                # Check None option without keyword datatype == 'density'
                R.keywords['datatype'] = 'undefined'
                A_none = R.get_data(scaling=None)
                msg = 'Data should not have changed'
                assert nanallclose(A_native, A_none,
                                   rtol=1.0e-12, atol=1.0e-12), msg

                # Try with None and density keyword
                R.keywords['datatype'] = 'density'
                A_none = R.get_data(scaling=None)
                msg = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
                assert nanallclose(A_scaled, A_none,
                                   rtol=1.0e-12, atol=1.0e-12), msg

                R.keywords['datatype'] = 'counts'
                A_none = R.get_data(scaling=None)
                msg = 'Data should not have changed'
                assert nanallclose(A_native, A_none,
                                   rtol=1.0e-12, atol=1.0e-12), msg
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_clipBoth(self):
        """Raster and Vector layers can be clipped

        # Create a vector layer
        myName = 'padang'
        myVectorLayer = QgsVectorLayer(VECTOR_PATH, myName, 'ogr')
        msg = 'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % (myName,
        # FIXME (Ole): This does not work when file doesn't exist (Issue #170)
        assert myVectorLayer is not None, msg

        # Create a raster layer
        myName = 'shake'
        myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(RASTERPATH, myName)
        myMessage = 'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % (myName,
        # FIXME (Ole): This does not work when file doesn't exist (Issue #170)
        assert myRasterLayer is not None, myMessage

        # Create a bounding box
        myViewportGeoExtent = [99.53, -1.22, 101.20, -0.36]

        # Get the Hazard extents as an array in EPSG:4326
        myHazardGeoExtent = [myRasterLayer.extent().xMinimum(),

        # Get the Exposure extents as an array in EPSG:4326
        myExposureGeoExtent = [myVectorLayer.extent().xMinimum(),

        # Now work out the optimal extent between the two layers and
        # the current view extent. The optimal extent is the intersection
        # between the two layers and the viewport.
        # Extent is returned as an array [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax]
        myGeoExtent = getOptimalExtent(myHazardGeoExtent,

        # Clip the vector to the bbox
        myResult = clipLayer(myVectorLayer, myGeoExtent)

        # Check the output is valid
        assert os.path.exists(myResult)

        # Clip the raster to the bbox
        myResult = clipLayer(myRasterLayer, myGeoExtent)

        # Check the output is valid
        assert os.path.exists(myResult)

        # -------------------------------
        # Check the extra keywords option
        # -------------------------------
        # Clip the vector to the bbox
        myResult = clipLayer(myVectorLayer, myGeoExtent,
                             theExtraKeywords={'kermit': 'piggy'})

        # Check the output is valid
        assert os.path.exists(myResult)
        L = readSafeLayer(myResult)
        kwds = L.get_keywords()
        msg = 'Extra keyword was not found in %s: %s' % (myResult, kwds)
        assert kwds['kermit'] == 'piggy'

        # Clip the raster to the bbox
        myResult = clipLayer(myRasterLayer, myGeoExtent,
                             theExtraKeywords={'zoot': 'animal'})

        # Check the output is valid
        assert os.path.exists(myResult)
        L = readSafeLayer(myResult)
        kwds = L.get_keywords()

        msg = 'Extra keyword was not found in %s: %s' % (myResult, kwds)
        assert kwds['zoot'] == 'animal', msg