Exemplo n.º 1
def get_request_cmdline():
    if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    request = QosRequest()
    if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
        request.cmd = sys.argv[1]
    if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
        request.data = sys.argv[2]
        if request.cmd == '-schedule':
            # new spec --> input arg: spec file path
            # update spec --> input arg: spec file path, or spec id
            # Finally we need to store spec.to_string() in request.data
            if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]):
                with open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as f:
                    request.data = f.read()
                spec_id = sys.argv[2]
                spec = itf_database.get_spec(spec_id)
                if spec is not None:
                    request.data = spec.to_string()
                    print '[QoS Manager] Unrecognized spec ID: ', spec_id
                    request.cmd = ''
                    request.data = ''
    return request
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_satisfiability(spec_id, container_id_list):
    print '[QoS Checker] Check satisfiability of spec ' + spec_id + \
            ' on containers ' + str(container_id_list)
    satisfied = True
    spec = itf_database.get_spec(spec_id)
    if len(container_id_list) == 0: # not scheduled
        return False
    container_status = []
    for container_id in container_id_list:
        status = itf_database.get_status(container_id)

    # Check disk space
    satisfied = satisfied and check_space(spec, container_status)
    if not satisfied:
        print '[QoS Checker] Disk space not satisfied for spec: ' + spec_id

    #check latency
    satisfied = satisfied and check_latency(spec, container_status)
    if not satisfied:
        print '[QoS Checker] Latency not satisfied for spec: ' + spec_id

    #check dataintegrity
    satisfied = satisfied and check_dataintegrity(spec, container_status)
    if not satisfied:
        print '[QoS Checker] Dataintegrity not satisfied for spec: ' + spec_id

    # Check reliability
    satisfied = satisfied and check_reliability(spec, container_status)
    if not satisfied:
        print '[QoS Checker] Reliability not satisfied for spec: ' + spec_id

    # Check availability
    satisfied = satisfied and check_availability(spec, container_status)
    if not satisfied:
        print '[QoS Checker] Availability not satisfied for spec: ' + spec_id

    # Check bandwidth
    satisfied = satisfied and check_bandwidth(spec, container_status)
    if not satisfied:
        print '[QoS Checker] Bandwidth not satisfied for spec: ' + spec_id

    if satisfied:
        print '[QoS Checker] Spec ' + spec_id + ' is satisfied on ' + str(container_id_list)
    return satisfied
Exemplo n.º 3
def process_request(request):
    cmd = request.cmd
    data = request.data
    print '[QoS Manager] Incoming request: ' + cmd + ' from ' + \
            ('cmdline' if request.from_cmdline else 'socket')
    if data != '':
        print 'Data:\n--------------------'
        print data + '\n--------------------'

    if cmd == '-schedule':
        spec = itf_spec.QosSpec()
        err = spec.parse_string(data)
        if not err:
            spec_db = itf_database.get_spec(spec.SpecId)

            if spec_db == None: # spec does not exist
		print '[QoS Manager] Schedule for new spec {' + spec.SpecId + '}'
                scheduled_containers, data = qos_scheduler.schedule(spec, task='new')

                if len(scheduled_containers) > 0:
                    itf_database.add_scheduled_spec(spec, scheduled_containers, init=True)
                    print '[QoS Manager] Successfully scheduled {' + spec.SpecId + '}'

                    print '[QoS Manager] Fail to schedule new spec {' \
                            + spec.SpecId + '} {' + data + '}'

            else: # reschedule for updated spec
                print '[QoS Manager] User specification already exists'
		print '[QoS Manager] Reschedule for spec {' + spec.SpecId + '}'
                scheduled_containers, data = qos_scheduler.schedule(spec, task='update')

                if len(scheduled_containers) > 0:
                    itf_database.add_scheduled_spec(spec, scheduled_containers)
                    print '[QoS Manager] Successfully rescheduled {' + spec.SpecId + '}'

                    print '[QoS Manager] Fail to reschedule spec {' \
                            + spec.SpecId + '} {' + data + '}'
            print '[QoS Manager] Error: Invalid QoS spec.'

    elif cmd == '-rm_spec':
        spec_id = data
        print '[QoS Manager] Remove spec {' + spec_id + '} from database'

    elif cmd == '-add_container':
        # data is the path to the container status file
        print '[QoS Manager] Add a new container with status: ' + data
        # this request is from system admin when creating new container
        monitor_container.insert(data)  # insert status to db
	status = itf_database.get_status(data)
	print '[QoS Manager] Successfully adds new container ' + data

    elif cmd == '-rm_container':
        container_id = data
        print '[QoS Manager] Remove container id: ' + container_id
        # Set container availability to 0 for triggering reschedule
        status = itf_database.get_status(container_id)
        if status is not None:
            old_avail = status.ContainerAvailability
            status.ContainerAvailability = -1

            # Reschedule every related spec - finally no spec will be on container
            related_specs = itf_database.get_spec_ids_on_container(container_id)
            for spec_id in related_specs:
                print '[QoS Manager] Reschedule for spec {' + spec_id + '}'
                spec = itf_database.get_spec(spec_id)
                scheduled_containers, data = qos_scheduler.schedule(spec, task='new')

                if len(scheduled_containers) > 0:
                    itf_database.add_scheduled_spec(spec, scheduled_containers)
                    print '[QoS Manager] Successfully rescheduled {' + spec_id + '}'

                    print '[QoS Manager] Fail to reschedule spec {' \
                                + spec_id + '} {' + data + '}'
                    status.ContainerAvailability = old_avail

            # Delete container in database
            # NOTE: Must after finishing the file copy
            succ = itf_database.remove_container(container_id)
            if succ:
                print '[QoS Manager] Container', container_id, 'is removed from database'
            print '[QoS Manager] Container', container_id, 'is not in database'

    elif cmd == '-show_db':
        print '[QoS Manager] QoS database summary:'

    elif cmd == '-show_db_verbose':
        print '[QoS Manager] QoS database summary:'

    elif cmd == '-destroy_db':
        print '[QoS Manager] Clearing all contents in the QoS database?'
        prompt = raw_input('[y/n]:')
        if prompt == 'y' or prompt == 'Y':

    elif cmd == '-start_server':
        if request.from_cmdline:

    elif cmd == '-stop_server':
        if request.from_cmdline:
            # send a stop request to server
            request = QosRequest()
            request.cmd = '-stop_server'
            return 1 # use this value for stop the server main loop

        print '[QoS Manager] Unsupported QoS request command: ', cmd
        return -1

    return 0