def takeTeacherName(teacherName):
    global table
    global heading
    global panel
    global btnUpdate

    datas = srv.showSpecificStudentsByTeacher(teacherName)
    if (datas == False):
        # some  problem to get the data
        JOptionPane.showMessegeDialog(None, "Failed to get the  student list ")
    elif (datas == None):
        # means no datas is available
        JOptionPane.showMessegeDialog(None, "No student has been added ")
    elif (len(datas) != 0):
        # means we  get some data
        heading.setText("Student List")
        tableModel = MyTableModel3(
        )  # object has been created  ,the class is avialable in gui package and in showtable module
        table.setModel(tableModel)  # in table we set the model
def clickShowCourseList(event):
    global table
    global heading
    global panel
    global btnUpdate

    datas = srv.showCourseList()
    if (datas == False):
        # some  problem to get the data
        JOptionPane.showMessegeDialog(None, "Failed to get the course list ")
    elif (datas == None):
        # means no datas is available
        JOptionPane.showMessegeDialog(None, "No courses has been added ")
    elif (len(datas) != 0):
        # means we  get some data
        heading.setText("Course List")
        tableModel = MyTableModel1(
        )  # object has been created  ,the class is avialable in gui package and in showtable module
        table.setModel(tableModel)  # in table we set the model