def extractImage(self): # just in case there was only one image and it was passed as a str #instead of a list with only one element if (isinstance(self._imageFileList, str)): self._imageFileList = [self._imageFileList] self._leaderFileList = [self._leaderFileList] if (len(self._imageFileList) != len(self._leaderFileList)): self.logger.error( "Number of leader files different from number of image files.") raise RuntimeError self.frameList = [] for i in range(len(self._imageFileList)): appendStr = "_" + str(i) #if only one file don't change the name if (len(self._imageFileList) == 1): appendStr = '' self.frame = Frame() self.frame.configure() self._leaderFile = self._leaderFileList[i] self._imageFile = self._imageFileList[i] self.leaderFile = LeaderFile(file=self._leaderFile) self.imageFile = ImageFile(self) try: self.leaderFile.parse() self.imageFile.parse(calculateRawDimensions=False) outputNow = self.output + appendStr if not (self._resampleFlag == ''): filein = self.output + '__tmp__' self.imageFile.extractImage(filein) self.populateMetadata() objResample = None if (self._resampleFlag == 'single2dual'): objResample = ALOS_fbs2fbdPy() else: objResample = ALOS_fbd2fbsPy() objResample.wireInputPort('frame', object=self.frame) objResample.setInputFilename(filein) objResample.setOutputFilename(outputNow) objResample.updateFrame(self.frame) os.remove(filein) else: self.imageFile.extractImage(outputNow) self.populateMetadata() width = self.frame.getImage().getWidth() self.readOrbitPulse(self._leaderFile, outputNow, width) self.frameList.append(self.frame) except IOError: return pass ## refactor this with __init__.tkfunc return tkfunc(self)
def extractImage(self): """Extract the raw image data""" import os from ctypes import cdll, c_char_p extract_csk = cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/') # Prepare and run the C-based extractor #check if the input is a string. if so put it into one element list if(isinstance(self.hdf5FileList,str)): self.hdf5FileList = [self.hdf5FileList] for i in range(len(self.hdf5FileList)): #need to create a new instance every time self.frame = Frame() self.frame.configure() appendStr = '_' + str(i) # if more than one file to contatenate that create different outputs # but suffixing _i if(len(self.hdf5FileList) == 1): appendStr = '' outputNow = self.output + appendStr self.hdf5 = self.hdf5FileList[i] inFile_c = c_char_p(bytes(self.hdf5,'utf-8')) outFile_c = c_char_p(bytes(outputNow,'utf-8')) extract_csk.extract_csk(inFile_c,outFile_c) # Now, populate the metadata try: fp = h5py.File(self.hdf5,'r') except Exception as strerror: self.logger.error("IOError: %s\n" % strerror) return self.populateMetadata(file=fp) self.populateImage(outputNow) self._populateExtras(fp) fp.close() self.frameList.append(self.frame) createAuxFile(self.frame,outputNow + '.aux') self._imageFileList = self.hdf5FileList return tkfunc(self)