Exemplo n.º 1
def create_multi_mk_model_2(tree, chars, Qtype, pi, nregime=2):
    Create an mk model with multiple regimes to be sampled from with MCMC.

    Allows multiple switches between regimes

    Regime number is fixed and the location of the regime shift is allowed
    to change
    # Preparations
    nchar = len(set(chars))
    if Qtype=="ER":
        N = 1
    elif Qtype=="Sym":
        N = int(binom(nchar, 2))
    elif Qtype=="ARD":
        N = int((nchar ** 2 - nchar))
        ValueError("Qtype must be one of: ER, Sym, ARD")
    # This model has 2 components: Q parameters and a switchpoint
    # They are combined in a custom likelihood function

    # Regime locations
    # def get_indices(tree, locs, inds=inds):
    #     for i,n in enumerate(tree.descendants()):
    #         inds[i] =[ j for j,l in enumerate(locs) if n.ni in l ][0]
    #     return inds
    def branchRegimes(tree=tree, nregime=nregime):
        def logp (value, tree, nregime):
            locs = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
            for reg in range(nregime):
                locs[reg] = [i+1 for i,v in enumerate(value) if v==reg]
            nswitches = nshifts(tree, value)
            return pymc.exponential_like(nswitches, beta=1)

        def random(tree, nregime):
            br = np.random.choice(a=nregime, size=len(tree.descendants()))
            return br

    def nswitches(br = branchRegimes, tree=tree, nregime=nregime):
        locs = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
        for reg in range(nregime):
            locs[reg] = [i+1 for i,v in enumerate(br) if v==reg]
        nswitches = nshifts(tree, br)
        return nswitches

    # Qparams:
    # Unscaled Q param: Dirichlet distribution
    # Setting a Dirichlet prior with Jeffrey's hyperprior of 1/2
    theta = [1.0/2.0]*N
    # One set of Q-parameters per regime
    allQparams_init = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
    allQparams_init_full = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
    allScaling_factors = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
    for i in range(nregime):
        if N != 1:
            allQparams_init[i] = pymc.Dirichlet("allQparams_init"+str(i), theta)
            allQparams_init_full[i] = pymc.CompletedDirichlet("allQparams_init_full"+str(i), Qparams_init[i])
        else: # Dirichlet function does not like creating a distribution
              # with only 1 state. Set it to 1 by hand
            allQparams_init_full[i] = [[1.0]]
        # Exponential scaling factor for Qparams
        # Represents the base rate of state change
        allScaling_factors[i] = pymc.Exponential(name="allScaling_factors"+str(i), beta=1.0)
        # Scaled Qparams; we would not expect them to necessarily add
        # to 1 as would be the case in a Dirichlet distribution
    def Qparams(q=allQparams_init_full, s=allScaling_factors):
        Qs = np.empty([N, nregime])
        for n in range(N):
            for i in range(nregime):
                Qs[n][i] = q[i][0][n]*s[i]
        return Qs
    # Likelihood
    # The likelihood function

    # Pre-allocating arrays
    qarray = np.zeros([N,nregime])
    locs = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
    l = discrete.create_likelihood_function_multimk_b(tree=tree, chars=chars,
        pi="Equal", min=False, nregime=2)

    def multi_mklik(q = Qparams, br=branchRegimes.random(), nregime=nregime, name="multi_mklik"):
        for reg in range(nregime):
            locs[reg] = [i+1 for i,v in enumerate(br) if v==reg]
        # l = discrete.create_likelihood_function_multimk(tree=tree, chars=chars,
        #     Qtype=Qtype, locs = locs,
        #     pi="Equal", min=False)
        np.copyto(qarray, q)
        return l(qarray[0], locs)
    return locals()
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_multi_mk_model(tree, chars, Qtype, pi, nregime=2):
    Create an mk model with multiple regimes to be sampled from with MCMC.

    Regime number is fixed and the location of the regime shift is allowed
    to change
    # Preparations
    nchar = len(set(chars))
    if Qtype=="ER":
        N = 1
    elif Qtype=="Sym":
        N = int(binom(nchar, 2))
    elif Qtype=="ARD":
        N = int((nchar ** 2 - nchar))
        ValueError("Qtype must be one of: ER, Sym, ARD")
    # This model has 2 components: Q parameters and a switchpoint
    # They are combined in a custom likelihood function

    # Switchpoint:
    # Modeling the movement of the regime shift(s) is the tricky part
    # Regime shifts will only be allowed to happen at a node
    # Regime shift: Uniform categorical distribution
    valid_switches = [i.ni for i in tree if not (i.isleaf or i.isroot)]
    # Uniform
    switch_ind = pymc.DiscreteUniform("switch_ind",lower=0, upper=len(valid_switches)-1)
    def switch(name="switch",switch_ind=switch_ind):
        return valid_switches[switch_ind]
    # Qparams:
    # Unscaled Q param: Dirichlet distribution
    # Setting a Dirichlet prior with Jeffrey's hyperprior of 1/2
    theta = [1.0/2.0]*N

    # One set of Q-parameters per regime
    allQparams_init = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
    allQparams_init_full = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
    allScaling_factors = np.empty(nregime, dtype=object)
    for i in range(nregime):
        if N != 1:
            allQparams_init[i] = pymc.Dirichlet("allQparams_init"+str(i), theta)
            allQparams_init_full[i] = pymc.CompletedDirichlet("allQparams_init_full"+str(i), allQparams_init[i])
        else: # Dirichlet function does not like creating a distribution
              # with only 1 state. Set it to 1 by hand
            allQparams_init_full[i] = [[1.0]]
        # Exponential scaling factor for Qparams
        allScaling_factors[i] = pymc.Exponential(name="allScaling_factors"+str(i), beta=1.0)
        # Scaled Qparams; we would not expect them to necessarily add
        # to 1 as would be the case in a Dirichlet distribution

    # Regimes are grouped by rows. Each row is a regime.
    def Qparams(q=allQparams_init_full, s=allScaling_factors):
        Qs = np.empty([nregime,N])
        for n in range(N):
            for i in range(nregime):
                Qs[i][n] = q[i][0][n]*s[i]
        return Qs
    # Likelihood
    # The likelihood function

    # Pre-allocating arrays
    qarray = np.zeros([nregime,N])
    locsarray = np.empty([2], dtype=object)
    l = discrete.create_likelihood_function_multimk_b(tree=tree, chars=chars,
        pi="Equal", min=False, nregime=2)

    def multi_mklik(q = Qparams, switch=switch, name="multi_mklik"):

        locs = discrete.locs_from_switchpoint(tree,tree[int(switch)],locsarray)

        # l = discrete.create_likelihood_function_multimk(tree=tree, chars=chars,
        #     Qtype=Qtype, locs = locs,
        #     pi="Equal", min=False)
        np.copyto(qarray, q)
        return l(qarray, locs=locs)
    return locals()