def main(): mobSource = mobLoader() monster = mobSource.pickMob(random.randint(0,4),1) if monster: print "Name: {} \nHP: {} \nArmor: {} \nBase Diff: {}".format(, monster.hp, monster.armor, monster.bdiff) print monster.desc itemSource = items.itemLoader() monster.loadInventory(itemSource) for item in monster.inventory: print else: print "No mob spawned"
def main(): itemSource = items.itemLoader() mobSource = mobs.mobLoader() currentRoom = room.startRoom() print "\033[2J" print """ WELCOME ,--. { } K, } / ~Y` , / / {_'-K.__/ `/-.__L._ / ' /`\_} / ' / ____ / ' / ,-'~~~~ ~~/ ' /_ ,' ``~~~ ', ( Y { I { - `, | ', ) | | ,..__ __. Y | .,_./ Y ' / ^Y J )| \ |' / | | || \ L_/ . _ (_,.'( \, , ^^""' / | ) \_ \ /,L] / '-_~-, ` ` ./` `'{_ ) ^^\..___,.--` """ #This is super cheesy, but it's a nod to old school MUDs, which inspired this game char = player.player() #debug if == "AlexRocks": potion = itemSource.makeItem(0) char.inventory.append(potion) armor = itemSource.makeArmor(0, "head") char.inventory.append(armor) armor2 = itemSource.makeArmor(1, "head") char.inventory.append(armor2) weapon = itemSource.makeWeapon(0, "weapon") char.inventory.append(weapon) weapon2 = itemSource.makeWeapon(1, "weapon") char.inventory.append(weapon2) twohand = itemSource.makeWeapon(1, "twohanded") char.inventory.append(twohand) shield = itemSource.makeArmor(1, "shield") char.inventory.append(shield) while char.currentHP > 0: # check to see if a monster is in the room, if so set it to monster monster = currentRoom.enter(char, mobSource, itemSource) print "\n" + currentRoom.desc # if there is a monster in the room, begin combat if not monster: print "You appear to be alone here." if currentRoom.monCount > 0 and monster: print monster.desc + "\n" time.sleep(1.5) with combat.combat(char, monster, currentRoom) as battle: while battle.running is True: battle.getInput(char) currentRoom.monCount -= 1 if char.currentHP < 1: char.death() del battle # check for chance event currentRoom.rollChance(char, itemSource) # if any items in room, show them currentRoom.roomContents() # display next room options currentRoom.nextRooms(currentRoom.exits) # (re)initialize results to None result = None # display game prompt. If the user selects a new room, restart the loop while not result: result = prompt.basePrompt(char, currentRoom) if isinstance(result, room.maps): currentRoom = result if char.currentHP < 1: char.death()