def estimation(self, y1, y2):
     """ Estimate Sharma-Mittal divergence.
     y1 : (number of samples1, dimension)-ndarray
          One row of y1 corresponds to one sample.
     y2 : (number of samples2, dimension)-ndarray
          One row of y2 corresponds to one sample.
     d : float
         Estimated Sharma-Mittal divergence.
     Barnabas Poczos, Zoltan Szabo, Jeff Schneider. Nonparametric 
     divergence estimators for Independent Subspace Analysis. European 
     Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pages 1849-1853, 2011.
     Barnabas Poczos, Jeff Schneider. On the Estimation of 
     alpha-Divergences. International conference on Artificial
     Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pages 609-617, 2011.
     Marco Massi. A step beyond Tsallis and Renyi entropies. Physics 
     Letters A, 338:217-224, 2005. (Sharma-Mittal divergence definition)
     d = co.estimation(y1,y2)  
     # verification:
     self.verification_equal_d_subspaces(y1, y2)
     d_temp1 = estimate_d_temp1(y1, y2, self)
     d = (d_temp1**((1 - self.beta) / (1 - self.alpha)) - 1) /\
         (self.beta - 1)
     return d
 def estimation(self, y1, y2):
     """ Estimate Renyi divergence.
     y1 : (number of samples1, dimension)-ndarray
          One row of y1 corresponds to one sample.
     y2 : (number of samples2, dimension)-ndarray
          One row of y2 corresponds to one sample.
     d : float
         Estimated Renyi divergence.
     Barnabas Poczos, Zoltan Szabo, Jeff Schneider. Nonparametric 
     divergence estimators for Independent Subspace Analysis. European 
     Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pages 1849-1853, 2011.
     Barnabas Poczos, Jeff Schneider. On the Estimation of 
     alpha-Divergences. International conference on Artificial
     Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), pages 609-617, 2011.
     Barnabas Poczos, Liang Xiong, Jeff Schneider. Nonparametric 
     Divergence: Estimation with Applications to Machine Learning on 
     Distributions. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2011.
     d = co.estimation(y1,y2)  
     # verification:
     self.verification_equal_d_subspaces(y1, y2)
     d_temp1 = estimate_d_temp1(y1, y2, self)
     d = log(d_temp1) / (self.alpha - 1)
     return d