return [vals[] for n in graph.output] if __name__ == "__main__": # It seems that there are several ONNX proto versions (you had one job!) but # this implementation works with at least this one mnist example file. url = ('' '81c4779096d1205edd0b809e191a924c58c38fef/' 'mnist/model.onnx?raw=true') download = urlopen(url).read() if hashlib.md5(download).hexdigest() != 'bc8ad9bd19c5a058055dc18d0f089dad': print("onnx file checksum mismatch") sys.exit(1) model = onnx.load(StringIO(download)) predict = lambda inputs: interpret_onnx(model.graph, inputs)[0] # Run inference in Numpy-backed interpreter print("interpreted:") print(predict(np.ones((1, 1, 28, 28)))) # JIT compile to XLA device, run inference on device compiled_predict = jit(predict) print("compiled:") print(compiled_predict(np.ones((1, 1, 28, 28)))) # The interpreter is differentiable too! Even the compiled one: fun = lambda inputs: np.sum(compiled_predict(inputs)) print("a derivative with respect to inputs:") print(grad(fun)(np.ones((1, 1, 28, 28)))[..., :3, :3])
def training_loop(env=None, epochs=EPOCHS, policy_and_value_net_fun=None, policy_and_value_optimizer_fun=None, batch_size=BATCH_TRAJECTORIES, num_optimizer_steps=NUM_OPTIMIZER_STEPS, print_every_optimizer_steps=PRINT_EVERY_OPTIMIZER_STEP, target_kl=0.01, boundary=20, max_timestep=None, max_timestep_eval=20000, random_seed=None, gamma=GAMMA, lambda_=LAMBDA, epsilon=EPSILON, c1=1.0, c2=0.01, output_dir=None, eval_every_n=1000, eval_env=None, done_frac_for_policy_save=0.5, enable_early_stopping=True): """Runs the training loop for PPO, with fixed policy and value nets.""" assert env assert output_dir gfile.makedirs(output_dir) # Create summary writers and history. train_sw = jaxboard.SummaryWriter(os.path.join(output_dir, "train")) eval_sw = jaxboard.SummaryWriter(os.path.join(output_dir, "eval")) jax_rng_key = trax.get_random_number_generator_and_set_seed(random_seed) # Batch Observations Shape = [-1, -1] + OBS, because we will eventually call # policy and value networks on shape [B, T] +_OBS batch_observations_shape = (-1, -1) + env.observation_space.shape assert isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete) num_actions = env.action_space.n jax_rng_key, key1 = jax_random.split(jax_rng_key, num=2) # Initialize the policy and value network. policy_and_value_net_params, policy_and_value_net_apply = ( policy_and_value_net_fun(key1, batch_observations_shape, num_actions)) # Maybe restore the policy params. If there is nothing to restore, then # iteration = 0 and policy_and_value_net_params are returned as is. restore, policy_and_value_net_params, iteration = (maybe_restore_params( output_dir, policy_and_value_net_params)) if restore:"Restored parameters from iteration [%d]", iteration) # We should start from the next iteration. iteration += 1 policy_and_value_net_apply = jit(policy_and_value_net_apply) # Initialize the optimizers. policy_and_value_optimizer = ( policy_and_value_optimizer_fun(policy_and_value_net_params)) (policy_and_value_opt_state, policy_and_value_opt_update, policy_and_value_get_params) = policy_and_value_optimizer num_trajectories_done = 0 for i in range(iteration, epochs): # Params we'll use to collect the trajectories. policy_and_value_net_params = policy_and_value_get_params( policy_and_value_opt_state) # A function to get the policy and value predictions. def get_predictions(observations, rng=None): """Returns log-probs, value predictions and key back.""" key, key1 = jax_random.split(rng, num=2) log_probs, value_preds = policy_and_value_net_apply( observations, policy_and_value_net_params, rng=key1) return log_probs, value_preds, key # Evaluate the policy. if (i % eval_every_n == 0) or (i == epochs - 1): jax_rng_key, key = jax_random.split(jax_rng_key, num=2) logging.vlog(1, "Epoch [% 6d] evaluating policy.", i) avg_reward = evaluate_policy(eval_env, get_predictions, boundary, max_timestep=max_timestep_eval, rng=key) for k, v in avg_reward.items(): eval_sw.scalar("eval/mean_reward/%s" % k, v, step=i)"Epoch [% 6d] Policy Evaluation [%s] = %10.2f", i, k, v) t = time.time() logging.vlog(1, "Epoch [% 6d] collecting trajectories.", i) jax_rng_key, key = jax_random.split(jax_rng_key) trajs, num_done = collect_trajectories( env, policy_fun=get_predictions, num_trajectories=batch_size, max_timestep=max_timestep, boundary=boundary, rng=key, reset=(i == 0) or restore, epsilon=(10.0 / (i + 10.0))) # this is a different epsilon. # Save parameters every time we see the end of atleast a fraction of batch # number of trajectories that are done (not completed -- completed includes # truncated and done). # Or if this is the last iteration. num_trajectories_done += num_done if ((num_trajectories_done >= done_frac_for_policy_save * batch_size) or (i == epochs - 1)): logging.vlog(1, "Epoch [% 6d] saving model.", i) params_file = os.path.join(output_dir, "model-%06d.pkl" % i) with gfile.GFile(params_file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(policy_and_value_net_params, f) # Reset this number. num_trajectories_done = 0 logging.vlog(1, "Collecting trajectories took %0.2f msec.", get_time(t)) avg_reward = float(sum(np.sum(traj[2]) for traj in trajs)) / len(trajs) max_reward = max(np.sum(traj[2]) for traj in trajs) min_reward = min(np.sum(traj[2]) for traj in trajs) train_sw.scalar("train/mean_reward", avg_reward, step=i) logging.vlog(1, "Rewards avg=[%0.2f], max=[%0.2f], min=[%0.2f], all=%s", avg_reward, max_reward, min_reward, [float(np.sum(traj[2])) for traj in trajs]) logging.vlog( 1, "Trajectory Length average=[%0.2f], max=[%0.2f], min=[%0.2f]", float(sum(len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs)) / len(trajs), max(len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs), min(len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs)) logging.vlog(2, "Trajectory Lengths: %s", [len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs]) t = time.time() (_, reward_mask, padded_observations, padded_actions, padded_rewards) = pad_trajectories(trajs, boundary=boundary) logging.vlog(1, "Padding trajectories took %0.2f msec.", get_time(t)) logging.vlog(1, "Padded Observations' shape [%s]", str(padded_observations.shape)) logging.vlog(1, "Padded Actions' shape [%s]", str(padded_actions.shape)) logging.vlog(1, "Padded Rewards' shape [%s]", str(padded_rewards.shape)) # Calculate log-probabilities and value predictions of the trajectories. # We'll pass these to the loss functions so as to not get recomputed. # NOTE: # There is a slight problem here, if the policy network contains # stochasticity in the log-probabilities (ex: dropout), then calculating # these again here is not going to be correct and should be done in the # collect function. jax_rng_key, key = jax_random.split(jax_rng_key) log_probabs_traj, value_predictions_traj, _ = get_predictions( padded_observations, rng=key) # Some assertions. B, T = padded_actions.shape # pylint: disable=invalid-name assert (B, T) == padded_rewards.shape assert (B, T) == reward_mask.shape assert (B, T + 1) == padded_observations.shape[:2] assert (B, T + 1) + env.observation_space.shape == padded_observations.shape # Linear annealing from 0.1 to 0.0 # epsilon_schedule = epsilon if epochs == 1 else epsilon * (1.0 - # (i / # (epochs - 1))) # Constant epsilon. epsilon_schedule = epsilon # Compute value and ppo losses. cur_value_loss, cur_ppo_loss, cur_combined_loss = None, None, None jax_rng_key, key1 = jax_random.split(jax_rng_key, num=2) logging.vlog(2, "Starting to compute P&V loss.") t = time.time() cur_combined_loss, cur_ppo_loss, cur_value_loss, entropy_bonus = ( combined_loss(policy_and_value_net_params, log_probabs_traj, value_predictions_traj, policy_and_value_net_apply, padded_observations, padded_actions, padded_rewards, reward_mask, gamma=gamma, lambda_=lambda_, epsilon=epsilon_schedule, c1=c1, c2=c2, rng=key1)) logging.vlog( 1, "Calculating P&V loss [%10.2f(%10.2f, %10.2f, %10.2f)] took %0.2f msec.", cur_combined_loss, cur_value_loss, cur_ppo_loss, entropy_bonus, get_time(t)) jax_rng_key, key1 = jax_random.split(jax_rng_key, num=2) if policy_and_value_net_apply: logging.vlog(1, "Policy and Value Optimization") t1 = time.time() keys = jax_random.split(key1, num=num_optimizer_steps) for j in range(num_optimizer_steps): k1, k2, k3 = jax_random.split(keys[j], num=3) t = time.time() # Update the optimizer state. policy_and_value_opt_state = policy_and_value_opt_step( j, policy_and_value_opt_state, policy_and_value_opt_update, policy_and_value_get_params, policy_and_value_net_apply, log_probabs_traj, value_predictions_traj, padded_observations, padded_actions, padded_rewards, reward_mask, c1=c1, c2=c2, gamma=gamma, lambda_=lambda_, epsilon=epsilon_schedule, rng=k1) # Compute the approx KL for early stopping. new_policy_and_value_net_params = policy_and_value_get_params( policy_and_value_opt_state) log_probab_actions_new, _ = policy_and_value_net_apply( padded_observations, new_policy_and_value_net_params, rng=k2) approx_kl = approximate_kl(log_probab_actions_new, log_probabs_traj, reward_mask) early_stopping = enable_early_stopping and approx_kl > 1.5 * target_kl if early_stopping: logging.vlog( 1, "Early stopping policy and value optimization at iter: %d, " "with approx_kl: %0.2f", j, approx_kl) # We don't return right-away, we want the below to execute on the last # iteration. t2 = time.time() if (((j + 1) % print_every_optimizer_steps == 0) or (j == num_optimizer_steps - 1) or early_stopping): # Compute and log the loss. (loss_combined, loss_ppo, loss_value, entropy_bonus) = (combined_loss( new_policy_and_value_net_params, log_probabs_traj, value_predictions_traj, policy_and_value_net_apply, padded_observations, padded_actions, padded_rewards, reward_mask, gamma=gamma, lambda_=lambda_, epsilon=epsilon_schedule, c1=c1, c2=c2, rng=k3)) logging.vlog( 1, "One Policy and Value grad desc took: %0.2f msec", get_time(t, t2)) logging.vlog( 1, "Combined Loss(value, ppo, entropy_bonus) [%10.2f] ->" " [%10.2f(%10.2f,%10.2f,%10.2f)]", cur_combined_loss, loss_combined, loss_value, loss_ppo, entropy_bonus) if early_stopping: break logging.vlog(1, "Total Combined Loss reduction [%0.2f]%%", (100 * (cur_combined_loss - loss_combined) / np.abs(cur_combined_loss))) "Epoch [% 6d], Reward[min, max, avg] [%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f], Combined" " Loss(value, ppo, entropy) [%2.5f(%2.5f,%2.5f,%2.5f)], took " "[%2.5f msec].", i, min_reward, max_reward, avg_reward, loss_combined, loss_value, loss_ppo, entropy_bonus, get_time(t1)) restore = False
def f(x1): x2 = jnp.sin(x1) x3 = jnp.sin(x2) x4 = jnp.sin(x3) return jnp.sum(x4)
def g_fn(R): dim = R.shape[-1] mask = 1 - jnp.eye(R.shape[0], dtype=R.dtype) return jnp.sum(mask[:, :, jnp.newaxis] * pairwise(d(R, R), dim), axis=(1,))
def f(c, a): b = np.sin(c * np.sum(np.cos(d * a))) c = 0.9 * np.cos(d * np.sum(np.sin(c * a))) return c, b
def kinetic_energy(V, mass=1.0): """Computes the kinetic energy of a system with some velocities.""" return 0.5 * np.sum(mass * V**2)
def nonbonded_v3( conf, params, box, lamb, charge_rescale_mask, lj_rescale_mask, beta, cutoff, lambda_plane_idxs, lambda_offset_idxs, runtime_validate=True, ): """Lennard-Jones + Coulomb, with a few important twists: * distances are computed in 4D, controlled by lambda, lambda_plane_idxs, lambda_offset_idxs * each pairwise LJ and Coulomb term can be multiplied by an adjustable rescale_mask parameter * Coulomb terms are multiplied by erfc(beta * distance) Parameters ---------- conf : (N, 3) or (N, 4) np.array 3D or 4D coordinates if 3D, will be converted to 4D using (x,y,z) -> (x,y,z,w) where w = cutoff * (lambda_plane_idxs + lambda_offset_idxs * lamb) params : (N, 3) np.array columns [charges, sigmas, epsilons], one row per particle box : Optional 3x3 np.array lamb : float charge_rescale_mask : (N, N) np.array the Coulomb contribution of pair (i,j) will be multiplied by charge_rescale_mask[i,j] lj_rescale_mask : (N, N) np.array the Lennard-Jones contribution of pair (i,j) will be multiplied by lj_rescale_mask[i,j] beta : float the charge product q_ij will be multiplied by erfc(beta*d_ij) cutoff : Optional float a pair of particles (i,j) will be considered non-interacting if the distance d_ij between their 4D coordinates exceeds cutoff lambda_plane_idxs : Optional (N,) np.array lambda_offset_idxs : Optional (N,) np.array runtime_validate: bool check whether beta is compatible with cutoff (if True, this function will currently not play nice with Jax JIT) TODO: is there a way to conditionally print a runtime warning inside of a Jax JIT-compiled function, without triggering a Jax ConcretizationTypeError? Returns ------- energy : float References ---------- * Rodinger, Howell, Pomès, 2005, J. Chem. Phys. "Absolute free energy calculations by thermodynamic integration in four spatial dimensions" * Darden, York, Pedersen, 1993, J. Chem. Phys. "Particle mesh Ewald: An N log(N) method for Ewald sums in large systems" * Coulomb interactions are treated using the direct-space contribution from eq 2 """ if runtime_validate: assert (charge_rescale_mask == charge_rescale_mask.T).all() assert (lj_rescale_mask == lj_rescale_mask.T).all() N = conf.shape[0] if conf.shape[-1] == 3: conf = convert_to_4d(conf, lamb, lambda_plane_idxs, lambda_offset_idxs, cutoff) # make 4th dimension of box large enough so its roughly aperiodic if box is not None: if box.shape[-1] == 3: box_4d = np.eye(4) * 1000 box_4d = index_update(box_4d, index[:3, :3], box) else: box_4d = box else: box_4d = None box = box_4d charges = params[:, 0] sig = params[:, 1] eps = params[:, 2] sig_i = np.expand_dims(sig, 0) sig_j = np.expand_dims(sig, 1) sig_ij = sig_i + sig_j eps_i = np.expand_dims(eps, 0) eps_j = np.expand_dims(eps, 1) eps_ij = eps_i * eps_j dij = distance(conf, box) keep_mask = np.ones((N, N)) - np.eye(N) keep_mask = np.where(eps_ij != 0, keep_mask, 0) if cutoff is not None: if runtime_validate: validate_coulomb_cutoff(cutoff, beta, threshold=1e-2) eps_ij = np.where(dij < cutoff, eps_ij, 0) # (ytz): this avoids a nan in the gradient in both jax and tensorflow sig_ij = np.where(keep_mask, sig_ij, 0) eps_ij = np.where(keep_mask, eps_ij, 0) inv_dij = 1 / dij inv_dij = np.where(np.eye(N), 0, inv_dij) sig2 = sig_ij * inv_dij sig2 *= sig2 sig6 = sig2 * sig2 * sig2 eij_lj = 4 * eps_ij * (sig6 - 1.0) * sig6 eij_lj = np.where(keep_mask, eij_lj, 0) qi = np.expand_dims(charges, 0) # (1, N) qj = np.expand_dims(charges, 1) # (N, 1) qij = np.multiply(qi, qj) # (ytz): trick used to avoid nans in the diagonal due to the 1/dij term. keep_mask = 1 - np.eye(N) qij = np.where(keep_mask, qij, 0) dij = np.where(keep_mask, dij, 0) # funny enough lim_{x->0} erfc(x)/x = 0 eij_charge = np.where(keep_mask, qij * erfc(beta * dij) * inv_dij, 0) # zero out diagonals if cutoff is not None: eij_charge = np.where(dij > cutoff, 0, eij_charge) eij_total = eij_lj * lj_rescale_mask + eij_charge * charge_rescale_mask return np.sum(eij_total / 2)
def harmonic_bond(conf, params): return np.sum(conf * params)
def train_epoch(self, evaluate=True): """Train one PPO epoch.""" epoch_start_time = time.time() # Evaluate the policy. policy_eval_start_time = time.time() if evaluate and (self._epoch + 1) % self._eval_every_n == 0: self._rng, key = jax_random.split(self._rng, num=2) self.evaluate() policy_eval_time = ppo.get_time(policy_eval_start_time) trajectory_collection_start_time = time.time() logging.vlog(1, 'PPO epoch [% 6d]: collecting trajectories.', self._epoch) self._rng, key = jax_random.split(self._rng) trajs, _, timing_info, self._model_state = self.collect_trajectories( train=True, temperature=1.0) trajs = [(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[4]) for t in trajs] self._should_reset = False trajectory_collection_time = ppo.get_time( trajectory_collection_start_time) logging.vlog(1, 'Collecting trajectories took %0.2f msec.', trajectory_collection_time) rewards = np.array([np.sum(traj[2]) for traj in trajs]) avg_reward = np.mean(rewards) std_reward = np.std(rewards) max_reward = np.max(rewards) min_reward = np.min(rewards) self._log('train', 'train/reward_mean_truncated', avg_reward) if evaluate and not self._separate_eval: metrics = {'raw': {1.0: {'mean': avg_reward, 'std': std_reward}}} ppo.write_eval_reward_summaries(metrics, self._log, self._epoch) logging.vlog(1, 'Rewards avg=[%0.2f], max=[%0.2f], min=[%0.2f], all=%s', avg_reward, max_reward, min_reward, [float(np.sum(traj[2])) for traj in trajs]) logging.vlog( 1, 'Trajectory Length average=[%0.2f], max=[%0.2f], min=[%0.2f]', float(sum(len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs)) / len(trajs), max(len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs), min(len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs)) logging.vlog(2, 'Trajectory Lengths: %s', [len(traj[0]) for traj in trajs]) preprocessing_start_time = time.time() (padded_observations, padded_actions, padded_rewards, reward_mask, padded_infos) = self._preprocess_trajectories(trajs) preprocessing_time = ppo.get_time(preprocessing_start_time) logging.vlog(1, 'Preprocessing trajectories took %0.2f msec.', ppo.get_time(preprocessing_start_time)) logging.vlog(1, 'Padded Observations\' shape [%s]', str(padded_observations.shape)) logging.vlog(1, 'Padded Actions\' shape [%s]', str(padded_actions.shape)) logging.vlog(1, 'Padded Rewards\' shape [%s]', str(padded_rewards.shape)) # Some assertions. B, RT = padded_rewards.shape # pylint: disable=invalid-name B, AT = padded_actions.shape # pylint: disable=invalid-name assert (B, RT) == reward_mask.shape assert B == padded_observations.shape[0] log_prob_recompute_start_time = time.time() # TODO(pkozakowski): The following commented out code collects the network # predictions made while stepping the environment and uses them in PPO # training, so that we can use non-deterministic networks (e.g. with # dropout). This does not work well with serialization, so instead we # recompute all network predictions. Let's figure out a solution that will # work with both serialized sequences and non-deterministic networks. # assert ('log_prob_actions' in padded_infos and # 'value_predictions' in padded_infos) # These are the actual log-probabs and value predictions seen while picking # the actions. # actual_log_probabs_traj = padded_infos['log_prob_actions'] # actual_value_predictions_traj = padded_infos['value_predictions'] # assert (B, T, C) == actual_log_probabs_traj.shape[:3] # A = actual_log_probabs_traj.shape[3] # pylint: disable=invalid-name # assert (B, T, 1) == actual_value_predictions_traj.shape del padded_infos # TODO(afrozm): log-probabs doesn't need to be (B, T+1, C, A) it can do with # (B, T, C, A), so make that change throughout. # NOTE: We don't have the log-probabs and value-predictions for the last # observation, so we re-calculate for everything, but use the original ones # for all but the last time-step. self._rng, key = jax_random.split(self._rng) (log_probabs_traj, value_predictions_traj) = (self._policy_and_value_net_apply( padded_observations, params=self._policy_and_value_net_params, state=self._model_state, rng=key, )) assert (B, AT) == log_probabs_traj.shape[:2] assert (B, AT) == value_predictions_traj.shape # TODO(pkozakowski): Commented out for the same reason as before. # Concatenate the last time-step's log-probabs and value predictions to the # actual log-probabs and value predictions and use those going forward. # log_probabs_traj = np.concatenate( # (actual_log_probabs_traj, log_probabs_traj[:, -1:, :]), axis=1) # value_predictions_traj = np.concatenate( # (actual_value_predictions_traj, value_predictions_traj[:, -1:, :]), # axis=1) log_prob_recompute_time = ppo.get_time(log_prob_recompute_start_time) # Compute value and ppo losses. self._rng, key1 = jax_random.split(self._rng, num=2) logging.vlog(2, 'Starting to compute P&V loss.') loss_compute_start_time = time.time() (cur_combined_loss, component_losses, summaries, self._model_state) = (ppo.combined_loss( self._policy_and_value_net_params, log_probabs_traj, value_predictions_traj, self._policy_and_value_net_apply, padded_observations, padded_actions, self._rewards_to_actions, padded_rewards, reward_mask, nontrainable_params=self._nontrainable_params, state=self._model_state, rng=key1)) loss_compute_time = ppo.get_time(loss_compute_start_time) (cur_ppo_loss, cur_value_loss, cur_entropy_bonus) = component_losses logging.vlog( 1, 'Calculating P&V loss [%10.2f(%10.2f, %10.2f, %10.2f)] took %0.2f msec.', cur_combined_loss, cur_ppo_loss, cur_value_loss, cur_entropy_bonus, ppo.get_time(loss_compute_start_time)) self._rng, key1 = jax_random.split(self._rng, num=2) logging.vlog(1, 'Policy and Value Optimization') optimization_start_time = time.time() keys = jax_random.split(key1, num=self._n_optimizer_steps) opt_step = 0 opt_batch_size = min(self._optimizer_batch_size, B) index_batches = ppo.shuffled_index_batches(dataset_size=B, batch_size=opt_batch_size) for (index_batch, key) in zip(index_batches, keys): k1, k2, k3 = jax_random.split(key, num=3) t = time.time() # Update the optimizer state on the sampled minibatch. self._policy_and_value_opt_state, self._model_state = ( ppo.policy_and_value_opt_step( # We pass the optimizer slots between PPO epochs, so we need to # pass the optimization step as well, so for example the # bias-correction in Adam is calculated properly. Alternatively we # could reset the slots and the step in every PPO epoch, but then # the moment estimates in adaptive optimizers would never have # enough time to warm up. So it makes sense to reuse the slots, # even though we're optimizing a different loss in every new # epoch. self._total_opt_step, self._policy_and_value_opt_state, self._policy_and_value_opt_update, self._policy_and_value_get_params, self._policy_and_value_net_apply, log_probabs_traj[index_batch], value_predictions_traj[index_batch], padded_observations[index_batch], padded_actions[index_batch], self._rewards_to_actions, padded_rewards[index_batch], reward_mask[index_batch], nontrainable_params=self._nontrainable_params, state=self._model_state, rng=k1)) opt_step += 1 self._total_opt_step += 1 # Compute the approx KL for early stopping. Use the whole dataset - as we # only do inference, it should fit in the memory. (log_probab_actions_new, _) = (self._policy_and_value_net_apply( padded_observations, params=self._policy_and_value_net_params, state=self._model_state, rng=k2)) action_mask =, ((0, 0), (0, 1))), self._rewards_to_actions) approx_kl = ppo.approximate_kl(log_probab_actions_new, log_probabs_traj, action_mask) early_stopping = approx_kl > 1.5 * self._target_kl if early_stopping: logging.vlog( 1, 'Early stopping policy and value optimization after %d steps, ' 'with approx_kl: %0.2f', opt_step, approx_kl) # We don't return right-away, we want the below to execute on the last # iteration. t2 = time.time() if (opt_step % self._print_every_optimizer_steps == 0 or opt_step == self._n_optimizer_steps or early_stopping): # Compute and log the loss. (combined_loss, component_losses, _, self._model_state) = (ppo.combined_loss( self._policy_and_value_net_params, log_probabs_traj, value_predictions_traj, self._policy_and_value_net_apply, padded_observations, padded_actions, self._rewards_to_actions, padded_rewards, reward_mask, nontrainable_params=self._nontrainable_params, state=self._model_state, rng=k3)) logging.vlog( 1, 'One Policy and Value grad desc took: %0.2f msec', ppo.get_time(t, t2)) (ppo_loss, value_loss, entropy_bonus) = component_losses logging.vlog( 1, 'Combined Loss(value, ppo, entropy_bonus) [%10.2f] ->' ' [%10.2f(%10.2f,%10.2f,%10.2f)]', cur_combined_loss, combined_loss, ppo_loss, value_loss, entropy_bonus) if early_stopping: break optimization_time = ppo.get_time(optimization_start_time) logging.vlog( 1, 'Total Combined Loss reduction [%0.2f]%%', (100 * (cur_combined_loss - combined_loss) / np.abs(cur_combined_loss))) summaries.update({ 'n_optimizer_steps': opt_step, 'approx_kl': approx_kl, }) for (name, value) in summaries.items(): self._log('train', 'train/{}'.format(name), value) 'PPO epoch [% 6d], Reward[min, max, avg] [%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f], Combined' ' Loss(ppo, value, entropy) [%2.5f(%2.5f,%2.5f,%2.5f)]', self._epoch, min_reward, max_reward, avg_reward, combined_loss, ppo_loss, value_loss, entropy_bonus) # Bump the epoch counter before saving a checkpoint, so that a call to # save() after the training loop is a no-op if a checkpoint was saved last # epoch - otherwise it would bump the epoch counter on the checkpoint. last_epoch = self._epoch self._epoch += 1 # Save parameters every time we see the end of at least a fraction of batch # number of trajectories that are done (not completed -- completed includes # truncated and done). # Also don't save too frequently, enforce a minimum gap. policy_save_start_time = time.time() # TODO(afrozm): Refactor to trax.save_trainer_state. if (self._n_trajectories_done >= self._done_frac_for_policy_save * self.train_env.batch_size and self._epoch % self._save_every_n == 0) or self._async_mode: policy_save_time = ppo.get_time(policy_save_start_time) epoch_time = ppo.get_time(epoch_start_time) timing_dict = { 'epoch': epoch_time, 'policy_eval': policy_eval_time, 'trajectory_collection': trajectory_collection_time, 'preprocessing': preprocessing_time, 'log_prob_recompute': log_prob_recompute_time, 'loss_compute': loss_compute_time, 'optimization': optimization_time, 'policy_save': policy_save_time, } timing_dict.update(timing_info) if self._should_write_summaries: for k, v in timing_dict.items(): self._timing_sw.scalar('timing/%s' % k, v, step=last_epoch) max_key_len = max(len(k) for k in timing_dict) timing_info_list = [ '%s : % 10.2f' % (k.rjust(max_key_len + 1), v) for k, v in sorted(timing_dict.items()) ]'PPO epoch [% 6d], Timings: \n%s', last_epoch, '\n'.join(timing_info_list)) # Flush summary writers once in a while. if self._epoch % 1000 == 0: self.flush_summaries()
def loss(params, inputs, labels): predictions = predict_fn(params, inputs) return -jnp.mean(jnp.sum(predictions * labels, axis=1))
def pmds_MAP( p_dists, n_samples, n_components=2, batch_size=0, random_state=42, lr=1e-3, epochs=20, debug_D_squareform=None, fixed_points=[], init_mu=None, hard_fix=False, method="MAP", ): """Probabilistic MDS according to Hefner model 1958. Parameters ---------- p_dists : list(float) or list(tuple(int, int, float)) List of input pairwise distances. Can be a list of scalar [d_{ij}], or a list of pairwise distances with indices [(i, j), d_{ij}] n_samples : int Number of points in the dataset. n_components : int, defaults to 2 Number of output dimensions in the LD space Now only accept 2 or 4. batch_size : int, defaults to 0 meaning that to use all pairs in a batch Number of pairs processed in parallel using jax.vmap random_state : int, defaults to 42 random_state for jax random generator for params initialization lr : float, defaults to 1e-3 learning rate for standard SGD epochs : int, defaults to 20 Number of epochs fixed_points: list(tuple(int, float, float)), defaults to [] list of fixed points (index, x, y) init_mu: ndarray[float], (n_samples, n_components), defaults to None initial position for the embedding Returns: -------- mu : ndarray (n_samples, n_components) Location estimation for points in LD space. ss : ndarray (n_samples,) Sigma square, variance estimation for each point. all_loss : list of float List of loss values for each iteration. """ assert n_components in [2, 4] # init mu and sigma square. Transform unconstrained sigma square `ss_unc` to `ss`. # key_m, key_s = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(random_state)) # ss_unc = jax.random.normal(key_s, (n_samples,)) ss_unc = jnp.ones((n_samples, )) if init_mu is not None and init_mu.shape == (n_samples, n_components): mu = jnp.array(init_mu) else: mu = jax.random.normal(key_m, (n_samples, n_components)) # fixed points if fixed_points: fixed_indices = [p[0] for p in fixed_points] fixed_pos = jnp.array([[p[1], p[2]] for p in fixed_points]) mu = jax.ops.index_update(mu, fixed_indices, fixed_pos) ss_unc = jax.ops.index_update(ss_unc, fixed_indices, EPSILON) # patch pairwise distances and indices of each pairs together if isinstance(p_dists[0], float): all_pairs = list(combinations(range(n_samples), 2)) assert len(p_dists) == len(all_pairs) dists_with_indices = list(zip(p_dists, all_pairs)) else: dists_with_indices = p_dists all_loss = [] for epoch in range(epochs): # shuffle the observed pairs in each epoch batch = random.sample(dists_with_indices, k=len(p_dists)) # unpatch pairwise distances and indices of points in each pair dists, pair_indices = list(zip(*batch)) i0, i1 = list(zip(*pair_indices)) i0, i1 = list(i0), list(i1) # get the params for related indices from global `mu` and `ss` mu_i, mu_j = mu[i0], mu[i1] ss_i = EPSILON + jax.nn.softplus(SCALE * ss_unc[i0]) ss_j = EPSILON + jax.nn.softplus(SCALE * ss_unc[i1]) # calculate loss and gradients of the log likelihood term loss_lllh, grads_lllh = loss_and_grads_lllh(mu_i, mu_j, ss_i, ss_j, jnp.array(dists), n_components) # calculate loss and gradients of prior term loss_log_mu, grads_log_mu = loss_and_grads_log_mu(mu) # accumulate log likelihood and log prior loss = jnp.sum(loss_lllh) + jnp.sum(loss_log_mu) # print("[DEBUG]: NAN here?", jnp.mean(loss_lllh), jnp.mean(loss_log_mu)) # update gradient for the corresponding related indices grads_mu = jnp.concatenate((lr * grads_lllh[0], lr * grads_lllh[1]), axis=0) grads_ss = jnp.concatenate((lr * grads_lllh[2], lr * grads_lllh[3]), axis=0) related_indices = i0 + i1 assert grads_mu.shape[0] == grads_ss.shape[0] == len(related_indices) # update gradient for mu mu = jax.ops.index_add(mu, related_indices, -grads_mu) mu = mu - lr * grads_log_mu[0] # update gradient for constrained variable ss # first, calculate gradient for unconstrained variable ss_unc grads_ss_unc = (grads_ss * jax.nn.sigmoid(SCALE * ss_unc[related_indices]) * SCALE) # then, update the unconstrained variable ss_unc ss_unc = jax.ops.index_add(ss_unc, related_indices, -grads_ss_unc / len(i0)) # correct gradient for fixed points if fixed_points and hard_fix: mu = jax.ops.index_update(mu, fixed_indices, fixed_pos) ss_unc = jax.ops.index_update(ss_unc, fixed_indices, EPSILON) mds_stress = (stress(debug_D_squareform, mu) if debug_D_squareform is not None else 0.0) all_loss.append(loss) # mlflow.log_metric("loss", loss) # mlflow.log_metric("stress", mds_stress) print( f"[DEBUG] epoch {epoch}, loss: {loss:.2f}, stress: {mds_stress:,.2f}" # f" mu in [{float(jnp.min(mu)):.3f}, {float(jnp.max(mu)):.3f}], " # f" ss_unc in [{float(jnp.min(ss_unc)):.3f}, {float(jnp.max(ss_unc)):.3f}]" ) ss = EPSILON + jax.nn.softplus(SCALE * ss_unc) print("[DEBUG] mean ss: ", float(jnp.mean(ss))) # mlflow.log_metric("mean_ss", float(jnp.mean(ss))) return mu, ss, all_loss
def fun(x): return x - jnp.log(jnp.sum(jnp.exp(x)))
def fit_model(self, particle_weights: np.ndarray, particles: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Fits a binary model using weighted particles. The model will be a sparse lower triangular logistic regression as in Procedure 5 from Args: particle_weights: a np.array<float> of simplicial weights particles: np.array<bool>[groups, n_patients] Returns: A np.array<float>[n_patients, n_patients] model. """ n_groups, n_patients = particles.shape model = np.zeros((n_patients, n_patients)) eps = 1e-5 # keep track of basic stats xbar = (1 - eps) * np.sum(particle_weights[:, np.newaxis] * particles, axis=0) + eps * 0.5 xcov = np.matmul(np.transpose(particles), particle_weights[:, np.newaxis] * particles) xb1mxb = xbar * (1.0 - xbar) cov_matrix = (xcov - xbar[:, np.newaxis] * xbar[np.newaxis, :]) / np.sqrt( xb1mxb[:, np.newaxis] * xb1mxb[np.newaxis, :]) # TODO(oliviert): turn this into parameters. eps = 0.01 delta = 0.05 indices_model = np.logical_and(xbar > eps, xbar < 1 - eps) indices_single = np.logical_or(xbar <= eps, xbar >= 1 - eps) # no regression for first variable indices_single = jax.ops.index_update(indices_single, 0, True) indices_model = jax.ops.index_update(indices_model, 0, False) # look for sparse blocks of variables to regress on others if self.sparse_model_lr: regressed, regressor = np.where(np.abs(cov_matrix) > delta) dic_regressors = collections.defaultdict(list) for i, j in zip(regressed, regressor): if j < i: dic_regressors[i].append(j) # Where there exists cross-correlation we estimate a model # TODO(cuturi) : switch to predefined number of regressors (i.e. top k # corellated variables. From kth patient we can then jit this regression. for i in np.where(indices_model)[0]: if self.sparse_model_lr: indices_i = dic_regressors[i] else: indices_i = list(range(i)) regressors = np.concatenate( (particles[:, indices_i], np.ones((n_groups, 1))), axis=-1) y = particles[:, i] # initialize loop # TODO(oliviert): turn those hard coded constants into parameters b = np.zeros((regressors.shape[1], )) diff = 1e10 iterations = 0 reg = .05 while diff > 1e-2 and iterations < 30: iterations += 1 regressorsb =, b) p = jax.scipy.special.expit(regressorsb) q = p * (1 - p) cov = np.matmul( particle_weights[np.newaxis, :] * q[np.newaxis, :] * np.transpose(regressors), regressors) cov = cov + reg * np.eye(len(indices_i) + 1) c = np.transpose(regressors) * particle_weights[np.newaxis, :], q * regressorsb + y - p) bnew = np.linalg.solve(cov, c) diff = np.sum((bnew - b)**2) b = bnew # add constant, to list of indices, to be stored in [i,i] indices_i.append(i) # update line i of model model = jax.ops.index_update( model, jax.ops.index[i, np.asarray(indices_i)], bnew) # Where there are no cross-correlations, or posterior is very peaked, # we flip randomly and indvidually v = np.zeros((n_patients, )) v = jax.ops.index_update(v, jax.ops.index[indices_single], jax.scipy.special.logit(xbar[indices_single])) model = model + np.diag(v) self.model = model
def train_model(rand_key, network_size, lr, iters, train_input, test_input, test_mask, optimizer, ab, name=''): if ab is None: ntk_params = False else: ntk_params = True init_fn, apply_fn, kernel_fn = make_network(*network_size, ntk_params=ntk_params) if ab is None: run_model = jit(lambda params, ab, x: np.squeeze( apply_fn(params, x[..., None] - .5))) else: run_model = jit(lambda params, ab, x: np.squeeze( apply_fn(params, input_encoder(x, *ab)))) model_loss = jit(lambda params, ab, x, y: .5 * np.sum( (run_model(params, ab, x) - y)**2)) model_psnr = jit(lambda params, ab, x, y: -10 * np.log10( np.mean((run_model(params, ab, x) - y)**2))) model_grad_loss = jit(lambda params, ab, x, y: jax.grad(model_loss) (params, ab, x, y)) opt_init, opt_update, get_params = optimizer(lr) opt_update = jit(opt_update) if ab is None: _, params = init_fn(rand_key, (-1, 1)) else: _, params = init_fn(rand_key, (-1, input_encoder(train_input[0], *ab).shape[-1])) opt_state = opt_init(params) pred0 = run_model(get_params(opt_state), ab, test_input[0]) pred0_f = np.fft.fft(pred0) train_psnrs = [] test_psnrs = [] theories = [] xs = [] errs = [] for i in tqdm(range(iters), desc=name): opt_state = opt_update( i, model_grad_loss(get_params(opt_state), ab, *train_input), opt_state) if i % 20 == 0: train_psnr = model_psnr(get_params(opt_state), ab, *train_input) test_psnr = model_psnr(get_params(opt_state), ab, test_input[0][test_mask], test_input[1][test_mask]) if ab is None: train_fx = run_model(get_params(opt_state), ab, train_input[0]) test_fx = run_model(get_params(opt_state), ab, test_input[0][test_mask]) theory = predict_psnr_basic( kernel_fn, train_fx, test_fx, train_input[0][..., None] - .5, train_input[1], test_input[0][test_mask][..., None], test_input[1][test_mask], i * lr) else: test_x = input_encoder(test_input[0][test_mask], *ab) train_x = input_encoder(train_input[0], *ab) train_fx = run_model(get_params(opt_state), ab, train_input[0]) test_fx = run_model(get_params(opt_state), ab, test_input[0][test_mask]) theory = predict_psnr_basic(kernel_fn, train_fx, test_fx, train_x, train_input[1], test_x, test_input[1][test_mask], i * lr) train_psnrs.append(train_psnr) test_psnrs.append(test_psnr) theories.append(theory) pred = run_model(get_params(opt_state), ab, train_input[0]) errs.append(pred - train_input[1]) xs.append(i) return get_params(opt_state), train_psnrs, test_psnrs, errs, np.array( theories), xs
def g(x): # x: i32 return jnp.sum(2. * f(3 * x, 4. * x.astype("float32")))
def loss(params, inputs, targets): predictions = rnn(params, inputs) return np.sum((predictions - targets)**2)
def f_jax(*, x): return jnp.sum(x)
def loss(test_params): x_final = minimize_structure(test_params) return np.sum(np.sin(1.0 - x_final))
def f_jax(*, x=(1., 2.)): return jnp.sum(x[0]) + 2. * jnp.sum(x[1])
def f(c, a): a1, a2 = a c1, c2 = c b = np.sum(np.cos(a1)) * np.sum(np.tan(c2 * a2)) c = c1 * np.sin(np.sum(a1 * a2)), c2 * np.cos(np.sum(a1)) return c, b
def cross_entropy(logits, labels): return -jnp.sum(labels * jax.nn.log_softmax(logits, axis=-1), axis=-1)
def temperature(V, mass=1.0): """Computes the temperature of a system with some velocities.""" N, dim = V.shape return np.sum(mass * V**2) / (N * dim)
def neg_log_perplexity(batch, model_predictions): """Calculate negative log perplexity.""" _, targets = batch hot_targets = one_hot(targets, model_predictions.shape[-1]) return np.mean(np.sum(model_predictions * hot_targets, axis=-1))
def cross_entropy_loss(logits, labels): log_softmax_logits = jax.nn.log_softmax(logits) num_classes = log_softmax_logits.shape[-1] one_hot_labels = common_utils.onehot(labels, num_classes) return -jnp.sum(one_hot_labels * log_softmax_logits) / labels.size
def loss(params, batch, model_predict): """Calculate loss.""" inputs, targets = batch preds = model_predict(params, inputs) return -np.mean(np.sum(preds * one_hot(targets, preds.shape[-1]), axis=-1))
def initialize(self, p=3, q=3, n = 1, d=2, noise_list = None, c=0, noise_magnitude=0.1, noise_distribution = 'normal'): """ Description: Randomly initialize the hidden dynamics of the system. Args: p (int/numpy.ndarray): Autoregressive dynamics. If type int then randomly initializes a Gaussian length-p vector with L1-norm bounded by 1.0. If p is a 1-dimensional numpy.ndarray then uses it as dynamics vector. q (int/numpy.ndarray): Moving-average dynamics. If type int then randomly initializes a Gaussian length-q vector (no bound on norm). If p is a 1-dimensional numpy.ndarray then uses it as dynamics vector. n (int): Dimension of values. c (float): Default value follows a normal distribution. The ARMA dynamics follows the equation x_t = c + AR-part + MA-part + noise, and thus tends to be centered around mean c. Returns: The first value in the time-series """ self.initialized = True self.T = 0 self.max_T = -1 self.n = n self.d = d if type(p) == int: phi = random.normal(generate_key(), shape=(p,)) self.phi = 0.99 * phi / np.linalg.norm(phi, ord=1) else: self.phi = p if type(q) == int: self.psi = random.normal(generate_key(), shape=(q,)) else: self.psi = q if(type(self.phi) is list): self.p = self.phi[0].shape[0] else: self.p = self.phi.shape[0] if(type(self.psi) is list): self.q = self.psi[0].shape[0] else: self.q = self.psi.shape[0] self.noise_magnitude, self.noise_distribution = noise_magnitude, noise_distribution self.c = random.normal(generate_key(), shape=(self.n,)) if c == None else c self.x = random.normal(generate_key(), shape=(self.p, self.n)) if self.d>1: self.delta_i_x = random.normal(generate_key(), shape=(self.d-1, self.n)) else: self.delta_i_x = None self.noise_list = None if(noise_list is not None): self.noise_list = noise_list self.noise = np.array(noise_list[0:self.q]) elif(noise_distribution == 'normal'): self.noise = self.noise_magnitude * random.normal(generate_key(), shape=(self.q, self.n)) elif(noise_distribution == 'unif'): self.noise = self.noise_magnitude * random.uniform(generate_key(), shape=(self.q, self.n), \ minval=-1., maxval=1.) def _step(x, delta_i_x, noise, eps): if(type(self.phi) is list): x_ar =, self.phi[self.T]) else: x_ar =, self.phi) if(type(self.psi) is list): x_ma =, self.psi[self.T]) else: x_ma =, self.psi) if delta_i_x is not None: x_delta_sum = np.sum(delta_i_x) else : x_delta_sum = 0.0 x_delta_new=self.c + x_ar + x_ma + eps x_new = x_delta_new + x_delta_sum next_x = np.roll(x, self.n) next_noise = np.roll(noise, self.n) next_x = jax.ops.index_update(next_x, 0, x_delta_new) # equivalent to self.x[0] = x_new next_noise = jax.ops.index_update(next_noise, 0, eps) # equivalent to self.noise[0] = eps next_delta_i_x=None for i in range(self.d-1): if i==0: next_delta_i_x=jax.ops.index_update(delta_i_x, i, x_delta_new+delta_i_x[i]) else: next_delta_i_x=jax.ops.index_update(delta_i_x, i, next_delta_i_x[i-1]+next_delta_i_x[i]) return (next_x, next_delta_i_x, next_noise, x_new) self._step = jax.jit(_step) if self.delta_i_x is not None: x_delta_sum= np.sum(self.delta_i_x) else: x_delta_sum= 0 return self.x[0]+x_delta_sum
def loss(a, b): matvec = partial(high_precision_dot, a) x = lax.custom_linear_solve(matvec, b, explicit_jacobian_solve) return np.sum(x)
def global_norm(pytree): return jnp.sqrt( jnp.sum( jnp.asarray( [jnp.sum(jnp.square(x)) for x in jax.tree_leaves(pytree)])))
def loss(A): def step(x, i): return np.matmul(A, x), None init_x = np.zeros(A.shape[-1:]) last_x, _ = lax.scan(step, init_x, np.arange(10)) return np.sum(last_x)
def logprob_fun(params, inputs, targets): preds = predict(params, inputs) return np.sum((preds - targets)**2)
def conditional_moments(self, f): """ """ num_components = int(f.shape[0] / 2) subbands, modulators = f[:num_components], self.link_fn(f[num_components:]) return np.sum(subbands * modulators).reshape(-1, 1), np.array([[self.variance]])