Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_simple_structure_file_catches_mixed_indents(self, tmpdir):
        with open(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "simple.txt"), "w", encoding= "utf-8") as f:
    pics: Photos
    sounds: sound
    	audio: recording.wav
    srcid: SRCID.txt""")

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            ds = iyore.Dataset(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "simple.txt"))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_simple_structure_file_tabs(self, tmpdir):
        with open(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "simple.txt"), "w", encoding= "utf-8") as f:
	pics: Photos
	sounds: sound
		audio: recording.wav
	srcid: SRCID.txt""")

        ds = iyore.Dataset(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "simple.txt"))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_simple_structure_file_allow_comment_lines(self, tmpdir):
        with open(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "simple.txt"), "w", encoding= "utf-8") as f:
# first line comment
    pics: Photos
    # indented comment
    sounds: sound
        audio: recording.wav
        #comment no preceding space

    srcid: SRCID.txt
        #extra indented comment""")

        ds = iyore.Dataset(os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "simple.txt"))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def dataset(self):
     return iyore.Dataset(os.path.join(base, structureFile))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def datafiles_endpoint(self, request, makeTestTree):
     if request.param == "manual":
         return datafiles
         return iyore.Dataset(os.path.join(base, structureFile)).datafiles
def code_to_splat(file, code, outputdir):
    # import the output of event extraction
    flight_events = pd.read_csv(file, sep=",")

    # extract the times of closest approach for each event
    flight_events["ClosestApch"] = pd.to_datetime(flight_events["ClosestApch"])

    print("Transcribing columns for " + code)

    # create an empty srcid dataframe
    srcid = pd.DataFrame()

    # column 1: nvsplDate
    flight_events["ClosestApch_date"] = flight_events["ClosestApch"].apply(
        lambda x: x.date())
    srcid['nvsplDate'] = flight_events["ClosestApch_date"]

    # column 2: hr
    flight_events["ClosestApch_time"] = flight_events["ClosestApch"].apply(
        lambda x: x.time())
    srcid['hr'] = flight_events["ClosestApch_time"].apply(lambda x: x.hour)

    # column 3: secs
    flight_events["ClosestApch_mins"] = flight_events["ClosestApch"].apply(
        lambda x: x.time())
    flight_events["ClosestApch_mins"] = flight_events["ClosestApch"].apply(
        lambda x: x.minute)

    flight_events["ClosestApch_secs"] = flight_events["ClosestApch"].apply(
        lambda x: x.time())
    flight_events["ClosestApch_secs"] = flight_events["ClosestApch"].apply(
        lambda x: x.second)

    # convert minutes to seconds
    flight_events["ClosestApch_mins"] = flight_events[
        "ClosestApch_mins"].apply(lambda x: 60 * x)

    # add seconds from above step to seconds
    srcid['secs'] = flight_events["ClosestApch_mins"] + flight_events[

    # column 4: len
    srcid['len'] = 60

    # column 5: srcID
    srcid['srcID'] = flight_events["EventID"].apply(
        lambda x: "1." + str(x).zfill(3))

    #column 6
    srcid['Hz_L'] = 12.5

    #column 6
    srcid['Hz_U'] = 2000

    #column 7
    srcid['MaxSPL'] = 0

    #column 8
    srcid['SEL'] = 0

    #column 9
    srcid['MaxSPLt'] = 0

    #column 10
    srcid['SELt'] = 0

    #column 11
    srcid['userName'] = "******"

    #column 9
    srcid['tagDate'] = "1000-01-01 00:00:01"

    # column for sound data presence/absence -> will be populated after all processing
    srcid['data'] = 1

    # store initial frame length
    framelength = len(srcid)

    # Check for audio data
    print("Removing points without available audio for " + code)

    failure_count = 0

    ds = iyore.Dataset("Y:")

    # for every event in the srcid list
    for i in srcid.index:
        # extract time data
        ymd = srcid.iat[i, 0]

        hour = srcid.iat[i, 1]

        year = ymd.year
        month = ymd.month
        day = ymd.day

        #check availablity of a given event in the soundDB database
        available = [
            e for e in ds.nvspl(
                site=code, year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour)

        # if nothing is available, set avaialable field to zero
        if (len(available) == 0):
            srcid.ix[i, 13] = 0
            failure_count = failure_count + 1

    # generate the file name
    filename = "SRCID_DENA" + str(flight_events.iloc[0,
                                                     0]) + "eventExtractor.txt"

    print("Sorting and extracting data.")
    #sort the dataframe by date/time
    srcid = srcid.sort_values("nvsplDate")
    srcid = srcid.loc[srcid["data"] == 1]
    srcid = srcid.drop("data", axis=1)

    # export to csv with correct naming convention based on station code
    srcid.to_csv(outputdir + "SRCID_DENA" + code + ".txt",

    # function for adding header lines to files
    def prepend(path, text):
        with open(path, 'r+') as f:
            body = f.read()
            f.write(text + body)

    # add the splat format version header to the file
    prepend(outputdir + "SRCID_DENA" + code + ".txt",
            "%% SRCID file v20111005" + "\n")
        str(framelength - failure_count) + " of " + str(framelength) +
        " points had matching data for station id " + code + ".")
Exemplo n.º 7
# In[6]:

import sys

sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\arcpy")
sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\bin")

import os
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import soundDB
import iyore

ds = iyore.Dataset("K:")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# SPLAT_append combines a srcID file output by Flight_Event_to_SRCID  with the output of the flight_event_extractor
# script. The srcID file should contain both the output of the Flight_Event_to_SRCID script and the events manually
# annotated in SPLAT.
# The resulting csv file contains a list of all overflight events with associated flight data, such as flight number, elevation,
# climb/descent rate, ground speed, etc.
# example function call: SPLAT_append("C:/overflights","UWBT_overflights.csv","SRCID_DENAUWBT.txt")

# change display options to make all rows and columns visible for debugging