Exemplo n.º 1
event_filename=os.path.join(ephysDir, 'all_channels.events')

behavDataFileName=os.path.join(behaviorDir, 'test075_tuning_curve_20141106a.h5')

#Extract the frequency presented each trial from the behavior data
bdata = loadbehavior.BehaviorData(behavDataFileName,readmode='full')
freqEachTrial = bdata['currentFreq']
intensityEachTrial = bdata['currentIntensity']

possibleFreq = np.unique(freqEachTrial) 
possibleIntensity = np.unique(intensityEachTrial)

#Get the event timestamps from openEphys
eventOnsetTimes=ev.timestamps[evID==1] #The timestamps of all of the stimulus onsets

#These are the active channels in this recording, sorted by tetrode
tetrodeChannels = np.array([[9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24]])

#Get the continuous data
channel = 24 #The channel to plot
reference = 9 #Experimental: plotting without subtracting a reference made all channels look the same. 
cont_filename = os.path.join(ephysDir, '109_CH{0}.continuous'.format(channel))
ref_filename = os.path.join(ephysDir, '109_CH{0}.continuous'.format(reference))
ephysData = loadopenephys.DataCont(cont_filename)
refData = loadopenephys.DataCont(ref_filename)

#Subtract the reference channel (not sure yet if this is a good thing to include.)
        subject = oneCell.animalName
        behavSession = oneCell.behavSession
        ephysSession = oneCell.ephysSession
        ephysRoot = os.path.join(ephysRootDir, subject)

        # -- Load Behavior Data --
        behaviorFilename = loadbehavior.path_to_behavior_data(
            subject, experimenter, paradigm, behavSession)
        bdata = loadbehavior.BehaviorData(behaviorFilename)
        numberOfTrials = len(bdata['choice'])

        # -- Load event data and convert event timestamps to ms --
        ephysDir = os.path.join(ephysRoot, ephysSession)
        eventFilename = os.path.join(ephysDir, 'all_channels.events')
        events = loadopenephys.Events(eventFilename)  # Load events data
        eventTimes = np.array(
        ) / SAMPLING_RATE  #get array of timestamps for each event and convert to seconds by dividing by sampling rate (Hz). matches with eventID and

        soundOnsetEvents = (events.eventID == 1) & (events.eventChannel
                                                    == soundTriggerChannel)

        eventOnsetTimes = eventTimes[soundOnsetEvents]

        rightward = bdata['choice'] == bdata.labels['choice']['right']
        leftward = bdata['choice'] == bdata.labels['choice']['left']
        invalid = bdata['outcome'] == bdata.labels['outcome']['invalid']

        possibleFreq = np.unique(bdata['targetFrequency'])
        numberOfFrequencies = len(possibleFreq)
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    global behavSession
    global subject
    global bdata
    global eventOnsetTimes
    global spikeTimesFromEventOnset
    global indexLimitsEachTrial
    global spikeTimesFromMovementOnset
    global indexLimitsEachMovementTrial
    global titleText

    for cellID in range(0, numOfCells):
        oneCell = allcells.cellDB[cellID]
        if (behavSession != oneCell.behavSession):

            subject = oneCell.animalName
            behavSession = oneCell.behavSession
            ephysSession = oneCell.ephysSession
            ephysRoot = os.path.join(ephysRootDir, subject)

            # -- Load Behavior Data --
            behaviorFilename = loadbehavior.path_to_behavior_data(
                subject, experimenter, paradigm, behavSession)
            bdata = loadbehavior.FlexCategBehaviorData(behaviorFilename)
            #bdata = loadbehavior.BehaviorData(behaviorFilename)
            numberOfTrials = len(bdata['choice'])

            # -- Load event data and convert event timestamps to ms --
            ephysDir = os.path.join(ephysRoot, ephysSession)
            eventFilename = os.path.join(ephysDir, 'all_channels.events')
            events = loadopenephys.Events(eventFilename)  # Load events data
            eventTimes = np.array(
            ) / SAMPLING_RATE  #get array of timestamps for each event and convert to seconds by dividing by sampling rate (Hz). matches with eventID and

            soundOnsetEvents = (events.eventID == 1) & (events.eventChannel
                                                        == soundTriggerChannel)

            eventOnsetTimes = eventTimes[soundOnsetEvents]

            centerOutTimes = bdata[
                'timeCenterOut']  #This is the times that the mouse goes out of the center port
            soundStartTimes = bdata[
                'timeTarget']  #This gives an array with the times in seconds from the start of the behavior paradigm of when the sound was presented for each trial
            timeDiff = centerOutTimes - soundStartTimes
            if (len(eventOnsetTimes) < len(timeDiff)):
                timeDiff = timeDiff[:-1]
            eventOnsetTimesCenter = eventOnsetTimes + timeDiff

        # -- Load Spike Data From Certain Cluster --
        spkData = ephyscore.CellData(oneCell)
        spkTimeStamps = spkData.spikes.timestamps

        (spikeTimesFromEventOnset,trialIndexForEachSpike,indexLimitsEachTrial) = \

        (spikeTimesFromMovementOnset,movementTrialIndexForEachSpike,indexLimitsEachMovementTrial) = \

        if (len(spkTimeStamps) > 0):
            ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols),
                                   ((numRows - sizeClusterPlot), 0),
                                   colspan=(numCols / 3))
            ax3 = plt.subplot2grid(
                (numRows, numCols),
                ((numRows - sizeClusterPlot), (numCols / 3) * 2),
                colspan=(numCols / 3))
            samples = spkData.spikes.samples.astype(float) - 2**15
            samples = (1000.0 / spkData.spikes.gain[0, 0]) * samples
            ax2 = plt.subplot2grid(
                (numRows, numCols),
                ((numRows - sizeClusterPlot), (numCols / 3)),
                colspan=(numCols / 3))

        ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols), (0, 0),
                               colspan=(numCols / 2),
        ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols), (sizeRasters, 0),
                               colspan=(numCols / 2),
        ax6 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols), (0, (numCols / 2)),
                               colspan=(numCols / 2),
        ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols),
                               (sizeRasters, (numCols / 2)),
                               colspan=(numCols / 2),

        ax8 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols),
                               ((sizeRasters + sizeHists), 0),
                               colspan=(numCols / 2),
        ax9 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols),
                               ((2 * sizeRasters + sizeHists), 0),
                               colspan=(numCols / 2),
        ax10 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols),
                                ((sizeRasters + sizeHists), (numCols / 2)),
                                colspan=(numCols / 2),
        ax11 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows, numCols),
                                ((2 * sizeRasters + sizeHists), (numCols / 2)),
                                colspan=(numCols / 2),

        tetrodeClusterName = 'T' + str(oneCell.tetrode) + 'c' + str(
        plt.gcf().set_size_inches((8.5, 11))
        figformat = 'png'  #'png' #'pdf' #'svg'
        filename = 'report_%s_%s_%s.%s' % (subject, behavSession,
                                           tetrodeClusterName, figformat)
        fulloutputDir = outputDir + subject + '/'
        fullFileName = os.path.join(fulloutputDir, filename)

        directory = os.path.dirname(fulloutputDir)
        if not os.path.exists(directory):  #makes sure output folder exists
        print 'saving figure to %s' % fullFileName
        plt.gcf().savefig(fullFileName, format=figformat)
Exemplo n.º 4
        ### Using cellDB methode to find the index of this cell in the cellDB ###
        cellIndex = allcells.cellDB.findcell(**cellParams)
        oneCell = allcells.cellDB[cellIndex]

        ######################## 2afc task ##################################
        ## Get behavior data associated with 2afc session ###
        behavFileName = '{0}_{1}_{2}.h5'.format(oneCell.animalName,'2afc',oneCell.behavSession)
        behavFile = os.path.join(BEHAVIOR_PATH,oneCell.animalName,behavFileName)
        bdata = loadbehavior.BehaviorData(behavFile,readmode='full')

        ### Get events data ###
        fullEventFilename=os.path.join(EPHYS_PATH, oneCell.animalName, oneCell.ephysSession, 'all_channels.events')
        eventData = loadopenephys.Events(fullEventFilename)
        ##### Get event onset times #####
        eventData.timestamps = np.array(eventData.timestamps)/EPHYS_SAMPLING_RATE #hard-coded ephys sampling rate!!

        ### GEt spike data of just this cluster ###
        spikeFilename = os.path.join(EPHYS_PATH,oneCell.animalName,oneCell.ephysSession, 'Tetrode{}.spikes'.format(oneCell.tetrode))
        spikeData = loadopenephys.DataSpikes(spikeFilename)
        spikeData.timestamps = spikeData.timestamps/EPHYS_SAMPLING_RATE
        clustersDir = os.path.join(EPHYS_PATH,oneCell.animalName,oneCell.ephysSession)+'_kk'
        clusterFilename = os.path.join(clustersDir, 'Tetrode{}.clu.1'.format(oneCell.tetrode))
        clusters = np.fromfile(clusterFilename, dtype='int32', sep=' ')[1:]
        spikeData.timestamps = spikeData.timestamps[clusters==oneCell.cluster]
        spikeData.samples = spikeData.samples[clusters==oneCell.cluster, :, :]
        spikeData.samples = spikeData.samples.astype(float)-2**15# FIXME: this is specific to OpenEphys
        # FIXME: This assumes the gain is the same for all channels and records
    def plot_raster(self, sessionName, sort=False, plot_tuning_curve=False):
        Plots the spikes in a particular session with respect to a stimulus


        sessionName (string) - The name of the directory containing the .spikes and
        .events files

        sort (bool) - Whether to sort the spikes by frequency. Requires a behavior data file.

        plot_tuning_curve (bool) - Whether to plot frequency tuning curves.


        ephysSession = sessionName

        event_filename = os.path.join(ephysSession, 'all_channels.events')
        ev = loadopenephys.Events(self.event_filename)
        eventTimes = np.array(ev.timestamps) / SAMPLING_RATE
        evID = np.array(ev.eventID)
        eventOnsetTimes = eventTimes[evID == 1]
        eventOnsetTimes = eventOnsetTimes[:-1]  #Remove last started, but
        #not finished trial

        if sort:
            freqEachTrial = self.bdata['currentFreq']
            possibleFreq = np.unique(freqEachTrial)

            sortedTrials = []

            for indf, oneFreq in enumerate(possibleFreq):
                indsThisFreq = np.flatnonzero(freqEachTrial == oneFreq)
                sortedTrials = np.concatenate((sortedTrials, indsThisFreq))
            sortingInds = argsort(sortedTrials)

        for ind in range(numTetrodes):
            tetrodeID = ind + 1
            spike_filename = os.path.join(
                ephysSession, 'Tetrode{0}.spikes'.format(tetrodeID))
            sp = loadopenephys.DataSpikes(spike_filename)
            try:  #FIXME: We should keep the code inside the try to a minimum.
                spkTimeStamps = np.array(sp.timestamps) / SAMPLING_RATE
                (spikeTimesFromEventOnset, trialIndexForEachSpike,
                 indexLimitsEachTrial) = spikesanalysis.eventlocked_spiketimes(
                     spkTimeStamps, eventOnsetTimes, timeRange)

                subplot(numTetrodes, 1, ind + 1)

                if sort:
                    sortedIndexForEachSpike = sortingInds[
                    plot(spikeTimesFromEventOnset, trialIndexForEachSpike, '.')

                axvline(x=0, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r')
                if ind == 0:
                    #title('Channel {0} spikes'.format(ind+1))
            except AttributeError:  #Spikes files without any spikes will throw an error

Exemplo n.º 6
paradigm = 'am_tuning_curve'
session = '20190731h'
ephysSession = '2019-07-31_16-09-08'

# subject = 'd1pi039'
# paradigm = 'am_tuning_curve'
# session = '20190731b'
# ephysSession = '2019-07-31_11-17-46'

eventsFilename = os.path.join(settings.EPHYS_PATH, subject, ephysSession,

behavFile = loadbehavior.path_to_behavior_data(subject, paradigm, session)
behavData = loadbehavior.BehaviorData(behavFile, readmode='full')

eventData = loadopenephys.Events(eventsFilename)
channelID = 0
thisChannelOn = eventData.get_event_onset_times(eventID=1,

behavDataSize = len(behavData['currentAmpL'])
ephysDataSize = len(thisChannelOn)

print('Behavior: {}'.format(behavDataSize))
print('Ephys:    {}'.format(ephysDataSize))

trialsToRemove = behavDataSize - ephysDataSize + 1
if trialsToRemove > 0:
    for key, value in behavData.items():
        behavData[key] = value[0:-trialsToRemove]
Exemplo n.º 7
numTrialsEachFreq = []  #Used to plot lines after each group of sorted trials
for indf, oneFreq in enumerate(
):  #indf is index of this freq and oneFreq is the frequency
    indsThisFreq = np.flatnonzero(
        freqEachTrial == oneFreq)  #this gives indices of this frequency
    sortedTrials = np.concatenate(
         indsThisFreq))  #adds all indices to a list called sortedTrials
        len(indsThisFreq))  #finds number of trials each frequency has
sortingInds = argsort(
    sortedTrials)  #gives array of indices that would sort the sortedTrials

# -- Load event data and convert event timestamps to ms --
ev = loadopenephys.Events(
    event_filename)  #load ephys data (like bdata structure)
eventTimes = np.array(
) / SAMPLING_RATE  #get array of timestamps for each event and convert to seconds by dividing by sampling rate (Hz). matches with eventID and
evID = np.array(
)  #loads the onset times of events (matches up with eventID to say if event 1 went on (1) or off (0)
eventOnsetTimes = eventTimes[
    evID == 1]  #array that is a time stamp for when the chosen event happens.
#ev.eventChannel woul load array of events like trial start and sound start and finish times (sound event is 0 and trial start is 1 for example). There is only one event though and its sound start
while (numberOfTrials < len(eventOnsetTimes)):
    eventOnsetTimes = eventOnsetTimes[:-1]

spike_filename = os.path.join(
    ephysDir, 'Tetrode{0}.spikes'.format(tetrodeID)
)  #make a path to ephys spike data of specified tetrode tetrodeID
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    global behavSession
    global subject
    global tetrode
    global cluster
    global tuningBehavior#behavior file name of tuning curve
    global tuningEphys#ephys session name of tuning curve
    global bdata
    global eventOnsetTimes
    global spikeTimesFromEventOnset
    global indexLimitsEachTrial
    global spikeTimesFromMovementOnset
    global indexLimitsEachMovementTrial
    global titleText

    print "switch_tuning_report"
    for cellID in range(0,numOfCells):
        oneCell = allcells.cellDB[cellID]
            if (behavSession != oneCell.behavSession):

                subject = oneCell.animalName
                behavSession = oneCell.behavSession
                ephysSession = oneCell.ephysSession
                tuningSession = oneCell.tuningSession
                ephysRoot = os.path.join(ephysRootDir,subject)
                tuningBehavior = oneCell.tuningBehavior
                tuningEphys = oneCell.tuningSession

                print behavSession

                # -- Load Behavior Data --
                behaviorFilename = loadbehavior.path_to_behavior_data(subject=subject,paradigm=paradigm,sessionstr=behavSession)
                bdata = loadbehavior.FlexCategBehaviorData(behaviorFilename)
                #bdata = loadbehavior.BehaviorData(behaviorFilename)
                numberOfTrials = len(bdata['choice'])

                # -- Load event data and convert event timestamps to ms --
                ephysDir = os.path.join(ephysRoot, ephysSession)
                eventFilename=os.path.join(ephysDir, 'all_channels.events')
                events = loadopenephys.Events(eventFilename) # Load events data
                eventTimes=np.array(events.timestamps)/SAMPLING_RATE #get array of timestamps for each event and convert to seconds by dividing by sampling rate (Hz). matches with eventID and 

                soundOnsetEvents = (events.eventID==1) & (events.eventChannel==soundTriggerChannel)

                eventOnsetTimes = eventTimes[soundOnsetEvents]
                soundOnsetTimeBehav = bdata['timeTarget']

                # Find missing trials
                missingTrials = behavioranalysis.find_missing_trials(eventOnsetTimes,soundOnsetTimeBehav)
                # Remove missing trials

                centerOutTimes = bdata['timeCenterOut'] #This is the times that the mouse goes out of the center port
                soundStartTimes = bdata['timeTarget'] #This gives an array with the times in seconds from the start of the behavior paradigm of when the sound was presented for each trial
                timeDiff = centerOutTimes - soundStartTimes
                if (len(eventOnsetTimes) < len(timeDiff)):
                    timeDiff = timeDiff[:-1]
                    eventOnsetTimesCenter = eventOnsetTimes + timeDiff
                elif (len(eventOnsetTimes) > len(timeDiff)):
                    eventOnsetTimesCenter = eventOnsetTimes[:-1] + timeDiff
                    eventOnsetTimesCenter = eventOnsetTimes + timeDiff

            tetrode = oneCell.tetrode
            cluster = oneCell.cluster

            # -- Load Spike Data From Certain Cluster --
            spkData = ephyscore.CellData(oneCell)
            spkTimeStamps = spkData.spikes.timestamps

            (spikeTimesFromEventOnset,trialIndexForEachSpike,indexLimitsEachTrial) = \

            (spikeTimesFromMovementOnset,movementTrialIndexForEachSpike,indexLimitsEachMovementTrial) = \

            if (len(spkTimeStamps)>0):
                ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), ((numRows-sizeClusterPlot),0), colspan = (numCols/3))
                ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), ((numRows-sizeClusterPlot),(numCols/3)*2), colspan = (numCols/3))
                samples = spkData.spikes.samples.astype(float)-2**15
                samples = (1000.0/spkData.spikes.gain[0,0]) *samples
                ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), ((numRows-sizeClusterPlot),(numCols/3)), colspan = (numCols/3))

            ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), (0,0), colspan = (numCols/2), rowspan = 3*sizeRasters)
            #plt.setp(ax4.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            axvline(x=0, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r')

            ax6 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), (0,(numCols/2)), colspan = (numCols/2), rowspan = sizeRasters)
            plt.setp(ax6.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            plt.setp(ax6.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
            plt.title('middle freq blocks, Top: sound aligned, Bottom: movement aligned')

            ax7 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), (sizeRasters,(numCols/2)), colspan = (numCols/2), rowspan = sizeHists, sharex=ax6)
            #plt.setp(ax7.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
            plt.setp(ax7.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)

            ax10 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), ((sizeRasters+sizeHists),(numCols/2)), colspan = (numCols/2), rowspan = sizeRasters) 
            plt.setp(ax10.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
            plt.setp(ax10.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

            ax11 = plt.subplot2grid((numRows,numCols), ((2*sizeRasters+sizeHists),(numCols/2)), colspan = (numCols/2), rowspan = sizeHists, sharex=ax10) 
            #plt.setp(ax11.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)


            tetrodeClusterName = 'T'+str(oneCell.tetrode)+'c'+str(oneCell.cluster)
            figformat = 'png' #'png' #'pdf' #'svg'
            filename = 'tuning_report_%s_%s_%s.%s'%(subject,behavSession,tetrodeClusterName,figformat)
            fulloutputDir = outputDir+subject +'/'
            fullFileName = os.path.join(fulloutputDir,filename)

            directory = os.path.dirname(fulloutputDir)
            if not os.path.exists(directory): #makes sure output folder exists
            #print 'saving figure to %s'%fullFileName

            #print "error with session "+oneCell.behavSession
            if (oneCell.behavSession not in badSessionList):

    print 'error with sessions: '
    for badSes in badSessionList:
        print badSes
Exemplo n.º 9
def raster_tuning(ax):

    fullbehaviorDir = behaviorDir+subject+'/'
    behavName = subject+'_tuning_curve_'+tuningBehavior+'.h5'
    tuningBehavFileName=os.path.join(fullbehaviorDir, behavName)

    tuning_bdata = loadbehavior.BehaviorData(tuningBehavFileName,readmode='full')
    freqEachTrial = tuning_bdata['currentFreq']
    possibleFreq = np.unique(freqEachTrial)
    numberOfTrials = len(freqEachTrial)

    # -- The old way of sorting (useful for plotting sorted raster) --
    sortedTrials = []
    numTrialsEachFreq = []  #Used to plot lines after each group of sorted trials
    for indf,oneFreq in enumerate(possibleFreq): #indf is index of this freq and oneFreq is the frequency
        indsThisFreq = np.flatnonzero(freqEachTrial==oneFreq) #this gives indices of this frequency
        sortedTrials = np.concatenate((sortedTrials,indsThisFreq)) #adds all indices to a list called sortedTrials
        numTrialsEachFreq.append(len(indsThisFreq)) #finds number of trials each frequency has
    sortingInds = argsort(sortedTrials) #gives array of indices that would sort the sortedTrials

    # -- Load event data and convert event timestamps to ms --
    tuning_ephysDir = os.path.join(settings.EPHYS_PATH, subject,tuningEphys)
    tuning_eventFilename=os.path.join(tuning_ephysDir, 'all_channels.events')
    tuning_ev=loadopenephys.Events(tuning_eventFilename) #load ephys data (like bdata structure)
    tuning_eventTimes=np.array(tuning_ev.timestamps)/SAMPLING_RATE #get array of timestamps for each event and convert to seconds by dividing by sampling rate (Hz). matches with eventID and 
    tuning_evID=np.array(tuning_ev.eventID)  #loads the onset times of events (matches up with eventID to say if event 1 went on (1) or off (0)
    tuning_eventOnsetTimes=tuning_eventTimes[tuning_evID==1] #array that is a time stamp for when the chosen event happens.
    #ev.eventChannel woul load array of events like trial start and sound start and finish times (sound event is 0 and trial start is 1 for example). There is only one event though and its sound start
    while (numberOfTrials < len(tuning_eventOnsetTimes)):
        tuning_eventOnsetTimes = tuning_eventOnsetTimes[:-1]

    ###################THIS IS SUCH A HACK TO GET SPKDATA FROM EPHYSCORE###################################

    thisCell = celldatabase.CellInfo(animalName=subject,############################################
                 ephysSession = tuningEphys,
                 tuningSession = 'DO NOT NEED THIS',
                 tetrode = tetrode,
                 cluster = cluster,
                 quality = 1,
                 depth = 0,
                 tuningBehavior = 'DO NOT NEED THIS',
		 behavSession = tuningBehavior)
    tuning_spkData = ephyscore.CellData(thisCell)
    tuning_spkTimeStamps = tuning_spkData.spikes.timestamps

    (tuning_spikeTimesFromEventOnset,tuning_trialIndexForEachSpike,tuning_indexLimitsEachTrial) = spikesanalysis.eventlocked_spiketimes(tuning_spkTimeStamps,tuning_eventOnsetTimes,tuning_timeRange)

    #print 'numTrials ',max(tuning_trialIndexForEachSpike)#####################################
        Create a vector with the spike timestamps w.r.t. events onset.

        (spikeTimesFromEventOnset,trialIndexForEachSpike,indexLimitsEachTrial) = 

        timeStamps: (np.array) the time of each spike.
        eventOnsetTimes: (np.array) the time of each instance of the event to lock to.
        timeRange: (list or np.array) two-element array specifying time-range to extract around event.

        spikeTimesFromEventOnset: 1D array with time of spikes locked to event.
    o    trialIndexForEachSpike: 1D array with the trial corresponding to each spike.
           The first spike index is 0.
        indexLimitsEachTrial: [2,nTrials] range of spikes for each trial. Note that
           the range is from firstSpike to lastSpike+1 (like in python slices)

    tuning_sortedIndexForEachSpike = sortingInds[tuning_trialIndexForEachSpike] #Takes values of trialIndexForEachSpike and finds value of sortingInds at that index and makes array. This array gives an array with the sorted index of each trial for each spike

    # -- Calculate tuning --
    #nSpikes = spikesanalysis.spiketimes_to_spikecounts(spikeTimesFromEventOnset,indexLimitsEachTrial,responseRange) #array of the number of spikes in range for each trial
    '''Count number of spikes on each trial in a given time range.

           spikeTimesFromEventOnset: vector of spikes timestamps with respect
             to the onset of the event.
           indexLimitsEachTrial: each column contains [firstInd,lastInd+1] of the spikes on a trial.
           timeRange: time range to evaluate. Spike times exactly at the limits are not counted.

           returns nSpikes
    meanSpikesEachFrequency = np.empty(len(possibleFreq)) #make empty array of same size as possibleFreq

    # -- This part will be replace by something like behavioranalysis.find_trials_each_type --
    trialsEachFreq = []
    for indf,oneFreq in enumerate(possibleFreq):
        trialsEachFreq.append(np.flatnonzero(freqEachTrial==oneFreq)) #finds indices of each frequency. Appends them to get an array of indices of trials sorted by freq

    # -- Calculate average firing for each freq --
    for indf,oneFreq in enumerate(possibleFreq):
        meanSpikesEachFrequency[indf] = np.mean(nSpikes[trialsEachFreq[indf]])
    #if (len(tuning_spkTimeStamps)>0):
        #ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((4,4), (3, 0), colspan=1)
        #ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((4,4), (3, 3), colspan=1)
        #samples = tuning_spkData.spikes.samples.astype(float)-2**15
        #samples = (1000.0/tuning_spkData.spikes.gain[0,0]) *samples
        #ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((4,4), (3, 1), colspan=2)
    #ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((4,4), (0, 0), colspan=3,rowspan = 3)
    plot(tuning_spikeTimesFromEventOnset, tuning_sortedIndexForEachSpike, '.', ms=3)
    #axvline(x=0, ymin=0, ymax=1, color='r')

    #The cumulative sum of the list of specific frequency presentations, 
    #used below for plotting the lines across the figure. 
    numTrials = cumsum(numTrialsEachFreq)

    #Plot the lines across the figure in between each group of sorted trials
    for indf, num in enumerate(numTrials):
        ax.axhline(y = num, xmin = 0, xmax = 1, color = '0.90', zorder = 0)
    tickPositions = numTrials - mean(numTrialsEachFreq)/2
    tickLabels = ["%0.2f" % (possibleFreq[indf]/1000) for indf in range(len(possibleFreq))]
    ylabel('Frequency Presented (kHz), {} total trials'.format(numTrials[-1]))
    #title(ephysSession+' T{}c{}'.format(tetrodeID,clusterID))
    xlabel('Time (sec)')

    ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((4,4), (0, 3), colspan=1,rowspan=3)
    ylabel('Avg spikes in window {0}-{1} sec'.format(*responseRange))

                subject = oneCell.animalName
                behavSession = oneCell.behavSession
                ephysSession = oneCell.ephysSession
                laserSession = oneCell.laserSession
                ephysRoot = os.path.join(ephysRootDir, subject)
                tetrode = oneCell.tetrode
                cluster = oneCell.cluster

                print oneCell.behavSession, tetrode, cluster

                # -- Load laser event data and convert event timestamps to ms --
                laserephysDir = os.path.join(ephysRoot, laserSession)
                lasereventFilename = os.path.join(laserephysDir,
                lasereventData = loadopenephys.Events(
                    lasereventFilename)  # Load events data
                lasereventTimes = np.array(
                    lasereventData.timestamps) / SAMPLING_RATE
                laserOnsetEvents = (lasereventData.eventID == 1) & (
                    lasereventData.eventChannel == laserTriggerChannel)
                laserOnsetTimes = lasereventTimes[laserOnsetEvents]

                # -- Load sound event data and convert event timestamps to ms --
                soundephysDir = os.path.join(ephysRoot, ephysSession)
                soundeventFilename = os.path.join(soundephysDir,
                soundeventData = loadopenephys.Events(
                    soundeventFilename)  # Load events data
                soundeventTimes = np.array(
                    soundeventData.timestamps) / SAMPLING_RATE
                soundOnsetEvents = (soundeventData.eventID == 1) & (
Exemplo n.º 11
    for indcell, cell in cellsThisTetrode.iterrows():

        #Get data filenames
        ephysPath = os.path.join(
            settings.EPHYS_PATH, cell['subject'],
            '{}_{}'.format(cell['date'], cell['timestamp']))
        ephysFn = os.path.join(ephysPath,
        clusterFn = os.path.join(
        eventFn = os.path.join(ephysPath, 'all_channels.events')

        #Load the event data
        dataEvents = loadopenephys.Events(eventFn)
        dataEvents.timestamps = dataEvents.timestamps / SAMPLING_RATE

        #Limit the events to ID 1 and Channel 0
        dataEvents.timestamps = dataEvents.timestamps[(
            (dataEvents.eventID == 1) & (dataEvents.eventChannel == 0))]

        #Split the events into groups of 100 trials
        splitInds = np.arange(0, len(dataEvents.timestamps), 50)
        splitEvents = np.split(dataEvents.timestamps, splitInds)

        #Load the spike data for this cell
        dataSpikes = loadopenephys.DataSpikes(ephysFn)
        dataSpikes.timestamps = dataSpikes.timestamps[dataSpikes.clusters ==