def test_CovOp(plot = False, center = False): from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal nsamps = 1000 samps_unif = None regul_C_ref=0.0001 D = 1 import pylab as pl if samps_unif is None: samps_unif = nsamps gk_x = GaussianKernel(0.2) targ = mixt(D, [multivariate_normal(3*np.ones(D), np.eye(D)*0.7**2), multivariate_normal(7*np.ones(D), np.eye(D)*1.5**2)], [0.5, 0.5]) out_samps = targ.rvs(nsamps).reshape([nsamps, 1]).astype(float) out_fvec = FiniteVec(gk_x, out_samps, np.ones(nsamps), center = center) out_meanemb = out_fvec.sum() x = np.linspace(-2.5, 15, samps_unif)[:, np.newaxis].astype(float) ref_fvec = FiniteVec(gk_x, x, np.ones(len(x)), center = center) ref_elem = ref_fvec.sum() C_ref = CovOp(ref_fvec, regul=0., center = center) # CovOp_compl(out_fvec.k, out_fvec.inspace_points, regul=0.) inv_Gram_ref = np.linalg.inv(inner(ref_fvec)) C_samps = CovOp(out_fvec, regul=regul_C_ref, center = center) unif_obj = C_samps.solve(out_meanemb).dens_proj() C_ref = CovOp(ref_fvec, regul=regul_C_ref, center = center) dens_obj = C_ref.solve(out_meanemb).dens_proj() targp = np.exp(targ.logpdf(ref_fvec.insp_pts.squeeze())).squeeze() estp = np.squeeze(inner(dens_obj, ref_fvec)) estp2 = np.squeeze(inner(dens_obj, ref_fvec)) est_sup = unif_obj(x).squeeze() assert (np.abs(targp.squeeze()-estp).mean() < 0.8), "Estimated density strongly deviates from true density" if plot: pl.plot(ref_fvec.insp_pts.squeeze(), estp/np.max(estp) * np.max(targp), "b--", label="scaled estimate") pl.plot(ref_fvec.insp_pts.squeeze(), estp2/np.max(estp2) * np.max(targp), "g-.", label="scaled estimate (uns)") pl.plot(ref_fvec.insp_pts.squeeze(), targp, label = "truth") pl.plot(x.squeeze(), est_sup.squeeze(), label = "support") #pl.plot(ref_fvec.inspace_points.squeeze(), np.squeeze(inner(unif_obj, ref_fvec)), label="unif") pl.legend(loc="best") supp = unif_obj(x).squeeze() assert (np.std(supp) < 0.15), "Estimated support has high variance, in data points, while it should be almost constant."
def test_rollout(self, variant): peep = 0 pip = 1 use_noise = False loss_fn = lambda x, y: (jnp.abs(x - y)).mean() loss = jnp.array(0.) duration = 0.87 dt = 0.03 tt = jnp.linspace(0, duration, int(duration / dt)) variant_rollout = variant(rollout, static_argnums=(6,)) value, _ = jax.value_and_grad(variant_rollout)(self.controller, self.sim, tt, use_noise, peep, pip, loss_fn, loss) print('test_rollout loss:' + str(value)) self.assertTrue(jnp.allclose(float(value), 11.748882))
def test_jvp_jit(self): f_dex = primitive( dex.eval(r'\x:((Fin 10) => Float) y:((Fin 10) => Float). ' 'for i. x.i * x.i + 2.0 * y.i')) def f_jax(x, y): return x**2 + 2 * y x = jnp.arange(10.) y = jnp.linspace(-0.2, 0.5, num=10) u = jnp.linspace(0.1, 0.3, num=10) v = jnp.linspace(2.0, -5.0, num=10) def jvp_dex(args, tangents): return jax.jvp(f_dex, args, tangents) def jvp_jax(args, tangents): return jax.jvp(f_jax, args, tangents) output_dex, tangent_dex = jax.jit(jvp_dex)((x, y), (u, v)) output_jax, tangent_jax = jax.jit(jvp_jax)((x, y), (u, v)) np.testing.assert_allclose(output_dex, output_jax) np.testing.assert_allclose(tangent_dex, tangent_jax)
def test_float_weights_should_give_close_output(self, weight_prec): inputs = random.uniform(self.rng_key, shape=(2, 3)) model, state = self.init_model_with_1_layer( inputs, num_features=4, weight_prec=weight_prec) float_weights = jnp.linspace(-1 / 3, 1 / 3, num=12).reshape((3, 4)) exp_output_without_quant = jnp.matmul(inputs, float_weights) state = state.unfreeze() state['params']['kernel'] = float_weights state = flax.core.freeze(state) outputs_with_quant = model.apply(state, inputs, padding_mask=None) onp.testing.assert_raises(AssertionError, onp.testing.assert_array_equal, outputs_with_quant, exp_output_without_quant) test_utils.assert_all_close_prec(exp_output_without_quant, outputs_with_quant, weight_prec)
def test_non_conjugate_rv(n): key = jr.PRNGKey(123) f = posterior = Prior(kernel=RBF()) * Bernoulli() x = jnp.sort(jr.uniform(key, shape=(n, 1), minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0), axis=0) y = 0.5 * jnp.sign(jnp.cos(3 * x + jr.normal(key, shape=x.shape) * 0.05)) + 0.5 D = Dataset(X=x, y=y) sample_points = jnp.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, num=n).reshape(-1, 1) hyperparams = {"lengthscale": jnp.array([1.0]), "variance": jnp.array([1.0])} params = complete(hyperparams, posterior, x.shape[0]) rv = random_variable(f, params, D) assert isinstance(rv, Callable) fstar = rv(sample_points) assert isinstance(fstar, tfd.ProbitBernoulli)
def generate_dataset(n_i, n_b, n_cx, n_ct): x_i = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 0], n_i).reshape((-1, 1)) t_i = jnp.zeros_like(x_i) u_i = u0_fn(x_i, t_i) v_i = v0_fn(x_i, t_i) x_l = jnp.ones((n_b, 1))*domain[0, 0] x_r = jnp.ones((n_b, 1))*domain[1, 0] t_b = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 1], n_b).reshape((-1, 1)) u_l = ul_fn(x_l, t_b) u_r = ur_fn(x_r, t_b) v_l = vl_fn(x_l, t_b) v_r = vr_fn(x_r, t_b) x_c = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 0], n_cx).reshape((-1, 1)) t_c = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 1], n_ct).reshape((-1, 1)) xt_c = tensor_grid([x_c, t_c]) dirichlet = dataset_Dirichlet(jnp.vstack([x_i, x_l, x_r]), jnp.vstack([t_i, t_b, t_b]), jnp.vstack([u_i, u_l, u_r]), jnp.vstack([v_i, v_l, v_r])) collocation = dataset_Collocation(xt_c[:, 0:1], xt_c[:, 1:2]) return dirichlet, collocation
def plot_vi_gp(obj, mu, Sigma, X, y): gp = GaussianProcess(GaussianLinearKernel(0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.), X, y) xlim, = obj.boundaries x_gt = np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], 100) xx = np.linspace(xlim[0] - 2, xlim[1] + 2, 200) plt.plot(x_gt, obj.evaluate_without_noise(x_gt), c='c') plt.title(f"Gaussian Process Regression") mu = mu.flatten() for _ in range(500): sample_gp_parameter = onp.random.multivariate_normal(mu, Sigma) gp.set_kernel_parameters(*sample_gp_parameter) function_sample = gp.get_sample(xx.reshape((-1, 1))) plt.plot(xx, function_sample, alpha=0.3, c='C0') plt.scatter(gp.array_dataset, gp.array_objective_function_values, c='m', marker="+", zorder=1000, s=(30, )) plt.pause(0.01)
def meshgrid(height, width, is_homogeneous=True): """Construct a 2D meshgrid. Args: height: height of the grid width: width of the grid is_homogeneous: whether to return in homogeneous coordinates Returns: x,y grid coordinates [batch, 2 (3 if homogeneous), height, width] """ x_t = jnp.matmul( jnp.ones(shape=[height, 1]), jnp.transpose(jnp.expand_dims(jnp.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, width), 1), [1, 0])) y_t = jnp.matmul(jnp.expand_dims(jnp.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, height), 1), jnp.ones(shape=[1, width])) x_t = (x_t + 1.0) * 0.5 * jnp.array(width - 1, dtype='float32') y_t = (y_t + 1.0) * 0.5 * jnp.array(height - 1, dtype='float32') if is_homogeneous: ones = jnp.ones_like(x_t) coords = jnp.stack([x_t, y_t, ones], axis=0) else: coords = jnp.stack([x_t, y_t], axis=0) # coords = jnp.tile(jnp.expand_dims(coords, 0), [batch, 1, 1, 1]) return coords
def generate_donut(nmeans = 10, nsamps_per_mean = 50): from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal from numpy import exp def pol2cart(theta, rho): x = (rho * np.cos(theta)).reshape(-1,1) y = (rho * np.sin(theta)).reshape(-1,1) return np.concatenate([x, y], axis = 1) comp_distribution = multivariate_normal(np.zeros(2), np.eye(2)/100) means = pol2cart(np.linspace(0,2*3.141, nmeans + 1)[:-1], 1) rvs = comp_distribution.rvs(nmeans * nsamps_per_mean) + np.repeat(means, nsamps_per_mean, 0) true_dens = lambda samps: exp(location_mixture_logpdf(samps, means, np.ones(nmeans) / nmeans, comp_distribution)) return rvs, means, true_dens
def generate_data(): T = 1000 tec = jnp.cumsum(15. * random.normal(random.PRNGKey(0), shape=(T, ))) TEC_CONV = -8.4479745e6 # mTECU/Hz freqs = jnp.linspace(121e6, 168e6, 24) phase = tec[:, None] / freqs * TEC_CONV Y = jnp.concatenate([jnp.cos(phase), jnp.sin(phase)], axis=1) Y_obs = Y + 0.75 * random.normal(random.PRNGKey(1), shape=Y.shape) # Y_obs[500:550:2, :] += 3. * random.normal(random.PRNGKey(1),shape=Y[500:550:2, :].shape) Sigma = 0.5**2 * jnp.eye(48) Omega = jnp.diag(jnp.array([30.]))**2 mu0 = jnp.zeros(1) Gamma0 = jnp.diag(jnp.array([200.]))**2 amp = jnp.ones_like(phase) return Gamma0, Omega, Sigma, T, Y_obs, amp, mu0, tec, freqs
def create_grid( samples_per_dim, value_range = (-1.0, 1.0) ): """Creates a tensor with equidistant entries from -1 to +1 in each dim. Args: samples_per_dim: Number of points to have along each dimension. value_range: In each dimension, points will go from range[0] to range[1] Returns: A tensor of shape [samples_per_dim] + [len(samples_per_dim)]. """ s = [jnp.linspace(value_range[0], value_range[1], n) for n in samples_per_dim] pe = jnp.stack(jnp.meshgrid(*s, sparse=False, indexing="ij"), axis=-1) return jnp.array(pe)
def test_CP(): from pOP import CP as pCP x = np.linspace(0, 2, num=10) z = (x - x[0]) * 2. / (x[-1] - x[0]) - 1. cp1 = CP(0., 2., np.array([], dtype=np.int32), 5) cp2 = CP(0., 2., np.array([], dtype=np.int32), 10) Fc1 = cp1.H(x, 0, False) Fc2 = cp2.H(x, 3, False) z = z.reshape(10, 1) Fp1 = pCP(z, 4) Fp2 = pCP(z, 9, d=3) assert (np.linalg.norm(Fc1 - Fp1, ord='fro') < 1e-14) assert (np.linalg.norm(Fc2 - Fp2, ord='fro') < 1e-14)
def test_mean_and_var_mid(): t0 = 0.0 t1 = 3.0 y0 = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, D) num_samples = 500 vals = onp.zeros((num_samples, D)) for i in range(num_samples): rng = random.PRNGKey(i) bm = make_brownian_motion(t0, np.zeros(y0.shape), t1, rng) vals[i, :] = bm(t1 / 2.0) print(np.mean(vals), np.var(vals)) assert np.allclose(np.mean(vals), 0.0, atol=1e-1, rtol=1e-1) assert np.allclose(np.var(vals), t1 / 2.0, atol=1e-1, rtol=1e-1)
def test_exponential_global_convolution(self): init_fn, apply_fn = neural_xc.exponential_global_convolution( num_channels=2, grids=jnp.linspace(-1, 1, 5), minval=0.1, maxval=2.) output_shape, init_params = init_fn(random.PRNGKey(0), input_shape=(-1, 5, 1)) output = apply_fn(init_params, jnp.array(np.random.rand(1, 5, 1))) self.assertEqual(output_shape, (-1, 5, 2)) self.assertLen(init_params, 1) self.assertEqual(init_params[0].shape, (2, )) self.assertEqual(output.shape, (1, 5, 2))
def test_broadcast_kde_cdf_shape(n_samples): bw = 0.1 precision = 10 x = objax.random.normal((n_samples,), generator=generator) lb, ub = get_domain_extension(x, 10) support = np.linspace(lb, ub, precision) factor = normalization_factor(x, bw) quantiles = broadcast_kde_cdf(support, x, factor) # checks chex.assert_shape(quantiles, (precision,))
def test_fwd_back(): # Run a system forwards then backwards, # and check that we end up in the same place. D = 10 t0 = 0.1 t1 = 2.2 y0 = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, D) def f(y, t): return -np.sqrt(t) - y + 0.1 - np.mean((y + 0.2)**2) ys = odeint(f, y0, np.array([t0, t1]), atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8) rys = odeint(f, ys[-1], np.array([t1, t0]), atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8) assert np.allclose(y0, rys[-1])
def generate_dataset(n_i, n_b, n_cx, n_ct, n_dx, n_dt): x_i = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 0], n_i).reshape((-1, 1)) t_i = jnp.zeros_like(x_i) u_i = u0_fn(x_i, t_i) v_i = v0_fn(x_i, t_i) x_l = jnp.ones((n_b, 1)) * domain[0, 0] x_r = jnp.ones((n_b, 1)) * domain[1, 0] t_b = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 1], n_b).reshape((-1, 1)) u_l = ul_fn(x_l, t_b) u_r = ur_fn(x_r, t_b) v_l = vl_fn(x_l, t_b) v_r = vr_fn(x_r, t_b) x_c = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 0], n_cx).reshape((-1, 1)) t_c = jnp.linspace(*domain[:, 1], n_ct).reshape((-1, 1)) xt_c = tensor_grid([x_c, t_c]) data = loadmat(data_file) u_d, v_d, x_d, t_d = data["u_snapshots"], data["v_snapshots"], data[ "x"], data["t"].T u_d = u_d[1:-1:(len(x_d) // n_dx), 1:-1:(len(t_d) // n_dt)].reshape( (-1, 1)) v_d = v_d[1:-1:(len(x_d) // n_dx), 1:-1:(len(t_d) // n_dt)].reshape( (-1, 1)) x_d = x_d[1:-1:(len(x_d) // n_dx)] t_d = t_d[1:-1:(len(t_d) // n_dt)] xt_d = tensor_grid([x_d, t_d]) dirichlet = dataset_Dirichlet(jnp.vstack([x_i, x_l, x_r, xt_d[:, 0:1]]), jnp.vstack([t_i, t_b, t_b, xt_d[:, 1:2]]), jnp.vstack([u_i, u_l, u_r, u_d]), jnp.vstack([v_i, v_l, v_r, v_d])) collocation = dataset_Collocation(jnp.vstack([xt_c[:, 0:1], xt_d[:, 0:1]]), jnp.vstack([xt_c[:, 1:2], xt_d[:, 1:2]])) return dirichlet, collocation
def test_complex_odeint(self): # def dy_dt(y, t, alpha): return alpha * y def f(y0, ts, alpha): return odeint(dy_dt, y0, ts, alpha).real alpha = 3 + 4j y0 = 1 + 2j ts = jnp.linspace(0., 1., 11) tol = 1e-1 if jtu.num_float_bits(np.float64) == 32 else 1e-3 jtu.check_grads(f, (y0, ts, alpha), modes=["rev"], order=2, atol=tol, rtol=tol)
def test_get_atomic_chain_potential_exponential_coulomb(self): potential = utils.get_atomic_chain_potential( grids=jnp.linspace(-10, 10, 201), locations=jnp.array([0., 1.]), nuclear_charges=jnp.array([2, 1]), interaction_fn=utils.exponential_coulomb) # -2 * 1.071295 * jnp.exp(-np.abs(10) / 2.385345) - 1.071295 * jnp.exp( # -np.abs(11) / 2.385345) = -0.04302427 self.assertAlmostEqual(float(potential[0]), -0.04302427) # -2 * 1.071295 * jnp.exp(-np.abs(0) / 2.385345) - 1.071295 * jnp.exp( # -np.abs(1) / 2.385345) = -2.84702559 self.assertAlmostEqual(float(potential[100]), -2.84702559) # -2 * 1.071295 * jnp.exp(-np.abs(10) / 2.385345) - 1.071295 * jnp.exp( # -np.abs(9) / 2.385345) = -0.05699946 self.assertAlmostEqual(float(potential[200]), -0.05699946)
def test_shape(self, num_classes): resolutions = [8, 4] channels = [1, 2] batch_size = 2 model = models.CNNClassifier(num_classes, resolutions, channels, axis_name=None) resolution = resolutions[0] shape = [batch_size, resolution, resolution, 1, channels[0]] inputs = jnp.linspace(-1, 1, params = model.init(_JAX_RANDOM_KEY, inputs, train=False) outputs = model.apply(params, inputs, train=False) self.assertEqual(outputs.shape, (batch_size, num_classes))
def test_get_xc_potential(self): grids = jnp.linspace(-5, 5, 10001) # We use the form of 3d LDA exchange functional as an example. So the # correlation contribution is 0. # exchange energy = -0.73855 \int n^(4 / 3) dx # exchange potential should be -0.73855 * (4 / 3) n^(1 / 3) # by taking functional derivative on exchange energy. xc_energy_density_fn = lambda density: -0.73855 * density ** (1 / 3) density = jnp.exp(-(grids - 1) ** 2) np.testing.assert_allclose( scf.get_xc_potential( density, xc_energy_density_fn=xc_energy_density_fn, grids=grids), -0.73855 * (4 / 3) * density ** (1 / 3))
def piecewise_constant_pdf(key, bins, weights, num_samples, randomized): """Piecewise-Constant PDF sampling. Args: key: jnp.ndarray(float32), [2,], random number generator. bins: jnp.ndarray(float32), [batch_size, num_bins + 1]. weights: jnp.ndarray(float32), [batch_size, num_bins]. num_samples: int, the number of samples. randomized: bool, use randomized samples. Returns: z_samples: jnp.ndarray(float32), [batch_size, num_samples]. """ eps = 1e-5 # Get pdf weights += eps # prevent nans pdf = weights / weights.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) cdf = jnp.cumsum(pdf, axis=-1) cdf = jnp.concatenate([jnp.zeros(list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [1]), cdf], axis=-1) # Take uniform samples if randomized: u = random.uniform(key, list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [num_samples]) else: u = jnp.linspace(0., 1., num_samples) u = jnp.broadcast_to(u, list(cdf.shape[:-1]) + [num_samples]) # Invert CDF. This takes advantage of the fact that `bins` is sorted. mask = (u[Ellipsis, None, :] >= cdf[Ellipsis, :, None]) def minmax(x): x0 = jnp.max(jnp.where(mask, x[Ellipsis, None], x[Ellipsis, :1, None]), -2) x1 = jnp.min(jnp.where(~mask, x[Ellipsis, None], x[Ellipsis, -1:, None]), -2) x0 = jnp.minimum(x0, x[Ellipsis, -2:-1]) x1 = jnp.maximum(x1, x[Ellipsis, 1:2]) return x0, x1 bins_g0, bins_g1 = minmax(bins) cdf_g0, cdf_g1 = minmax(cdf) denom = (cdf_g1 - cdf_g0) denom = jnp.where(denom < eps, 1., denom) t = (u - cdf_g0) / denom z_samples = bins_g0 + t * (bins_g1 - bins_g0) # Prevent gradient from backprop-ing through samples return lax.stop_gradient(z_samples)
def plot_loss(ax, paths=None): x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xmin, xmax + xstep, xstep), np.arange(ymin, ymax + ystep, ystep)) z = x + y ax.contourf(x, y, z, alpha=0.15, levels=np.linspace(0., 10., 100),, antialiased=True, extend='both') path_lines = [] path_points = [] if paths is not None: for path, alpha in zip(paths, ALPHAS): pathx, pathy = path ax.quiver(pathx[:-1], pathy[:-1], pathx[1:] - pathx[:-1], pathy[1:] - pathy[:-1], scale_units='xy', angles='xy', scale=1, color='gray', alpha=0.75) line, = ax.plot([], [], '', label=alpha, lw=2, alpha=0.5, color='darkviolet') point, = ax.plot([], [], 'o', markersize=12, alpha=0.7, color='darkviolet') path_lines.append(line) path_points.append(point) ax.set_xlabel('$J_x$') ax.set_ylabel('$J_y$') ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax)) return path_lines, path_points
def make_networks( spec: specs.EnvironmentSpec, policy_layer_sizes: Sequence[int] = (300, 200), critic_layer_sizes: Sequence[int] = (400, 300), vmin: float = -150., vmax: float = 150., num_atoms: int = 51, ) -> D4PGNetworks: """Creates networks used by the agent.""" action_spec = spec.actions num_dimensions =, dtype=int) critic_atoms = jnp.linspace(vmin, vmax, num_atoms) def _actor_fn(obs): network = hk.Sequential([ utils.batch_concat, networks_lib.LayerNormMLP(policy_layer_sizes, activate_final=True), networks_lib.NearZeroInitializedLinear(num_dimensions), networks_lib.TanhToSpec(action_spec), ]) return network(obs) def _critic_fn(obs, action): network = hk.Sequential([ utils.batch_concat, networks_lib.LayerNormMLP( layer_sizes=[*critic_layer_sizes, num_atoms]), ]) value = network([obs, action]) return value, critic_atoms policy = hk.without_apply_rng(hk.transform(_actor_fn)) critic = hk.without_apply_rng(hk.transform(_critic_fn)) # Create dummy observations and actions to create network parameters. dummy_action = utils.zeros_like(spec.actions) dummy_obs = utils.zeros_like(spec.observations) dummy_action = utils.add_batch_dim(dummy_action) dummy_obs = utils.add_batch_dim(dummy_obs) return D4PGNetworks( policy_network=networks_lib.FeedForwardNetwork( lambda rng: policy.init(rng, dummy_obs), policy.apply), critic_network=networks_lib.FeedForwardNetwork( lambda rng: critic.init(rng, dummy_obs, dummy_action), critic.apply))
def test_get_hartree_energy(self, interaction_fn): grids = jnp.linspace(-5, 5, 11) dx = utils.get_dx(grids) density = utils.gaussian(grids=grids, center=1., sigma=1.) # Compute the expected Hartree energy by nested for loops. expected_hartree_energy = 0. for x_0, n_0 in zip(grids, density): for x_1, n_1 in zip(grids, density): expected_hartree_energy += 0.5 * n_0 * n_1 * interaction_fn( x_0 - x_1) * dx ** 2 self.assertAlmostEqual( float(scf.get_hartree_energy( density=density, grids=grids, interaction_fn=interaction_fn)), float(expected_hartree_energy))
def test_swsft_forward_spins_channels_matches_swsft_forward(self): transformer = _get_transformer() resolution = 16 n_channels = 2 spins = (0, 1) shape = (resolution, resolution, len(spins), n_channels) sphere_set = jnp.linspace(-1, 1, coefficients = transformer.swsft_forward_spins_channels( sphere_set, spins) for channel in range(n_channels): for spin in spins: # Slices must match swsft_forward(). sliced = transformer.swsft_forward( sphere_set[Ellipsis, spin, channel], spin) self.assertAllClose(coefficients[Ellipsis, spin, channel], sliced)
def test_conjugate(): key = jr.PRNGKey(123) kern = to_spectral(RBF(), 10) posterior = Prior(kernel=kern) * Gaussian() x = jnp.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 20).reshape(-1, 1) y = jnp.sin(x) params = initialise(key, posterior) config = get_defaults() unconstrainer, constrainer = build_all_transforms(params.keys(), config) params = unconstrainer(params) mll = marginal_ll(posterior, transform=constrainer) assert isinstance(mll, Callable) neg_mll = marginal_ll(posterior, transform=constrainer, negative=True) assert neg_mll(params, x, y) == jnp.array(-1.0) * mll(params, x, y) nmll = neg_mll(params, x, y) assert nmll.shape == ()
def set_axhlines(ax, ys): """Paint len(ys) segmented horizontal lines onto plot given by ax.""" try: ns = len(ys) except TypeError: ys = [ys] ns = len(ys) grid = np.linspace(0, 1, num=ns + 1) for i, y in enumerate(ys): ax.axhline(y, xmin=grid[i], xmax=grid[i + 1], color="k", linestyle="--", linewidth=2.5)
def test_get_hartree_potential(self, interaction_fn): grids = jnp.linspace(-5, 5, 11) dx = utils.get_dx(grids) density = utils.gaussian(grids=grids, center=1., sigma=1.) # Compute the expected Hartree energy by nested for loops. expected_hartree_potential = np.zeros_like(grids) for i, x_0 in enumerate(grids): for x_1, n_1 in zip(grids, density): expected_hartree_potential[i] += np.sum( n_1 * interaction_fn(x_0 - x_1)) * dx np.testing.assert_allclose( scf.get_hartree_potential( density=density, grids=grids, interaction_fn=interaction_fn), expected_hartree_potential)
def test_get_xc_potential_hartree(self): grids = jnp.linspace(-5, 5, 10001) density = utils.gaussian(grids=grids, center=1., sigma=1.) def half_hartree_potential(density): return 0.5 * scf.get_hartree_potential( density=density, grids=grids, interaction_fn=utils.exponential_coulomb) np.testing.assert_allclose( scf.get_xc_potential( density=density, xc_energy_density_fn=half_hartree_potential, grids=grids), scf.get_hartree_potential( density, grids=grids, interaction_fn=utils.exponential_coulomb))