Exemplo n.º 1
def evaluate(rec_output_type, user_list, rec_size, user_2_true, user_2_pred):
    user_2_tp_and_fp_and_prec_and_ndcg = {}
    for user in user_list:
        if user == "user37" and rec_output_type == "Single":
        tp = 0.0
        fp = rec_size
        prec = 0.0
        ndcg = 0.0

        if user in user_2_true and user in user_2_pred:
            y_true = list(unique_everseen(user_2_true[user]))
            y_pred = list(unique_everseen(user_2_pred[user]))
            tp = count_tp(rec_output_type, y_true, y_pred)
            #fp = len(y_pred) - tp
            # NOTE Assumed if pred_size< rec_size(k), the missing part is fp
            fp = max(len(y_pred), rec_size) - tp
            prec = calculatePrecision(tp, fp)
            dcg = calculateDcg(rec_size, y_true, y_pred)
            idcg = calculateIdealDcg(rec_size, y_true)
            ndcg = dcg / idcg

            user_2_tp_and_fp_and_prec_and_ndcg[user] = (tp, fp, prec, ndcg)

#     // write precs of eah user
#     printer.printPrecisionEvalResult(folder + outputPrecfileName, controlUserIdList, userPrecMap, userTPMap, userFPMap);
#     // calculate precision for overall results
#     Double precisionTotal = EvaluateCheckin2011DB.precision(truePosTotal, falsePosTotal);
#     String str = "Overall -- tpTotal: " + truePosTotal
#             + " fpTotal: " + falsePosTotal
#             + " prec: " + precisionTotal;
#     printer.printString(folder + outputPrecfileName, str);
    return user_2_tp_and_fp_and_prec_and_ndcg
Exemplo n.º 2
    def combine(cls, obj, perms, limit=None):
        ret = []
        limit = limit and int(limit)

        if isinstance(obj, iterables):
            head = List
            it = obj
            head = obj.__class__
            it = obj.args

        if limit:
            for per in perms:
                if not is_integer(per):
                    raise FunctionException("Subsets::int")
                ret += [
                    for x in islice(combinations(it, int(per)), limit - len(ret))

                if len(ret) >= limit:
            for per in perms:
                if not is_integer(per):
                    raise FunctionException("Subsets::int")
                ret += [head(*x) for x in combinations(it, int(per))]

        return List(*unique_everseen(ret))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def step(self, actions):
        self.players = [
            limit_to_size(move(player, action, self.prob_right_direction),
            for player, action in zip(self.players, actions)

        states = self.__get_state()
        is_at_goal = [
            player == goal for player, goal in zip(self.players, self.goals)
        reward_is_at_goal = [-1 if x == False else 20 for x in is_at_goal]

        # detect a crash
        dup = list(unique_everseen(duplicates(self.players)))
        # if a player's position appears twice, add -20 to the current reward
        reward_is_crash = [
            -19 if (player in dup) else 0 for player in self.players
        rewards = [a + b for a, b in zip(reward_is_at_goal, reward_is_crash)]

        done = True in is_at_goal

        if self.render_board:
        return (states, rewards, done)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_traverse():
    """To test the traverse implementation we call gc.collect() while instances
    of all the C objects are still valid."""
    acc = iteration_utilities.accumulate([])
    app = iteration_utilities.applyfunc(lambda x: x, 1)
    cha = iteration_utilities.chained(int, float)
    cla = iteration_utilities.clamp([], 0, 1)
    com = iteration_utilities.complement(int)
    con = iteration_utilities.constant(1)
    dee = iteration_utilities.deepflatten([])
    dup = iteration_utilities.duplicates([])
    fli = iteration_utilities.flip(int)
    gro = iteration_utilities.grouper([], 2)
    ine = iteration_utilities.intersperse([], 1)
    iik = iteration_utilities.ItemIdxKey(10, 2)
    ite = iteration_utilities.iter_except(int, TypeError)
    mer = iteration_utilities.merge([])
    nth = iteration_utilities.nth(1)
    pac = iteration_utilities.packed(int)
    par = iteration_utilities.partial(int, 10)
    rep = iteration_utilities.replicate([], 3)
    rou = iteration_utilities.roundrobin([])
    see = iteration_utilities.Seen()
    sid = iteration_utilities.sideeffects([], lambda x: x)
    spl = iteration_utilities.split([], lambda x: True)
    sta = iteration_utilities.starfilter(lambda x: True, [])
    suc = iteration_utilities.successive([])
    tab = iteration_utilities.tabulate(int)
    une = iteration_utilities.unique_everseen([])
    unj = iteration_utilities.unique_justseen([])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def removeDuplicates(data):
        from iteration_utilities import unique_everseen  
        permissionkeys = ["readLabels", "readUsers", "writeLabels", "writeUsers"]
        for key in permissionkeys:
            if data.get(key):
                data[key] = list(unique_everseen(data.get(key)))

        return data
Exemplo n.º 6
    def valid(string):
        if 8 in string or 11 in string or 14 in string:
            return False

        if not any(starmap(straight, successive(string, 3))):
            return False

        pairs = unique_everseen(starfilter(eq, successive(string)))

        return 1 < count_items(pairs)
Exemplo n.º 7
def find_files(data_path, directory, search_for_mm):
    files_array = []
    for x in directory:
        if search_for_mm:
            name = file_name_result.search(x)
            name = file_name.search(x)
        if name is not None and name not in files_array:
        files_array = list(unique_everseen(files_array))
    return files_array
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _check_no_duplicate_object_ids(self):
        Checks if all object IDs are unique.

            ValueError: if duplicate IDs were found
        duplicate_obj_ids = list(unique_everseen(duplicates(self.object_ids)))
        if duplicate_obj_ids:
            raise PVConfigurationException(
                f'User configuration entries contain duplicate'
                f'object IDs: {duplicate_obj_ids}')
def test_uniqueeverseen_unhashable1():
    assert list(unique_everseen([{
        T(1): T(1)
    }, {
        T(2): T(2)
    }, {
        T(1): T(1)
    }])) == [{
        T(1): T(1)
    }, {
        T(2): T(2)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def limite_z(self, position_coeur, position_sein):
        List_z_coeur = []
        List_z_Sein = []
        List_tot_z = []

        for i in position_coeur:

        for j in position_sein:

        List_z_coeur = list(unique_everseen(duplicates(List_z_coeur)))
        List_z_Sein = list(unique_everseen(duplicates(List_z_Sein)))

        slice_barycenter = int(
            np.ceil((np.min(List_z_Sein) + np.max(List_z_Sein)) / 2))

        List_tot_z = List_z_Sein + List_z_coeur
        mini = np.min(List_tot_z)
        maxi = np.max(List_tot_z)
        # print("Mini = ", mini, "Maxi = ",maxi)
        return mini, maxi, slice_barycenter
Exemplo n.º 11
def pairs(actual, k):
    all_act_pairs = []
    if len(actual) >= k:
        for pair in itertools.combinations(actual[:k], 2):
        if len(actual) == 1:
            all_act_pairs.append((actual[0], actual[0]))
            for pair in itertools.combinations(actual, 2):

    all_act_pairs = list(unique_everseen(all_act_pairs, key=set))
    return float(len(all_act_pairs))
def test_uniqueeverseen_getter1():
    t = unique_everseen([T(1), T([0, 0]), T(3)])
    assert not t.seen
    assert t.key is None
    assert next(t) == T(1)
    assert t.seen == Seen({T(1)})
    assert t.key is None
    assert next(t) == T([0, 0])
    assert T(1) in t.seen
    assert T([0, 0]) in t.seen
    assert t.key is None
    assert next(t) == T(3)
    assert t.seen == Seen({T(1), T(3)}, [T([0, 0])])
    assert t.key is None
Exemplo n.º 13
def pairsu(actual, predicted, k):

    actual = list(dict.fromkeys(actual))
    predicted = list(dict.fromkeys(predicted))

    all_act_pairs = []
    for pair in itertools.combinations(actual[:k], 2):

    all_pred_pairs = []
    for pair in itertools.combinations(predicted[:k], 2):

    # The order is not important:
    all_act_pairs = list(unique_everseen(all_act_pairs, key=set))
    all_pred_pairs = list(unique_everseen(all_pred_pairs, key=set))

    result = 0
    for el in all_act_pairs:
        if el in all_pred_pairs:
            result = result + 1

    return float(result)
def test_uniqueeverseen_getter2():
    t = unique_everseen([T(1), T([0, 0]), T(3)],
    assert not t.seen
    assert t.key is iteration_utilities.return_identity
    assert next(t) == T(1)
    assert t.seen == Seen({T(1)})
    assert t.key is iteration_utilities.return_identity
    assert next(t) == T([0, 0])
    assert T(1) in t.seen
    assert T([0, 0]) in t.seen
    assert t.key is iteration_utilities.return_identity
    assert next(t) == T(3)
    assert t.seen == Seen({T(1), T(3)}, [T([0, 0])])
    assert t.key is iteration_utilities.return_identity
Exemplo n.º 15
    def permute(cls, obj, perms):
        ret = []

        if isinstance(obj, iterables):
            head = List
            it = obj
            head = obj.__class__
            it = obj.args

        for per in perms:
            if not is_integer(per):
                raise FunctionException("Permutations::int")
            ret += [head(*x) for x in permutations(it, int(per))]

        return List(*unique_everseen(ret))
Exemplo n.º 16
def find_repeated_info(df):

    global merged
    global info_with_multiple_userid_ls

    # find duplicate entries with many userid
    df_colunm1_ls = df[df.columns[1]].to_list()
    info_with_multiple_userid_ls = list(

    # construct new df, to cut down on the number of rows
    info_with_multiple_userid = pd.DataFrame(info_with_multiple_userid_ls,

    merged = pd.merge(info_with_multiple_userid,
                      right_on=df.columns[1]).drop(df.columns[1], axis=1)
Exemplo n.º 17
def printOverallNetworkStatistic():
    #Global Variables:
    global tbs
    global mfb

    #Compute the total similarity average of all social troll bot networks used in the 2016 elections:
    tsa = sum(tbs) / (len(tbs))

    #Obtain the list of most frequent commonly used social troll bots used in the 2016 elections:
    mfb = list(unique_everseen(duplicates(mfb)))

    #Print Statements:
        "The average % of similarty of all politically social troll bot networks used in the 2016 elections = "
        + str(tsa) + "%")
        "The list of the most commonly used social troll bots used in the 2016 elections: "
        + str(mfb))
        "The no. of most commonly used social troll bots used in the 2016 elections: "
        + str(len(mfb)))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 18
    def query(self, vector, radius=1, top_k=5):
        res_indices = []
        ## Need to improve index calculations
        indices = vector.dot(self.base_vector.T).reshape(self.num_tables,
                                                         -1) > 0
        if radius == 0:
            res_indices = indices.dot(2**np.arange(
                self.n_vectors)) + np.arange(
                    self.num_tables) * 2**self.n_vectors
        elif radius == 1:
            clone_indices = indices.repeat(axis=0, repeats=self.n_vectors)
            rel_indices = (np.arange(self.num_tables) *
            translate = np.tile(np.eye(self.n_vectors), (self.num_tables, 1))
            res_indices = (np.abs(clone_indices - translate).dot(2**np.arange(
                self.n_vectors)) + rel_indices).astype(int)
            res_indices = np.concatenate([
                indices.dot(2**np.arange(self.n_vectors)) +
                np.arange(self.num_tables) * 2**self.n_vectors

        start = time.time()
        lst = self.hash_table[res_indices].tolist()
        self.lookup_index_times.append(time.time() - start)
        start = time.time()

        res = list(unique_everseen(duplicates(flatten(lst))))
        sim_scores = vector.dot(self.vectors[res].T)

        max_sim_indices = sim_scores.argsort()[-top_k:][::-1]
        max_sim_scores = sim_scores[max_sim_indices]

        return [(self.names[res[i]], score)
                for i, score in zip(max_sim_indices, max_sim_scores)]
def test_uniqueeverseen_empty1():
    assert list(unique_everseen([])) == []
def test_uniqueeverseen_failure_setstate3():
    _hf.iterator_setstate_empty_fail(unique_everseen(toT([1, 1])))
def test_uniqueeverseen_key2():
    assert list(unique_everseen([T(1), T(1), T(-1)], abs)) == [T(1)]
def test_uniqueeverseen_failure1():
    with pytest.raises(_hf.FailIter.EXC_TYP, match=_hf.FailIter.EXC_MSG):
def test_uniqueeverseen_pickle1(protocol):
    uqe = unique_everseen([T(1), T(2), T(1), T(2)])
    assert next(uqe) == T(1)
    x = pickle.dumps(uqe, protocol=protocol)
    assert list(pickle.loads(x)) == [T(2)]
def test_uniqueeverseen_unhashable2():
    assert list(unique_everseen([[T(1)], [T(2)], [T(1)]])) == [[T(1)], [T(2)]]
def test_uniqueeverseen_normal1():
    assert list(unique_everseen([T(1), T(2), T(1)])) == [T(1), T(2)]
def test_uniqueeverseen_failure2():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        list(unique_everseen([T(1), T(2), T(3), T('a')], abs))
Exemplo n.º 27
def finaljson(request):
        engine = create_engine('postgresql://*****:*****@localhost:5432/postgres')
        # l3.to_sql('legacytable3', engine,  if_exists='append')
        l1 = pd.read_sql_query('select * from "legacytable1"', con=engine)
        l2 = pd.read_sql_query('select * from "legacytable2"', con=engine)
        l3 = pd.read_sql_query('select * from "legacytable3"', con=engine)

        merg = pd.merge(l1, l2, on="Emp#", how="outer")
        merg1 = pd.merge(merg, l3, on="Emp#", how="outer")
        merg1["Full Name"] = merg1["First Name"] + "  " + merg1["Last Name"]

        def digit_tracker(x):
            d = str(x)
            k = len(d)
            spd = "0" * (11 - k) + d
            return spd

        merg1['uniqueid'] = merg1['Emp#'].apply(digit_tracker)
        final = merg1[["uniqueid", "Full Name", "Skills", "Technology", "Tax ID", "City", "Country Code", "Phone", "Email"]]
        # final.to_sql('new_table', engine, if_exists='append')
        # final.to_csv("new_table.csv")
        print("your new table is created and stored.")
        mergedata1 = [
            {"id": "03", "name": "ankit"},
            {"id": "03", "address": "yyyy"},
            {"id": "02", "phone": "3434343"},
            {"id": "03", "phone": "23344"},
            {"id": "01", "address": "rrrr"},

        tablex = final.to_json(orient='records')
        # code for reshape json and remove redundancy
        plusdata.sort(key=lambda item: item.get("id"))
        for i in range(len(plusdata)-1):
            if (plusdata[i]["id"] == plusdata[i + 1]["id"]):
                plusdata[i].update(plusdata[i + 1])

        for i in range(len(plusdata)-1):
            if (plusdata[i]["id"] == plusdata[i + 1]["id"]):
                plusdata[i].update(plusdata[i + 1])
                plusdata[i + 1].update(plusdata[i])
        fitdata=list(unique_everseen(plusdata, key=lambda item: frozenset(item.items())))
        return render(request, 'dmac/product.html', {'tablex': tablex, 'fitdata': fitdata})
        mergedata1 = [
            {"id": "03", "name": "ankit"},
            {"id": "03", "address": "yyyy"},
            {"id": "02", "phone": "3434343"},
            {"id": "03", "phone": "23344"},
            {"id": "01", "address": "rrrr"},

        # tablex = final.to_json(orient='records')
        # code for reshape json and remove redundancy
        plusdata = mergedata1
        plusdata.sort(key=lambda item: item.get("id"))
        for i in range(len(plusdata) - 1):
            if (plusdata[i]["id"] == plusdata[i + 1]["id"]):
                plusdata[i].update(plusdata[i + 1])

        for i in range(len(plusdata) - 1):
            if (plusdata[i]["id"] == plusdata[i + 1]["id"]):
                plusdata[i].update(plusdata[i + 1])
                plusdata[i + 1].update(plusdata[i])
        fitdata = list(unique_everseen(plusdata, key=lambda item: frozenset(item.items())))
        return render(request, 'dmac/product.html', {'fitdata': fitdata})
Exemplo n.º 28
def thankyou(request):
    engine = create_engine('postgresql://*****:*****@localhost:5432/postgres')
    # engine = create_engine('postgresql://*****:*****@localhost:5432/postgres')
    df_aws2 = pd.read_sql_query("select relname from pg_class where relkind='r' and relname !~ '^(pg_|sql_)';",
    tablename_list = list(df_aws2["relname"])

    # # l3.to_sql('legacytable3', engine,  if_exists='append')
    l1 = pd.read_sql_query('select * from "saptable1" ', con=engine)
    mkt = l1.iloc[0:, 1:]

    # response = requests.get('')
    # tables = pd.read_html(r.text)
    # print('Tables found:', len(tables))
    # print(tables)
    # print(r.text)
    # Parse the HTML pages

    # from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    # soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
    # det = soup.find_all("table")
    # tables = pd.read_html(response.text)
    # print(tables)

    # You can extract the page title as string as well

    # Find all the h3 elements
    # print(f"{tutorialpoints_page.find_all('h2')}")
    # tags = tutorialpoints_page.find(
    #     lambda elm: elm.name == "h2" or elm.name == "h3" or elm.name == "h4" or elm.name == "h5" or elm.name == "h6")
    # for sibling in tags.find_next_siblings():
    #     if sibling.name == "table":
    #         my_table = sibling
    # df = pd.read_html(str(my_table))
    # print(df)
    if request.method == "POST":
        tabl = request.POST.get('jsonData')
        rules = request.POST.getlist('rules')
        sit = json.loads(tabl)
        frame = pd.DataFrame(sit)
        frame = frame.iloc[0:, 1:]
        plusdata1 = frame.to_json(orient='records')
        plusdata2 = json.loads(plusdata1)
        # git = {'lispr':sit}
        # print(git)

        def del_none(d):
            Delete keys with the value ``None`` in a dictionary, recursively.

            This alters the input so you may wish to ``copy`` the dict first.
            # For Python 3, write `list(d.items())`; `d.items()` won’t work
            # For Python 2, write `d.items()`; `d.iteritems()` won’t work
            for key, value in list(d.items()):
                if value == "":
                    del d[key]
                elif isinstance(value, dict):
            return d  # For convenience
        listdf = []
        for f in plusdata2:

            # def del_none(f):
            #     for key, value in list(f.items()):
            #         if value is None:
            #             del f[key]
            #         elif isinstance(value, dict):
            #             del_none(value)
            #         lift.append(f)
            # # return d
            # del_none(f.copy())


        # print(frame)
        # print(frame.info)

        # print(plusdata)
        # tablu = JSONParser().parse('jsonData')
        # desc = request.POST.get('desc')
        # table_name = json.loads(table_name.body)
    # print(type(plusdata))
    plusdata = listdf
    plusdata.sort(key=lambda item: item.get("NAME"))
    # print(plusdata)

    for i in range(len(plusdata) - 1):
        if (plusdata[i]["NAME"] == plusdata[i + 1]["NAME"]):
                plusdata[i].update(plusdata[i + 1])

        for i in range(len(plusdata) - 1):
            if (plusdata[i]["NAME"] == plusdata[i + 1]["NAME"]):
                plusdata[i].update(plusdata[i + 1])
                plusdata[i + 1].update(plusdata[i])
        fitdata = list(unique_everseen(plusdata, key=lambda item: frozenset(item.items())))
        # print(fitdata)
        l1 = pd.DataFrame(fitdata)

        if rules[0]=="name_spliter":
            def string_split(x):
                fd = x.split(" ")
                return fd[0]

            l1["first_name"] = l1["NAME"].apply(string_split)

            def string_last(x):
                    fd = x.split(" ")
                    return fd[1]

            l1["last_name"] = l1["NAME"].apply(string_last)
            table1 = l1.to_html()
        elif rules[0]=="string resizer":
            def digit_tracker(x):
                d = str(x)
                k = len(d)
                if k <= 8:
                    spd = "0" * (8 - k) + d
                    return spd
                    spd = d[0:8]
                    return spd

            l1['PHONE_new'] = l1['PHONE'].apply(digit_tracker)
            table1 = l1.to_html()

        elif rules[0]=="first+last":
            l1["merge_two_column"] = l1["NAME"]+" "+l1["WERKS"]
            table1= l1.to_html()
            table1 = l1.to_html()
        l1.to_sql('mckinsolteam', engine, if_exists='append')
        table1 = l1.to_html()

    # print(rules[0])

    return HttpResponse(table1)
def test_uniqueeverseen_unhashable3():
    assert list(
        unique_everseen([[T(1), T(1)], [T(1), T(2)], [T(1), T(3)]],
                        operator.itemgetter(0))) == [[T(1), T(1)]]
def test_uniqueeverseen_normal2():
    # key=None is identical to no key
    assert list(unique_everseen([T(1), T(2), T(1)], None)) == [T(1), T(2)]