Exemplo n.º 1
  def test_dynamic_shapes(self):
    # Test shape_as_value with dynamic shapes. All transformations work.
    def f(x):
      return jnp.sum(x, axis=0) * jax2tf.shape_as_value(x)[0]

    x = np.arange(3.)
    self.assertAllClose(9., jax2tf.convert(f, polymorphic_shapes=["(b,)"])(x))
        jax2tf.convert(jax.jit(f), polymorphic_shapes=["(b,)"])(x))
        tf.function(jax2tf.convert(f, polymorphic_shapes=["(b,)"]))(x))

    res_primal, res_tangent = jax2tf.convert(
        lambda x, xt: jax.jvp(f, (x,), (xt,)),
        polymorphic_shapes=["b", "b"])(x, np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]))
    self.assertAllClose((9., 1.8), (res_primal, res_tangent))

        np.array([3., 3., 3.]),
        jax2tf.convert(jax.grad(f), polymorphic_shapes=["b"])(x))

    xv = np.arange(24.).reshape((2, 3, 4))
    res_vmap = jax.vmap(f, in_axes=1)(xv)
    # Implement by iteration
    res_iter = jnp.stack([f(xv[:, i, :]) for i in range(xv.shape[1])])
    self.assertAllClose(res_iter, res_vmap)

    res_mask2, _ = jax.mask(f, polymorphic_shapes=["(b,)"])([x], dict(b=2))
    self.assertAllClose(2., res_mask2)
    res_mask3, _ = jax.mask(f, polymorphic_shapes=["(b,)"])([x], dict(b=3))
    self.assertAllClose(9., res_mask3)
Exemplo n.º 2
  def check(self, fun, in_shapes, out_shape, logical_env, padded_in_shapes,
            dtypes, rng, rtol=None, atol=None):
    shapecheck(in_shapes, out_shape)(fun)
    masked_fun = mask(fun, in_shapes, out_shape)
    padded_args = [rng(shape, dtype)
                   for shape, dtype in zip(padded_in_shapes, dtypes)]
    padded_outs, outs_tree = tree_flatten(masked_fun(padded_args, logical_env))

    out_specs, _ = tree_flatten(out_shape)
    out_specs = map(parse_spec, out_specs)
    out_specs = map(finalize_spec, out_specs, map(np.shape, padded_outs))
    logical_out_shapes = [eval_poly_shape(s, logical_env)
                          for s in out_specs]
    logical_out_slices = [tuple(map(slice, s)) for s in logical_out_shapes]
    logical_outs = [o[s] for o, s in zip(padded_outs, logical_out_slices)]

    in_specs = map(parse_spec, in_shapes)
    in_specs = map(finalize_spec, in_specs, padded_in_shapes)
    logical_in_shapes = [eval_poly_shape(s, logical_env)
                         for s in in_specs]
    logical_in_slices = [tuple(map(slice, s)) for s in logical_in_shapes]
    logical_args = [a[s] for a, s in zip(padded_args, logical_in_slices)]
    logical_outs_expected, logical_outs_tree = tree_flatten(fun(*logical_args))
    assert outs_tree == logical_outs_tree
    self.assertAllClose(logical_outs, logical_outs_expected, check_dtypes=True,
                        atol=atol, rtol=rtol)

    # Check that abstract evaluation works
    padded_outs_jit, _ = tree_flatten(jit(masked_fun)(padded_args, logical_env))
    self.assertAllClose(padded_outs_jit, padded_outs, check_dtypes=True,
                        atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
Exemplo n.º 3
  def test_add(self):
    self.check(lax.add, ['n', ''], 'n', {'n': 3}, [(4,), ()], ['float_', 'float_'],
    addvecs = mask(lax.add, in_shapes=['n', 'n'], out_shape='n')

    x = jnp.array([3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9])
    y = jnp.array([2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8])
    ans = addvecs([x, y], dict(n=3))
    expected = np.array([5, 7, 9])
    self.assertAllClose(ans[:3], expected, check_dtypes=False)

    thunk = lambda: addvecs([jnp.arange(5), jnp.arange(6)], dict(n=3))
    self.assertRaisesRegex(ShapeError, "", thunk)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def thunk():
   mask(p.bind, ['n'], 'n')([np.arange(3)], {'n': 2})
Exemplo n.º 5
def run():
    """Runs basic example."""

    # Creating graph tuples.

    # Creates a GraphsTuple from scratch containing a single graph.
    # The graph has 3 nodes and 2 edges.
    # Each node has a 4-dimensional feature vector.
    # Each edge has a 5-dimensional feature vector.
    # The graph itself has a 6-dimensional feature vector.
    single_graph = jraph.GraphsTuple(n_node=np.asarray([3]),
                                     nodes=np.ones((3, 4)),
                                     edges=np.ones((2, 5)),
                                     globals=np.ones((1, 6)),
                                     senders=np.array([0, 1]),
                                     receivers=np.array([2, 2]))
    logging.info("Single graph %r", single_graph)

    # Creates a GraphsTuple from scatch containing a single graph with nested
    # feature vectors.
    # The graph has 3 nodes and 2 edges.
    # The feature vector can be arbitrary nested types of dict, list and tuple,
    # or any other type you registered with jax.tree_util.register_pytree_node.
    nested_graph = jraph.GraphsTuple(n_node=np.asarray([3]),
                                     nodes={"a": np.ones((3, 4))},
                                     edges={"b": np.ones((2, 5))},
                                     globals={"c": np.ones((1, 6))},
                                     senders=np.array([0, 1]),
                                     receivers=np.array([2, 2]))
    logging.info("Nested graph %r", nested_graph)

    # Creates a GraphsTuple from scratch containing a 2 graphs using an implicit
    # batch dimension.
    # The first graph has 3 nodes and 2 edges.
    # The second graph has 1 nodes and 1 edges.
    # Each node has a 4-dimensional feature vector.
    # Each edge has a 5-dimensional feature vector.
    # The graph itself has a 6-dimensional feature vector.
    implicitly_batched_graph = jraph.GraphsTuple(n_node=np.asarray([3, 1]),
                                                 n_edge=np.asarray([2, 1]),
                                                 nodes=np.ones((4, 4)),
                                                 edges=np.ones((3, 5)),
                                                 globals=np.ones((2, 6)),
                                                 senders=np.array([0, 1, 3]),
                                                 receivers=np.array([2, 2, 3]))
    logging.info("Implicitly batched graph %r", implicitly_batched_graph)

    # Creates a GraphsTuple from two existing GraphsTuple using an implicit
    # batch dimension.
    # The GraphsTuple will contain three graphs.
    implicitly_batched_graph = jraph.batch(
        [single_graph, implicitly_batched_graph])
    logging.info("Implicitly batched graph %r", implicitly_batched_graph)

    # Creates multiple GraphsTuples from an existing GraphsTuple with an implicit
    # batch dimension.
    graph_1, graph_2, graph_3 = jraph.unbatch(implicitly_batched_graph)
    logging.info("Unbatched graphs %r %r %r", graph_1, graph_2, graph_3)

    # Creates a padded GraphsTuple from an existing GraphsTuple.
    # The padded GraphsTuple will contain 10 nodes, 5 edges, and 4 graphs.
    # Three graphs are added for the padding.
    # First an dummy graph which contains the padding nodes and edges and secondly
    # two empty graphs without nodes or edges to pad out the graphs.
    padded_graph = jraph.pad_with_graphs(single_graph,
    logging.info("Padded graph %r", padded_graph)

    # Creates a GraphsTuple from an existing padded GraphsTuple.
    # The previously added padding is removed.
    single_graph = jraph.unpad_with_graphs(padded_graph)
    logging.info("Unpadded graph %r", single_graph)

    # Creates a GraphsTuple containing a 2 graphs using an explicit batch
    # dimension.
    # An explicit batch dimension requires more memory, but can simplify
    # the definition of functions operating on the graph.
    # Explicitly batched graphs require the GraphNetwork to be transformed
    # by jax.mask followed by jax.vmap.
    # Using an explicit batch requires padding all feature vectors to
    # the maximum size of nodes and edges.
    # The first graph has 3 nodes and 2 edges.
    # The second graph has 1 nodes and 1 edges.
    # Each node has a 4-dimensional feature vector.
    # Each edge has a 5-dimensional feature vector.
    # The graph itself has a 6-dimensional feature vector.
    explicitly_batched_graph = jraph.GraphsTuple(n_node=np.asarray([[3], [1]]),
                                                 n_edge=np.asarray([[2], [1]]),
                                                 nodes=np.ones((2, 3, 4)),
                                                 edges=np.ones((2, 2, 5)),
                                                 globals=np.ones((2, 1, 6)),
                                                 senders=np.array([[0, 1],
                                                                   [0, -1]]),
                                                 receivers=np.array([[2, 2],
                                                                     [0, -1]]))
    logging.info("Explicitly batched graph %r", explicitly_batched_graph)

    # Running a graph propagation steps.
    # First define the update functions for the edges, nodes and globals.
    # In this example we use the identity everywhere.
    # For Graph neural networks, each update function is typically a neural
    # network.
    def update_edge_fn(edge_features, sender_node_features,
                       receiver_node_features, globals_):
        """Returns the update edge features."""
        del sender_node_features
        del receiver_node_features
        del globals_
        return edge_features

    def update_node_fn(node_features, aggregated_sender_edge_features,
                       aggregated_receiver_edge_features, globals_):
        """Returns the update node features."""
        del aggregated_sender_edge_features
        del aggregated_receiver_edge_features
        del globals_
        return node_features

    def update_globals_fn(aggregated_node_features, aggregated_edge_features,
        del aggregated_node_features
        del aggregated_edge_features
        return globals_

    # Optionally define custom aggregation functions.
    # In this example we use the defaults (so no need to define them explicitly).
    aggregate_edges_for_nodes_fn = jax.ops.segment_sum
    aggregate_nodes_for_globals_fn = jax.ops.segment_sum
    aggregate_edges_for_globals_fn = jax.ops.segment_sum

    # Optionally define attention logit function and attention reduce function.
    # This can be used for graph attention.
    # The attention function calculates attention weights, and the apply
    # attention function calculates the new edge feature given the weights.
    # We don't use graph attention here, and just pass the defaults.
    attention_logit_fn = None
    attention_reduce_fn = None

    # Creates a new GraphNetwork in its most general form.
    # Most of the arguments have defaults and can be omitted if a feature
    # is not used.
    # There are also predefined GraphNetworks available (see models.py)
    network = jraph.GraphNetwork(

    # Runs graph propagation on (implicitly batched) graphs.
    updated_graph = network(single_graph)
    logging.info("Updated graph from single graph %r", updated_graph)

    updated_graph = network(nested_graph)
    logging.info("Updated graph from nested graph %r", nested_graph)

    updated_graph = network(implicitly_batched_graph)
    logging.info("Updated graph from implicitly batched graph %r",

    updated_graph = network(padded_graph)
    logging.info("Updated graph from padded graph %r", updated_graph)

    # Runs graph propagation on an explicitly batched graph.
    # WARNING: This code relies on an undocumented JAX feature (jax.mask) which
    # might stop working at any time!
    graph_shape = jraph.GraphsTuple(
        nodes="(n, {})".format(explicitly_batched_graph.nodes.shape[-1]),
        edges="(e, {})".format(explicitly_batched_graph.edges.shape[-1]),
        globals="(g, {})".format(explicitly_batched_graph.globals.shape[-1]),
    batch_size = explicitly_batched_graph.globals.shape[0]
    logical_env = {
        "g": jnp.ones(batch_size, dtype=jnp.int32),
        "n": jnp.sum(explicitly_batched_graph.n_node, axis=-1),
        "e": jnp.sum(explicitly_batched_graph.n_edge, axis=-1)
        propagation_fn = jax.vmap(
            jax.mask(network, in_shapes=[graph_shape], out_shape=graph_shape))
        updated_graph = propagation_fn([explicitly_batched_graph], logical_env)
        logging.info("Updated graph from explicitly batched graph %r",
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

    # JIT-compile graph propagation.
    # Use padded graphs to avoid re-compilation at every step!
    jitted_network = jax.jit(network)
    updated_graph = jitted_network(padded_graph)
    logging.info("(JIT) updated graph from padded graph %r", updated_graph)

    # Or use an explicit batch dimension.
        jitted_propagation_fn = jax.jit(propagation_fn)
        updated_graph = jitted_propagation_fn([explicitly_batched_graph],
        logging.info("(JIT) Updated graph from explicitly batched graph %r",
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

    logging.info("basic.py complete!")