def solve_bwd(params, res, grad): x, z = res x_grad, _ = grad x_adj, _ = solve_impl(z, x_grad, adjoint=True, params=params) z_grad = tuple(np.real(np.conj(a) * b) for a, b in zip(x_adj, x)) b_grad = tuple(np.conj(a) for a in x_adj) return z_grad, b_grad
def jaxsvd_bwd(r, tangents): U, S, V = r du, ds, dv = tangents dU = jnp.conj(du) dS = jnp.conj(ds) dV = jnp.transpose(dv) ms = jnp.diag(S) ms1 = jnp.diag(_safe_reciprocal(S)) dAs = U @ jnp.diag(dS) @ V F = S * S - (S * S)[:, None] F = _safe_reciprocal(F) - jnp.diag(jnp.diag(_safe_reciprocal(F))) J = F * (h(U) @ dU) dAu = U @ (J + h(J)) @ ms @ V K = F * (V @ dV) dAv = U @ ms @ (K + h(K)) @ V O = h(dU) @ U @ ms1 dAc = -1 / 2.0 * U @ (jnp.diag(jnp.diag(O - jnp.conj(O)))) @ V dAv = dAv + U @ ms1 @ h(dV) @ (jnp.eye(jnp.size(V[1, :])) - h(V) @ V) dAu = dAu + (jnp.eye(jnp.size(U[:, 1])) - U @ h(U)) @ dU @ ms1 @ V grad_a = jnp.conj(dAv + dAu + dAs + dAc) return (grad_a, )
def body_fun1(j, carry): i = his_size - 1 - j _q, _a_his = carry a_i = state.rho_history[i] * _dot(jnp.conj(state.s_history[i]), _q).real.astype(dtype) _a_his =[i].set(a_i) _q = _q - a_i * jnp.conj(state.y_history[i]) return _q, _a_his
def matvec(vec): x = vec.reshape((4, 2**(N - 2))) out = jnp.zeros(x.shape, x.dtype) t1 = neye * pot[0] + eyen * pot[1] / 2 t2 = cTc * hop[0] - ccT * jnp.conj(hop[0]) out += jnp.einsum('ij,ki -> kj', x, t1 + t2) x = x.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape( (4, 2**(N - 2))) out = out.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape( (4, 2**(N - 2))) for site in range(1, N - 2): t1 = neye * pot[site] / 2 + eyen * pot[site + 1] / 2 t2 = cTc * hop[site] - ccT * jnp.conj(hop[site]) out += jnp.einsum('ij,ki -> kj', x, t1 + t2) x = x.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape( (4, 2**(N - 2))) out = out.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape( (4, 2**(N - 2))) t1 = neye * pot[N - 2] / 2 + eyen * pot[N - 1] t2 = cTc * hop[N - 2] - ccT * jnp.conj(hop[N - 2]) out += jnp.einsum('ij,ki -> kj', x, t1 + t2) x = x.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape( (4, 2**(N - 2))) out = out.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape( (4, 2**(N - 2))) x = x.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape(2**N) out = out.reshape((2, 2**(N - 1))).transpose((1, 0)).reshape(2**N) return out.ravel()
def update(b, env): c, t = env # C insertion c_tilde = ncon([c, t, t, b, np.conj(b)], [[1, 2], [2, 3, 4, -4], [-1, 5, 6, 1], [7, 3, 5, -2, -5], [7, 4, 6, -3, -6]], [1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 7]) # (D,d,d',R,r,r') -> (D~,R~) _D, _d, _d_, _R, _r, _r_ = c_tilde.shape c_tilde = np.reshape(c_tilde, [_D * _d * _d_, _R * _r * _r_]) # T insertion t_tilde = ncon( [t, b, np.conj(b)], [[-1, 1, 2, -6], [3, 1, -2, -4, -7], [3, 2, -3, -5, -8]]) # (L,l,l',d,d',R,r,r') -> (L~,d,d',R~) _L, _l, _l_, _d, _d_, _R, _r, _r_ = t_tilde.shape t_tilde = np.reshape(t_tilde, [_L * _l * _l_, _d, _d_, _R * _r * _r_]) # enforce symmetry c_tilde = _c4v_symmetrise_c(c_tilde) # find projector P, _, _ = svd_truncated(c_tilde, chi_max=chi_ctm, cutoff=0.) # (D~,R) # renormalise c = np.transpose(P) @ c_tilde @ P t = ncon([np.conj(P), t_tilde, np.conj(P)], [[1, -1], [1, -2, -3, 2], [2, -4]]) # enforce symmetry env = _c4v_symmetrise(c, t) return env
def lqpos(mps): """ Reshapes the (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor into a (chiL, d*chiR) matrix, and computes its LQ decomposition, with the phase of L fixed so as to have a non-negative main diagonal. A new right-orthogonal (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor (reshaped from Q) is returned along with L. In addition to being phase-adjusted, L is normalized by division with its L2 norm. PARAMETERS ---------- mps (array-like): The (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor. RETURNS ------- L, mps_R: A lower-triangular (chiL x chiL) matrix with a non-negative main-diagonal, and a right-orthogonal (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor such that mps = L @ mps_R. """ chiL, d, chiR = mps.shape mps_mat = jnp.reshape(mps, (chiL, chiR * d)) mps_mat = jnp.conj(mps_mat.T) Qdag, Ldag = jnp.linalg.qr(mps_mat) Q = jnp.conj(Qdag.T) L = jnp.conj(Ldag.T) phases = jnp.sign(jnp.diag(L)) L = L * phases L = L / jnp.linalg.norm(L) Q = jnp.conj(phases)[:, None] * Q mps_R = Q.reshape(mps.shape) return (L, mps_R)
def update(i, state, u): w, z, r, betapow = state z = jnp.concatenate((r2c(mimo(w, u)[None, :]), z[:-1, :])) z0 = jnp.repeat(z, dims, axis=-1) z1 = jnp.tile(z, (1, dims)) rt = jax.vmap(lambda a, b: a[0] * b.conj(), in_axes=-1, out_axes=0)(z0, z1).reshape(r.shape) r = beta * r + (1 - beta) * rt # exponential moving average rhat = r / (1 - betapow) # bias correction due to small beta r_sqsum = jnp.sum(jnp.abs(rhat)**2, axis=-1) v = mimo(w, u) lcma = jnp.sum(jnp.abs(jnp.abs(v)**2 - R2)**2) lmu = 2 * (jnp.sum(r_sqsum) - jnp.sum(jnp.diag(r_sqsum))) gcma = 4 * (v * (jnp.abs(v)**2 - R2))[..., None, None] * jnp.conj(u).T[None, ...] gmu_tmp_full = (4 * rhat[..., None, None] * z.T[None, ..., None, None] * jnp.conj(u).T[None, None, None, ...] ) # shape: [dims, dims, delta, dims, T] # reduce delta axis first gmu_tmp_dr = jnp.sum(gmu_tmp_full, axis=2) # shape: [dims, dims, dims, T] # cross correlation = full correlation - self correlation gmu = jnp.sum(gmu_tmp_dr, axis=1) - gmu_tmp_dr[jnp.arange(dims), jnp.arange(dims), ...] l = lcma + lmu g = gcma + gmu out = (w, l) w = w - lr(i) * g betapow *= beta state = (w, z, r, betapow) return state, out
def body_fun1(j, carry): i = his_size - 1 - j _q, _a_his = carry a_i = state.rho_history[i] * jnp.real( _dot(jnp.conj(state.s_history[i]), _q)) _a_his = ops.index_update(_a_his, ops.index[i], a_i) _q = _q - a_i * jnp.conj(state.y_history[i]) return _q, _a_his
def jit_my_stuff(): global _sum_up_pmapd global _sum_sq_pmapd global _sum_sq_withp_pmapd global mean_helper global cov_helper_with_p global cov_helper_without_p global pmapDevices global jitDevice if global_defs.usePmap: if pmap_devices_updated(): _sum_up_pmapd = global_defs.pmap_for_my_devices( lambda x: jax.lax.psum(jnp.sum(x, axis=0), 'i'), axis_name='i') _sum_sq_pmapd = global_defs.pmap_for_my_devices( lambda data, mean: jax.lax.psum( jnp.sum(jnp.conj(data - mean) * (data - mean), axis=0), 'i'), axis_name='i', in_axes=(0, None)) _sum_sq_withp_pmapd = global_defs.pmap_for_my_devices( lambda data, mean, p: jax.lax.psum( jnp.conj(data - mean).dot(p * (data - mean)), 'i'), axis_name='i', in_axes=(0, None, 0)) mean_helper = global_defs.pmap_for_my_devices( lambda data, p: jnp.expand_dims(, data), axis=0), in_axes=(0, 0)) cov_helper_with_p = global_defs.pmap_for_my_devices( _cov_helper_with_p, in_axes=(0, 0)) cov_helper_without_p = global_defs.pmap_for_my_devices( _cov_helper_without_p) pmapDevices = global_defs.myPmapDevices else: if jitDevice != global_defs.myDevice: _sum_up_pmapd = global_defs.jit_for_my_device( lambda x: jnp.expand_dims(jnp.sum(x, axis=0), axis=0)) _sum_sq_pmapd = global_defs.jit_for_my_device( lambda data, mean: jnp.expand_dims(jnp.sum( jnp.conj(data - mean) * (data - mean), axis=0), axis=0)) _sum_sq_withp_pmapd = global_defs.jit_for_my_device( lambda data, mean, p: jnp.expand_dims( jnp.conj(data - mean).dot(p * (data - mean)), axis=0)) mean_helper = global_defs.jit_for_my_device( lambda data, p: jnp.expand_dims(, data), axis=0)) cov_helper_with_p = global_defs.jit_for_my_device( _cov_helper_with_p) cov_helper_without_p = global_defs.jit_for_my_device( _cov_helper_without_p) jitDevice = global_defs.myDevice
def transform_to_eigenbasis(self, S, F, EOdata): self.ev, self.V = jnp.linalg.eigh(S) self.VtF =, F) EOdata = self.transform_EO(EOdata, self.V) self.rhoVar = mpi.global_variance(EOdata) self.snr = jnp.sqrt( jnp.abs(mpi.globNumSamples / (self.rhoVar / (jnp.conj(self.VtF) * self.VtF) - 1.)))
def update_dis(hamiltonian, state, isometry, disentangler): """Updates the disentangler with the aim of reducing the energy. Args: hamiltonian: The hamiltonian (rank-6 tensor) defined at the bottom of the MERA layer. state: The 3-site reduced state (rank-6 tensor) defined at the top of the MERA layer. isometry: The isometry tensor (rank 3) of the binary MERA. disentangler: The disentangler tensor (rank 4) of the binary MERA. Returns: The updated disentangler. """ env = env_dis(hamiltonian, state, isometry, disentangler) net = tensornetwork.TensorNetwork(backend="jax") nenv = net.add_node(env, axis_names=["bl", "br", "tl", "tr"]) output_edges = [nenv["bl"], nenv["br"], nenv["tl"], nenv["tr"]] nu, ns, nv, _ = net.split_node_full_svd(nenv, [nenv["bl"], nenv["br"]], [nenv["tl"], nenv["tr"]]) _, s_edges = net.remove_node(ns) net.connect(s_edges[0], s_edges[1]) nres = net.contract_between(nu, nv, output_edge_order=output_edges) return np.conj(nres.get_tensor())
def expectation_m(m, beta, e, v): n = v.shape[0] p = fermion_weight(beta * e) c =, ( jnp.conj(v.T).reshape([n, 1, n]) @ m @ v.T.reshape([n, n, 1])).reshape( [n])) return c
def stable_svd_jvp(primals, tangents): """Copied from the JAX source code and slightly tweaked for stability""" # Deformation parameter which yields regular SVD JVP rule when set to 0 eps = 1e-10 A, = primals dA, = tangents U, s, Vt = jnp.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=True) _T = lambda x: jnp.swapaxes(x, -1, -2) _H = lambda x: jnp.conj(_T(x)) k = s.shape[-1] Ut, V = _H(U), _H(Vt) s_dim = s[..., None, :] dS = jnp.matmul(jnp.matmul(Ut, dA), V) ds = jnp.real(jnp.diagonal(dS, 0, -2, -1)) # Deformation by eps avoids getting NaN's when SV's are degenerate f = jnp.square(s_dim) - jnp.square(_T(s_dim)) + jnp.eye(k) f = f + eps / f # eps controls stability F = 1 / f - jnp.eye(k) / (1 + eps) dSS = s_dim * dS SdS = _T(s_dim) * dS dU = jnp.matmul(U, F * (dSS + _T(dSS))) dV = jnp.matmul(V, F * (SdS + _T(SdS))) m, n = A.shape[-2], A.shape[-1] if m > n: dU = dU + jnp.matmul( jnp.eye(m) - jnp.matmul(U, Ut), jnp.matmul(dA, V)) / s_dim if n > m: dV = dV + jnp.matmul( jnp.eye(n) - jnp.matmul(V, Vt), jnp.matmul(_H(dA), U)) / s_dim return (U, s, Vt), (dU, ds, _T(dV))
def _two_loop_recursion(state: LBFGSResults): his_size = len(state.rho_history) curr_size = jnp.where(state.k < his_size, state.k, his_size) q = -jnp.conj(state.g_k) a_his = jnp.zeros_like(state.rho_history) def body_fun1(j, carry): i = his_size - 1 - j _q, _a_his = carry a_i = state.rho_history[i] * jnp.real( _dot(jnp.conj(state.s_history[i]), _q)) _a_his =[i].set(a_i) _q = _q - a_i * jnp.conj(state.y_history[i]) return _q, _a_his q, a_his = lax.fori_loop(0, curr_size, body_fun1, (q, a_his)) q = state.gamma * q def body_fun2(j, _q): i = his_size - curr_size + j b_i = state.rho_history[i] * jnp.real(_dot(state.y_history[i], _q)) _q = _q + (a_his[i] - b_i) * state.s_history[i] return _q q = lax.fori_loop(0, curr_size, body_fun2, q) return q
def update_dis(hamiltonian, state, isometry, disentangler): """Updates the disentangler with the aim of reducing the energy. Args: hamiltonian: The hamiltonian (rank-6 tensor) defined at the bottom of the MERA layer. state: The 3-site reduced state (rank-6 tensor) defined at the top of the MERA layer. isometry: The isometry tensor (rank 3) of the binary MERA. disentangler: The disentangler tensor (rank 4) of the binary MERA. Returns: The updated disentangler. """ env = env_dis(hamiltonian, state, isometry, disentangler) nenv = tensornetwork.Node( env, axis_names=["bl", "br", "tl", "tr"], backend="jax") output_edges = [nenv["bl"], nenv["br"], nenv["tl"], nenv["tr"]] nu, _, nv, _ = tensornetwork.split_node_full_svd( nenv, [nenv["bl"], nenv["br"]], [nenv["tl"], nenv["tr"]], left_edge_name="s1", right_edge_name="s2") nu["s1"].disconnect() nv["s2"].disconnect() tensornetwork.connect(nu["s1"], nv["s2"]) nres = tensornetwork.contract_between(nu, nv, output_edge_order=output_edges) return np.conj(nres.get_tensor())
def qrpos(mps): """ Reshapes the (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor into a (chiL*d, chiR) matrix, and computes its QR decomposition, with the phase of R fixed so as to have a non-negative main diagonal. A new left-orthogonal (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor (reshaped from Q) is returned along with R. In addition to being phase-adjusted, R is normalized by division with its L2 norm. PARAMETERS ---------- mps (array-like): The (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor. RETURNS ------- mps_L, R: A left-orthogonal (chiL, d, chiR) MPS tensor, and an upper triangular (chiR x chiR) matrix with a non-negative main diagonal such that mps = mps_L @ R. """ chiL, d, chiR = mps.shape mps_mat = jnp.reshape(mps, (chiL * d, chiR)) Q, R = jnp.linalg.qr(mps_mat) phases = jnp.sign(jnp.diag(R)) Q = Q * phases R = jnp.conj(phases)[:, None] * R R = R / jnp.linalg.norm(R) mps_L = Q.reshape(mps.shape) return (mps_L, R)
def test_ascend(random_tensors): h, s, iso, dis = random_tensors h = simple_mera.ascend(h, s, iso, dis) assert len(h.shape) == 6 D = h.shape[0] hmat = np.reshape(h, [D**3] * 2) assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(hmat - np.conj(np.transpose(hmat))), 0.0)
def _matrix_transpose(a, name='matrix_transpose', conjugate=False): # pylint: disable=unused-argument a = np.array(a) if a.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('Input must have rank at least `2`; found {}.'.format( a.ndim)) x = np.swapaxes(a, -2, -1) return np.conj(x) if conjugate else x
def jaxeigh_bwd(r, tangents): a, e, v = r de, dv = tangents eye_n = jnp.eye(a.shape[-1], dtype=a.dtype) f = _safe_reciprocal(e[..., jnp.newaxis, :] - e[..., jnp.newaxis] + eye_n) - eye_n middle = jnp.diag(de) + jnp.multiply(f, (v.T @ dv)) grad_a = jnp.conj(v) @ middle @ v.T return (grad_a, )
def encode_point(x, phis): dim = len(phis) * 2 + 1 uf = np.zeros((dim, ), dtype='complex64') uf = index_update(uf, index[0], 1) uf = index_update(uf, index[1:(dim + 1) // 2], np.exp(1.j * phis)) uf = index_update(uf, index[-1:dim // 2:-1], np.conj(np.exp(1.j * phis))) # this version uses full ifft with complex to allow odd dim ret = np.fft.ifft(uf**x).real return ret
def simulate(t, state, dt, space, t_h, parameters, goal, N_step, dx): # for i in range(N_step): # t, state = step(t, state, dt, space, t_h, parameters) body_fun = lambda i, val: step(*val, dt, space, t_h, parameters) t, state = fori_loop(0, N_step, body_fun, (t, state)) occ = occupation(state, goal, dx) occ = (occ * np.conj(occ)).real print(occ) return occ
def body_fun(state: LBFGSResults): # find search direction p_k = _two_loop_recursion(state) # line search ls_results = line_search( f=fun, xk=state.x_k, pk=p_k, old_fval=state.f_k, gfk=state.g_k, maxiter=maxls, ) # evaluate at next iterate s_k = ls_results.a_k * p_k x_kp1 = state.x_k + s_k f_kp1 = ls_results.f_k g_kp1 = ls_results.g_k y_k = g_kp1 - state.g_k rho_k_inv = jnp.real(_dot(y_k, s_k)) rho_k = jnp.reciprocal(rho_k_inv) gamma = rho_k_inv / jnp.real(_dot(jnp.conj(y_k), y_k)) # replacements for next iteration status = 0 status = jnp.where(state.f_k - f_kp1 < ftol, 4, status) status = jnp.where(state.ngev >= maxgrad, 3, status) # type: ignore status = jnp.where(state.nfev >= maxfun, 2, status) # type: ignore status = jnp.where(state.k >= maxiter, 1, status) # type: ignore status = jnp.where(ls_results.failed, 5, status) converged = jnp.linalg.norm(g_kp1, ord=norm) < gtol # TODO(jakevdp): use a fixed-point procedure rather than type-casting? state = state._replace( converged=converged, failed=(status > 0) & (~converged), k=state.k + 1, nfev=state.nfev + ls_results.nfev, ngev=state.ngev + ls_results.ngev, x_k=x_kp1.astype(state.x_k.dtype), f_k=f_kp1.astype(state.f_k.dtype), g_k=g_kp1.astype(state.g_k.dtype), s_history=_update_history_vectors(history=state.s_history, new=s_k), y_history=_update_history_vectors(history=state.y_history, new=y_k), rho_history=_update_history_scalars(history=state.rho_history, new=rho_k), gamma=gamma, status=jnp.where(converged, 0, status), ls_status=ls_results.status, ) return state
def random_tensors(request): D = request.param key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0) h = jax.random.normal(key, shape=[D**3] * 2) h = 0.5 * (h + np.conj(np.transpose(h))) h = np.reshape(h, [D] * 6) s = jax.random.normal(key, shape=[D**3] * 2) s = s @ np.conj(np.transpose(s)) s /= np.trace(s) s = np.reshape(s, [D] * 6) a = jax.random.normal(key, shape=[D**2] * 2) u, _, vh = np.linalg.svd(a) dis = np.reshape(u, [D] * 4) iso = np.reshape(vh, [D] * 4)[:, :, :, 0] return tuple(x.astype(np.complex128) for x in (h, s, iso, dis))
def test_descend(random_tensors): h, s, iso, dis = random_tensors s = simple_mera.descend(h, s, iso, dis) assert len(s.shape) == 6 D = s.shape[0] smat = np.reshape(s, [D**3] * 2) assert np.isclose(np.trace(smat), 1.0) assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(smat - np.conj(np.transpose(smat))), 0.0) spec, _ = np.linalg.eigh(smat) assert np.alltrue(spec >= 0.0)
def random_tensors(request): D = request.param key = jax.random.PRNGKey(int(time.time())) h = jax.random.normal(key, shape_tensor=[D**3] * 2) h = 0.5 * (h + np.conj(np.transpose(h))) h = np.reshape(h, [D] * 6) s = jax.random.normal(key, shape_tensor=[D**3] * 2) s = s @ np.conj(np.transpose(s)) s /= np.trace(s) s = np.reshape(s, [D] * 6) a = jax.random.normal(key, shape_tensor=[D**2] * 2) u, _, vh = np.linalg.svd(a) dis = np.reshape(u, [D] * 4) iso = np.reshape(vh, [D] * 4)[:, :, :, 0] return (h, s, iso, dis)
def hint(const, var, e, v): energy = 0 for site in uloc: # interaction part by wick expansion nsite = spin_flip_func(site) cross = expectation(loc[site], loc[nsite], const.beta, e, v) energy += (expectation(loc[site], loc[site], const.beta, e, v) * expectation(loc[nsite], loc[nsite], const.beta, e, v) - jnp.conj(cross) * cross) if u: energy *= getattr(const, u) return energy
def RZ(theta): r"""One-qubit rotation about the z axis. Args: theta (float): rotation angle Returns: array[complex]: the diagonal part of the rotation matrix :math:`e^{-i \sigma_z \theta/2}` """ p = jnp.exp(-0.5j * theta) return jnp.array([p, jnp.conj(p)])
def CRZ(theta): r"""Two-qubit controlled rotation about the z axis. Args: theta (float): rotation angle Returns: array[complex]: diagonal part of the 4x4 rotation matrix :math:`|0\rangle\langle 0|\otimes \mathbb{I}+|1\rangle\langle 1|\otimes R_z(\theta)` """ p = jnp.exp(-0.5j * theta) return jnp.array([1.0, 1.0, p, jnp.conj(p)])
def XopR(R, mpo, mps): """ ---0mps2-- -- 1 | | 3 2 2 ---0mpo1-0R -> 0R 2 1 1 | | | ----mps*--| -- """ mps_d = jnp.conj(mps) R = jnp.einsum("fed, afgh, cgd, bhe", R, mpo, mps, mps_d) return R
def XnoL(mps): """ ----0mps2-- --- | 1 | | | 1 | | L | | 0 | 1 | ----0mps*2- --- """ mps_d = jnp.conj(mps) L = jnp.einsum("cdb, cda", mps, mps_d) return L