Exemplo n.º 1
 def if_tactic(self,decls,proof):
     cond = proof.args[0]
     true_goal = ia.LabeledFormula(decls[0].label,il.Implies(cond,decls[0].formula))
     true_goal.lineno = decls[0].lineno
     false_goal = ia.LabeledFormula(decls[0].label,il.Implies(il.Not(cond),decls[0].formula))
     false_goal.lineno = decls[0].lineno
     return (attrib_goals(proof.args[1],self.apply_proof([true_goal],proof.args[1])) +
             attrib_goals(proof.args[2],self.apply_proof([false_goal],proof.args[2])) +
Exemplo n.º 2
    def match_schema(self,decl,proof):
        """ attempt to match a definition or property decl to a schema

        - decl is an ivy_ast.Definition or ivy_ast.Property
        - proof is an ivy_ast.SchemaInstantiation

        Returns a match or None
        schemaname = proof.schemaname()
        if schemaname not in self.schemata:
            raise ProofError(proof,"No schema {} exists".format(schemaname))
        schema = self.schemata[schemaname]
        schema = transform_defn_schema(schema,decl)
        prob = match_problem(schema,decl)
        prob = transform_defn_match(prob)
        pmatch = compile_match(proof,prob,schemaname)
        prob.pat = apply_match_alt(pmatch,prob.pat)
        fomatch = fo_match(prob.pat,prob.inst,prob.freesyms,prob.constants)
        if fomatch is not None:
            prob.pat = apply_match(fomatch,prob.pat)
            prob.freesyms = apply_match_freesyms(fomatch,prob.freesyms)
        res = match(prob.pat,prob.inst,prob.freesyms,prob.constants)
#        show_match(res)
        if res is not None:
            subgoals = []
            for x in schema.prems():
                if isinstance(x,ia.LabeledFormula):
                    fmla = apply_match_alt(remove_vars_match(pmatch,x.formula),x.formula)
                    fmla = apply_match(remove_vars_match(fomatch,fmla),fmla)
                    fmla = apply_match(remove_vars_match(res,fmla),fmla)
                    g = ia.LabeledFormula(x.label,fmla)
            return subgoals
        return None
Exemplo n.º 3
def learnInv(mod):
    print "\n" * 2
    print "<plearn> Directed to learning Algorithm"
    global silent, module, numVarFS, featureset
    silent = True
    module = mod
    while True:
        print "Checking Inductiveness of the Invariant"
        maxunv, isInvInd = icheck.isInvInductive(mod)
        print "Invariant is{} Inductive\n".format('' if isInvInd else ' NOT')
        if isInvInd:  # its Inductive so nothing to do
            silent = False
        # testfunc(mod)
        for actname in sorted(mod.public_actions):
            print "learning Invariant for action {}".format(actname)
            clf = Classifier()  # new classifier
            newInv = learnWeekestInv(mod, clf, actname)
            print "\n" * 2
            print "<plearn> new Invariant:", newInv
            a = raw_input('new Invariant learned, press enter to continue')
            print "\n" * 2
            numVarFS = {}  # resetting numVarFS
            featureset = []  # resetting featuerset
            if newInv != true_clauses():
                lf = ivy_ast.LabeledFormula(*[
                    ivy_ast.Atom('learnedInv' + actname),
                    lf)  # modifying mod and module, obj are copied by refr.
                updatenvi(mod)  # takes care of numVarInv
Exemplo n.º 4
 def let_tactic(self,decls,proof):
     cond = il.And(*[il.Equals(x,y) for x,y in proof.args])
     subgoal = ia.LabeledFormula(decls[0].label,il.Implies(cond,decls[0].formula))
     if not hasattr(decls[0],'lineno'):
         print 'has no line number: {}'.format(decls[0])
     subgoal.lineno = decls[0].lineno
     return attrib_goals(proof,[subgoal]) + decls[1:]
Exemplo n.º 5
def expand_schemata(mod,sort_constants,funs):
    match = Match()
    res = []
    for s in mod.sig.sorts.values():
        if not il.is_function_sort(s):
    for name,lf in mod.schemata.iteritems():
        schema = lf.formula
        if any(name.startswith(pref) for pref in ['rec[','lep[','ind[']):
        conc = schema.args[-1]
        for m in match_schema_prems(list(schema.args[:-1]),sort_constants,funs,match):
#            iu.dbg('str_map(m)')
#            iu.dbg('conc')
            inst = apply_match(m,conc)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_goal(lineno, label, prems, conc):
    res = ia.LabeledFormula(
        ia.SchemaBody(*(prems + [conc])) if prems else conc)
    res.lineno = lineno
    return res
Exemplo n.º 7
 def let_tactic(self, decls, proof):
     cond = il.And(*[il.Equals(x, y) for x, y in proof.args])
     subgoal = ia.LabeledFormula(decls[0].label,
                                 il.Implies(cond, decls[0].formula))
     subgoal.lineno = decls[0].lineno
     return attrib_goals(proof, [subgoal]) + decls[1:]
Exemplo n.º 8
def l2s(mod, temporal_goal):
    # modify mod in place

    # module pass helper funciton
    def mod_pass(transform):
        mod.labeled_conjs = [transform(x) for x in mod.labeled_conjs]
        # TODO: what about axioms and properties?
        for a in mod.public_actions:
            action = mod.actions[a]
            new_action = transform(action)
            new_action.lineno = action.lineno
            new_action.formal_params = action.formal_params
            new_action.formal_returns = action.formal_returns
            mod.actions[a] = new_action
        mod.initializers = [(x, transform(y)) for x, y in mod.initializers]

    l2s_waiting = lg.Const('l2s_waiting', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_frozen = lg.Const('l2s_frozen', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_saved = lg.Const('l2s_saved', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_error = lg.Const('l2s_error', lg.Boolean)
    l2s_d = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_d', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_a = lambda sort: lg.Const('l2s_a', lg.FunctionSort(sort, lg.Boolean))
    l2s_w = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_w', vs, t)
    l2s_s = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_s', vs, t)
    l2s_g = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('l2s_g', vs, t)
    old_l2s_g = lambda vs, t: lg.NamedBinder('old_l2s_g', vs, t)

    # add conjectures about monitor state
    conjs = [
        lg.Or(l2s_waiting, l2s_frozen, l2s_saved),
        lg.Or(lg.Not(l2s_waiting), lg.Not(l2s_frozen)),
        lg.Or(lg.Not(l2s_waiting), lg.Not(l2s_saved)),
        lg.Or(lg.Not(l2s_frozen), lg.Not(l2s_saved)),
    for f in conjs:
        c = ast.LabeledFormula(ast.Atom('l2s_internal'), f)
        c.lineno = temporal_goal.lineno

    # add conjecture that we are not in the error state (this is
    # instead of using an assertion. see below)
    c = ast.LabeledFormula(ast.Atom('not_l2s_error'), lg.Not(l2s_error))
    c.lineno = temporal_goal.lineno

    #print ilu.used_symbols_asts(mod.labeled_conjs)
    #print '='*40
    #print list(ilu.named_binders_asts(mod.labeled_conjs))

    # some normalization

    # We first convert all temporal operators to named binders, so
    # it's possible to normalize them. Otherwise we won't have the
    # connection betweel (globally p(X)) and (globally p(Y)). Note
    # that we replace them even inside named binders.
    l2s_gs = set()

    def _l2s_g(vs, t):
        vs = tuple(vs)
        res = l2s_g(vs, t)
        l2s_gs.add((vs, t))
        return res

    replace_temporals_by_l2s_g = lambda ast: ilu.replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast(
        ast, _l2s_g)
    not_temporal_goal = replace_temporals_by_l2s_g(
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_temporals_by_named_binder_g_ast" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\nl2s_gs:"
        for vs, t in sorted(l2s_gs):
            print vs, t
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now we normalize all named binders
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter normalize_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # TODO: what about normalizing temporal_goal? - temporal_goal
    # should not contain any named binders except for temporal
    # properties, so it is normalized by construction

    # construct the monitor related building blocks

    uninterpreted_sorts = [
        s for s in mod.sig.sorts.values() if type(s) is lg.UninterpretedSort
    reset_a = [
                     l2s_d(s)(v)) for s in uninterpreted_sorts
        for v in [lg.Var('X', s)]
    add_consts_to_d = [
        AssignAction(l2s_d(s)(c), lg.true) for s in uninterpreted_sorts
        for c in mod.sig.symbols.values() if c.sort == s
    # TODO: maybe add all ground terms, not just consts (if stratified)
    # TODO: add conjectures that constants are in d and a

    # figure out which l2s_w and l2s_s are used in conjectures
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(mod.labeled_conjs):
        named_binders_conjs[b.name].append((b.variables, b.body))
    named_binders_conjs = defaultdict(
        list, ((k, sorted(list(set(v))))
               for k, v in named_binders_conjs.iteritems()))
    to_wait = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_w in conjectures
    to_wait += named_binders_conjs['l2s_w']
    to_save = [
    ]  # list of (variables, term) corresponding to l2s_s in conjectures
    to_save += named_binders_conjs['l2s_s']

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nto_wait:\n"
        for vs, t in to_wait:
            print vs, t
            # print list(ilu.variables_ast(t)) == list(vs)
            # print
        print "=" * 40

    save_state = [AssignAction(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t) for vs, t in to_save]
    done_waiting = [forall(vs, lg.Not(l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs))) for vs, t in to_wait]
    reset_w = [
            l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs), lg.And(*(l2s_d(v.sort)(v) for v in vs)))
        for vs, t in to_wait
    update_w = [
            l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs),
                l2s_w(vs, t)(*vs), lg.Not(t),
            # ($l2s_w.  phi) waits until ( phi | globally ~phi), but
            # ($l2s_w. ~phi) waits until (~phi | globally  phi) (i.e., we avoid "globally ~~phi" here)
            # note this adds to l2s_gs
        ) for vs, t in to_wait
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nupdate_w:\n"
        for x in update_w:
            print x
        print "=" * 40

    fair_cycle = [l2s_saved]
    fair_cycle += done_waiting
    # projection of relations
    fair_cycle += [
                                for v in vs)), lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t)))
        if len(vs) > 0 else lg.Iff(l2s_s(vs, t), t) for vs, t in to_save
        if (t.sort == lg.Boolean or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and t.sort.range == lg.Boolean)
    # projection of functions and constants
    fair_cycle += [
                lg.And(*([l2s_a(v.sort)(v) for v in vs] + [
                    lg.Or(l2s_a(t.sort)(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs)),
                ])), lg.Eq(l2s_s(vs, t)(*vs), t))) for vs, t in to_save
        if (isinstance(t.sort, lg.UninterpretedSort)
            or isinstance(t.sort, lg.FunctionSort)
            and isinstance(t.sort.range, lg.UninterpretedSort))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 40 + "\nfair_cycle:\n"
        for x in fair_cycle:
            print x
        print "=" * 40
    # TODO: figure out why AssertAction doesn't work properly
    def assert_no_fair_cycle(a):
        # comment and uncomment the following lines to debug:
        # res = AssertAction(lg.Not(lg.And(*fair_cycle)))
        # res = AssertAction(lg.false)
        # res.lineno = temporal_goal.lineno
        # res.lineno = a.lineno
        res = AssignAction(l2s_error, lg.And(*fair_cycle))
        return res

    monitor_edge = lambda s1, s2: [
        AssignAction(s1, lg.false),
        AssignAction(s2, lg.true),
    change_monitor_state = [
            # waiting -> frozen
            Sequence(*(monitor_edge(l2s_waiting, l2s_frozen) +
                       [AssumeAction(x) for x in done_waiting] + reset_a)),
            # frozen -> saved
            Sequence(*(monitor_edge(l2s_frozen, l2s_saved) + save_state +
            # stay in same state (self edge)

    # tableau construction
    to_g = []  # list of (variables, formula)
    to_g += sorted(list(l2s_gs))
    if debug.get():
        print '=' * 40 + "\nto_g:\n"
        for vs, t in to_g:
            print vs, t, '\n'
        print '=' * 40
    assume_g_axioms = [
        AssumeAction(forall(vs, lg.Implies(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs), t)))
        for vs, t in to_g
    update_g = [
        a for vs, t in to_g for a in [
            HavocAction(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs)),
                forall(vs, lg.Implies(
                    old_l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs),
                    l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs)))),
                    lg.Implies(lg.And(lg.Not(old_l2s_g(vs, t)(
                        *vs)), t), lg.Not(l2s_g(vs, t)(*vs))))),

    # now patch the module actions with monitor and tableau

    if debug.get():
        print "public_actions:", mod.public_actions
    for a in mod.public_actions:
        action = mod.actions[a]
        add_params_to_d = [
            AssignAction(l2s_d(p.sort)(p), lg.true)
            for p in action.formal_params
        new_action = concat_actions(*(
            # TODO: check this with Sharon
            assume_g_axioms + change_monitor_state + add_params_to_d +
            update_g + [action] + assume_g_axioms + add_consts_to_d +
            update_w + [assert_no_fair_cycle(action)]))
        new_action.lineno = action.lineno
        new_action.formal_params = action.formal_params
        new_action.formal_returns = action.formal_returns
        mod.actions[a] = new_action

    l2s_init = [
        AssignAction(l2s_waiting, lg.true),
        AssignAction(l2s_frozen, lg.false),
        AssignAction(l2s_saved, lg.false),
        AssignAction(l2s_error, lg.false),
    l2s_init += add_consts_to_d
    l2s_init += reset_w
    l2s_init += assume_g_axioms
    l2s_init += [AssumeAction(not_temporal_goal)]
    mod.initializers.append(('l2s_init', Sequence(*l2s_init)))

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter patching actions" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3

    # now replace all named binders by fresh relations

    named_binders = defaultdict(
        list)  # dict mapping names to lists of (vars, body)
    for b in ilu.named_binders_asts(
                (y for x, y in mod.initializers),
    # sort named binders according to a consistent order
    named_binders = defaultdict(
        list, ((k,
                        key=lambda x:
                        (len(x.variables), str(x.variables), str(x.body)),
                    ))) for k, v in named_binders.iteritems()))
    # make sure old_l2s_g is consistent with l2s_g, so that
    # old_l2s_g_X is really old l2s_g_X after the substitution
    assert len(named_binders['l2s_g']) == len(named_binders['old_l2s_g'])
    assert named_binders['old_l2s_g'] == [
        lg.NamedBinder('old_l2s_g', b.variables, b.body)
        for b in named_binders['l2s_g']
    subs = dict((b, lg.Const('{}_{}'.format(k, i), b.sort))
                for k, v in named_binders.iteritems() for i, b in enumerate(v))
    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nsubs:" + "\n" * 3
        for k in sorted(named_binders.keys()):
            v = named_binders[k]
            for i, b in enumerate(v):
                print '{}_{}'.format(k, i), ' : ', b
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
    mod_pass(lambda ast: ilu.replace_named_binders_ast(ast, subs))

    if debug.get():
        print "=" * 80 + "\nafter replace_named_binders" + "\n" * 3
        print "=" * 80 + "\n" * 3
Exemplo n.º 9
def check_isolate():
    mod = im.module
    if mod.isolate_proof is not None:
        pc = ivy_proof.ProofChecker(
            mod.labeled_axioms + mod.assumed_invariants, mod.definitions,
        model = itmp.normal_program_from_module(im.module)
        prop = ivy_ast.LabeledFormula(ivy_ast.Atom('safety'), lg.And())
        subgoal = ivy_ast.LabeledFormula(ivy_ast.Atom('safety'),
                                         itmp.TemporalModels(model, lg.And()))
        #        print 'subgoal = {}'.format(subgoal)
        subgoals = [subgoal]
        subgoals = pc.admit_proposition(prop, mod.isolate_proof, subgoals)

    with im.module.theory_context():
        global check_lineno
        check_lineno = act.checked_assert.get()
        if check_lineno == "":
            check_lineno = None
    #    print 'check_lineno: {}'.format(check_lineno)
        check = not opt_summary.get()
        subgoalmap = dict((x.id, y) for x, y in im.module.subgoals)
        axioms = [m for m in mod.labeled_axioms if m.id not in subgoalmap]
        schema_instances = [
            m for m in mod.labeled_axioms if m.id in subgoalmap
        if axioms:
            print "\n    The following properties are assumed as axioms:"
            for lf in axioms:
                print pretty_lf(lf)

        if mod.definitions:
            print "\n    The following definitions are used:"
            for lf in mod.definitions:
                print pretty_lf(lf)

        if (mod.labeled_props
                or schema_instances) and not checked_action.get():
            print "\n    The following properties are to be checked:"
            if check:
                for lf in schema_instances:
                    print pretty_lf(lf) + " [proved by axiom schema]"
                ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph()
                clauses1 = lut.true_clauses(annot=act.EmptyAnnotation())
                pre = itp.State(value=clauses1)
                props = [x for x in im.module.labeled_props if not x.temporal]
                props = [
                    p for p in props if not (p.id in subgoalmap and p.explicit)
                fcs = ([(ConjAssumer if prop.assumed or prop.id in subgoalmap
                         else ConjChecker)(prop) for prop in props])
                check_fcs_in_state(mod, ag, pre, fcs)
                for lf in schema_instances + mod.labeled_props:
                    print pretty_lf(lf)

        # after checking properties, make them axioms, except temporals
        im.module.labeled_axioms.extend(p for p in im.module.labeled_props
                                        if not p.temporal)

        if mod.labeled_inits:
            print "\n    The following properties are assumed initially:"
            for lf in mod.labeled_inits:
                print pretty_lf(lf)
        if mod.labeled_conjs:
            print "\n    The inductive invariant consists of the following conjectures:"
            for lf in mod.labeled_conjs:
                print pretty_lf(lf)


        if mod.isolate_info is not None and mod.isolate_info.implementations:
            print "\n    The following action implementations are present:"
            for mixer, mixee, action in sorted(
                    mod.isolate_info.implementations, key=lambda x: x[0]):
                print "        {}implementation of {}".format(
                    pretty_lineno(action), mixee)

        if mod.isolate_info is not None and mod.isolate_info.monitors:
            print "\n    The following action monitors are present:"
            for mixer, mixee, action in sorted(mod.isolate_info.monitors,
                                               key=lambda x: x[0]):
                print "        {}monitor of {}".format(pretty_lineno(action),

        # if mod.actions:
        #     print "\n    The following actions are present:"
        #     for actname,action in sorted(mod.actions.iteritems()):
        #         print "        {}{}".format(pretty_lineno(action),actname)

        if mod.initializers:
            print "\n    The following initializers are present:"
            for actname, action in sorted(mod.initializers,
                                          key=lambda x: x[0]):
                print "        {}{}".format(pretty_lineno(action), actname)

        if mod.labeled_conjs and not checked_action.get():
            print "\n    Initialization must establish the invariant"
            if check:
                with itp.EvalContext(check=False):
                    ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph(initializer=lambda x: None)
                    check_conjs_in_state(mod, ag, ag.states[0])
                print ''

        if mod.initializers:
            print "\n    Any assertions in initializers must be checked",
            if check:
                ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph(initializer=lambda x: None)
                fail = itp.State(expr=itp.fail_expr(ag.states[0].expr))
                check_safety_in_state(mod, ag, fail)

        checked_actions = get_checked_actions()

        if checked_actions and mod.labeled_conjs:
            print "\n    The following set of external actions must preserve the invariant:"
            for actname in sorted(checked_actions):
                action = act.env_action(actname)
                print "        {}{}".format(pretty_lineno(action), actname)
                if check:
                    ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph()
                    pre = itp.State()
                    pre.clauses = get_conjs(mod)
                    with itp.EvalContext(check=False):  # don't check safety
                        #                    post = ag.execute(action, pre, None, actname)
                        post = ag.execute(action, pre)
                    check_conjs_in_state(mod, ag, post, indent=12)
                    print ''

        callgraph = defaultdict(list)
        for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
            for called_name in action.iter_calls():

        some_assumps = False
        for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
            assumptions = [
                sub for sub in action.iter_subactions()
                if isinstance(sub, act.AssumeAction)
            if assumptions:
                if not some_assumps:
                    print "\n    The following program assertions are treated as assumptions:"
                    some_assumps = True
                callers = callgraph[actname]
                if actname in mod.public_actions:
                    callers.append("the environment")
                prettyname = actname[4:] if actname.startswith(
                    'ext:') else actname
                prettycallers = [
                    c[4:] if c.startswith('ext:') else c for c in callers
                print "        in action {} when called from {}:".format(
                    prettyname, ','.join(prettycallers))
                for sub in assumptions:
                    print "            {}assumption".format(pretty_lineno(sub))

        tried = set()
        some_guarants = False
        for actname, action in mod.actions.iteritems():
            guarantees = [
                sub for sub in action.iter_subactions()
                if isinstance(sub, (act.AssertAction, act.Ranking))
            if check_lineno is not None:
                guarantees = [
                    sub for sub in guarantees if sub.lineno == check_lineno
            if guarantees:
                if not some_guarants:
                    print "\n    The following program assertions are treated as guarantees:"
                    some_guarants = True
                callers = callgraph[actname]
                if actname in mod.public_actions:
                    callers.append("the environment")
                prettyname = actname[4:] if actname.startswith(
                    'ext:') else actname
                prettycallers = [
                    c[4:] if c.startswith('ext:') else c for c in callers
                print "        in action {} when called from {}:".format(
                    prettyname, ','.join(prettycallers))
                roots = set(iu.reachable([actname], lambda x: callgraph[x]))
                for sub in guarantees:
                    print "            {}guarantee".format(pretty_lineno(sub)),
                    if check and any(
                            r in roots and (r, sub.lineno) not in tried
                            for r in checked_actions):
                        old_checked_assert = act.checked_assert.get()
                        act.checked_assert.value = sub.lineno
                        some_failed = False
                        for root in checked_actions:
                            if root in roots:
                                tried.add((root, sub.lineno))
                                action = act.env_action(root)
                                ag = ivy_art.AnalysisGraph()
                                pre = itp.State()
                                pre.clauses = get_conjs(mod)
                                with itp.EvalContext(check=False):
                                    post = ag.execute(action, prestate=pre)
                                fail = itp.State(expr=itp.fail_expr(post.expr))
                                if not check_safety_in_state(
                                        mod, ag, fail, report_pass=False):
                                    some_failed = True
                        if not some_failed:
                            print 'PASS'
                        act.checked_assert.value = old_checked_assert
                        print ""

Exemplo n.º 10
 def let_tactic(self,decls,proof):
     cond = il.And(*[il.Equals(x,y) for x,y in proof.args])
     return [ia.LabeledFormula(decls[0].label,
                               il.Implies(cond,decls[0].formula))] + decls[1:]