Exemplo n.º 1
def read_3D_java(sizeF1, sizeF2, sizeF3, filename="ser"):
    Reads in a Bruker 3D fid
    sizeF1 x sizeF2 is the number of fid
    sizeF3 is the number of data-points in the fid
    uses java low level file access
    from java.io import RandomAccessFile
    #    from nmrtec.util.IO import SwapByte
    import jarray

    # read binary
    chsize(int(sizeF1), int(sizeF2), int(sizeF3))
    f = RandomAccessFile(filename, "r")
    for i1 in range(sizeF1):
        print(i1, end=' ')
        for i2 in range(sizeF2):
            for i3 in range(sizeF3):
                x = f.readInt()
                #               x = SwapByte.swap(x)       # uncoment if swapbyte is required
                setval(i1 + 1, i2 + 1, i3 + 1, float(x))  # copy to 3D buffer
            if ((sizeF3 % 256) != 0
                ):  # pb with Bruker files, where size is always a 256 multiple
                for i3 in range(((sizeF3 / 256) + 1) * 256 - sizeF3):
                    x = f.readInt()
Exemplo n.º 2
def readFIBSEMdat(path, channel_index=-1, header=1024, magic_number=3555587570, asImagePlus=False, toUnsigned=True):
  """ Read a file from Shan Xu's FIBSEM software, where two or more channels are interleaved.
      Assumes channels are stored in 16-bit.
      path: the file path to the .dat file.
      channel_index: the 0-based index of the channel to parse, or -1 (default) for all.
      header: defaults to a length of 1024 bytes
      magic_number: defaults to that for version 8 of Shan Xu's .dat image file format.
      isSigned: defaults to True, will subtract the min value when negative.
      asImagePlus: return a list of ImagePlus instead of ArrayImg which is the default.
  ra = RandomAccessFile(path, 'r')
    # Check the magic number
    magic = ra.readInt() & 0xffffffff
    if magic != magic_number:
      msg = "magic number mismatch: v8 magic " + str(magic_number) + " != " + str(magic) + " for path:\n" + path
      print msg
      # Continue: attempt to parse the file anyway
    # Read the number of channels
    numChannels = ra.readByte() & 0xff # a single byte as unsigned integer
    # Parse width and height
    width = ra.readInt()
    height = ra.readInt()
    # Read the whole interleaved pixel array
    bytes = zeros(width * height * 2 * numChannels, 'b') # 2 for 16-bit
    # Parse as 16-bit array
    sb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).asShortBuffer()
    bytes = None
  shorts = zeros(width * height * numChannels, 'h')
  sb = None
  # Deinterleave channels and convert to unsigned short
  # Shockingly, these values are signed shorts, not unsigned! (for first popeye2 squid volume, December 2021)
  # With ASM: fast
  channels = DAT_handler.deinterleave(shorts, numChannels, channel_index)
  shorts = None
  if toUnsigned:
    for s in channels:
  # With python array sampling: very slow, and not just from iterating whole array once per channel
  #seq = xrange(numChannels) if -1 == channel_index else [channel_index]
  #channels = [shorts[i::numChannels] for i in seq]
  if asImagePlus:
    return [ImagePlus(str(i), ShortProcessor(width, height, s, None)) for i, s in enumerate(channels)]
    return [ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(s, [width, height]) for s in channels]
Exemplo n.º 3
def readFIBSEMdat(path, channel_index=-1, header=1024, magic_number=3555587570):
  """ Read a file from Shan Xu's FIBSEM software, where two channels are interleaved.
      Assumes channels are stored in 16-bit.
      path: the file path to the .dat file.
      channel_index: the 0-based index of the channel to parse, or -1 (default) for all.
      header: defaults to a length of 1024 bytes
      magic_number: defaults to that for version 8 of Shan Xu's .dat image file format.
  ra = RandomAccessFile(path, 'r')
    # Check the magic number
    if ra.readInt() & 0xffffffff != magic_number:
      print "Magic number mismatch"
      return None
    # Read the number of channels
    numChannels = ra.readByte() & 0xff # a single byte as unsigned integer
    # Parse width and height
    width = ra.readInt()
    height = ra.readInt()
    print numChannels, width, height
    # Read the whole interleaved pixel array
    bytes = zeros(width * height * 2 * numChannels, 'b') # 2 for 16-bit
    print "read", len(bytes), "bytes" # takes ~2 seconds
    # Parse as 16-bit array
    sb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).asShortBuffer()
    shorts = zeros(width * height * numChannels, 'h')
    # Deinterleave channels
    # With Weaver: fast
    channels = w.deinterleave(shorts, numChannels, channel_index)
    # With python array sampling: very slow, and not just from iterating whole array once per channel
    # seq = xrange(numChannels) if -1 == channel_index else [channel_index]
    #channels = [shorts[i::numChannels] for i in seq]
    # With clojure: extremely slow, may be using reflection unexpectedly
    #channels = deinterleave.invoke(shorts, numChannels)
    print len(channels)
    # Shockingly, these values are signed shorts, not unsigned!
    return [ArrayImgs.shorts(s, [width, height]) for s in channels]
Exemplo n.º 4
def read_1D_java(size, filename="fid"):
    Reads in a Bruker 1D fid

    size is the number of data-points in the fid
    uses java low level file access
    from java.io import RandomAccessFile
    #    from nmrtec.util.IO import SwapByte
    import jarray

    # read binary
    f = RandomAccessFile(filename, "r")
    for i in range(size):
        x = f.readInt()
        #        x = SwapByte.swap(x)       # uncoment if swapbyte is required
        #        print i,x
        setval(i + 1, float(x))  # copy to 1D buffer