def process(): if select==1: inb=Inbound() inb.load_to_db() if select ==2: iss=Issue() iss.issue()
def __init__(self, parser, bugelem, mapToBE={}, dontprocess=set(), mapFromBE=None): """Initialises a new issue taken from an XML backing. mapToBE should be a dictionary mapping the source XML element tags to BE element names and outputs if necessary i.e mapToBE={'xmltag':('befield', lambda xmlelem:xmlelem.text)} Current BE issue fields: uuid: UUID [short-name]: string severity: string from ["minor", "wishlist", "serious", "major", "critical", "fatal", "target"] status: string from ["unconfirmed", "open", "test", "closed", "fixed", "feedback", "wontfix"] [assigned]: string [reporter]: string [creator]: string time: datetime string (e.g. Tue, 21 Jul 2009 18:32:12 +0000) summary: string [extra-strings]: list of strings """ if mapFromBE is None: mapFromBE={v[0]:(k, v[1]) for k, v in mapToBE.iteritems()} IssueBase.__init__(self, parser) self.__element=bugelem self.__elementhash=0 self.__mapToBE=mapToBE self.__dontprocess=dontprocess self.__mapFromBE=mapFromBE self.__setUUID()
def test_output(self): """ Test the different outputs including UTF-16 characters and issue without parent issue """ work_logs = [ WorkLog("MYB-7", datetime(2020, 1, 20), 3600, "René Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 3600, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 5400, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 12), 3600, "John Doe") ] issues = [ Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5"), Issue(10007, "MYB-7", "Summary of issue MYB-7", None, None) ] stdout = sys.stdout with open('jira-time-report-console.txt', 'w') as sys.stdout: jiratimereport.process_work_logs("console", issues, work_logs) sys.stdout = stdout self.assertTrue( filecmp.cmp('console_output.txt', 'jira-time-report-console.txt')) jiratimereport.process_work_logs("csv", issues, work_logs) self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp('csv_output.csv', 'jira-time-report.csv')) jiratimereport.process_work_logs("excel", issues, work_logs) self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp('excel_output.xlsx', 'excel_output.xlsx'))
def do_add( self, args ): """ add an issue bgz add [type] where type is: (b)ug | (t)ask | (f)eature """ self._check_status() # default type if len(args) < 1: args = ['bug'] if len(args) and args[0][0] in Issue.types.keys() or args[0][0] == 'p': type = args[0][0] else: type = self._read_input( 'Type: (b)ug, (f)eature, (t)ask | (p)roject?', 'b', ('b','t','f','p')) if type =='p': self._add_project( self.BGZ_DIR ) return print 'Adding new ' + Issue.types[type].lower() title = self._read_input('Title') author = self._read_input('Author',self.opts['']) #desc = self._read_multiline('Descr') desc = self._external_edit('\n\n### ' + title ) issue = Issue( self.BGZ_DIR ) issue['Title'] = title issue['Description'] = desc issue['Type'] = type issue['Author'] = author self._log( 'Added: ' + str(issue) )
def profileIssueCall(id): user_name = id users = mongo.db.userlist exiting_user = users.find_one({'USERNAME': user_name}) user = User(exiting_user['NAMES'], exiting_user['USERNAME'], exiting_user['MAIL']) issue_array = [] i = mongo.db.Issues issuelist = i.find({}).sort('date', -1) problemsdb = mongo.db.problems for issue in issuelist: if issue['UserName'] == id: if issue['ProblemID'] != 'CodeFlask': pb = problemsdb.find_one({'myid': issue['ProblemID']}) issue_array.append( Issue(issue['IssueID'], issue['UserName'], issue['Title'], issue['ProblemID'], pb['name'], issue['text'], issue['date'], issue['commentNumber'])) else: issue_array.append( Issue(issue['IssueID'], issue['UserName'], issue['Title'], issue['ProblemID'], 'CodeFlask', issue['text'], issue['date'], issue['commentNumber'])) return user, issue_array
def test_output(self): """ Test the different outputs including UTF-16 characters and issue without parent issue """ work_logs = [ WorkLog("MYB-7", datetime(2020, 1, 20), 3600, "René Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 3600, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 5400, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 12), 3600, "John Doe") ] issue_myb_5 = Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5", 3600, 900, datetime(2020, 1, 15)) issue_myb_5.issue_start_date = datetime(2020, 1, 10) issue_myb_7 = Issue(10007, "MYB-7", "Summary of issue MYB-7", None, None, None, None, None) issues = [issue_myb_5, issue_myb_7] stdout = sys.stdout with open('jira-time-report-console.txt', 'w') as sys.stdout: jiratimereport.process_work_logs("console", issues, work_logs) sys.stdout = stdout self.assertTrue( filecmp.cmp('console_output.txt', 'jira-time-report-console.txt')) jiratimereport.process_work_logs("csv", issues, work_logs) self.assertTrue(filecmp.cmp('csv_output.csv', 'jira-time-report.csv')) jiratimereport.process_work_logs("excel", issues, work_logs) expected_excel = pd.read_excel('excel_output.xlsx') actual_excel = pd.read_excel('jira-time-report.xlsx') self.assertTrue(expected_excel.equals(actual_excel))
def test_get_updated_issues_multiple_pages(self): """ Test the multiple pages response when retrieving Jira issues (pagination) """ with open("issues_multiple_first_page.json", "r") as issues_first_file: mock_response_first_page = with open("issues_multiple_second_page.json", "r") as issues_second_file: mock_response_second_page = with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.register_uri('GET', '/rest/api/2/search', [{ 'text': mock_response_first_page }, { 'text': mock_response_second_page }]) issues = jiratimereport.get_updated_issues("https://jira_url", "user_name", "api_token", "MYB", "2020-01-10", "2020-01-20", "") issues_expected_result = [ Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5"), Issue(10004, "MYB-4", "Summary of issue MYB-4", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-4"), Issue(10006, "MYB-6", "Summary of issue MYB-6", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-6") ] self.assertListEqual(issues_expected_result, issues, "Issues lists are unequal")
def confirm_issue_creation(update, context): user = update.message.from_user f"Palavra secreta digitada por {user.first_name}: {update.message.text}" )"The user data context: {context.user_data}") issue = Issue(context.user_data['project'], context.user_data['title'], context.user_data['description']) if update.message.text == SECRET_KEY: message = f'Acertou mizerávi\n\n' if issue.create_issue(): message += f'Issue Criada :)\n' else: message += f'Desculpa pelo vacilo!\n' \ f'Tive um problema para criar a issue\n' if issue.create_card(): message += f'Card Criado :)' else: message += f'Desculpa pelo vacilo!\n' \ f'Tive um problema para criar o card' else: message = f'Errrrooouu!' update.message.reply_text(message, reply_markup=None) # Tell ConversationHandler that the conversation has ended return ConversationHandler.END
def test_get_updated_issues_one_page(self): """ Test the single page response when retrieving Jira issues """ with open("issues_one_page.json", "r") as issues_file: mock_response = with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.register_uri('GET', '/rest/api/2/search', text=mock_response) issues = jiratimereport.get_updated_issues("https://jira_url", "user_name", "api_token", "MYB", "2020-01-10", "2020-01-20", "") issues_expected_result = [ Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5", 3600, 900, datetime(2020, 1, 20)), Issue(10004, "MYB-4", "Summary of issue MYB-4", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-4", 7200, 600, None) ] self.assertListEqual(issues_expected_result, issues, "Issues lists are unequal")
def do_time( self, args ): """ add or report time bgz time report on time for this week (Monday - Sunday) bgz time add ID add a new time entry for the given ID bgz time DATERANGE report on time for a DATERANGE a DATERANGE can be: tw | [thisw]eek = this week (Monday - Sunday) lw | [lastw]eek = last week (Monday - Sunday) [y]esterday = (midnight - midnight) [t]oday | [n]ow = (midnight - now) DD/MM/YYYY[:DD/MM/YYYY] """ self._check_status() if len(args) == 0: args.append("thisweek") if args[0] == 'add': if len(args) < 2: return False dur = self._read_input( "Duration (0:0)", None, lambda x: re.match("\d?:\d+", x) ) if len(dur) and self.do_comment(args[1:], 'time ' + dur ): return True else: return False else: # QnD report dts = dateparse.DateParser().parse_date_range( args[0] ) s = 'Time Report' s += ' - ' + dts[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " / " + dts[1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print '-' * len(s) print s print '-' * len(s) projects = self._read_projects() gtotal = [0,0] for proj in projects: puthdr = True issue = Issue( proj ) files = os.listdir( proj ) for file in files: if not issue.load( file ): continue tm = issue.time_total( dts ) if tm[0] > 0 or tm[1] > 0: gtotal[0] += tm[0] gtotal[1] += tm[1] if puthdr: print 'Project: ' + proj[:-(len(proj)-proj.rfind('.'))] puthdr = False print issue.rep( dts ) gtotal[0] += gtotal[1]/60 gtotal[1] = gtotal[1] % 60 t = 'Total: %d:%02d' % (gtotal[0],gtotal[1]) print '=' * len(t) print t
def analysis2list(xml_txt): try: import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET except: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET try: root = ET.fromstringlist(xml_txt) res = [] for item in root.iter('item'): dict = {} for key in key_dic: iss_item = item.find(key) if iss_item is None: continue else: dict[key] = iss_item.text res.append(dict) issue_res = [] for issue_dic in res: issue = Issue(issue_dic) issue_res.append(issue) return issue_res except: print('analysis xml failure.') return None
def filter(cls, pid=None, account=None, issue=None): (all_pids, all_accounts, all_issues) = (False, False, False) if not pid: all_pids = True if account: uid = else: uid = None all_accounts = True if issue: iid = else: iid = None all_issues = True result = [] with cls.db.conn.cursor() as curs: curs.execute('''SELECT, maturity.matures,, contract_type.issue, issue.url, issue.title, position.account, position.quantity, position.basis, position.created, position.modified, FROM maturity JOIN contract_type ON = contract_type.matures JOIN issue ON = contract_type.issue JOIN position ON = position.contract_type WHERE ( = %s OR %s) AND (account = %s OR %s) AND (issue = %s OR %s) ''', (pid, all_pids, uid, all_accounts, iid, all_issues)) for row in curs.fetchall(): (mid, matures, cid, iid, url, title, uid, quantity, basis, created, modified, pid) = row account = Account(uid=uid) issue = Issue(url=url, iid=iid, title=title) maturity = Maturity(matures, mid) ctype = ContractType(issue, maturity, cid) result.append(cls(pid, account, ctype, quantity, basis, created, modified)) return result
def err(tid, message, pos="start", scope=""): # When token ID points to end-of-parsing token, # reset the id to the last true token before it. if tokens[tid]["kind"] == "tkEOP": tid = ttids[-1] token = tokens[tid] line = token["line"] index = token[pos] # msg = f"{message}" col = index - LINESTARTS[line] if message.endswith(":"): message += f" '{tkstr(tid)}'" # # Add token debug information. # dbeugmsg = "\n\n\033[1mToken\033[0m: " # dbeugmsg += "\n - tid: " + str(token["tid"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n - kind: " + token["kind"] # dbeugmsg += "\n - line: " + str(token["line"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n - start: " + str(token["start"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n - end: " + str(token["end"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n __val__: [" + tkstr(tid) + "]" # dbeugmsg += "\n\n\033[1mExpected\033[0m: " # for n in NEXT: # if not n: n = "\"\"" # dbeugmsg += "\n - " + n # dbeugmsg += "\n\n\033[1mScopes\033[0m: " # for s in SCOPE: # dbeugmsg += "\n - " + s # decor = "-" * 15 # msg += "\n\n" + decor + " TOKEN_DEBUG_INFO " + decor # msg += dbeugmsg # msg += "\n\n" + decor + " TOKEN_DEBUG_INFO " + decor Issue().error(S["filename"], line, col, message)
def _post_issue(success_redirect_name='index', error_template='new_issue.html'): error = None respond_with_json = request_wants_json(request) issue = get_object_by_form_or_json(Issue.var_names) if not issue['page_url']: error = "Please enter the URL that contains the issue." else: if not issue['img_url']: error = "Please enter the URL for the image file." if error is None: if is_logged_in(): reporter_user_id = session['user_id'] elif issue['creator']: reporter_user_id = issue['creator'] else: reporter_user_id = None issue = Issue.add_or_update_issue(reporter_user_id, issue) if respond_with_json: return smart_jsonify(issue) else: flash('The issue was successfully reported.') return redirect(url_for(success_redirect_name)) else: if respond_with_json: return smart_jsonify(error=error) else: return make_response(render_template(error_template, error=error, issue=issue))
def xml_to_issues(f): """Extract issue data from xml file to make an issue list Parameters ---------- file : string XML file path Returns ------- issues : list issues list """ parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, remove_comments=True) tree = etree.parse(f, parser) root = tree.getroot() issues = [] issues_e = root.find('issues') # find all issues for issue_e in issues_e: attachments = [] _id = issue_e.find('id').text title = issue_e.find('title').text description = issue_e.find('description').text for item in issue_e.findall('.//attachment'): attachments.append(item.text) comments = issue_e.find('comments').text commenters = issue_e.find('commenters').text issues.append(Issue(_id, title, description, attachments, int(comments), int(commenters))) return issues
def test_get_work_logs_multiple_pages(self): """ Test the multiple pages response when retrieving Jira work logs (pagination) """ with open("work_logs_multiple_first_page.json", "r") as issues_first_file: mock_response_first_page = with open("work_logs_multiple_second_page.json", "r") as issues_second_file: mock_response_second_page = issues = [ Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5", 3600, 900, datetime(2020, 1, 20)) ] with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.register_uri('GET', '/rest/api/2/issue/MYB-5/worklog/', [{ 'text': mock_response_first_page }, { 'text': mock_response_second_page }]) work_logs, issues = jiratimereport.get_work_logs( "https://jira_url", "user_name", "api_token", "2020-01-10", "2020-01-20", "", issues) work_logs_expected_result = [ WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 12), 3600, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 3600, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 5400, "John Doe") ] self.assertListEqual(work_logs_expected_result, work_logs, "Work Log lists are unequal") issue_myb_5 = Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5", 3600, 900, datetime(2020, 1, 20)) issue_myb_5.issue_start_date = datetime(2020, 1, 12) issues_expected_result = [issue_myb_5] self.assertListEqual(issues_expected_result, issues, "Issue lists are unequal")
def scrape_lucene(url_prefix, _id, attributes): """Scrape LUCENE issues Parameters ---------- url_prefix : string Issue tracking system URL prefixx _id : string Issue id attributes : dictionary Contains all HTML attributes needed to scrape data Returns ------- issue : an Issue instance """ status_id = attributes['status-id'] title_id = attributes['title-id'] description_id = attributes['description-id'] comment_regex = attributes['comment-regex'] url = url_prefix + str(_id) print('Scraping url: %s' % url) try: result = requests.get(url) if result.status_code != 200: print('Can\'t access URL!') soup = BeautifulSoup(result.content, 'lxml') status = soup.find(id=status_id).text status = ' '.join(status.split()) if status != 'New Feature' and status != 'Improvement': # not a requirement print('[{0}] Not requirement - {1}\n'.format(_id, status)) return None # Only accept issue that contains a certain number of comments comments = soup.find_all(id=re.compile(comment_regex)) if len(comments) < MINIMUM_COMMENTS: print('[{0}] Issue has only {1} comments!\n'.format(_id, len(comments))) return None else: print('[{0}] Issue has {1} comments!\n'.format(_id, len(comments))) # Count number of commenters participating in the discussion commenters = count_commenters(_id, comments, ('a', {'class':'user-hover user-avatar'})) if commenters is None: return None title = ' '.join(soup.find(id=title_id).text.split()) description = ' '.join(soup.find(id=description_id).text.split()) except Exception as err: print('[{0}] Exception happened! {1}\n'.format(_id, err)) return None print('[{0}] Completed!\n'.format(_id)) return Issue(str(_id), title, description, [], len(comments), len(commenters))
def index(): issues = None if is_logged_in(): issues = Issue.get_issues_by_user(get_current_user()) for i in issues: i['complaint_count'] = sum(i['reporters'].values()) i['img_filename'] = get_full_filename_from_url(i['img_url']) return render_template('home.html', issues=issues)
def checkTense(content): suggests = tense.tensecheck(content) issuesOfArticle = [] for i in suggests: issue = Issue(2, 2, [i[0]], [i[1]], i[2], i[3]) print(i) issuesOfArticle.append(issue) return issuesOfArticle
def _set_queried_issues(self): all_issues = [ Issue(issue_dict) for issue_dict in self._issue_dicts.values() ] queried_issues = list( filter(singletons.query().filter_issue, all_issues)) queried_issues.sort() self._queried_issues = queried_issues
def setUp(self): #creating agents for testing self.agent1 = Agent('kanishk', True, time(9,20,0), ['web developer','analyst']) self.agent2 = Agent('ayushya', True, time(8,20,0),['developer','analyst']) self.agent3 = Agent('shivi', True, time(1,13,0),['writer', 'support']) self.agent4 = Agent('prateek', True, time(14,33,0),['support','sales']) self.agent5 = Agent('alex', True, time(6,29,0),['marketing','analyst','support']) self.agent6 = Agent('shreya', True, time(2,0,0),['mobile developer','analyst']) self.agent7 = Agent('sonam', True, time(0,24,0),['frontend developer', 'support', 'backend developer']) self.agent8 = Agent('priya', False, time(3,59,0),['backend develper','ml engineer']) self.agent9 = Agent('bablu', True, time(19,44,0),['frontend developer','cloud computing']) #list of agents self.agent_list = [self.agent1, self.agent2, self.agent3, self.agent4, self.agent5, self.agent6, self.agent7, self.agent8, self.agent9] #creating issues for testing self.issue1 = Issue(roles= ['support']) self.issue2 = Issue(roles = ['marketing']) self.issue3 = Issue(roles= ['frontend developer', 'backend developer']) self.issue4 = Issue(roles = ['cloud computing']) self.issue5 = Issue(roles= ['ml engineer']) self.issue6 = Issue(roles = ['writer','support']) self.issue7 = Issue(roles = ['cloud architect', 'deeplearning']) #list of issues self.issue_list = [self.issue1, self.issue2, self.issue3, self.issue4, self.issue5, self.issue6, self.issue7] #creating agent_ selector ojects self.agent_selector1 = AgentSelector('all_available', self.agent_list, self.issue_list) self.agent_selector2 = AgentSelector('least_busy', self.agent_list, self.issue_list) self.agent_selector3 = AgentSelector('random', self.agent_list, self.issue_list)
def filter(cls, account=None, issue=None, ticker=False): all_events = not ticker (all_accounts, all_issues) = (False, False) if issue: iid = else: iid = None all_issues = True if account: uid = else: uid = None all_accounts = True result = [] # Cursor object for the database driver. Database can have different # queries. curs points to this particular query. curs.execute runs a # SQL statement that you pass to the database. The result of this # execution can then be "fetched". with cls.db.conn.cursor() as curs: curs.execute( '''SELECT issue, url, title, maturity, matures, id, class, created, contract_type, side, price, quantity, message FROM message_overview WHERE (%s OR issue = %s) AND (%s OR recipient = %s) AND (%s OR (side = true AND (class = 'contract_created' OR class = 'contract_resolved') AND quantity > 0)) ORDER BY created DESC''', (all_issues, iid, all_accounts, uid, all_events)) for row in curs.fetchall(): (iid, url, title, maturity_id, matures, mid, mclass, created, cid, side, price, quantity, text) = row if ticker and (not url or not title or not matures or not maturity_id): pass # continue #FIXME (issue, maturity, contract_type) = (None, None, None) if iid: issue = Issue(iid=iid, url=url, title=title) if maturity_id and matures: maturity = Maturity(matures, maturity_id) if issue and maturity: contract_type = ContractType(issue, maturity, cid=cid) result.append( cls(mclass, account=account, contract_type=contract_type, side=side, price=price, quantity=quantity, text=text, created=created, mid=mid)) return result
def test_convert_json_to_issues(self): """ Test the conversion of json issues to object issues """ with open("convert_json_to_issues.json", "r") as issues_file: response_json = json.loads( issues = jiratimereport.convert_json_to_issues(response_json) issues_expected_result = [ Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5"), Issue(10004, "MYB-4", "Summary of issue MYB-4", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-4") ] self.assertListEqual(issues_expected_result, issues, "Issues lists are unequal")
def hint(tid, message): token = tokens[tid] line = token["line"] index = token["start"] col = index - LINESTARTS[line] if message.endswith(":"): message += f" '{tkstr(tid)}'" Issue().hint(S["filename"], line, col, message)
def test_get_work_logs_one_page(self): """ Test the single page response when retrieving Jira work logs """ with open("work_logs_first_issue_one_page.json", "r") as first_issue_file: mock_response_first_issue = with open("work_logs_second_issue_one_page.json", "r") as second_issue_file: mock_response_second_issue = issues = [ Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5", 3600, 900, datetime(2020, 1, 20)), Issue(10004, "MYB-4", "Summary of issue MYB-4", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-4", 7200, 600, None) ] with requests_mock.Mocker() as m: m.register_uri('GET', '/rest/api/2/issue/MYB-5/worklog/', text=mock_response_first_issue) m.register_uri('GET', '/rest/api/2/issue/MYB-4/worklog/', text=mock_response_second_issue) work_logs, issues = jiratimereport.get_work_logs( "https://jira_url", "user_name", "api_token", "2020-01-10", "2020-01-20", "", issues) work_logs_expected_result = [ WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 3600, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-5", datetime(2020, 1, 18), 5400, "John Doe"), WorkLog("MYB-4", datetime(2020, 1, 12), 3600, "John Doe") ] self.assertListEqual(work_logs_expected_result, work_logs, "Work Log lists are unequal") issue_myb_5 = Issue(10005, "MYB-5", "Summary of issue MYB-5", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-5", 3600, 900, datetime(2020, 1, 20)) issue_myb_5.issue_start_date = datetime(2020, 1, 18) issue_myb_4 = Issue(10004, "MYB-4", "Summary of issue MYB-4", "MYB-3", "Summary of the parent issue of MYB-4", 7200, 600, None) issue_myb_4.issue_start_date = datetime(2020, 1, 12) issues_expected_result = [issue_myb_5, issue_myb_4] self.assertListEqual(issues_expected_result, issues, "Issue lists are unequal")
def issues(): if request.method == 'GET': issues = Issue.get_issues_by_params(params=None) for i in issues: i['complaint_count'] = sum(i['reporters'].values()) i['img_filename'] = get_full_filename_from_url(i['img_url']) return render_template('issues.html', issues=issues) elif request.method == 'POST': return _post_issue(success_redirect_name='issues', error_template='issues.html') else: return ''
def checkThirdPersonSingular(content): res = single_three.check(content) issues = [] for sentence_entries in res: for entry in sentence_entries: le = entry[0] ri = entry[1] rep = entry[2] issue = Issue(2, 1, [le], [ri], rep, 4) issues.append(issue) return issues
def __init__(self, username='', password='', repo_name_or_slug=''): self.username = username self.password = password self.repo_slug = repo_name_or_slug.lower().replace( r'[^a-z0-9_-]+', '-') self.repo_tree = {} self.repository = Repository(self) self.service = Service(self) self.ssh = SSH(self) self.issue = Issue(self)
def do_purge( self, args ): """ move closed issues to 'PROJECT/.bugz/purged' directory bgz purge """ self._check_status() ppath = os.path.join(self.BGZ_DIR, 'purged') if not os.path.exists( ppath ): try: os.mkdir( ppath ) except: raise BugzError( 'abort: unable to create ' + ppath ) count = 0 for file in os.listdir( self.BGZ_DIR ): issue = Issue(self.BGZ_DIR) if not issue.load( file ): continue if issue['Status'][0] == 'c': shutil.move(os.path.join(self.BGZ_DIR,file), ppath) count += 1 self._log( 'purged %d issue(s)' % (count) )
def _find_issue( self, uid ): """ find an issue with a partial uid """ if uid.startswith('g'): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.BGZ_DIR,'general.' + self.opts[''])): gen = Issue(self.BGZ_DIR) gen['Id'] = 'general.' + self.opts[''] gen['Title'] = 'General Project Catchall' gen['Author'] = self.opts[''] gen['Type'] = 'task' gen['Status'] = 'open' flist = self._find_issues( uid ) if len(flist) == 1: iss = Issue(self.BGZ_DIR) if not iss.load( flist[0] ): return None return iss elif len(flist) > 1: print 'Please be more specific: ' for f in flist: print f return None
def vvariable(S): token = S["tokens"][S["tid"]] start = token["start"] end = token["end"] line = token["line"] index = token["start"] # Error when variable starts with a number. if S["text"][start + 1].isdigit(): message = "Unexpected: '" + S["text"][start + 1] + "'" message += "\n\033[1;36mInfo\033[0m: Variable cannot begin with a number." Issue().error(S["filename"], line, index - S["LINESTARTS"][line], message)
def convert_json_to_issues(response_json): """ Convert JSON issues into Issue objects :param response_json: the JSON text as received from Jira :return: a list of Issues """ issues = [] for issue_json in response_json['issues']: issues.append(Issue(int(issue_json['id']), issue_json['key'], issue_json['fields']['summary'], issue_json['fields']['parent']['key'] if 'parent' in issue_json['fields'] else None, issue_json['fields']['parent']['fields']['summary'] if 'parent' in issue_json['fields'] else None)) return issues
def do_status( self, args ): """ get the database status bgz status [all] """ self._check_status() files = os.listdir( self.BGZ_DIR ) counts = {'new':0,'open':0,'closed':0} issues = {} for file in files: issue = Issue(self.BGZ_DIR) if not issue.load( file ): continue counts[issue['Status']] += 1 if not issues.has_key( issue['Type'][0] ): issues[issue['Type'][0]] = [] if next((a for a in args if a == 'all'),None): issues[issue['Type'][0]].append( issue ) elif issue['Status'][0] != 'c': issues[issue['Type'][0]].append( issue ) print 'Status: ', for k in counts.keys(): pre = "" post = "" if self.opts.ansi: post = "\033[0m" # reset if k[0] == 'n': pre = "\033[31m" # red elif k[0] == 'c': pre = "\033[32m" # green elif k[0] == 'o': pre = "\033[33m" # yellow print pre + k + post + "/" + str(counts[k]) + " ", print self._show_issues( issues )
def resolvable(cls): result = [] with cls.db.conn.cursor() as curs: curs.execute( '''SELECT DISTINCT maturity.matures,, issue.url, issue.title,, FROM maturity JOIN contract_type on = contract_type.matures JOIN issue ON = contract_type.issue JOIN position ON = position.contract_type WHERE maturity.matures < NOW() ORDER BY maturity.matures''') for row in curs.fetchall(): (matures, mid, url, title, iid, cid) = row issue = Issue(url=url, iid=iid, title=title) maturity = Maturity(matures, mid) result.append(cls(issue, maturity, cid)) return result
def lookup(cls, iid, mid): with cls.db.conn.cursor() as curs: curs.execute( '''INSERT INTO contract_type (issue, matures) VALUES (%s, %s) ON CONFLICT (issue, matures) DO UPDATE set matures = %s RETURNING id''', (iid, mid, mid)) cid = curs.fetchone()[0] curs.execute( '''SELECT maturity.matures, issue.url, issue.title FROM maturity JOIN contract_type on = contract_type.matures JOIN issue ON = contract_type.issue WHERE = %s''', (cid, )) (matures, url, title) = curs.fetchone() issue = Issue(url=url, iid=iid, title=title) maturity = Maturity(matures, mid) return cls(issue, maturity, cid)
def __init__(self, username='', password='', repo_name_or_slug=''): self.username = username self.password = password self.repo_slug = repo_name_or_slug self.repo_tree = {} self.URLS = URLS self.repository = Repository(self) self.service = Service(self) self.ssh = SSH(self) self.issue = Issue(self) self.access_token = None self.access_token_secret = None self.consumer_key = None self.consumer_secret = None self.oauth = None
def vsetting_aval(S): token = S["tokens"][S["tid"]] start = token["start"] end = token["end"] line = token["line"] index = token["start"] values = ["true", "false"] value = StringBuilder() for i in range(start, end + 1): value.append(S["text"][i]) # Warn if values is not a supported values. if str(value) not in values: message = "Invalid setting value: '" + str(value) + "'" Issue().error(S["filename"], line, index - S["LINESTARTS"][line], message)
def do_show( self, args ): """ show stuff bgz show [partial_UUID] bgz show [a:author] [s:status] [ty:type] [ti:title] [d:date_range] bgz show all """ self._check_status() files = os.listdir( self.BGZ_DIR ) issues = {} for file in files: issue = Issue(self.BGZ_DIR) if not issue.load( file ): continue if len(args) and args[0].find(':') != -1: hitcount = 0 for arg in args: tmp = arg.split(':') if tmp[0].startswith('s'): if issue['Status'][0] == tmp[1][0]: hitcount = hitcount + 1 elif tmp[0].startswith('ty'): if issue['Type'][0] == tmp[1][0]: hitcount = hitcount + 1 elif tmp[0].startswith('ti'): if issue['Title'].find( tmp[1] ) != -1: hitcount = hitcount + 1 elif tmp[0].startswith('a'): if issue['Author'].find( tmp[1] ) != -1: hitcount = hitcount + 1 elif tmp[0].startswith('d'): # date range dts = dateparse.DateParser().parse_date_range( tmp[1] ) if >= dts[0] and <= dts[1]: hitcount = hitcount + 1 else: raise BugzError( "Unknown qualifier: " + tmp[0] ) # if all the args hit, then print it if hitcount == len( args ): if not issues.has_key( issue['Type'] ): issues[issue['Type'][0]] = [] issues[issue['Type'][0]].append( issue ) elif len(args) and args[0] == 'all': if not issues.has_key( issue['Type'] ): issues[issue['Type'][0]] = [] issues[issue['Type'][0]].append( issue ) else: if len(args): if file.startswith( args[0] ): return self._show_issues( issues )
def __init__(self, issue, download_directory): self.issue = issue cwd = os.getcwd()["git", "checkout", "-b", str(issue)]) Issue(issue, download_directory, []) os.chdir( os.path.join(cwd, "..", "..", "..", "hoops_3df", "demo", "common", "sanity")) f, name, desc = imp.find_module("diet_smoke", [ os.path.join(cwd, "..", "..", "..", "hoops_3df", "demo", "common", "sanity") ]) module = imp.load_module("diet_smoke", f, name, desc) self.prompt_filename() module.Diet_Smoke([issue])
def newBill(self, details=None): if details: self.bill = details return numTopics = srandom.randint(1, len(issueTopics) / 4) # contents = {srandom.choice(issueTopics):srandom.randint(-10, 10) for i in xrange(numTopics)} contents = {} for i in xrange(numTopics): randtopic = srandom.choice(issueTopics) while randtopic in contents.keys(): randtopic = srandom.choice(issueTopics) # need to start with fiscal impact, then translate that to voter pref impact # currently calculates preference or impact to voter pref b = itbounds[randtopic] contents[randtopic] = srandom.randint(-10, 10) # b[0], b[1]) self.bill = Issue(kv=contents) self.billPassed = False print, ' bill: ', self.bill.topics
def test_issue_from_args(self): I.issue_from_args(["jonmorehouse/repo/1"])
def fetch_issues_from_bitbucket(from_user, from_repo, from_password=None, log_level=LOG_LEVEL_ERRORS, fetch_limit=50, stop_at_index=None, start=0): ''' Loads all issues form a Bitbucket repository, and returns a list of Issue objects. ''' # Issues issues = [] # Connect to the Bitbucket repo bb = Bitbucket(username=from_user, password=from_password or '', repo_name_or_slug=from_repo) success, bb_repo = bb.repository.get() # If error, raise if not success: if log_level >= LOG_LEVEL_ERRORS: print(u'Can\' connect to Bitbucket: {0}'.format(bb_repo)) raise Exception(u'Can\' connect to Bitbucket: {0}'.format(bb_repo)) # Log if log_level >= LOG_LEVEL_INFO: print(u'Connected to Bitbucket Repository: {owner}/{slug} ({name})'.format(owner=bb_repo.get('owner'), slug=bb_repo.get('slug'), name=bb_repo.get('name'))) # Iterate until we fetch all the issues while True: # Load issues success, bb_all_issues = bb.issue.all(params={'sort':'local_id', 'start':str(start), 'limit':str(fetch_limit)}) # If error, raise if not success: if log_level >= LOG_LEVEL_ERRORS: print(u'Can\'t fetch issues from Bitbucket: {0}'.format(bb_all_issues)) raise Exception(u'Can\'t fetch issues from Bitbucket: {0}'.format(bb_all_issues)) # Log if log_level >= LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: print(u'Fetched {count} (total: {total}) issues from Bitbucket: {issues}'.format( count=len(bb_all_issues['issues']), total=bb_all_issues['count'], issues=' '.join('#{id}'.format(id=bb_issue['local_id']) for bb_issue in bb_all_issues['issues']), )) # Iterate on issues for bb_issue in bb_all_issues['issues']: # try/catch to show the issue ID if fails try: # Load comments success, bb_comments = bb.issue.comment.all(issue_id=bb_issue['local_id']) # Create Issue issue = Issue(bb_issue_and_comments = (bb_issue, bb_comments,)) # Append issue issues.append(issue) # Log if log_level >= LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: print(issue.__unicode__()) elif log_level >= LOG_LEVEL_INFO: print('Issue ID {id}: {title} ({count} comment(s))'.format(id=bb_issue['local_id'], title=issue.title, count=len(issue.comments))) except Exception, e: print(u'Cannot create issue ID: {0}'.format(bb_issue.get('local_id'))) raise # Increment start start += len(bb_all_issues['issues']) # Break when all is loaded if start >= bb_all_issues['count'] or (stop_at_index and start >= stop_at_index): break