Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_celerite_matrices(self,
        dt = self.delta
        ar, cr, a, b, c, d = self.term.get_coefficients()

        # Real part
        cd = cr * dt
        delta_diag = 2 * np.sum(ar * (cd - np.sinh(cd)) / cd**2)

        # Complex part
        cd = c * dt
        dd = d * dt
        c2 = c**2
        d2 = d**2
        c2pd2 = c2 + d2
        C1 = a * (c2 - d2) + 2 * b * c * d
        C2 = b * (c2 - d2) - 2 * a * c * d
        norm = (dt * c2pd2)**2
        sinh = np.sinh(cd)
        cosh = np.cosh(cd)
        delta_diag += 2 * np.sum(
            (C2 * cosh * np.sin(dd) - C1 * sinh * np.cos(dd) +
             (a * c + b * d) * dt * c2pd2) / norm)

        new_diag = diag + delta_diag

        return super().get_celerite_matrices(x, new_diag, a=a, U=U, V=V, P=P)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_value(self, tau0):
        dt = self.delta
        ar, cr, a, b, c, d = self.term.get_coefficients()

        # Format the lags correctly
        tau0 = np.abs(np.atleast_1d(tau0))
        tau = tau0[..., None]

        # Precompute some factors
        dpt = dt + tau
        dmt = dt - tau

        # Real parts:
        # tau > Delta
        crd = cr * dt
        cosh = np.cosh(crd)
        norm = 2 * ar / crd**2
        K_large = np.sum(norm * (cosh - 1) * np.exp(-cr * tau), axis=-1)

        # tau < Delta
        crdmt = cr * dmt
        K_small = K_large + np.sum(norm * (crdmt - np.sinh(crdmt)), axis=-1)

        # Complex part
        cd = c * dt
        dd = d * dt
        c2 = c**2
        d2 = d**2
        c2pd2 = c2 + d2
        C1 = a * (c2 - d2) + 2 * b * c * d
        C2 = b * (c2 - d2) - 2 * a * c * d
        norm = 1.0 / (dt * c2pd2)**2
        k0 = np.exp(-c * tau)
        cdt = np.cos(d * tau)
        sdt = np.sin(d * tau)

        # For tau > Delta
        cos_term = 2 * (np.cosh(cd) * np.cos(dd) - 1)
        sin_term = 2 * (np.sinh(cd) * np.sin(dd))
        factor = k0 * norm
        K_large += np.sum((C1 * cos_term - C2 * sin_term) * factor * cdt,
        K_large += np.sum((C2 * cos_term + C1 * sin_term) * factor * sdt,

        # tau < Delta
        edmt = np.exp(-c * dmt)
        edpt = np.exp(-c * dpt)
        cos_term = (edmt * np.cos(d * dmt) + edpt * np.cos(d * dpt) -
                    2 * k0 * cdt)
        sin_term = (edmt * np.sin(d * dmt) + edpt * np.sin(d * dpt) -
                    2 * k0 * sdt)
        K_small += np.sum(2 * (a * c + b * d) * c2pd2 * dmt * norm, axis=-1)
        K_small += np.sum((C1 * cos_term + C2 * sin_term) * norm, axis=-1)

        mask = tau0 >= dt
        return K_large * mask + K_small * (~mask)
Exemplo n.º 3
def evolution_pepo_imag_time(g: float,
                             dt: float,
                             bc: str,
                             dtype: np.dtype,
                             lx: Optional[int] = None,
                             ly: Optional[int] = None) -> Operator:
    # PEPO for U(dt) ~ U_vert(dt/2) U_bond(dt) U_vert(dt/2)
    # half bond operators:
    #      |    |           |    |
    #      U_bond     =     A -- A
    #      |    |           |    |
    # expm(- H_bond dt) = expm(- (-XX) dt) = expm(dt XX) = cosh(dt) + sinh(dt) XX = A_0 A_0 + A_1 A_1
    # with A_0 = (cosh(dt) ** 0.5) * 1  ,  A_1 = (sinh(dt) ** 0.5) * X
    # A & B legs: (p,p*,k)

    A = np.empty([2, 2, 2], dtype=dtype)
    A = index_update(A, index[:, :, 0], (np.cosh(dt)**0.5) * s0)
    A = index_update(A, index[:, :, 1], (np.sinh(dt)**0.5) * sx)
    # expm(- H_vert dt/2) = expm(- (-gZ) dt/2) = expm(g dt/2 Z)
    u_vert = np.asarray(expm(g * (dt / 2) * sz), dtype=dtype)

    return _build_evolution_pepo(u_vert, A, bc, lx, ly)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_coefficients(self):
        ar, cr, a, b, c, d = self.term.get_coefficients()

        # Real componenets
        crd = cr * self.delta
        coeffs = [2 * ar * (np.cosh(crd) - 1) / crd**2, cr]

        # Imaginary coefficients
        cd = c * self.delta
        dd = d * self.delta
        c2 = c**2
        d2 = d**2
        factor = 2.0 / (self.delta * (c2 + d2))**2
        cos_term = np.cosh(cd) * np.cos(dd) - 1
        sin_term = np.sinh(cd) * np.sin(dd)

        C1 = a * (c2 - d2) + 2 * b * c * d
        C2 = b * (c2 - d2) - 2 * a * c * d

        coeffs += [
            factor * (C1 * cos_term - C2 * sin_term),
            factor * (C2 * cos_term + C1 * sin_term),

        return coeffs
Exemplo n.º 5
def logf(r, sig, p):
    first = -jnp.sum(r**2) / (2 * sig**2)
    second = jnp.sum(
            jnp.sinh(jnp.abs(r[:, None] - r[None, :]))[jnp.tril_indices(
                p, k=-1)]))
    return first + second
Exemplo n.º 6
 def ionic_flux_phi(self, j, u, T, phis, phie, cM, cMp, cmax):
     cs = (cM + cMp) / 2
     #        cs = self.cstar(cM,cMp,j,T)
     keff = self.k * np.exp((-self.Ek / R) * ((1 / T) - (1 / Tref)))
     ans = j - 2 * keff * np.sqrt(u * (cmax - cs) * cs) * np.sinh(
         (0.5 * F /
          (R * T)) * (self.over_poten_exp(phis, phie, T, cM, cMp, cmax)))
     return ans.reshape()
Exemplo n.º 7
def doublesoliton(x, t, c, x0):
    # assert c[0] > c[1], "c1 has to be bigger than c[2]"

    xi0 = (jnp.sqrt(c[0]) / 2 * (x - c[0] * t - x0[0])
           )  # switch to moving coordinate frame
    xi1 = jnp.sqrt(c[1]) / 2 * (x - c[1] * t - x0[1])

    part_1 = 2 * (c[0] - c[1])
    numerator = c[0] * jnp.cosh(xi1)**2 + c[1] * jnp.sinh(xi0)**2
    denominator_1 = (jnp.sqrt(c[0]) - jnp.sqrt(c[1])) * jnp.cosh(xi0 + xi1)
    denominator_2 = (jnp.sqrt(c[0]) + jnp.sqrt(c[1])) * jnp.cosh(xi0 - xi1)
    u = part_1 * numerator / (denominator_1 + denominator_2)**2
    return u
Exemplo n.º 8
def transverse_comoving_distance(cosmo, a):
    r"""Transverse comoving distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor.

  a : array_like
      Scale factor

  f_k : ndarray, or float if input scalar
      Transverse comoving distance corresponding to the specified
      scale factor.

  The transverse comoving distance depends on the curvature of the
  universe and is related to the radial comoving distance through:

  .. math::

      f_k(a) = \left\lbrace
      R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}}\sinh(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)&
          \mbox{for }\Omega_k > 0 \\
          \mbox{for } \Omega_k = 0 \\
      R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}} \sin(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)&
          \mbox{for } \Omega_k < 0
    chi = radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, a)
    if cosmo.k < 0:  # Open universe
        return const.rh / cosmo.sqrtk * np.sinh(cosmo.sqrtk * chi / const.rh)
    elif cosmo.k > 0:  # Closed Universe
        return const.rh / cosmo.sqrtk * np.sin(cosmo.sqrtk * chi / const.rh)
        return chi
Exemplo n.º 9
def hyperbolic_sin(x: Array) -> Array:
    """Hyperbolic sinus transform."""
    chex.assert_type(x, float)
    return jnp.sinh(x)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def ionic_flux(self, u, T, eta, cs, cmax):
     keff = self.k * np.exp((-self.Ek / R) * ((1 / T) - (1 / Tref)))
     ans = 2 * keff * np.sqrt(u * (cmax - cs) * cs) * np.sinh(
         (0.5 * R / (F * T)) * (eta))
     return ans.reshape()
Exemplo n.º 11
def free_energy(L, T):
    assert L % 2 == 0, "L has to be even."
    return -jnp.real((0.5 - 1. / L**2) * jnp.log(2) + 0.5 *
                     jnp.log(jnp.sinh(2. / T)) + get_log_Z_sum(L, T) / L**2)
Exemplo n.º 12
def sinh(x):
  if isinstance(x, JaxArray): x = x.value
  return JaxArray(jnp.sinh(x))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def _sinh(x):
     return jnp.sinh(x)
Exemplo n.º 14
        Atemp = np.transpose(Atemp, (3, 0, 1, 2))
        U2, V2 = construct_uv(Atemp, chiM)
        Atemp = ncon([V1, U2, V2, U1],
                     [[1, 4, -1], [2, 1, -2], [4, 3, -4], [3, 2, -3]])
        # extract result
        print('sizeA = ', Atemp.shape, ', RGstep = ', k + 1)
    lnz += np.log(ncon([Atemp], [[1, 2, 1, 2]])) / 2**(RGstep + 1)
    return lnz

print('Calculate lnz')
lnz = lnz_trg(betaval, chiM, log2L)
Tval = 1 / betaval
FreeEnergy = -Tval * lnz
##### Compare with exact results (thermodynamic limit)
maglambda = 1 / (np.sinh(2 / Tval)**2)
N = 1000000
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, N + 1)
y = np.log(
    np.cosh(2 * betaval) * np.cosh(2 * betaval) + (1 / maglambda) *
    np.sqrt(1 + maglambda**2 - 2 * maglambda * np.cos(2 * x)))
FreeExact = -Tval * ((np.log(2) / 2) + 0.25 * sum(y[1:(N + 1)] + y[:N]) / N)
RelFreeErr = abs((FreeEnergy - FreeExact) / FreeExact)
print('FreeEnergy= %.5f' % FreeEnergy)
print('Exact = ', FreeExact)
print('RelFreeErr = ', RelFreeErr)

print('Calculate dlnz')
dlnz = grad(lnz_trg, argnums=0)(betaval, chiM, log2L)
#dlnz = grad(lnz_trg)(betaval)
print('dlnz: %.5f' % dlnz)
Exemplo n.º 15
x0 = 0.
xf = 3.

nCEs = 8

colors = qual.Plotly

# Constrained expressions:
myTfc = utfc(n,nC,m,x0=x0,xf=xf)
t = myTfc.x
H = myTfc.H

g = lambda xi,t: np.dot(H(t),xi['xi'])
xslow = lambda xi,t: g(xi,t)\
yslow = lambda xi,t: g(xi,t)\
zslow = lambda xi,t: g(xi,t)\

x = jit(xslow); y = jit(yslow); z = jit(zslow)

# Plot conic sections
th = np.linspace(0.,2.*np.pi,100)
v = np.linspace(0.,3.0,100)
matHyp = np.meshgrid(v,th)

phi = np.linspace(0.,np.pi,100)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def CpIG(self, T):
     T = jnp.squeeze(T)
     return (self.CpIGA + self.CpIGB *
             (self.CpIGC / T / jnp.sinh(self.CpIGC / T))**2 + self.CpIGD *
             (self.CpIGE / T / jnp.cosh(self.CpIGE / T))**2)
Exemplo n.º 17
# segment_prod = utils.copy_docstring(
#     tf.math.segment_prod,
#     lambda data, segment_ids, name=None: np.segment_prod)

# segment_sum = utils.copy_docstring(
#     tf.math.segment_sum,
#     lambda data, segment_ids, name=None: np.segment_sum)

sigmoid = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.sigmoid,
                               lambda x, name=None: scipy_special.expit(x))

sign = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.sign, lambda x, name=None: np.sign(x))

sin = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.sin, lambda x, name=None: np.sin(x))

sinh = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.sinh, lambda x, name=None: np.sinh(x))

softmax = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.softmax, _softmax)

softplus = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda x, name=None: np.log1p(np.exp(-np.abs(x))) + np.maximum(x, 0.))

softsign = utils.copy_docstring(
    lambda features, name=None: np.divide(features, (np.abs(features) + 1)))

sqrt = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.sqrt, lambda x, name=None: np.sqrt(x))

square = utils.copy_docstring(tf.math.square,
                              lambda x, name=None: np.square(x))