Exemplo n.º 1
    def __getitem__(self, spec):
        _get = super(Dimension, self).__getitem__
        if spec is None:
            return _get(slice(None))
            if iss.issequence(spec):
                return tuple(map(_get, spec))

            if not callable(spec):
                return _get(spec)
            raise IndexError, 'invalid index for dimension "%s" (%r)' \
                              % (self.name, spec)

            return tuple(v for i, v in enumerate(self)
                    if spec(i, v))
        except Exception, e:
            raise type(e), 'predicate error for dimension "%s" (%s)' \
                           % (self.name, e)
Exemplo n.º 2
def mu_sigma(hbrick, axes, newdim=(u'stat', (u'mean', u'stddev'))):
    """Compute mean and stddev over all the specified axes.

    hbrick:  an (n-dimensional) HyperBrick object;
    axes:    either a k-tuple of integers or strings, or a string
             describing a space-separated list of k dimension names or
             dimension indices (integers);
    newdim:  a pair whose first element should be a string and second
             element a 2-tuple of strings; this pair serves as the
             specification (name and levels) for the last dimension of
             the returned HyperBrick;
             default: (u'stat', (u'mean', u'stddev'))
    returns: a HyperBrick object, whose _data attribute contains the
             ndarray computed by _mu_sigma(hbrick._data, indices)
             (where indices holds the integer equivalents of the axes
             specified in the axes parameter); the first n-k
             dimensions of the returned HyperBrick are the same as the
             dimensions of hbrick that were not specified in the axes
             parameter, and whose last dimension is a 2-level
             dimension; the hyperslab corresponding to the first and
             second levels of this last dimension are, respectively,
             the computed means and stddevs; the ordering of the first
             n-k (i.e. the kept) dimensions is the same as it was in

    # the next line allows us to pass several named dimensions as a
    # single space-separated string.
    if not iss.issequence(axes): axes = axes.split()

    # we convert (as necessary) the dimensions specified in axes to
    # numerical indices;
    axes = tuple(map(hbrick._toaxis, axes))

    data = _mu_sigma(hbrick._data, axes)
    newdims = [hbrick._fromaxis(i)
               for i in range(hbrick.ndim)
               if i not in set(axes)] + [newdim]

    return hb.HyperBrick(data, newdims)